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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
#include <nel/misc/common.h>
#include <nel/misc/variable.h>
#include <nel/misc/command.h>
#include <nel/misc/algo.h>
#include <nel/misc/path.h>
#include <nel/net/service.h>
//#include <nel/net/buf_server.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLNET;
/// Callback type for web connection
typedef void (*WebCallback)(CMemStream &msgin, TSockId host);
CBufServer* WebServer = NULL;
void initWebConnection()
nlassert(WebServer == NULL);
uint16 port = (uint16) IService::getInstance ()->ConfigFile.getVar ("WebPort").asInt();
// if the WebPort is set to 0 then we don't initialise the web server
if (port==0)
nlinfo("Initialise Web socket on port %d", port);
WebServer = new CBufServer ();
nlassert(WebServer != NULL);
WebServer->init (port);
void cbExecute(CMemStream &msgin, TSockId host)
std::string str;
ICommand::execute(str, *NLMISC::InfoLog);
void cbGetSaveList(CMemStream &msgin, TSockId host);
void cbRestoreSave(CMemStream &msgin, TSockId host);
void cbCopyOverSave(CMemStream &msgin, TSockId host);
WebCallback WebCallbackArray[] =
void updateWebConnection()
nlassert(WebServer != NULL);
WebServer->update ();
while (WebServer->dataAvailable ())
// create a string mem stream to easily communicate with web server
NLMISC::CMemStream msgin (true);
TSockId host;
bool success = false;
std::string reason;
WebServer->receive (msgin, &host);
uint32 fake = 0;
uint8 messageType = 0xff;
msgin.serial (messageType);
if (messageType < sizeof(WebCallbackArray)/sizeof(WebCallbackArray[0]))
WebCallbackArray[messageType](msgin, host);
success = true;
catch (Exception &e)
nlwarning ("Error during receiving: '%s'", e.what ());
reason = e.what();
nlwarning ("Failed to decode Web command");
CMemStream msgout;
uint32 fake = 0;
std::string result = "0:Failed to decode command";
if (!reason.empty())
result += " ("+reason+")";
msgout.serial (result);
WebServer->send (msgout, host);
catch (Exception &e)
nlwarning ("Error during update: '%s'", e.what ());
void releaseWebConnection()
nlassert(WebServer != NULL);
delete WebServer;
WebServer = 0;
* Callbacks
// Automatic SaveShardRoot path standardization
void cbOnSaveShardRootModified( NLMISC::IVariable& var )
var.fromString( CPath::standardizePath( var.toString() ) );
CVariable<string> IncrementalBackupDirectory("backup", "IncrementalBackupDirectory", "Directory to find incremental backuped archives", "", 0, true);
CVariable<string> SaveShardRoot("backup", "SaveShardRoot", "Root directory of all saved data by BS", "/home/nevrax/save_shard", 0, true, cbOnSaveShardRootModified); // (SaveShardRoot from game_share/backup_service_interface.cpp is not instanciated because the nothing is used from that file)
CVariable<string> SaveTemplatePath("backup", "SaveTemplatePath", "Directory to find saves (with shard and account replacement strings)", "$shard/characters/account_$userid_$charid$ext", 0, true);
CVariable<string> SaveExtList("backup", "SaveExtList", "List of possible extensions for save files (space separated)", "_pdr.bin _pdr.xml .bin", 0, true);
string checkFile(const string& templatePath, const string& shard, const string& userid, const string& charid, const vector<string>& extensions)
string result;
uint i;
for (i=0; i<extensions.size(); ++i)
string file = templatePath;
strFindReplace(file, string("$shard"), shard);
strFindReplace(file, string("$userid"), userid);
strFindReplace(file, string("$charid"), charid);
strFindReplace(file, string("$ext"), extensions[i]);
if (CFile::fileExists(file))
result += file + ":" +
toString(CFile::getFileModificationDate(file)) + ":" +
toString(CFile::getFileSize(file)) + "\n";
return result;
void cbGetSaveList(CMemStream &msgin, TSockId host)
string str;
vector<string> params;
explode(str, string("%%"), params, true);
string incrementalDir = IncrementalBackupDirectory;
string saveShardRoot = SaveShardRoot;
string templatePath = SaveTemplatePath;
string extList = SaveExtList;
string shard;
string userid;
string charid;
uint i;
for (i=0; i<params.size(); ++i)
vector<string> param;
explode(params[i], string("="), param, false);
if (param.empty())
string var = param[0];
string val;
if (param.size() > 1)
val = param[1];
if (var == "incrementalDir")
incrementalDir = val;
if (var == "saveShardRoot")
saveShardRoot = val;
if (var == "templatePath")
templatePath = val;
if (var == "extList")
extList = val;
if (var == "shard")
shard = val;
if (var == "userid")
userid = val;
if (var == "charid")
charid = val;
incrementalDir = CPath::standardizePath(incrementalDir);
saveShardRoot = CPath::standardizePath(saveShardRoot);
vector<string> extensions;
explode(extList, string(" "), extensions, false);
string result = checkFile(saveShardRoot+templatePath, shard, userid, charid, extensions);
vector<string> incrementalDirectories;
CPath::getPathContent(incrementalDir, false, true, false, incrementalDirectories);
if (!incrementalDirectories.empty())
std::sort(incrementalDirectories.begin(), incrementalDirectories.end());
for (i=incrementalDirectories.size()-1; (sint)i>=0; --i)
string p = CPath::standardizePath(incrementalDirectories[i], true);
// avoid double / inside path
p += (templatePath[0] == '/' ? templatePath.substr(1) : templatePath);
result += checkFile(p, shard, userid, charid, extensions);
CMemStream msgout;
uint32 fake = 0;
result = "1:"+result;
msgout.serial (result);
WebServer->send (msgout, host);
void cbRestoreSave(CMemStream &msgin, TSockId host)
string str;
vector<string> params;
explode(str, string("%%"), params, true);
string saveShardRoot = SaveShardRoot;
string templatePath = SaveTemplatePath;
string shard;
string userid;
string charid;
string file;
uint i;
for (i=0; i<params.size(); ++i)
vector<string> param;
explode(params[i], string("="), param, false);
if (param.empty())
string var = param[0];
string val;
if (param.size() > 1)
val = param[1];
if (var == "saveShardRoot")
saveShardRoot = val;
if (var == "templatePath")
templatePath = val;
if (var == "shard")
shard = val;
if (var == "userid")
userid = val;
if (var == "charid")
charid = val;
if (var == "file")
file = val;
saveShardRoot = CPath::standardizePath(saveShardRoot);
string outputfile = CPath::standardizePath(CFile::getPath(saveShardRoot+templatePath))+CFile::getFilename(file);
strFindReplace(outputfile, string("$shard"), shard);
strFindReplace(outputfile, string("$userid"), userid); // just in case...
strFindReplace(outputfile, string("$charid"), charid); //
bool success;
success = CFile::copyFile(outputfile.c_str(), file.c_str(), false);
CMemStream msgout;
uint32 fake = 0;
string result;
if (success)
result = "1:Restore "+outputfile+" succeded.";
result = "0:Failed to restore "+outputfile+", copy failed.";
msgout.serial (result);
WebServer->send (msgout, host);
void cbCopyOverSave(CMemStream &msgin, TSockId host)
string str;
vector<string> params;
explode(str, string("%%"), params, true);
string saveShardRoot = SaveShardRoot;
string templatePath = SaveTemplatePath;
string extList = SaveExtList;
string shard;
string userid;
string charid;
string file;
uint i;
for (i=0; i<params.size(); ++i)
vector<string> param;
explode(params[i], string("="), param, false);
if (param.empty())
string var = param[0];
string val;
if (param.size() > 1)
val = param[1];
if (var == "saveShardRoot")
saveShardRoot = val;
if (var == "templatePath")
templatePath = val;
if (var == "extList")
extList = val;
if (var == "shard")
shard = val;
if (var == "userid")
userid = val;
if (var == "charid")
charid = val;
if (var == "file")
file = val;
saveShardRoot = CPath::standardizePath(saveShardRoot);
vector<string> extensions;
explode(extList, string(" "), extensions, false);
for (i=0; i<extensions.size(); ++i)
if (file.size() >= extensions[i].size() && file.substr(file.size()-extensions[i].size()) == extensions[i])
bool success = false;
string result;
if (i < extensions.size())
string outputfile = CPath::standardizePath(saveShardRoot)+templatePath;
strFindReplace(outputfile, string("$shard"), shard);
strFindReplace(outputfile, string("$userid"), userid);
strFindReplace(outputfile, string("$charid"), charid);
strFindReplace(outputfile, string("$ext"), extensions[i]);
success = CFile::copyFile(outputfile.c_str(), file.c_str(), false);
if (!success)
result = "Failed to copy "+file+" over "+outputfile+".";
result = "failed to match valid extension";
result = string(success ? "1:" : "0:")+result;
CMemStream msgout;
uint32 fake = 0;
msgout.serial (result);
WebServer->send (msgout, host);