2014-06-12 19:27:09 +02:00

95 lines
3.1 KiB

my $doPlugin = 0;
my $x = shift(@ARGV);
if ($x !~ /^-p/) { unshift(@ARGV, $x); }
else { $doPlugin=1; }
my $injs = shift(@ARGV);
my $outjs = shift(@ARGV);
if ($injs eq '' or $outjs eq '') {
print "Please use this script like this: [-p] in.js out.js\n";
open(INJS, $injs);
open(OUTJS, ">$outjs");
my $output = '';
while (<INJS>) {
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ /^\/\//) {
# Remove lines that aren't important: //\
$line = "" if ($line !~ /^\/\/\\/);
$line = "\n//\\ THIS IS A VERY MODIFIED VERSION. DO NOT EDIT OR PUBLISH. GET THE ORIGINAL!\n\n" if ($line =~ /\/\/\\mini/);
} else {
chop $line;
$line =~ s/, /,/g unless ($line =~ /'\], '/); # ,{sp} -> ,
$line =~ s/; /;/g; # ;{sp} -> ;
$line =~ s/ = /=/g; # {sp}={sp} -> =
$line =~ s/ == /==/g; # {sp}=={sp} -> ==
$line =~ s/ < /</g; # {sp}<{sp} -> <
$line =~ s/ > />/g; # {sp}>{sp} -> >
$line =~ s/ & /&/g; # {sp}&{sp} -> &
$line =~ s/ \| /\|/g; # {sp}|{sp} -> |
$line =~ s/ <= /<=/g; # {sp}<={sp} -> <=
$line =~ s/ >= />=/g; # {sp}>={sp} -> >=
$line =~ s/ \+ /\+/g; # {sp}+{sp} -> +
$line =~ s/ - /-/g; # {sp}-{sp} -> -
$line =~ s/ \/ /\//g;
$line =~ s/ \|\| /\|\|/g; # {sp}||{sp} -> ||
$line =~ s/ && /&&/g; # {sp}&&{sp} -> &&
$line =~ s/ \? /\?/g; # {sp?{sp} -> ?
$line =~ s/ \: /\:/g; # {sp}:{sp} -> :
$line =~ s/ != /!=/g; # {sp}!={sp} -> !=
$line =~ s/ += /+=/g; # {sp}+={sp} -> +=
$line =~ s/ -= /-=/g; # {sp}-={sp} -> -=
$line =~ s/ \*= /\*=/g; # {sp}*={sp} -> *=
$line =~ s/ \|= /\|=/g; # {sp}|={sp} -> |=
$line =~ s/ \^= /\^=/g; # {sp}^={sp} -> ^=
$line =~ s/= /=/g; # ={sp} -> =
$line =~ s/ =/=/g; # {sp}= -> =
$line =~ s/\+ /\+/g;
$line =~ s/ \+/\+/g;
$line =~ s/- /-/g;
$line =~ s/ -/-/g;
$line =~ s/\/\/(.*)$//g if ($line !~ /\/\/-->(.*)$/ && $line !~ /http:\/\/(.*)$/); # remove trailing comments unless its part of a javascript insert or web address
$line = '' if $line =~ /^[\n|\/\/]/; # skip blank lines or any line starting with //
$line =~ s/^\s+//g;
$line =~ s/\s+$//g;
$line =~ s/(.+)\s+(.+)/$1 $2/g;
$line =~ s/\{ (\w)/\{$1/g;
$line =~ s/\) (\w)/\)$1/g;
$line =~ s/\) var/\)var/g;
$line =~ s/[ ]+\(/\(/g;
$line =~ s/\) \{/\)\{/g;
$line =~ s/\} else/\}else/g;
$line =~ s/else \{/else\{/g;
if ($line =~ /^\}$/) {
if ($output =~ /;$/) {
$output .= "}";
} else {
$output = substr($output,0,length($output)-1) . "}";
$line = '';
$output .= $line if ($line ne '');
$output .= "\n" unless ($line =~ /;\n*$/ or $line =~ /{\n*$/);
$output =~ s/\n+/\n/g;
$output .= "}\n" if ($doPlugin && $output !~ /\}\s+$/);
# replace multiple ;var xx to ,xx if the line contains var
@lines = split(/^/,$output);
foreach $line (@lines) {
$line =~ s/;var /,/g if ($line =~ /^\s*var / && $line !~ /(turn|ment|Capture\(\)|Div'\)|1000\));var /);
print OUTJS $line;