
554 lines
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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "interface_group.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_point_light.h"
#include "nel/3d/u_particle_system_instance.h"
class CCharacter3D;
class CInterface3DCharacter;
class CInterface3DShape;
class CInterface3DIG;
class CInterface3DCamera;
class CInterface3DLight;
class CInterface3DFX;
namespace NL3D
class UParticleSystemInstance;
class UAnimationSet;
* class managing all 3d elements
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterface3DScene : public CInterfaceGroup
CInterface3DScene(const TCtorParam &param);
virtual ~CInterface3DScene();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup);
virtual void checkCoords();
virtual void updateCoords ();
virtual void draw ();
virtual bool handleEvent (const CEventDescriptor &eventDesc);
virtual CInterfaceElement* getElement (const std::string &id);
NL3D::UScene *getScene() { return _Scene; }
std::string getCurrentCamera() const;
void setCurrentCamera(const std::string &sCameraName);
std::string getCurrentClusterSystem () const;
void setCurrentClusterSystem(const std::string &sCameraName);
float getRotFactor() const { return _RotZFactor; }
void setRotFactor(float f) { _RotZFactor = f; }
void setFlareContext(uint context) { _Scene->setFlareContext(context); }
float getDistLimitMin() const { return _DistLimitMin;}
void setDistLimitMin(float limitMin) { _DistLimitMin = limitMin;}
float getDistLimitMax() const { return _DistLimitMax;}
void setDistLimitMax(float limitMax) { _DistLimitMax = limitMax;}
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CInterface3DScene, CInterfaceGroup)
REFLECT_STRING ("curcam", getCurrentCamera, setCurrentCamera);
REFLECT_STRING ("curcs", getCurrentClusterSystem, setCurrentClusterSystem);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("rotzfactor", getRotFactor, setRotFactor);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("distlimitmin", getDistLimitMin, setDistLimitMin);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("distlimitmax", getDistLimitMax, setDistLimitMax);
void remove(NL3D::UInstanceGroup *pIG);
uint getCharacter3DCount() const { return (uint)_Characters.size(); }
CInterface3DCharacter *getCharacter3D(uint index);
CInterface3DCamera *getCamera(uint index);
// If this value is not NULL the current scene is just a view onto another one
CInterface3DScene *_Ref3DScene;
// Parsed properties
NL3D::UScene *_Scene; // The scene containing all the 3D elements
uint _CurrentCamera;
uint _CurrentCS; // Current Cluster System
// The AutoAnimSet (if some auto_anim)
NL3D::UAnimationSet *_AutoAnimSet;
std::vector<CInterface3DCharacter*> _Characters;
std::vector<CInterface3DShape*> _Shapes;
std::vector<CInterface3DIG*> _IGs;
std::vector<CInterface3DCamera*> _Cameras;
std::vector<CInterface3DLight*> _Lights;
std::vector<CInterface3DFX*> _FXs;
// Mouse event handling
bool _UserInteraction;
float _RotZLimitMin, _RotZLimitMax;
float _RotZFactor;
float _RotYLimitMin, _RotYLimitMax;
float _RotYFactor;
float _DistLimitMin, _DistLimitMax;
float _DistFactor;
bool _MouseLDown, _MouseRDown;
sint32 _MouseLDownX, _MouseRDownX;
sint32 _MouseLDownY, _MouseRDownY;
void mouseLMove (sint32 dx, sint32 dy);
void mouseRMove (sint32 dx, sint32 dy);
* class managing character 3d elements
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterface3DCharacter : public CInterfaceElement
virtual ~CInterface3DCharacter();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterface3DScene *parentGroup);
virtual void checkCoords();
void setClusterSystem (NL3D::UInstanceGroup *pIG);
float getRotX () const;
float getRotY () const;
float getRotZ () const;
void setRotX (float f);
void setRotY (float f);
void setRotZ (float f);
float getPosX () const;
float getPosY () const;
float getPosZ () const;
void setPosX (float f);
void setPosY (float f);
void setPosZ (float f);
float getHeadX () const;
float getHeadY () const;
float getHeadZ () const;
void setHeadX (float /* f */) {}
void setHeadY (float /* f */) {}
void setHeadZ (float /* f */) {}
sint32 getAnim () const {return 0;}
void setAnim (sint32 anim);
CCharacter3D * getCharacter3D() { return _Char3D; }
void setPeople(const std::string & people);
std::string getPeople() const;
void setSex(bool male);
bool getSex() const;
void setupCharacter3D(sint32 slot);
int luaSetupCharacter3D(CLuaState &ls);
// active/inactive LOD of skeleton
int luaEnableLOD(CLuaState &ls);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CInterface3DCharacter, CInterfaceElement)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("setupCharacter3D", luaSetupCharacter3D);
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("enableLOD", luaEnableLOD);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("headx", getHeadX, setHeadX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("heady", getHeadY, setHeadY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("headz", getHeadZ, setHeadZ);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posx", getPosX, setPosX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posy", getPosY, setPosY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posz", getPosZ, setPosZ);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("rotx", getRotX, setRotX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("roty", getRotY, setRotY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("rotz", getRotZ, setRotZ);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("anim", getAnim, setAnim);
REFLECT_STRING ("people", getPeople, setPeople);
REFLECT_BOOL ("sex", getSex, setSex);
CCharacter3D *_Char3D;
std::string _DBLink;
* class managing shape instance 3d elements
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterface3DShape : public CInterfaceElement
_Instance = NULL;
_Pos = NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0);
_Rot = NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0);
virtual ~CInterface3DShape();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterface3DScene *parentGroup);
NL3D::UInstance getShape() { return _Instance; }
float getPosX () const;
float getPosY () const;
float getPosZ () const;
void setPosX (float f);
void setPosY (float f);
void setPosZ (float f);
float getRotX () const;
float getRotY () const;
float getRotZ () const;
void setRotX (float f);
void setRotY (float f);
void setRotZ (float f);
std::string getName() const;
void setName (const std::string &ht);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CInterface3DShape, CInterfaceElement)
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posx", getPosX, setPosX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posy", getPosY, setPosY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posz", getPosZ, setPosZ);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("rotx", getRotX, setRotX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("roty", getRotY, setRotY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("rotz", getRotZ, setRotZ);
REFLECT_STRING ("name", getName, setName);
NL3D::UInstance _Instance;
NLMISC::CVector _Pos;
NLMISC::CVector _Rot;
std::string _Name;
* class managing instance group 3d elements
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterface3DIG : public CInterfaceElement
_Pos = NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0);
_Rot = NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0);
virtual ~CInterface3DIG();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterface3DScene *parentGroup);
NL3D::UInstanceGroup *getIG() { return _IG; }
float getPosX () const;
float getPosY () const;
float getPosZ () const;
void setPosX (float f);
void setPosY (float f);
void setPosZ (float f);
float getRotX () const;
float getRotY () const;
float getRotZ () const;
void setRotX (float f);
void setRotY (float f);
void setRotZ (float f);
std::string getName() const;
void setName (const std::string &ht);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CInterface3DIG, CInterfaceElement)
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posx", getPosX, setPosX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posy", getPosY, setPosY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posz", getPosZ, setPosZ);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("rotx", getRotX, setRotX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("roty", getRotY, setRotY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("rotz", getRotZ, setRotZ);
REFLECT_STRING ("name", getName, setName);
NL3D::UInstanceGroup *_IG;
NLMISC::CVector _Pos;
NLMISC::CVector _Rot;
std::string _Name;
* class managing camera 3d elements
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterface3DCamera : public CInterfaceElement
_Rot = NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0);
_Pos = NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0);
_Target = NLMISC::CVector(0,0,1);
_FOV = 36.0f;
_Roll = 0;
_Dist = 0;
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterface3DScene *parentGroup);
float getFOV() { return _FOV; }
NLMISC::CVector getPos() { return _Pos; }
NLMISC::CVector getTarget() { return _Target; }
void setRoll(float f) { _Roll = f; }
float getRoll() const { return _Roll; }
void setFOV(float f) { _FOV = f; }
float getFOV() const { return _FOV; }
void setPosX(float f) { _Pos.x = f; _Dist = (_Pos-_Target).norm(); }
void setPosY(float f) { _Pos.y = f; _Dist = (_Pos-_Target).norm(); }
void setPosZ(float f) { _Pos.z = f; _Dist = (_Pos-_Target).norm(); }
float getPosX() const { return _Pos.x; }
float getPosY() const { return _Pos.y; }
float getPosZ() const { return _Pos.z; }
void setTgtX(float f) { _Target.x = f; _Dist = (_Pos-_Target).norm(); }
void setTgtY(float f) { _Target.y = f; _Dist = (_Pos-_Target).norm(); }
void setTgtZ(float f) { _Target.z = f; _Dist = (_Pos-_Target).norm(); }
float getTgtX() const { return _Target.x; }
float getTgtY() const { return _Target.y; }
float getTgtZ() const { return _Target.z; }
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CInterface3DCamera, CInterfaceElement)
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posx", getPosX, setPosX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posy", getPosY, setPosY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posz", getPosZ, setPosZ);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("tgtx", getTgtX, setTgtX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("tgty", getTgtY, setTgtY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("tgtz", getTgtZ, setTgtZ);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("fov", getFOV, setFOV);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("roll", getRoll, setRoll);
float getRotZ() const { return _Rot.z; }
void setRotZ(float f) { _Rot.z = f; }
float getRotY() const { return _Rot.y; }
void setRotY(float f) { _Rot.y = f; }
float getDist() const { return _Dist; }
void setDist(float f) { _Dist = f; }
void reset(); // Reset user interaction
NLMISC::CVector _Rot;
float _Dist;
NLMISC::CVector _Pos;
NLMISC::CVector _Target;
float _Roll;
float _FOV;
* class managing light 3d elements
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterface3DLight : public CInterfaceElement
_Pos = NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0);
_Near = 1.0f;
_Far = 4.0f;
_Color = NLMISC::CRGBA(255,255,255);
_Light = NULL;
virtual ~CInterface3DLight();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterface3DScene *parentGroup);
float getPosX() const { return _Pos.x; }
float getPosY() const { return _Pos.y; }
float getPosZ() const { return _Pos.z; }
void setPosX(float f);
void setPosY(float f);
void setPosZ(float f);
float getNear() const { return _Near; }
float getFar() const { return _Far; }
void setNear(float f);
void setFar(float f);
sint32 getColR() const { return _Color.R; }
sint32 getColG() const { return _Color.G; }
sint32 getColB() const { return _Color.B; }
void setColR(sint32 f);
void setColG(sint32 f);
void setColB(sint32 f);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CInterface3DLight, CInterfaceElement)
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posx", getPosX, setPosX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posy", getPosY, setPosY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posz", getPosZ, setPosZ);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("near", getNear, setNear);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("far", getFar, setFar);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("colr", getColR, setColR);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("colg", getColG, setColG);
REFLECT_SINT32 ("colb", getColB, setColB);
NLMISC::CVector _Pos;
float _Near, _Far;
NL3D::UPointLight _Light;
* class managing fx 3d elements
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class CInterface3DFX : public CInterfaceElement
_Pos = NLMISC::CVector(0,0,0);
virtual ~CInterface3DFX();
virtual bool parse (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterface3DScene *parentGroup);
virtual void checkCoords();
NL3D::UParticleSystemInstance getPS() { return _FX; }
float getPosX () const;
float getPosY () const;
float getPosZ () const;
void setPosX (float f);
void setPosY (float f);
void setPosZ (float f);
float getRotX () const;
float getRotY () const;
float getRotZ () const;
void setRotX (float f);
void setRotY (float f);
void setRotZ (float f);
std::string getName() const;
void setName (const std::string &ht);
bool getStarted() const;
void setStarted (bool b);
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(CInterface3DFX, CInterfaceElement)
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posx", getPosX, setPosX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posy", getPosY, setPosY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("posz", getPosZ, setPosZ);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("rotx", getRotX, setRotX);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("roty", getRotY, setRotY);
REFLECT_FLOAT ("rotz", getRotZ, setRotZ);
REFLECT_STRING ("name", getName, setName);
REFLECT_BOOL ("started", getStarted, setStarted);
NL3D::UParticleSystemInstance _FX;
NLMISC::CVector _Pos;
NLMISC::CVector _Rot;
std::string _Name;
/* end of interface_3d_scene.h */