2014-09-05 01:20:00 -07:00

250 lines
6.9 KiB

Restarting Ryzom Game Shards
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g_FileList = new Array(
new FileEntry (0, "Login", "Hg39_1.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (4, "Select Shard", "Hg41_2.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (5, "Lock The Shard", "Hg43_3.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (6, "Open Restart Interface", "Hg45_4.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (7, "Stop The Shard", "Hg47_5.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (8, "Wait For Shard To Stop", "Hg49_6.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (9, "Restart 1/4", "Hg51_7.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (10, "Restart 2/4", "Hg53_8.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (11, "Restart 3/4", "Hg55_9.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (12, "Restart 4/4", "Hg57_10.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (13, "Hand Over To Customer Support", "Hg59_11.htm", ""),
new FileEntry (14, "Unlock Shard", "Hg61_12.htm", "")
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