2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "std3d.h"
# include "nel/3d/water_env_map.h"
# include "nel/3d/vertex_buffer.h"
# include "nel/3d/index_buffer.h"
# include "nel/3d/material.h"
# include "nel/3d/driver.h"
# include "nel/3d/u_water_env_map.h"
# include "nel/misc/common.h"
# include "nel/3d/viewport.h"
namespace NL3D
CVertexBuffer CWaterEnvMap : : _FlattenVB ; // vb to map cube map top hemisphere to a 2D map
CIndexBuffer CWaterEnvMap : : _FlattenIB ( " CWaterEnvMap::_FlattenIB " ) ;
bool CWaterEnvMap : : _FlattenVBInitialized ;
CMaterial CWaterEnvMap : : _MaterialPassThru ;
CMaterial CWaterEnvMap : : _MaterialPassThruZTest ;
CVertexBuffer CWaterEnvMap : : _TestVB ;
CIndexBuffer CWaterEnvMap : : _TestIB ( " CWaterEnvMap::_TestIB " ) ;
// flatten vb params
static const uint FVB_NUM_SIDES = 32 ;
static const uint FVB_NUM_SECTIONS = 10 ;
static const uint FVB_NUM_VERTS = FVB_NUM_SIDES * ( FVB_NUM_SECTIONS + 1 ) ;
static const uint FVB_NUM_TRIS = 2 * FVB_NUM_SIDES * FVB_NUM_SECTIONS ;
// tmp : test vertex buffer
static const uint TEST_VB_NUM_SEGMENT = 16 ;
static const uint TEST_VB_NUM_SLICE = 16 ;
// Get index of a vertex in the flatten vb from its side an section
static uint32 inline getFVBVertex ( uint section , uint side )
nlassert ( section < = FVB_NUM_SECTIONS ) ;
return ( uint32 ) ( section + ( side % FVB_NUM_SIDES ) * ( FVB_NUM_SECTIONS + 1 ) ) ;
const uint NUM_FACES_TO_RENDER = 5 ;
// *******************************************************************************
CWaterEnvMap : : CWaterEnvMap ( )
_UpdateTime = 0 ;
_LastRenderTick = 0 ;
invalidate ( ) ;
_NumRenderedFaces = 0 ;
_EnvCubicSize = 0 ;
_Env2DSize = 0 ;
_LastRenderTime = - 1 ;
_StartRenderTime = - 1 ;
_Alpha = 255 ;
// *******************************************************************************
void CWaterEnvMap : : init ( uint cubeMapSize , uint projection2DSize , TGlobalAnimationTime updateTime , IDriver & driver )
// Allocate cube map
// a cubic texture with no sharing allowed
class CTextureCubeUnshared : public CTextureCube
public :
virtual bool supportSharing ( ) const { return false ; }
virtual uint32 getWidth ( uint32 numMipMap = 0 ) const
nlassert ( numMipMap = = 0 ) ;
return Size ;
virtual uint32 getHeight ( uint32 numMipMap = 0 ) const
nlassert ( numMipMap = = 0 ) ;
return Size ;
uint32 Size ;
} ;
// a 2D testure
class CTexture2DUnshared : public CTextureBlank
public :
virtual bool supportSharing ( ) const { return false ; }
virtual uint32 getWidth ( uint32 numMipMap = 0 ) const
nlassert ( numMipMap = = 0 ) ;
return Size ;
virtual uint32 getHeight ( uint32 numMipMap = 0 ) const
nlassert ( numMipMap = = 0 ) ;
return Size ;
uint32 Size ;
} ;
nlassert ( cubeMapSize > 0 ) ;
nlassert ( NLMISC : : isPowerOf2 ( cubeMapSize ) ) ;
nlassert ( projection2DSize > 0 ) ;
nlassert ( NLMISC : : isPowerOf2 ( projection2DSize ) ) ;
CTextureCubeUnshared * envCubic = new CTextureCubeUnshared ;
_EnvCubic = envCubic ;
_EnvCubic - > setRenderTarget ( true ) ; // we will render to the texture
_EnvCubic - > setWrapS ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
_EnvCubic - > setWrapT ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
_EnvCubic - > setFilterMode ( ITexture : : Linear , ITexture : : LinearMipMapOff ) ;
CTexture2DUnshared * tb = new CTexture2DUnshared ;
tb - > resize ( cubeMapSize , cubeMapSize ) ; // Unfortunately, must allocate memory in order for the driver to figure out the size
// that it needs to allocate for the texture, though its datas are never used (it is a render target)
tb - > Size = cubeMapSize ;
tb - > setFilterMode ( ITexture : : Linear , ITexture : : LinearMipMapOff ) ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < 6 ; + + k )
_EnvCubic - > setTexture ( ( CTextureCube : : TFace ) k , tb ) ;
_EnvCubic - > getTexture ( ( CTextureCube : : TFace ) k ) - > setRenderTarget ( true ) ;
envCubic - > Size = cubeMapSize ;
// setup the texture to force the driver to allocate vram for it
driver . setupTexture ( * _EnvCubic ) ;
tb - > reset ( ) ;
// Allocate projection 2D map
CTexture2DUnshared * env2D = new CTexture2DUnshared ;
_Env2D = env2D ;
_Env2D - > resize ( projection2DSize , projection2DSize ) ;
env2D - > Size = projection2DSize ;
_Env2D - > setWrapS ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
_Env2D - > setWrapT ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
_Env2D - > setRenderTarget ( true ) ; // we will render to the texture
_Env2D - > setFilterMode ( ITexture : : Linear , ITexture : : LinearMipMapOff ) ;
driver . setupTexture ( * _Env2D ) ; // allocate vram
_Env2D - > reset ( ) ;
_UpdateTime = updateTime ;
_LastRenderTime = - 1 ;
invalidate ( ) ;
_NumRenderedFaces = 0 ;
_EnvCubicSize = cubeMapSize ;
_Env2DSize = projection2DSize ;
// *******************************************************************************
void CWaterEnvMap : : update ( TGlobalAnimationTime time , IDriver & driver )
if ( _LastRenderTime = = time ) return ;
_LastRenderTime = time ;
// First five updates are used to render the cubemap faces (bottom face is not rendered)
// Sixth update project the cubemap into a 2D texture
uint numTexToRender ;
if ( _UpdateTime > 0 )
uint64 currRenderTick = ( uint64 ) ( time / ( _UpdateTime / ( NUM_FACES_TO_RENDER + 1 ) ) ) ;
numTexToRender = ( uint ) ( currRenderTick - _LastRenderTick ) ;
_LastRenderTick = currRenderTick ;
numTexToRender = NUM_FACES_TO_RENDER + 1 ;
if ( ! numTexToRender ) return ;
if ( _NumRenderedFaces = = 0 )
_StartRenderTime = time ;
uint lastCubeFacesToRender = std : : min ( ( uint ) NUM_FACES_TO_RENDER , _NumRenderedFaces + numTexToRender ) ; // we don't render negative Z (only top hemisphere is used)
for ( uint k = _NumRenderedFaces ; k < lastCubeFacesToRender ; + + k )
driver . setRenderTarget ( _EnvCubic , 0 , 0 , _EnvCubicSize , _EnvCubicSize , 0 , ( uint32 ) k ) ;
render ( ( CTextureCube : : TFace ) k , _StartRenderTime ) ;
_NumRenderedFaces = lastCubeFacesToRender ;
if ( _NumRenderedFaces = = NUM_FACES_TO_RENDER & & ( _NumRenderedFaces + numTexToRender ) > NUM_FACES_TO_RENDER )
// render to 2D map
driver . setRenderTarget ( _Env2D , 0 , 0 , _Env2DSize , _Env2DSize ) ;
doInit ( ) ;
driver . activeVertexProgram ( NULL ) ;
driver . activeVertexBuffer ( _FlattenVB ) ;
driver . activeIndexBuffer ( _FlattenIB ) ;
driver . setFrustum ( - 1.f , 1.f , - 1.f , 1.f , 0.f , 1.f , false ) ;
driver . setupViewMatrix ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
CMatrix mat ;
driver . setupModelMatrix ( mat ) ;
_MaterialPassThru . setTexture ( 0 , _EnvCubic ) ;
_MaterialPassThru . texConstantColor ( 0 , CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 , _Alpha ) ) ;
driver . renderTriangles ( _MaterialPassThru , 0 , FVB_NUM_TRIS ) ;
_NumRenderedFaces = 0 ; // start to render again
driver . setRenderTarget ( NULL ) ;
// *******************************************************************************
void CWaterEnvMap : : doInit ( )
if ( ! _FlattenVBInitialized )
initFlattenVB ( ) ;
initTestVB ( ) ;
_FlattenVBInitialized = true ;
_MaterialPassThru . setLighting ( false ) ;
_MaterialPassThru . texEnvOpRGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Replace ) ;
_MaterialPassThru . texEnvArg0RGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Texture , CMaterial : : SrcColor ) ;
_MaterialPassThru . texEnvOpAlpha ( 0 , CMaterial : : Replace ) ;
_MaterialPassThru . texEnvArg0Alpha ( 0 , CMaterial : : Constant , CMaterial : : SrcAlpha ) ;
_MaterialPassThru . texConstantColor ( 0 , CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) ;
_MaterialPassThru . setDoubleSided ( true ) ;
_MaterialPassThruZTest = _MaterialPassThru ;
_MaterialPassThru . setZWrite ( false ) ;
_MaterialPassThru . setZFunc ( CMaterial : : always ) ;
2013-09-14 14:23:11 +00:00
2013-09-10 14:42:51 +00:00
static const char * testMeshVPstr =
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
" !!VP1.0 \n \
DP4 o [ HPOS ] . x , c [ 0 ] , v [ 0 ] ; \ n \
DP4 o [ HPOS ] . y , c [ 1 ] , v [ 0 ] ; \ n \
DP4 o [ HPOS ] . z , c [ 2 ] , v [ 0 ] ; \ n \
DP4 o [ HPOS ] . w , c [ 3 ] , v [ 0 ] ; \ n \
MAD o [ COL0 ] , v [ 8 ] , c [ 4 ] . xxxx , c [ 4 ] . yyyy ; \ n \
MOV o [ TEX0 ] , v [ 8 ] ; \ n \
2013-09-10 14:42:51 +00:00
END " ;
class CVertexProgramTestMeshVP : public CVertexProgram
public :
struct CIdx
uint ProgramConstant0 ;
} ;
CVertexProgramTestMeshVP ( )
// nelvp
CSource * source = new CSource ( ) ;
source - > Profile = nelvp ;
source - > DisplayName = " testMeshVP/nelvp " ;
source - > setSourcePtr ( testMeshVPstr ) ;
source - > ParamIndices [ " modelViewProjection " ] = 0 ;
source - > ParamIndices [ " programConstant0 " ] = 4 ;
addSource ( source ) ;
virtual ~ CVertexProgramTestMeshVP ( )
virtual void buildInfo ( )
m_Idx . ProgramConstant0 = getUniformIndex ( " programConstant0 " ) ;
2013-09-10 23:12:37 +00:00
nlassert ( m_Idx . ProgramConstant0 ! = ~ 0 ) ;
2013-09-10 14:42:51 +00:00
inline const CIdx & idx ( ) { return m_Idx ; }
private :
CIdx m_Idx ;
} ;
2013-09-13 21:02:35 +00:00
static NLMISC : : CSmartPtr < CVertexProgramTestMeshVP > testMeshVP ;
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// *******************************************************************************
void CWaterEnvMap : : renderTestMesh ( IDriver & driver )
2013-09-13 21:02:35 +00:00
if ( ! testMeshVP )
testMeshVP = new CVertexProgramTestMeshVP ( ) ;
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
doInit ( ) ;
CMaterial testMat ;
testMat . setLighting ( false ) ;
testMat . texEnvOpRGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Modulate ) ;
testMat . texEnvArg0RGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Texture , CMaterial : : SrcColor ) ;
testMat . texEnvArg0RGB ( 1 , CMaterial : : Diffuse , CMaterial : : SrcColor ) ;
testMat . texEnvOpAlpha ( 0 , CMaterial : : Replace ) ;
testMat . texEnvArg0Alpha ( 0 , CMaterial : : Constant , CMaterial : : SrcAlpha ) ;
testMat . texConstantColor ( 0 , CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) ;
testMat . setDoubleSided ( true ) ;
testMat . setZWrite ( false ) ;
testMat . setZFunc ( CMaterial : : always ) ;
// tmp : test cubemap
2013-09-13 21:02:35 +00:00
driver . activeVertexProgram ( testMeshVP ) ;
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
driver . activeVertexBuffer ( _TestVB ) ;
driver . activeIndexBuffer ( _TestIB ) ;
_MaterialPassThruZTest . setTexture ( 0 , _EnvCubic ) ;
2013-09-13 22:46:10 +00:00
driver . setUniformMatrix ( IDriver : : VertexProgram , testMeshVP - > getUniformIndex ( CProgramIndex : : ModelViewProjection ) , IDriver : : ModelViewProjection , IDriver : : Identity ) ;
2013-09-13 21:02:35 +00:00
driver . setUniform2f ( IDriver : : VertexProgram , testMeshVP - > idx ( ) . ProgramConstant0 , 2.f , 1.f ) ;
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
//driver.renderTriangles(testMat, 0, TEST_VB_NUM_TRIS);
driver . renderTriangles ( _MaterialPassThruZTest , 0 , TEST_VB_NUM_TRIS ) ;
driver . activeVertexProgram ( NULL ) ;
2013-09-14 14:23:11 +00:00
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// *******************************************************************************
void CWaterEnvMap : : initFlattenVB ( )
_FlattenVB . setPreferredMemory ( CVertexBuffer : : AGPPreferred , true ) ;
_FlattenVB . setName ( " Flatten VB " ) ;
_FlattenVB . clearValueEx ( ) ;
_FlattenVB . addValueEx ( CVertexBuffer : : Position , CVertexBuffer : : Float3 ) ;
_FlattenVB . addValueEx ( CVertexBuffer : : TexCoord0 , CVertexBuffer : : Float3 ) ;
_FlattenVB . initEx ( ) ;
nlctassert ( FVB_NUM_SIDES % 4 = = 0 ) ; // number of sides must be a multiple of 4 so that sections sides will align with corners
_FlattenVB . setNumVertices ( FVB_NUM_VERTS ) ;
_FlattenIB . setNumIndexes ( 3 * FVB_NUM_TRIS ) ;
CVertexBufferReadWrite vbrw ;
CIndexBufferReadWrite ibrw ;
_FlattenVB . lock ( vbrw ) ;
_FlattenIB . lock ( ibrw ) ;
for ( uint l = 0 ; l < FVB_NUM_SIDES ; + + l )
double angle = NLMISC : : Pi * 0.25 + 2 * NLMISC : : Pi * ( double ) l / ( double ) FVB_NUM_SIDES ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < FVB_NUM_SECTIONS + 1 ; + + k )
double radius = ( double ) k / ( double ) ( FVB_NUM_SECTIONS - 1 ) ;
float x = ( float ) ( radius * cos ( angle ) ) ;
float y = ( float ) ( radius * sin ( angle ) ) ;
ibrw . setTri ( 3 * 2 * ( k + ( l * FVB_NUM_SECTIONS ) ) , getFVBVertex ( k , l ) , getFVBVertex ( k + 1 , l + 1 ) , getFVBVertex ( k + 1 , l ) ) ;
ibrw . setTri ( 3 * ( 2 * ( k + ( l * FVB_NUM_SECTIONS ) ) + 1 ) , getFVBVertex ( k , l ) , getFVBVertex ( k , l + 1 ) , getFVBVertex ( k + 1 , l + 1 ) ) ;
uint side = l / ( FVB_NUM_SIDES / 4 ) ;
switch ( side )
case 0 : // top
x / = y ;
y = 1.f ;
break ;
case 1 : // left
y / = - x ;
x = - 1.f ;
break ;
case 2 : // bottom
x / = - y ;
y = - 1.f ;
break ;
case 3 : // right
y / = x ;
x = 1.f ;
break ;
default :
nlassert ( 0 ) ;
break ;
CVector dir ;
//dir.sphericToCartesian(1.f, (float) angle, (float) (NLMISC::Pi * 0.5 * acos(std::max(0.f, (1.f - (float) k / (FVB_NUM_SECTIONS - 1))))));
dir . sphericToCartesian ( 1.f , ( float ) angle , ( float ) acos ( std : : min ( 1.f , ( float ) k / ( FVB_NUM_SECTIONS - 1 ) ) ) ) ;
vbrw . setValueFloat3Ex ( CVertexBuffer : : Position , getFVBVertex ( k , l ) , x , 0.5f , y ) ;
vbrw . setValueFloat3Ex ( CVertexBuffer : : TexCoord0 , getFVBVertex ( k , l ) , - dir . x , dir . z , - dir . y ) ;
// *******************************************************************************
void CWaterEnvMap : : invalidate ( )
_LastRenderTime = - 1 ;
_StartRenderTime = - 1 ;
if ( _UpdateTime = = 0 )
_LastRenderTick = std : : numeric_limits < uint64 > : : max ( ) ;
_LastRenderTick - = ( NUM_FACES_TO_RENDER + 1 ) ;
_NumRenderedFaces = 0 ;
// *******************************************************************************
void CWaterEnvMap : : initTestVB ( )
_TestVB . setPreferredMemory ( CVertexBuffer : : AGPPreferred , true ) ;
_TestVB . setName ( " TestVB " ) ;
_TestVB . clearValueEx ( ) ;
_TestVB . addValueEx ( CVertexBuffer : : Position , CVertexBuffer : : Float3 ) ;
_TestVB . addValueEx ( CVertexBuffer : : TexCoord0 , CVertexBuffer : : Float3 ) ;
_TestVB . initEx ( ) ;
_TestVB . setNumVertices ( TEST_VB_NUM_SEGMENT * 2 * ( TEST_VB_NUM_SLICE + 1 ) ) ;
_TestIB . setNumIndexes ( 3 * TEST_VB_NUM_TRIS ) ;
CVertexBufferReadWrite vbrw ;
CIndexBufferReadWrite ibrw ;
_TestVB . lock ( vbrw ) ;
_TestIB . lock ( ibrw ) ;
uint triIndex = 0 ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < TEST_VB_NUM_SEGMENT ; + + k )
float theta = 2 * ( float ) ( NLMISC : : Pi * ( double ) k / ( double ) TEST_VB_NUM_SEGMENT ) ;
for ( uint l = 0 ; l < = TEST_VB_NUM_SLICE ; + + l )
float phi = ( float ) ( NLMISC : : Pi / 2 * ( 1 - 2 * ( double ) l / ( double ) TEST_VB_NUM_SLICE ) ) ;
CVector pos ;
pos . sphericToCartesian ( 1.f , theta , phi ) ;
# define VERT_INDEX(k, l) ((l) + ((k) % TEST_VB_NUM_SEGMENT) * (TEST_VB_NUM_SLICE + 1))
vbrw . setVertexCoord ( VERT_INDEX ( k , l ) , pos ) ;
vbrw . setValueFloat3Ex ( CVertexBuffer : : TexCoord0 , VERT_INDEX ( k , l ) , pos ) ;
if ( l ! = TEST_VB_NUM_SLICE )
ibrw . setTri ( 3 * triIndex + + , VERT_INDEX ( k , l ) , VERT_INDEX ( k + 1 , l ) , VERT_INDEX ( k + 1 , l + 1 ) ) ;
ibrw . setTri ( 3 * triIndex + + , VERT_INDEX ( k , l ) , VERT_INDEX ( k + 1 , l + 1 ) , VERT_INDEX ( k , l + 1 ) ) ;
nlassert ( triIndex = = TEST_VB_NUM_TRIS ) ;
} // NL3D