2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// includes
# include "stdpch.h"
# include "utils.h"
# include "nel/misc/file.h"
# include "nel/misc/command.h"
//#include "game_share/utils.h"
# include "scenario_entry_points.h"
# include "nel/misc/o_xml.h"
# include "nel/misc/i_xml.h"
// namespaces
using namespace NLMISC ;
// R2 namespace
namespace R2
CScenarioEntryPoints * CScenarioEntryPoints : : _Instance = NULL ;
CScenarioEntryPoints : : CScenarioEntryPoints ( )
_IsLoaded = false ;
_CompleteIslandsLoaded = false ;
_LastTestedCoords . set ( FLT_MAX , FLT_MAX ) ;
_LastFoundIsland = NULL ;
init ( ) ;
void CScenarioEntryPoints : : init ( )
CConfigFile cf ;
cf . load ( " IslandScreenshots.cfg " , true ) ;
// get the scenario entry points file
CConfigFile : : CVar * ciFile = cf . getVarPtr ( " CompleteIslandsFile " ) ;
if ( ciFile )
_CompleteIslandsFilename = ciFile - > asString ( ) ;
// get the scenario entry points file
CConfigFile : : CVar * epFile = cf . getVarPtr ( " EntryPointsFile " ) ;
if ( epFile )
_EntryPointsFilename = epFile - > asString ( ) ;
CScenarioEntryPoints & CScenarioEntryPoints : : getInstance ( )
// allocate our singleton if need be
if ( ! _Instance )
_Instance = new CScenarioEntryPoints ( ) ;
// return ref to our singleton
return * _Instance ;
void CScenarioEntryPoints : : releaseInstance ( )
if ( _Instance )
delete _Instance ;
_Instance = NULL ;
const CScenarioEntryPoints : : TEntryPoints & CScenarioEntryPoints : : getEntryPoints ( )
// if need be load the entry points vector from disk file
if ( ! _IsLoaded )
loadFromFile ( ) ;
// return the entry points vector
return _EntryPoints ;
uint32 CScenarioEntryPoints : : getIslandId ( const CSString & island )
// if need be load the entry points vector from disk file
loadCompleteIslands ( ) ;
uint32 count = 0 ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < _CompleteIslands . size ( ) ; + + i )
// if this entry point corresponds to the one we're looking for then stop here
if ( island = = _CompleteIslands [ i ] . Island )
return count ;
// increment the entry point id each time we get here (ie for each entry point in package definition)
+ + count ;
return count ;
CScenarioEntryPoints : : CCompleteIsland * CScenarioEntryPoints : : getIslandFromId ( const NLMISC : : CSString & islandId )
// if need be load the entry points vector from disk file
loadCompleteIslands ( ) ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < _CompleteIslands . size ( ) ; + + i )
// if this entry point corresponds to the one we're looking for then stop here
if ( islandId = = _CompleteIslands [ i ] . Island )
return & _CompleteIslands [ i ] ;
return NULL ;
CScenarioEntryPoints : : CShortEntryPoint * CScenarioEntryPoints : : getEntryPointFromIds ( const NLMISC : : CSString & islandId ,
const NLMISC : : CSString & entryPointId )
// if need be load the entry points vector from disk file
loadCompleteIslands ( ) ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < _CompleteIslands . size ( ) ; + + i )
// if this entry point corresponds to the one we're looking for then stop here
if ( islandId = = _CompleteIslands [ i ] . Island )
for ( uint32 e = 0 ; e < _CompleteIslands [ i ] . EntryPoints . size ( ) ; + + e )
if ( entryPointId = = _CompleteIslands [ i ] . EntryPoints [ e ] . Location )
return & _CompleteIslands [ i ] . EntryPoints [ e ] ;
return NULL ;
void CScenarioEntryPoints : : loadFromFile ( )
// clear out the entry point vector before we begin
_EntryPoints . clear ( ) ;
// setup the file name
std : : string pathFileName = CPath : : lookup ( _EntryPointsFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
// open our input file
CIFile inf ;
inf . open ( pathFileName ) ;
// read the file contents into a string 's'
CSString s ;
s . resize ( inf . getFileSize ( ) ) ;
inf . serialBuffer ( ( uint8 * ) & s [ 0 ] , ( uint ) s . size ( ) ) ;
// close the file
inf . close ( ) ;
// split the string into lines
CVectorSString lines ;
s . splitLines ( lines ) ;
// run through the lines looking for stuff that's valid
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < lines . size ( ) ; + + i )
// strip away any comment in the line and get rid of leading and trailing spaces
CSString line = lines [ i ] . splitTo ( " // " ) . strip ( ) ;
if ( line . empty ( ) )
continue ;
// split the line into words
CVectorSString words ;
while ( ! line . empty ( ) )
CSString s = line . strtok ( " \t " ) ;
words . push_back ( s ) ;
// make sure the syntax is correct
BOMB_IF ( ( words . size ( ) ! = 6 )
| | NLMISC : : toString ( " %u " , words [ 3 ] . atoui ( ) ) ! = words [ 3 ]
| | NLMISC : : toString ( " %d " , words [ 4 ] . atosi ( ) ) ! = words [ 4 ] ,
NLMISC : : toString ( " %s:%d: Invalid syntax: %s " , _EntryPointsFilename . c_str ( ) , i + 1 , lines [ i ] . splitTo ( " // " ) . c_str ( ) ) , continue ) ;
// display an info message
//nlinfo("Adding Entry point: %s",lines[i].splitTo("//").c_str());
// split the line into constituent parts and feed it to the entry points vector
_EntryPoints . push_back ( CEntryPoint ( words [ 0 ] , words [ 1 ] , words [ 2 ] , words [ 3 ] . atoui ( ) , words [ 4 ] . atosi ( ) ) ) ;
// flag the entry point set as 'loaded'
_IsLoaded = true ;
CScenarioEntryPoints : : CCompleteIsland * CScenarioEntryPoints : : getCompleteIslandFromCoords ( const NLMISC : : CVector2f & pos )
loadCompleteIslands ( ) ;
if ( fabs ( ( double ) pos . x - _LastTestedCoords . x ) > 20.f | |
fabs ( ( double ) pos . y - _LastTestedCoords . y ) > 20.f )
_LastTestedCoords = pos ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < _CompleteIslands . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( pos . x > = ( float ) _CompleteIslands [ k ] . XMin & &
pos . x < = ( float ) _CompleteIslands [ k ] . XMax & &
pos . y > = ( float ) _CompleteIslands [ k ] . YMin & &
pos . y < = ( float ) _CompleteIslands [ k ] . YMax )
_LastFoundIsland = & _CompleteIslands [ k ] ;
return _LastFoundIsland ;
_LastFoundIsland = NULL ;
return _LastFoundIsland ;
// coords similar to previous test, reuse result
return _LastFoundIsland ;
// FIXME : ugly duplicate from the client src ... put this in a lib
static bool getZonePosFromZoneName ( const std : : string & name , sint & x , sint & y )
if ( name . empty ( ) )
nlwarning ( " getPosFromZoneName(): empty name, can't getPosFromZoneName " ) ;
return false ;
static std : : string zoneName ;
static std : : string xStr , yStr ;
xStr . clear ( ) ;
yStr . clear ( ) ;
zoneName = NLMISC : : CFile : : getFilenameWithoutExtension ( name ) ;
uint32 i = 0 ;
while ( zoneName [ i ] ! = ' _ ' )
if ( ! : : isdigit ( zoneName [ i ] ) ) return false ;
yStr + = zoneName [ i ] ; + + i ;
if ( i = = zoneName . size ( ) )
return false ;
+ + i ;
while ( i < zoneName . size ( ) )
if ( ! : : isalpha ( zoneName [ i ] ) ) return false ;
xStr + = ( char ) : : toupper ( zoneName [ i ] ) ; + + i ;
if ( xStr . size ( ) ! = 2 ) return false ;
x = ( xStr [ 0 ] - ' A ' ) * 26 + ( xStr [ 1 ] - ' A ' ) ;
fromString ( yStr , y ) ;
y = - y ;
return true ;
void CScenarioEntryPoints : : loadFromXMLFile ( )
loadFromFile ( ) ;
// clear out the entry point vector before we begin
_CompleteIslands . clear ( ) ;
// File stream
CIFile file ;
// setup the file name
std : : string pathFileName = CPath : : lookup ( _CompleteIslandsFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Open the file
if ( ! file . open ( pathFileName . c_str ( ) ) )
nlinfo ( " Can't open the file for reading : %s " , pathFileName . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Create the XML stream
CIXml input ;
// Init
if ( input . init ( file ) )
xmlNodePtr islands = input . getRootNode ( ) ;
xmlNodePtr islandNode = input . getFirstChildNode ( islands , " complete_island " ) ;
while ( islandNode ! = 0 )
CCompleteIsland completeIsland ;
// island name
const char * island = ( const char * ) xmlGetProp ( islandNode , ( xmlChar * ) " island " ) ;
if ( island = = 0 )
nlinfo ( " no 'island' tag in %s " , _CompleteIslandsFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
continue ;
completeIsland . Island = CSString ( island ) ;
// package
const char * package = ( const char * ) xmlGetProp ( islandNode , ( xmlChar * ) " package " ) ;
if ( package = = 0 )
nlinfo ( " no 'package' tag in %s island " , island ) ;
completeIsland . Package = CSString ( package ) ;
// continent
const char * continent = ( const char * ) xmlGetProp ( islandNode , ( xmlChar * ) " continent " ) ;
if ( continent = = 0 )
nlinfo ( " no 'continent' tag in %s island " , island ) ;
completeIsland . Continent = CSString ( continent ) ;
// xmin
const char * xmin = ( const char * ) xmlGetProp ( islandNode , ( xmlChar * ) " xmin " ) ;
if ( xmin = = 0 )
nlinfo ( " no 'xmin' tag in %s island " , island ) ;
fromString ( xmin , completeIsland . XMin ) ;
// ymin
const char * ymin = ( const char * ) xmlGetProp ( islandNode , ( xmlChar * ) " ymin " ) ;
if ( ymin = = 0 )
nlinfo ( " no 'ymin' tag in %s island " , island ) ;
fromString ( ymin , completeIsland . YMin ) ;
// xmax
const char * xmax = ( const char * ) xmlGetProp ( islandNode , ( xmlChar * ) " xmax " ) ;
if ( xmax = = 0 )
nlinfo ( " no 'xmax' tag in %s island " , island ) ;
fromString ( xmax , completeIsland . XMax ) ;
// ymax
const char * ymax = ( const char * ) xmlGetProp ( islandNode , ( xmlChar * ) " ymax " ) ;
if ( ymax = = 0 )
nlinfo ( " no 'ymax' tag in %s island " , island ) ;
fromString ( ymax , completeIsland . YMax ) ;
//entry points and package
TShortEntryPoints entryPoints ;
std : : string package = std : : string ( " " ) ;
for ( uint e = 0 ; e < _EntryPoints . size ( ) ; e + + )
const CEntryPoint & entryPoint = _EntryPoints [ e ] ;
CShortEntryPoint shortEntryPoint ;
if ( entryPoint . Island = = island )
shortEntryPoint . Location = entryPoint . Location ;
shortEntryPoint . X = entryPoint . X ;
shortEntryPoint . Y = entryPoint . Y ;
entryPoints . push_back ( shortEntryPoint ) ;
if ( package = = " " )
package = entryPoint . Package ;
else if ( package ! = entryPoint . Package )
nlinfo ( " Different packages for island '%s' in file %s " , island , _EntryPointsFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
2012-10-06 15:17:26 +00:00
if ( package . empty ( ) )
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
nlinfo ( " no 'package' tag in %s island " , island ) ;
completeIsland . Package = CSString ( package ) ;
// zones
xmlNodePtr zoneNode = input . getFirstChildNode ( islandNode , " zone " ) ;
while ( zoneNode ! = 0 )
// island name
const char * zoneName = ( const char * ) xmlGetProp ( zoneNode , ( xmlChar * ) " name " ) ;
if ( zoneName = = 0 )
nlinfo ( " no 'zone name' tag in %s " , _CompleteIslandsFilename . c_str ( ) ) ;
completeIsland . Zones . push_back ( std : : string ( zoneName ) ) ;
zoneNode = input . getNextChildNode ( zoneNode , " zone " ) ;
// compute zones ids from zone names
for ( std : : list < std : : string > : : iterator it = completeIsland . Zones . begin ( ) ; it ! = completeIsland . Zones . end ( ) ; + + it )
sint x , y ;
if ( getZonePosFromZoneName ( * it , x , y ) )
completeIsland . ZoneIDs . push_back ( ( ( uint16 ) x & 255 ) + ( ( uint16 ) ( - y - 1 ) < < 8 ) ) ;
if ( entryPoints . size ( ) > 0 )
completeIsland . EntryPoints = entryPoints ;
_CompleteIslands . push_back ( completeIsland ) ;
islandNode = input . getNextChildNode ( islandNode , " complete_island " ) ;
// Close the file
file . close ( ) ;
_CompleteIslandsLoaded = true ;
void CScenarioEntryPoints : : loadCompleteIslands ( )
if ( ! _CompleteIslandsLoaded )
loadFromXMLFile ( ) ;
const CScenarioEntryPoints : : TCompleteIslands & CScenarioEntryPoints : : getCompleteIslands ( )
loadCompleteIslands ( ) ;
// return the islands vector
return _CompleteIslands ;
void CScenarioEntryPoints : : saveXMLFile ( const TCompleteIslands & completeIslands , const std : : string & fileName )
// File stream
COFile file ;
// setup the file name
std : : string pathFilename = CPath : : lookup ( fileName . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Open the file
if ( ! file . open ( pathFilename . c_str ( ) ) )
nlinfo ( " Can't open the file for writing : %s " , fileName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Create the XML stream
COXml output ;
// Init
if ( output . init ( & file , " 1.0 " ) )
xmlDocPtr xmlDoc = output . getDocument ( ) ;
// Create the first node
xmlNodePtr root = xmlNewDocNode ( xmlDoc , NULL , ( const xmlChar * ) " islands " , NULL ) ;
xmlDocSetRootElement ( xmlDoc , root ) ;
std : : map < std : : string , xmlNodePtr > islandNodes ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < completeIslands . size ( ) ; + + i )
char s [ 64 ] ;
// island already exists?
if ( islandNodes . find ( completeIslands [ i ] . Island ) = = islandNodes . end ( ) )
xmlNodePtr islandNode = xmlNewChild ( root , NULL , ( const xmlChar * ) " complete_island " , NULL ) ;
xmlSetProp ( islandNode , ( const xmlChar * ) " island " , ( const xmlChar * ) completeIslands [ i ] . Island . c_str ( ) ) ;
//xmlSetProp(islandNode, (const xmlChar*)"package", (const xmlChar*)completeIslands[i].Package.c_str());
xmlSetProp ( islandNode , ( const xmlChar * ) " continent " , ( const xmlChar * ) completeIslands [ i ] . Continent . c_str ( ) ) ;
smprintf ( s , 64 , " %i " , completeIslands [ i ] . XMin ) ;
xmlSetProp ( islandNode , ( const xmlChar * ) " xmin " , ( const xmlChar * ) s ) ;
smprintf ( s , 64 , " %i " , completeIslands [ i ] . YMin ) ;
xmlSetProp ( islandNode , ( const xmlChar * ) " ymin " , ( const xmlChar * ) s ) ;
smprintf ( s , 64 , " %i " , completeIslands [ i ] . XMax ) ;
xmlSetProp ( islandNode , ( const xmlChar * ) " xmax " , ( const xmlChar * ) s ) ;
smprintf ( s , 64 , " %i " , completeIslands [ i ] . YMax ) ;
xmlSetProp ( islandNode , ( const xmlChar * ) " ymax " , ( const xmlChar * ) s ) ;
std : : list < std : : string > : : const_iterator itZone ;
for ( itZone = completeIslands [ i ] . Zones . begin ( ) ; itZone ! = completeIslands [ i ] . Zones . end ( ) ; itZone + + )
xmlNodePtr zoneNode = xmlNewChild ( islandNode , NULL , ( const xmlChar * ) " zone " , NULL ) ;
xmlSetProp ( zoneNode , ( const xmlChar * ) " name " , ( const xmlChar * ) ( * itZone ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
islandNodes [ completeIslands [ i ] . Island ] = islandNode ;
// Flush the stream, write all the output file
output . flush ( ) ;
// Close the file
file . close ( ) ;
void CScenarioEntryPoints : : getIslands ( const CSString & packageDefinition , CVectorSString & islands )
// if need be load the entry points vector from disk file
if ( ! _IsLoaded )
loadFromFile ( ) ;
islands . clear ( ) ;
std : : set < CSString > found ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < _EntryPoints . size ( ) ; + + i )
CSString & island = _EntryPoints [ i ] . Island ;
// skip entry points from inaccessible packages
if ( ! packageDefinition . contains ( _EntryPoints [ i ] . Package . c_str ( ) ) )
continue ;
// skip dumplicate names
if ( found . find ( island ) ! = found . end ( ) )
continue ;
// add the island to the output vector and set of found islands
islands . push_back ( island ) ;
found . insert ( island ) ;
void CScenarioEntryPoints : : getEntryPoints ( const CSString & packageDefinition , const CSString & island , CVectorSString & entryPoints )
// if need be load the entry points vector from disk file
if ( ! _IsLoaded )
loadFromFile ( ) ;
entryPoints . clear ( ) ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < _EntryPoints . size ( ) ; + + i )
CSString & entryPoint = _EntryPoints [ i ] . Location ;
// skip entry points from inaccessible packages
if ( ! packageDefinition . contains ( _EntryPoints [ i ] . Package . c_str ( ) ) )
continue ;
// skip entry points from the wrong island
if ( island ! = _EntryPoints [ i ] . Island )
continue ;
// add the island to the output vector and set of found islands
entryPoints . push_back ( entryPoint ) ;
uint32 CScenarioEntryPoints : : getEntryPointId ( const CSString & packageDefinition , const CSString & island , const CSString & entryPoint )
// if need be load the entry points vector from disk file
if ( ! _IsLoaded )
loadFromFile ( ) ;
uint32 count = 0 ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < _EntryPoints . size ( ) ; + + i )
// skip entry points from inaccessible packages
if ( ! packageDefinition . contains ( _EntryPoints [ i ] . Package . c_str ( ) ) )
continue ;
// if this entry point corresponds to the one we're looking for then stop here
if ( island = = _EntryPoints [ i ] . Island & & entryPoint = = _EntryPoints [ i ] . Location )
return count ;
// increment the entry point id each time we get here (ie for each entry point in package definition)
+ + count ;
// bomb out - we didn't find a match - on live shards this case is to be ignored as it only means we have a data
// error and not necessarily a code bug... in debug we might as well STOP to flag that there's a problem
STOP ( " ERROR: entry point ' " + island + " : " + entryPoint + " ' not found in package description: " + packageDefinition ) ;
return count ;
void CScenarioEntryPoints : : getEntryPointCoordsFromId ( const CSString & packageDefinition , uint32 id , sint32 & x , sint32 & y )
// if need be load the entry points vector from disk file
if ( ! _IsLoaded )
loadFromFile ( ) ;
uint32 count = 0 ;
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < _EntryPoints . size ( ) ; + + i )
// skip entry points from inaccessible packages
if ( ! packageDefinition . contains ( _EntryPoints [ i ] . Package . c_str ( ) ) )
continue ;
// if this entry point corresponds to the one we're looking for then stop here
if ( count = = id )
x = _EntryPoints [ i ] . X ;
y = _EntryPoints [ i ] . Y ;
return ;
// increment the entry point id each time we get here (ie for each entry point in package definition)
+ + count ;
// bomb out - we didn't find a match - on live shards this case is to be ignored as it only means we have a data
// error and not necessarily a code bug... in debug we might as well STOP to flag that there's a problem
STOP ( " ERROR: entry point ' " + NLMISC : : toString ( id ) + " ' not found in package description: " + packageDefinition ) ;
x = y = 0 ;
return ;
} // namespace R2
NLMISC_COMMAND ( displayScenarioEntryPoints , " display the list of scenario entry points (either the complete list or the list for a given input string " , " [<package definition string>] " )
// check that we have a valid number of arguments
if ( args . size ( ) > 1 )
return false ;
// setup the package definition string
CSString packageDefinition ;
if ( ! args . empty ( ) )
packageDefinition = args [ 0 ] ;
// display a fancy title line
nlinfo ( " Displaying scenario entry points correspoding to package definition: '%s' " , packageDefinition . c_str ( ) ) ;
// get the vector of islands that we are allowed access to
CVectorSString islands ;
R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : getInstance ( ) . getIslands ( packageDefinition , islands ) ;
// run through the islands displaying them with their lists of entry points
for ( uint32 i = 0 ; i < islands . size ( ) ; + + i )
nlinfo ( " - Island: %s " , islands [ i ] . c_str ( ) ) ;
// get the set of valid entry points for this island
CVectorSString entryPoints ;
R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : getInstance ( ) . getEntryPoints ( packageDefinition , islands [ i ] , entryPoints ) ;
// for each entry point...
for ( uint32 j = 0 ; j < entryPoints . size ( ) ; + + j )
// lookup the entry point id from the package definition, island name and entry point name
uint32 entryPointId = R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : getInstance ( ) . getEntryPointId ( packageDefinition , islands [ i ] , entryPoints [ j ] ) ;
// get the coordinates for the given entry point
sint32 x , y ;
R2 : : CScenarioEntryPoints : : getInstance ( ) . getEntryPointCoordsFromId ( packageDefinition , entryPointId , x , y ) ;
// display a debug message
nlinfo ( " - Entry point %d: %s (%d,%d) " , entryPointId , entryPoints [ j ] . c_str ( ) , x , y ) ;
return true ;