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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// nel misc
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
// game_share
#include "game_share/base_types.h"
// entity_game_service
#include "entity_base.h"
// Sabrina
#include "sabrina_phrase_instance.h"
#include "sabrina_item_stats.h"
#include "sabrina_pointers.h"
#include "position_manager/sabrina_list_link.h"
class ISabrinaActor;
typedef CListLink<ISabrinaActor> TSabrinaActorLink;
* Sabrina actor base class
* \author Sadge
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2003
class ISabrinaActor
// ctor and dtor
ISabrinaActor(CEntityBase *parent);
ISabrinaActor(const ISabrinaActor& other);
virtual ~ISabrinaActor();
// ctor
// explicit ISabrinaActor(CEntityBase *parent): _Link(this), _Parent(parent), _CurrentActionPhrase(NULL) {}
// dtor
// virtual ~ISabrinaActor() { resetRefferences(); }
// reset all refferences to this actor (eg after death, teleportation, etc)
void resetRefferences(SABRINA::TEventCode reason);
// Generic Read Accessor Interface
CEntityBase* getEntity() const;
TDataSetRow getEntityRowId() const;
const std::set<CSabrinaPhraseInstancePtr>& getTargeters() const;
// Management of actor's targeter list
void addTargeter(CSabrinaPhraseInstance* targeter);
void removeTargeter(CSabrinaPhraseInstance* targeter);
// Management of the actor's own actions
// begin a new sabrina action
// if there is a curent action already in process then the new action is ignored and a warning is displayed
virtual void beginSabrinaAction(const ISabrinaPhraseModel* phrase)=0;
// cancel the current sabrina action
virtual void cancelSabrinaAction(SABRINA::TEventCode reason)=0;
// Debug stuff
// get a string describing current values of state variables
std::string stateString() const;
// Virtual application of results of a Sabrina Action to a target
// callback at start of application of a set of effects from a sabrina action
// eg: setup an event report record here
virtual void cbSabrinaActionApplyBegin() {}
// apply damage (to hp, sap or sta)
virtual void applyHeal(SABRINA::THealType healType, uint32 healQuantity)=0;
// apply damage (to hp, sap or sta)
virtual void applyDamage(SABRINA::TDmgType damageType, uint32 damage)=0;
// apply secondary effects (eg Stun, debuff, etc)
virtual void applyBeginSecondaryEffect(SABRINA::TEffectType effectType, uint32 strength)=0;
// apply secondary effects (eg Stun, etc)
virtual void applyEndSecondaryEffect(SABRINA::TEffectType effectType)=0;
// callback at end of application of a set of effects from a sabrina action
// eg: dispatch the en=vent report record now that complete set of event elements have been dealt with
virtual void cbSabrinaActionApplyEnd() {}
// Virtual Read Accessor Interface
// lookup the value of a given skill
virtual sint32 getSkillValue(SKILLS::ESkills skill) const=0;
// get a value for the attack skill
virtual sint32 getAttackSkillValue() const=0;
// get a value for the defense skill
virtual sint32 getDefenseSkillValue() const=0;
// get a value for the didge skill
virtual sint32 getDodgeSkillValue() const=0;
// get the combat stats for the item in right hand
// note that in the case of bear hand combat a set of bear hand stats are filled in here
// returns false if an item that is not usable for combat is present in right hand
virtual bool getRightHandWeaponStats(CWeaponStats& stats) const=0;
// get the combat stats for the item in left hand
// returns false if the left hand is empty or the item in left hand is not a weapon or the player
// doesn't have a skill permitting use of the given weapon in the left hand
virtual bool getLeftHandWeaponStats(CWeaponStats& stats) const=0;
// get stats for ammo in left hand
// returns false if no ammo available or ammo is incompatible with weapon
virtual bool getAmmoStats(CWeaponStats& stats) const=0;
// get stats for a given piece of armor
// in the case where no armor is found the stats are initialised accordingly
// returns false if no armor is present on given location
virtual bool getArmorProtectionStats(SLOT_EQUIPMENT::TSlotEquipment slot,CArmorStats& protection) const=0;
// get stats for the shield (or likewise)
// in the case where no shield is found the stats are initalised accordingly
// returns false if the left hand is empty or the left hand item offers no protection
virtual bool getLeftHandProtectionStats(CShieldStats& protection) const=0;
// get a pointer to the entity refferenced by this entity
virtual ISabrinaActor* getTarget() const=0;
// Logical test routines
// make sure that I'm allowed to perform offensive actions against the given target
// take into account whether target is in PvP action with me, etc, etc
virtual bool isValidOffensiveTarget(ISabrinaActor* target) const=0;
// make sure I'm allowed to perform curative actions on target
// take into account PvP rules with neutrals not allowed to assist, etc...
virtual bool isValidCurativeTarget(ISabrinaActor* target) const=0;
// Virtual callbacks for message sending on activation/ cancelation of Sabrina actions
// * if this routine should lock the items that are used in the phrase then we need
// to add a 'locked items' module to the phrase instance in order to facilitate
// unlocking ...
virtual void cbSabrinaActionBegin(const CSabrinaPhraseInstance* completedPhrase) {}
// this routine should deal with ammo & raw material consumption if need be...
virtual void cbSabrinaActionSuccess(const CSabrinaPhraseInstance* completedPhrase, SABRINA::TEventCode code) {}
// this routine is called either by 'cbSabrinaActionBegin()' or when the result of the action is to be applied
virtual void cbSabrinaActionFailure(const CSabrinaPhraseInstance* completedPhrase, SABRINA::TEventCode code) {}
// this routine is called by cancelSabrinaAction()
virtual void cbSabrinaActionCancel(const CSabrinaPhraseInstance* completedPhrase, SABRINA::TEventCode reason) {}
// this callback is called after the postActionTime has elapsed and the action is completely finished
// this routine is responsible for beginning a new sabrina action if a new action is lined up
virtual void cbSabrinaActionEnd(const CSabrinaPhraseInstance* completedPhrase) {}
// private data
// the player or ai entity base object that I represent
CEntityBase* _Parent;
// the vector of phrases that are currently active on me
std::set<CSabrinaPhraseInstancePtr> _PhrasesTargetingMe;
// structure used to chain to other sabrina actors (used by the position manager)
TSabrinaActorLink _Link;
// ctors and dtors
inline ISabrinaActor::ISabrinaActor(CEntityBase* parent)
inline ISabrinaActor::ISabrinaActor(const ISabrinaActor& other)
_Parent = other._Parent;
_PhrasesTargetingMe = other._PhrasesTargetingMe;
inline ISabrinaActor::~ISabrinaActor()
// reset all refferences to this actor (eg after death, teleportation, etc)
inline void ISabrinaActor::resetRefferences(SABRINA::TEventCode reason)
// abort all active actinos that refference us
while (!_PhrasesTargetingMe.empty())
// note that the abortAction() method will end up removing the entry from _PhrasesTargettingMe
// Generic Read Accessor Interface
inline CEntityBase* ISabrinaActor::getEntity() const
return _Parent;
inline TDataSetRow ISabrinaActor::getEntityRowId() const
return _Parent->getEntityRowId();
inline const std::set<CSabrinaPhraseInstancePtr>& ISabrinaActor::getTargeters() const
return _PhrasesTargetingMe;
// Management of actor's targeter list
inline void ISabrinaActor::addTargeter(CSabrinaPhraseInstance* targeter)
inline void ISabrinaActor::removeTargeter(CSabrinaPhraseInstance* targeter)
// Debug stuff
inline std::string ISabrinaActor::stateString() const
std::string result;
result+= "id "+ NLMISC::toString(this->getEntityRowId());
if (getTarget()!=NULL)
result+= ", tgt "+NLMISC::toString(this->getTarget()->getEntityRowId());
result+= ", tgt NULL";
result+= ", tgtBy(";
std::set<CSabrinaPhraseInstancePtr>::iterator it;
for (it=getTargeters().begin();it!=getTargeters().end();++it)
if (it!=getTargeters().begin())
result+= ")";
result+= ", SkillAtk "+ NLMISC::toString(this->getAttackSkillValue());
result+= ", SkillDef "+ NLMISC::toString(this->getDefenseSkillValue());
result+= ", SkillDdg "+ NLMISC::toString(this->getDodgeSkillValue());
return result;