2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "stdmisc.h"
# include "nel/misc/object_arena_allocator.h"
# include "nel/misc/fixed_size_allocator.h"
namespace NLMISC
CObjectArenaAllocator * CObjectArenaAllocator : : _DefaultAllocator = NULL ;
// *****************************************************************************************************************
CObjectArenaAllocator : : CObjectArenaAllocator ( uint maxAllocSize , uint granularity /* = 4*/ )
nlassert ( granularity > 0 ) ;
nlassert ( maxAllocSize > 0 ) ;
_MaxAllocSize = granularity * ( ( maxAllocSize + ( granularity - 1 ) ) / granularity ) ;
_ObjectSizeToAllocator . resize ( _MaxAllocSize / granularity , NULL ) ;
_Granularity = granularity ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
_AllocID = 0 ;
_WantBreakOnAlloc = false ;
_BreakAllocID = 0 ;
# endif
// *****************************************************************************************************************
CObjectArenaAllocator : : ~ CObjectArenaAllocator ( )
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < _ObjectSizeToAllocator . size ( ) ; + + k )
delete _ObjectSizeToAllocator [ k ] ;
// *****************************************************************************************************************
void * CObjectArenaAllocator : : alloc ( uint size )
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
if ( _WantBreakOnAlloc )
if ( _AllocID = = _BreakAllocID )
nlassert ( 0 ) ;
# endif
if ( size > = _MaxAllocSize )
// use standard allocator
uint8 * block = new uint8 [ size + sizeof ( uint ) ] ; // an additionnal uint is needed to store size of block
if ( ! block ) return NULL ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
_MemBlockToAllocID [ block ] = _AllocID ;
# endif
* ( uint * ) block = size ;
return block + sizeof ( uint ) ;
uint entry = ( ( size + ( _Granularity - 1 ) ) / _Granularity ) ;
nlassert ( entry < _ObjectSizeToAllocator . size ( ) ) ;
if ( ! _ObjectSizeToAllocator [ entry ] )
_ObjectSizeToAllocator [ entry ] = new CFixedSizeAllocator ( entry * _Granularity + sizeof ( uint ) , _MaxAllocSize / size ) ; // an additionnal uint is needed to store size of block
void * block = _ObjectSizeToAllocator [ entry ] - > alloc ( ) ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
if ( block )
_MemBlockToAllocID [ block ] = _AllocID ;
+ + _AllocID ;
# endif
* ( uint * ) block = size ;
return ( void * ) ( ( uint8 * ) block + sizeof ( uint ) ) ;
// *****************************************************************************************************************
void CObjectArenaAllocator : : free ( void * block )
if ( ! block ) return ;
uint8 * realBlock = ( uint8 * ) block - sizeof ( uint ) ; // a uint is used at start of block to give its size
uint size = * ( uint * ) realBlock ;
if ( size > = _MaxAllocSize )
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
std : : map < void * , uint > : : iterator it = _MemBlockToAllocID . find ( realBlock ) ;
nlassert ( it ! = _MemBlockToAllocID . end ( ) ) ;
_MemBlockToAllocID . erase ( it ) ;
# endif
delete realBlock ;
return ;
uint entry = ( ( size + ( _Granularity - 1 ) ) / _Granularity ) ;
nlassert ( entry < _ObjectSizeToAllocator . size ( ) ) ;
_ObjectSizeToAllocator [ entry ] - > free ( realBlock ) ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
std : : map < void * , uint > : : iterator it = _MemBlockToAllocID . find ( realBlock ) ;
nlassert ( it ! = _MemBlockToAllocID . end ( ) ) ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
if ( _WantBreakOnAlloc )
if ( it - > second = = _BreakAllocID )
nlassert ( 0 ) ;
# endif
_MemBlockToAllocID . erase ( it ) ;
# endif
// *****************************************************************************************************************
uint CObjectArenaAllocator : : getNumAllocatedBlocks ( ) const
uint numObjs = 0 ;
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < _ObjectSizeToAllocator . size ( ) ; + + k )
if ( _ObjectSizeToAllocator [ k ] ) numObjs + = _ObjectSizeToAllocator [ k ] - > getNumAllocatedBlocks ( ) ;
return numObjs ;
// *****************************************************************************************************************
CObjectArenaAllocator & CObjectArenaAllocator : : getDefaultAllocator ( )
if ( ! _DefaultAllocator )
_DefaultAllocator = new CObjectArenaAllocator ( 32768 ) ;
return * _DefaultAllocator ;
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
// *****************************************************************************************************************
void CObjectArenaAllocator : : dumpUnreleasedBlocks ( )
for ( std : : map < void * , uint > : : iterator it = _MemBlockToAllocID . begin ( ) ; it ! = _MemBlockToAllocID . end ( ) ; + + it )
nlinfo ( " block %u at adress %p remains " , it - > second , ( static_cast < uint8 * > ( it - > first ) + sizeof ( uint ) ) ) ;
// *****************************************************************************************************************
void CObjectArenaAllocator : : setBreakForAllocID ( bool enabled , uint id )
_WantBreakOnAlloc = enabled ;
_BreakAllocID = id ;
# endif // NL_DEBUG