mirror of
synced 2024-11-26 00:56:19 +00:00
1121 lines
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1121 lines
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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "log_query.h"
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
bool ConversionTable[LGS::TSupportedParamType::nb_enum_items][LGS::TSupportedParamType::nb_enum_items] =
// the type of the log param->
// spt_uint32, spt_uint64, spt_sint32, spt_float, spt_string, spt_entityId, spt_sheetId, spt_itemId,
/* v The type of the query param v*/
/*spt_uint32*/ { true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false },
/*spt_uint64*/ { true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true },
/*spt_sint32*/ { true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false },
/*spt_float*/ { true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false },
/*spt_string*/ { true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true },
/*spt_entityId*/{ false, false, false, false, true, true, false, false },
/*spt_sheetId*/ { false, false, false, false, true, false, true, false },
/*spt_itemId*/ { false, false, false, false, true, false, false, true },
CQueryParser::CQueryParser(const TLogDefinitions &logDefs)
: _LogDefs(logDefs)
// init the keywords table
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("or"), tt_or));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("and"), tt_and));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("like"), tt_like));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("full_context"), tt_full_context));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("output_prefix"), tt_output_prefix));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("yesterday"), tt_yesterday));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("secs"), tt_secs));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("mins"), tt_mins));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("hours"), tt_hours));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("days"), tt_days));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("weeks"), tt_weeks));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("months"), tt_months));
_Keywords.insert(std::make_pair(std::string("years"), tt_years));
LGS::TSupportedParamType CQueryParser::parseParamType(const std::string &typeName)
if (typeName == "uint32")
return LGS::TSupportedParamType::spt_uint32;
else if (typeName == "uint64")
return LGS::TSupportedParamType::spt_uint64;
else if (typeName == "sint32")
return LGS::TSupportedParamType::spt_sint32;
else if (typeName == "float")
return LGS::TSupportedParamType::spt_float;
else if (typeName == "string")
return LGS::TSupportedParamType::spt_string;
else if (typeName == "entityId")
return LGS::TSupportedParamType::spt_entityId;
else if (typeName == "sheetId")
return LGS::TSupportedParamType::spt_sheetId;
else if (typeName == "itemId")
return LGS::TSupportedParamType::spt_itemId;
return LGS::TSupportedParamType::invalid_val;
CQueryParser::TParserResult CQueryParser::parseQuery(const std::string &queryStr, bool parseOnlyOption)
// Query are formated as follow
// query : options expr;
// options: (options)*;
// option : 'full-context'
// | ??
// ;
// expr : andExpr ('or' andExpr)?
// ;
// andExpr: atom ('and' atom)?;
// atom : '(' expr ')'
// | predicate;
// operator : '<'
// | '<='
// | '>'
// | '>='
// | '='
// | '=='
// | '!='
// | 'like';
// predicate : (ID | ('<' TYPE '>')) operator constant;
// constant : STRING
// | INT
// | LONG
// | FLOAT
// | DATE
// | entityId
// | itemId
// | sint;
// date : DATE
// | 'yesterday'
// | INT 'days'
// | INT 'weeks'
// | INT 'months'
// | INT 'years';
// longInt : INT ('l'|'L');
// sint : '-' INT;
// entityId : '(' INT ':' INT ':' INT ':' INT ')';
// itemId : '[' INT ':' INT ':' INT ']';
// ID : ('a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' | '_')('0'-'9'|'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' | '_')*;
// STRING : '\"' (~'\"')* '\"';
// INT : ('0x')? ('0'-'9')+
// LONG : INT ('l'|'L');
// FLOAT : INT '.' INT;
// DATE : INT '-' INT '-' INT (INT ':' INT)?;
// TYPE : '{' ID '}'
TParserResult pr;
iterator first = queryStr.begin();
parseOptions(pr, first, queryStr.end());
if (parseOnlyOption)
return pr;
auto_ptr<TQueryNode> rootNode(parseExpr(first, queryStr.end()));
// make sure we have consumed all the stream
iterator rew = first;
TToken tok = getNextToken(first, queryStr.end());
if (tok.TokenType != tt_EOF)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Not all the query content have been read");
pr.QueryTree = rootNode;
return pr;
catch (const EInvalidQuery &iq)
nlwarning("Error will parsing query near char %u : %s", iq.It - queryStr.begin(), iq.ErrorStr);
throw iq;
void CQueryParser::parseOptions(CQueryParser::TParserResult &parserResult, CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
// read options until the last one
while (parseOption(parserResult, it, end));
bool CQueryParser::parseOption(CQueryParser::TParserResult &parserResult, CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
TToken tok = getNextToken(it, end);
switch (tok.TokenType)
case tt_full_context:
parserResult.FullContext = true;
return true;
case tt_output_prefix:
// read a output prefix
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_EQUAL)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Output prefix option must be followed by an equal sign '='");
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_ID && tok.TokenType != tt_STRING)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Output prefix option must be followed by a the prefix value after the '=' sign");
// ok, store the prefix
if (tok.TokenType == tt_STRING)
parserResult.OutputPrefix = tok.Text.substr(1, tok.Text.size()-1);
parserResult.OutputPrefix = tok.Text;
return true;
// not an option
it = rew;
return false;
TQueryNode *CQueryParser::buildPredicate(const LGS::TParamValue &refVal, const TToken &operatorType, const TToken &leftValue, CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
TQueryNode *node = NULL;
if (leftValue.TokenType == tt_ID)
switch (operatorType.TokenType)
case tt_LESS:
node = new TPredicateNode<TLessOp>(refVal, leftValue.Text, _LogDefs);
case tt_LESS_EQUAL:
node = new TPredicateNode<TLessEqualOp>(refVal, leftValue.Text, _LogDefs);
case tt_GREATER:
node = new TPredicateNode<TGreaterOp>(refVal, leftValue.Text, _LogDefs);
node = new TPredicateNode<TGreaterEqualOp>(refVal, leftValue.Text, _LogDefs);
case tt_EQUAL:
node = new TPredicateNode<TEqualOp>(refVal, leftValue.Text, _LogDefs);
case tt_NOT_EQUAL:
node = new TPredicateNode<TNotEqualOp>(refVal, leftValue.Text, _LogDefs);
case tt_like:
node = new TPredicateNode<TLikeOp>(refVal, leftValue.Text, _LogDefs);
throw EInvalidQuery(operatorType.It, "Invalid operator for predicate");
if (!node->init())
nlwarning("No log match a parameter named %s with a predicate of type %s", leftValue.Text.c_str(), refVal.getType().toString().c_str());
else if (leftValue.TokenType == tt_TYPE)
LGS::TSupportedParamType type = parseParamType(leftValue.Text);
if (type == LGS::TSupportedParamType::invalid_val)
throw EInvalidQuery(leftValue.It, "Invalid type name");
switch (operatorType.TokenType)
case tt_LESS:
node = new TTypePredicateNode<TLessOp>(refVal, type, _LogDefs);
case tt_LESS_EQUAL:
node = new TTypePredicateNode<TLessEqualOp>(refVal, type, _LogDefs);
case tt_GREATER:
node = new TTypePredicateNode<TGreaterOp>(refVal, type, _LogDefs);
node = new TTypePredicateNode<TGreaterEqualOp>(refVal, type, _LogDefs);
case tt_EQUAL:
node = new TTypePredicateNode<TEqualOp>(refVal, type, _LogDefs);
case tt_NOT_EQUAL:
node = new TTypePredicateNode<TNotEqualOp>(refVal, type, _LogDefs);
case tt_like:
node = new TTypePredicateNode<TLikeOp>(refVal, type, _LogDefs);
throw EInvalidQuery(operatorType.It, "Invalid operator for predicate");
if (!node->init())
nlwarning("No log match a parameter of type %s with a predicate of type %s", leftValue.Text.c_str(), refVal.getType().toString().c_str());
return node;
sint32 CQueryParser::parseSint(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
skipWS(it, end);
iterator start = it;
TToken tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_DASH)
throw EInvalidQuery(rew, "Invalid start character for sint, must be '-'");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_INT)
throw EInvalidQuery(rew, "Invalid content for sint, must be an int value");
sint32 val;
NLMISC::fromString(string(start, it), val);
return val;
std::string CQueryParser::parseItemId(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
it = skipWS(it, end);
iterator start = it;
TToken tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_OPEN_BRACKET)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid start character for item id, must be '['");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_INT)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid first element for item id, must be an int value");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_COLON)
throw EInvalidQuery(rew, "Invalid separator for item id, must be a ':' char");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_INT)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid second element for item id, must be an int value");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_COLON)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid separator for item id, must be a ':' char");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_INT)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid third element for item id, must be an int value");
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_CLOSE_BRACKET)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid end character for item id, must be ']'");
return string(start, it);
std::string CQueryParser::parseEntityId(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
it = skipWS(it, end);
iterator start = it;
TToken tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_OPEN_PAR)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid start character for entity id, must be '('");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_INT)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid first element for entity id, must be an hexa value");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_COLON)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid separator for entity id, must be a ':' char");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_INT && tok.TokenType != tt_NAKED_HEXA
&& !(tok.TokenType == tt_ID && isNakedHexa(tok.Text)))
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid second element for entity id, must be an int or naked hexa value");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_COLON)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid separator for entity id, must be a ':' char");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_INT && tok.TokenType != tt_NAKED_HEXA
&& !(tok.TokenType == tt_ID && isNakedHexa(tok.Text)))
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid third element for entity id, must be an int or naked hexa value");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_COLON)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid separator for entity id, must be a ':' char");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_INT && tok.TokenType != tt_NAKED_HEXA
&& !(tok.TokenType == tt_ID && isNakedHexa(tok.Text)))
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid fourth element for entity id, must be an int or naked hexa value");
rew = it;
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_CLOSE_PAR)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Invalid end character for entity id, must be ')'");
return string(start, it);
bool CQueryParser::isNakedHexa(const std::string &text)
for (uint i=0; i<text.size(); ++i)
char c = text[i];
if (!((c >= '0' && c <= '9')
|| (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
|| (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
return false;
return true;
LGS::TParamValue CQueryParser::parseConstant(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
TToken constantTok = getNextToken(it, end);
switch (constantTok.TokenType)
case tt_INT:
uint32 num;
NLMISC::fromString(constantTok.Text, num);
rew = it;
TToken dateTag = getNextToken(it, end);
switch (dateTag.TokenType)
case tt_secs:
num = CTime::getSecondsSince1970()-num;
case tt_mins:
num = CTime::getSecondsSince1970()-num*60;
case tt_hours:
num = CTime::getSecondsSince1970()-num*(60*60);
case tt_days:
num = CTime::getSecondsSince1970()-num*(60*60*24);
case tt_weeks:
num = CTime::getSecondsSince1970()-num*(60*60*24*7);
case tt_months:
num = CTime::getSecondsSince1970()-num*(60*60*24*30);
case tt_years:
num = CTime::getSecondsSince1970()-num*(60*60*24*365);
// rewind the last token
it = rew;
return LGS::TParamValue(num);
case tt_STRING:
return LGS::TParamValue(constantTok.Text.substr(1, constantTok.Text.size()-1));
case tt_FLOAT:
return LGS::TParamValue(float(atof(constantTok.Text.c_str())));
case tt_LONG:
return LGS::TParamValue(uint64(atol(constantTok.Text.c_str())));
case tt_DATE:
struct tm date;
memset(&date, 0, sizeof(date));
int nbParam = sscanf(constantTok.Text.c_str(), "%i-%i-%i %i:%i:%i",
// adjust the year offset
date.tm_year -= 1900;
// adjust month
date.tm_mon -= 1;
// let the CRunt time compute the daylight saving offset
date.tm_isdst = -1;
time_t t = mktime(&date);
return LGS::TParamValue(uint32(t));
case tt_OPEN_PAR:
it = rew;
std::string eids = parseEntityId(it, end);
CEntityId eid(eids);
return LGS::TParamValue(eid);
it = rew;
std::string itemIdStr = parseItemId(it, end);
INVENTORIES::TItemId itemId(itemIdStr);
return LGS::TParamValue(itemId);
case tt_DASH:
it = rew;
sint32 i = parseSint(it, end);
return LGS::TParamValue(i);
case tt_ID:
return LGS::TParamValue(CSheetId(constantTok.Text));
case tt_yesterday:
uint32 now = CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
// return date of yesterday
return LGS::TParamValue(now - 60*60*24);
throw EInvalidQuery(constantTok.It, "Invalid constant value on right of operator for predicate");
return LGS::TParamValue();
TQueryNode* CQueryParser::parsePredicate(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
TToken idTok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (idTok.TokenType == tt_OPEN_BRACE)
// try to read a type
idTok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (idTok.TokenType != tt_ID)
throw EInvalidQuery(idTok.It, "Param type predicate must follow the form '{type}', invalid type identifier");
TToken tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_CLOSE_BRACE)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Param type predicate must follow the form '{type}', invalid close char (not a closing brace '}')");
idTok.TokenType = tt_TYPE;
if (idTok.TokenType != tt_ID && idTok.TokenType != tt_TYPE)
throw EInvalidQuery(idTok.It, "Invalid left parameter for predicate");
TToken opTok = getNextToken(it, end);
switch (opTok.TokenType)
case tt_LESS:
case tt_LESS_EQUAL:
case tt_GREATER:
case tt_EQUAL:
case tt_NOT_EQUAL:
case tt_like:
LGS::TParamValue refVal = parseConstant(it, end);
return buildPredicate(refVal, opTok, idTok, it, end);
throw EInvalidQuery(opTok.It, "Invalid operator for predicate");
return NULL;
TQueryNode* CQueryParser::parseAtom(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
TQueryNode *node = NULL;
TToken tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType == tt_OPEN_PAR)
node = parseExpr(it, end);
// must have a close token
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_CLOSE_PAR)
throw EInvalidQuery(tok.It, "Missing closing parenthesis");
it = rew;
node = parsePredicate(it, end);
return node;
TQueryNode *CQueryParser::parseAndExpr(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
TQueryNode *node = parseAtom(it, end);
iterator rew = it;
TToken tok = getNextToken(it, end);
while (tok.TokenType != tt_EOF)
if (tok.TokenType == tt_and)
TQueryNode *left = node;
// create a 'or' root node
node = new TCombineNode<TAndCombiner>;
// parse another expression
TQueryNode *right = parseAtom(it, end);
node->LeftNode = left;
node->RightNode = right;
rew = it;
// parse an optional 'and'
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
it = rew;
return node;
TQueryNode *CQueryParser::parseExpr(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
TQueryNode *node = parseAndExpr(it, end);
iterator rew = it;
TToken tok = getNextToken(it, end);
while (tok.TokenType != tt_EOF)
if (tok.TokenType == tt_or)
TQueryNode *left = node;
// create a 'or' root node
node = new TCombineNode<TOrCombiner>;
// parse another expression
TQueryNode *right = parseAndExpr(it, end);
node->LeftNode = left;
node->RightNode = right;
rew = it;
// parse an optional 'or'
tok = getNextToken(it, end);
it = rew;
return node;
// parse an ID
bool CQueryParser::parseID(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
if (it != end
&& (*it>='a' && *it<='z'
|| *it>='A' && *it<='Z'
|| *it == '_'))
while (it != end
&& (*it>='a' && *it<='z'
|| *it>='A' && *it<='Z'
|| *it == '_'
|| *it>='0' && *it<='9'
|| *it == '.'))
return true;
it = rew;
return false;
// parse an STRING
bool CQueryParser::parseSTRING(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
if (it != end && *it == '"')
char c = *it;
while (it != end && *it != '"')
if (it != end && *it == '"')
return true;
it = rew;
return false;
// Parse a date
bool CQueryParser::parseDATE(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
// year is already parsed
// if (!parseINT(it, end))
// goto failed;
if (getNextToken(it, end).TokenType != tt_DASH)
goto failed;
// month
if (!parseINT(it, end))
goto failed;
if (getNextToken(it, end).TokenType != tt_DASH)
goto failed;
// day
if (!parseINT(it, end))
goto failed;
// optional hour
rew = it;
it = skipWS(it, end);
if (parseINT(it, end))
if (getNextToken(it, end).TokenType != tt_COLON)
goto noHour;
if (!parseINT(it, end))
goto noHour;
// optional sec
rew = it;
if (getNextToken(it, end).TokenType != tt_COLON)
goto noHour;
if (!parseINT(it, end))
goto noHour;
// no hour, rewind
it = rew;
// ok, the date if correctly parsed
return true;
it = rew;
return false;
// parse an FLOAT
bool CQueryParser::parseFLOAT(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
if (getNextToken(it, end).TokenType != tt_DOT)
goto failed;
if (!parseINT(it, end))
goto failed;
return true;
it = rew;
return false;
// Parse a long int (64 bits)
bool CQueryParser::parseLONG_INT(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
TToken tok = getNextToken(it, end);
if (tok.TokenType != tt_ID || (tok.Text != "l" && tok.Text != "L"))
goto failed;
// ok, this is a long int
return true;
it= rew;
return false;
/// Parse a naked hexa (ie. without the '0x' prefix)
bool CQueryParser::parseNAKED_HEXA(iterator &it, iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
while (it != end && ((*it >= 'a' && *it <= 'f') || (*it >= 'A' && *it <= 'F')))
if (it == rew)
// no character consumed, not a naked hexa
goto failed;
// the iterator have advanced, check the next character
if (it != end && ((*it >= 'a' && *it <= 'z') || (*it >= 'A' && *it <= 'Z') || (*it == '_')))
// not a naked hexa
goto failed;
// ok, this is a naked hexa
return true;
it= rew;
return false;
// parse an INT
bool CQueryParser::parseINT(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
iterator rew = it;
if (it != end && *it >='0' && *it <='9')
// check for 'hex' constant
if (it != end && (*it == 'x' || *it == 'X'))
if (it == end
|| !(*it >= '0' && *it<='9'
|| *it >= 'a' && *it<='f'
|| *it >= 'A' && *it<='F'))
// need at least one hexdigit after the 0x prefix
it = rew;
return false;
// read the hex digit
while (it != end
&& ( (*it >='0' && *it <= '9')
|| (*it >='a' && *it <= 'f')
|| (*it >='A' && *it <= 'F')))
// read decimal digits
while (it != end && *it >='0' && *it <= '9')
return true;
it = rew;
return false;
// The lexer
CQueryParser::TToken CQueryParser::getNextToken(CQueryParser::iterator &it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
TToken ret;
iterator rew = it;
it = skipWS(it, end);
ret.It = it;
if (it == end)
ret.TokenType = tt_EOF;
ret.Text = "";
return ret;
iterator first = it;
char c = *it;
if (c>='a' && c<='z'
|| c>='A' && c<='Z'
|| c == '_')
// try to read an ID
if (parseID(it, end))
ret.TokenType = tt_ID;
ret.Text = std::string(first, it);
else if (c == '"')
// try to read a string
if (parseSTRING(it, end))
ret.TokenType = tt_STRING;
ret.Text = std::string(first, it-1);
else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
if (parseINT(it, end))
// try to read a long int
if (parseLONG_INT(it, end))
ret.TokenType = tt_LONG;
ret.Text = string(first, it);
// try to read a date
else if (parseDATE(it, end))
ret.TokenType = tt_DATE;
ret.Text = std::string(first, it);
// try to read a float
else if (parseFLOAT(it, end))
ret.TokenType = tt_FLOAT;
ret.Text = std::string(first, it);
// try to read a naked hexa
else if (parseNAKED_HEXA(it, end))
ret.TokenType = tt_NAKED_HEXA;
ret.Text = std::string(first, it);
else /*if (parseINT(it, end))*/
// just a simple int
ret.TokenType = tt_INT;
ret.Text = std::string(first, it);
else if (c == '<')
// read less or less equal
if (it != end && *it == '=')
// consume the '='
ret.TokenType = tt_LESS_EQUAL;
ret.Text = "<=";
ret.TokenType = tt_LESS;
ret.Text = "<";
else if (c == '>')
// read greater or greater equal
if (it != end && *it == '=')
// consume the '='
ret.TokenType = tt_GREATER_EQUAL;
ret.Text = ">=";
ret.TokenType = tt_GREATER;
ret.Text = ">";
else if (c == '=')
// try to read '=='
if (it != end && *it == '=')
// we support '==' and '=', so consume the secondary '=' if any
// equal
ret.TokenType = tt_EQUAL;
ret.Text = "==";
else if (c == '!')
// try to read '!='
if (it != end && *it == '=')
// not equal
ret.TokenType = tt_NOT_EQUAL;
ret.Text = "!=";
// nothing recognised
// no valid alternative found !
throw EInvalidQuery(it, "Invalid char following '!', need an '=' sign");
else if (c == '(')
ret.TokenType = tt_OPEN_PAR;
ret.Text = "(";
else if (c == ')')
ret.TokenType = tt_CLOSE_PAR;
ret.Text = ")";
else if (c == '[')
ret.TokenType = tt_OPEN_BRACKET;
ret.Text = "[";
else if (c == ']')
ret.TokenType = tt_CLOSE_BRACKET;
ret.Text = "]";
else if (c == '{')
ret.TokenType = tt_OPEN_BRACE;
ret.Text = "{";
else if (c == '}')
ret.TokenType = tt_CLOSE_BRACE;
ret.Text = "}";
else if (c == '-')
ret.TokenType = tt_DASH;
ret.Text = "-";
else if (c == ':')
ret.TokenType = tt_COLON;
ret.Text = ":";
else if (c == '.')
ret.TokenType = tt_DOT;
ret.Text = ".";
// no valid alternative found !
throw EInvalidQuery(it, "Can not found a valid lexer token");
// check for keyword
if (_Keywords.find(ret.Text) != _Keywords.end())
// change the token type
ret.TokenType = _Keywords[ret.Text];
return ret;
CQueryParser::iterator CQueryParser::skipWS(CQueryParser::iterator it, CQueryParser::iterator end)
while (it != end)
switch (*it)
case ' ':
case '\n':
case '\r':
case '\t':
// this is a white space
// break the switch and advance to next character
// not a white space, return the iterator
return it;
// no more character to read, return the iterator (should be end)
return it;
CQueryParser *createQueryParser(const TLogDefinitions &logDefs)
return new CQueryParser(logDefs);