2012-07-01 01:11:24 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//#include <crtdbg.h>
# define NOMINMAX
// LibWWW
extern " C "
# include "WWWLib.h" /* Global Library Include file */
# include "WWWApp.h"
# include "WWWInit.h"
# include <string>
# include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
# include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
# include "nel/misc/algo.h"
# include "nel/gui/libwww.h"
# include "nel/gui/group_html.h"
# include "nel/gui/group_list.h"
# include "nel/gui/group_container.h"
# include "nel/gui/view_link.h"
# include "nel/gui/ctrl_scroll.h"
# include "nel/gui/ctrl_button.h"
# include "nel/gui/ctrl_text_button.h"
# include "nel/gui/action_handler.h"
# include "nel/gui/group_paragraph.h"
# include "nel/gui/group_editbox.h"
# include "nel/gui/widget_manager.h"
# include "nel/gui/lua_manager.h"
# include "nel/gui/view_bitmap.h"
# include "nel/gui/dbgroup_combo_box.h"
# include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h"
# include "nel/misc/i18n.h"
# include "nel/misc/md5.h"
# include "nel/3d/texture_file.h"
# include "nel/misc/big_file.h"
using namespace std ;
using namespace NLMISC ;
// Default timeout to connect a server
namespace NLGUI
// Uncomment to see the log about image download
//#define LOG_DL 1
CGroupHTML * CGroupHTML : : _ConnectingLock = NULL ;
CGroupHTML : : SWebOptions CGroupHTML : : options ;
// Check if domain is on TrustedDomain
bool CGroupHTML : : isTrustedDomain ( const string & domain )
vector < string > : : iterator it ;
it = find ( options . trustedDomains . begin ( ) , options . trustedDomains . end ( ) , domain ) ;
return it ! = options . trustedDomains . end ( ) ;
void CGroupHTML : : setImage ( CViewBase * view , const string & file )
CCtrlButton * btn = dynamic_cast < CCtrlButton * > ( view ) ;
if ( btn )
btn - > setTexture ( file ) ;
btn - > setTexturePushed ( file ) ;
btn - > invalidateCoords ( ) ;
btn - > invalidateContent ( ) ;
btn - > resetInvalidCoords ( ) ;
btn - > updateCoords ( ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
CViewBitmap * btm = dynamic_cast < CViewBitmap * > ( view ) ;
if ( btm )
btm - > setTexture ( file ) ;
btm - > invalidateCoords ( ) ;
btm - > invalidateContent ( ) ;
btm - > resetInvalidCoords ( ) ;
btm - > updateCoords ( ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
CGroupCell * btgc = dynamic_cast < CGroupCell * > ( view ) ;
if ( btgc )
btgc - > setTexture ( file ) ;
btgc - > invalidateCoords ( ) ;
btgc - > invalidateContent ( ) ;
btgc - > resetInvalidCoords ( ) ;
btgc - > updateCoords ( ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// Get an url and return the local filename with the path where the url image should be
string CGroupHTML : : localImageName ( const string & url )
string dest = " cache/ " ;
dest + = getMD5 ( ( uint8 * ) url . c_str ( ) , ( uint32 ) url . size ( ) ) . toString ( ) ;
dest + = " .cache " ;
return dest ;
// Add a image download request in the multi_curl
void CGroupHTML : : addImageDownload ( const string & url , CViewBase * img )
// Search if we are not already downloading this url.
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < Curls . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( Curls [ i ] . url = = url )
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " already downloading '%s' img %p " , url . c_str ( ) , img ) ;
# endif
Curls [ i ] . imgs . push_back ( img ) ;
return ;
CURL * curl = curl_easy_init ( ) ;
curl_easy_setopt ( curl , CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS , true ) ;
curl_easy_setopt ( curl , CURLOPT_URL , url . c_str ( ) ) ;
string dest = localImageName ( url ) ;
string tmpdest = localImageName ( url ) + " .tmp " ;
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " add to download '%s' dest '%s' img %p " , url . c_str ( ) , dest . c_str ( ) , img ) ;
# endif
// erase the tmp file if exists
if ( NLMISC : : CFile : : fileExists ( tmpdest ) )
NLMISC : : CFile : : deleteFile ( tmpdest ) ;
if ( ! NLMISC : : CFile : : fileExists ( dest ) )
FILE * fp = fopen ( tmpdest . c_str ( ) , " wb " ) ;
if ( fp = = NULL )
nlwarning ( " Can't open file '%s' for writing: code=%d '%s' " , tmpdest . c_str ( ) , errno , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
return ;
curl_easy_setopt ( curl , CURLOPT_FILE , fp ) ;
curl_multi_add_handle ( MultiCurl , curl ) ;
Curls . push_back ( CDataDownload ( curl , url , fp , ImgType , img , " " , " " ) ) ;
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " adding handle %x, %d curls " , curl , Curls . size ( ) ) ;
# endif
RunningCurls + + ;
setImage ( img , dest ) ;
void CGroupHTML : : initImageDownload ( )
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " Init Image Download " ) ;
# endif
// Get current flag
int tmpFlag = _CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG ) ;
// Turn on leak-checking bit
// Set flag to the new value
_CrtSetDbgFlag ( tmpFlag ) ;
string pathName = " cache " ;
if ( ! CFile : : isExists ( pathName ) )
CFile : : createDirectory ( pathName ) ;
// Get an url and return the local filename with the path where the bnp should be
string CGroupHTML : : localBnpName ( const string & url )
size_t lastIndex = url . find_last_of ( " / " ) ;
string dest = " user/ " + url . substr ( lastIndex + 1 ) ;
return dest ;
// Add a bnp download request in the multi_curl, return true if already downloaded
bool CGroupHTML : : addBnpDownload ( const string & url , const string & action , const string & script , const string & md5sum )
// Search if we are not already downloading this url.
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < Curls . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( Curls [ i ] . url = = url )
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " already downloading '%s' " , url . c_str ( ) ) ;
# endif
return false ;
string dest = localBnpName ( url ) ;
string tmpdest = localBnpName ( url ) + " .tmp " ;
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " add to download '%s' dest '%s' " , url . c_str ( ) , dest . c_str ( ) ) ;
# endif
// erase the tmp file if exists
if ( NLMISC : : CFile : : fileExists ( tmpdest ) )
NLMISC : : CFile : : deleteFile ( tmpdest ) ;
// create/delete the local file
if ( NLMISC : : CFile : : fileExists ( dest ) )
if ( action = = " override " | | action = = " delete " )
CFile : : setRWAccess ( dest ) ;
NLMISC : : CFile : : deleteFile ( dest ) ;
return true ;
if ( action ! = " delete " )
CURL * curl = curl_easy_init ( ) ;
if ( ! MultiCurl | | ! curl )
return false ;
curl_easy_setopt ( curl , CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS , true ) ;
curl_easy_setopt ( curl , CURLOPT_URL , url . c_str ( ) ) ;
FILE * fp = fopen ( tmpdest . c_str ( ) , " wb " ) ;
if ( fp = = NULL )
nlwarning ( " Can't open file '%s' for writing: code=%d '%s' " , tmpdest . c_str ( ) , errno , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
return false ;
curl_easy_setopt ( curl , CURLOPT_FILE , fp ) ;
curl_multi_add_handle ( MultiCurl , curl ) ;
Curls . push_back ( CDataDownload ( curl , url , fp , BnpType , NULL , script , md5sum ) ) ;
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " adding handle %x, %d curls " , curl , Curls . size ( ) ) ;
# endif
RunningCurls + + ;
return true ;
return false ;
void CGroupHTML : : initBnpDownload ( )
if ( ! _TrustedDomain )
return ;
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " Init Bnp Download " ) ;
# endif
string pathName = " user " ;
if ( ! CFile : : isExists ( pathName ) )
CFile : : createDirectory ( pathName ) ;
// Call this evenly to check if an element is downloaded and then manage it
void CGroupHTML : : checkDownloads ( )
if ( RunningCurls = = 0 )
return ;
int NewRunningCurls = 0 ;
while ( CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM = = curl_multi_perform ( MultiCurl , & NewRunningCurls ) )
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " more to do now %d - %d curls " , NewRunningCurls , Curls . size ( ) ) ;
# endif
if ( NewRunningCurls < RunningCurls )
// some download are done, callback them
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " new %d old %d " , NewRunningCurls , RunningCurls ) ;
# endif
// check msg
CURLMsg * msg ;
int msgs_left ;
while ( ( msg = curl_multi_info_read ( MultiCurl , & msgs_left ) ) )
if ( msg - > msg = = CURLMSG_DONE )
for ( vector < CDataDownload > : : iterator it = Curls . begin ( ) ; it < Curls . end ( ) ; it + + )
if ( msg - > easy_handle = = it - > curl )
CURLcode res = msg - > data . result ;
long r ;
curl_easy_getinfo ( it - > curl , CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE , & r ) ;
fclose ( it - > fp ) ;
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " transfer %x completed with status res %d r %d - %d curls " , msg - > easy_handle , res , r , Curls . size ( ) ) ;
# endif
curl_easy_cleanup ( it - > curl ) ;
string file ;
if ( it - > type = = ImgType )
file = localImageName ( it - > url ) ;
file = localBnpName ( it - > url ) ;
if ( res ! = CURLE_OK | | r < 200 | | r > = 300 | | ( ( it - > md5sum ! = " " ) & & ( it - > md5sum ! = getMD5 ( file + " .tmp " ) . toString ( ) ) ) )
NLMISC : : CFile : : deleteFile ( ( file + " .tmp " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
string finalUrl ;
if ( it - > type = = ImgType )
CFile : : moveFile ( file . c_str ( ) , ( file + " .tmp " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( lookupLocalFile ( finalUrl , file . c_str ( ) , false ) )
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < it - > imgs . size ( ) ; i + + )
// don't display image that are not power of 2
//uint32 w, h;
//CBitmap::loadSize (file, w, h);
//if (w == 0 || h == 0 || ((!NLMISC::isPowerOf2(w) || !NLMISC::isPowerOf2(h)) && !NL3D::CTextureFile::supportNonPowerOfTwoTextures()))
// file.clear();
setImage ( it - > imgs [ i ] , file ) ;
CFile : : moveFile ( file . c_str ( ) , ( file + " .tmp " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( lookupLocalFile ( finalUrl , file . c_str ( ) , false ) )
CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . executeLuaScript ( it - > luaScript , true ) ;
Curls . erase ( it ) ;
break ;
RunningCurls = NewRunningCurls ;
void CGroupHTML : : releaseDownloads ( )
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " Release Downloads " ) ;
# endif
if ( MultiCurl )
curl_multi_cleanup ( MultiCurl ) ;
void dolibcurltest ( )
nlwarning ( " start libcurl test " ) ;
initImageDownload ( ) ;
addImageDownload ( " http://www.ryzom.com/en/ " ) ;
addImageDownload ( " http://www.ryzom.com/fr/ " ) ;
addImageDownload ( " http://www.ryzom.com/de/ " ) ;
checkImageDownload ( ) ;
nlwarning ( " continue to sleep " ) ;
nlSleep ( 300 ) ;
while ( RunningCurls ) ;
releaseImageDownload ( ) ;
nlwarning ( " end libcurl test " ) ;
class CGroupListAdaptor : public CInterfaceGroup
public :
CGroupListAdaptor ( const TCtorParam & param )
: CInterfaceGroup ( param )
{ }
private :
void updateCoords ( )
if ( _Parent )
// Get the W max from the parent
_W = std : : min ( _Parent - > getMaxWReal ( ) , _Parent - > getWReal ( ) ) ;
_WReal = _W ;
CInterfaceGroup : : updateCoords ( ) ;
} ;
// ***************************************************************************
template < class A > void popIfNotEmpty ( A & vect ) { if ( ! vect . empty ( ) ) vect . pop_back ( ) ; }
// Data stored in CGroupHTML for libwww.
class CLibWWWData
public :
CLibWWWData ( )
Request = NULL ;
Anchor = NULL ;
HTRequest * Request ;
HTAnchor * Anchor ;
} ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : beginBuild ( )
if ( _Browsing )
nlassert ( _Connecting ) ;
nlassert ( _ConnectingLock = = this ) ;
_Connecting = false ;
_ConnectingLock = NULL ;
removeContent ( ) ;
TStyle CGroupHTML : : parseStyle ( const string & str_styles )
TStyle styles ;
vector < string > elements ;
NLMISC : : splitString ( str_styles , " ; " , elements ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < elements . size ( ) ; + + i )
vector < string > style ;
NLMISC : : splitString ( elements [ i ] , " : " , style ) ;
if ( style . size ( ) > = 2 )
string fullstyle = style [ 1 ] ;
for ( uint j = 2 ; j < style . size ( ) ; j + + )
fullstyle + = " : " + style [ j ] ;
styles [ trim ( style [ 0 ] ) ] = fullstyle ;
return styles ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : addText ( const char * buf , int len )
if ( _Browsing )
if ( _IgnoreText )
return ;
// Build a UTF8 string
string inputString ( buf , buf + len ) ;
// inputString.resize (len);
// uint i;
// for (i=0; i<(uint)len; i++)
// inputString[i] = buf[i];
if ( _ParsingLua & & _TrustedDomain )
// we are parsing a lua script
_LuaScript + = inputString ;
// no more to do
return ;
// Build a unicode string
ucstring inputUCString ;
inputUCString . fromUtf8 ( inputString ) ;
// Build the final unicode string
ucstring tmp ;
tmp . reserve ( len ) ;
uint ucLen = ( uint ) inputUCString . size ( ) ;
//uint ucLenWithoutSpace = 0;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < ucLen ; i + + )
ucchar output ;
bool keep ;
// special treatment for 'nbsp' (which is returned as a discreet space)
if ( inputString . size ( ) = = 1 & & inputString [ 0 ] = = 32 )
// this is a nbsp entity
output = inputUCString [ i ] ;
keep = true ;
// not nbsp, use normal white space removal routine
keep = translateChar ( output , inputUCString [ i ] , ( tmp . empty ( ) ) ? 0 : tmp [ tmp . size ( ) - 1 ] ) ;
if ( keep )
tmp . push_back ( output ) ;
// Break if the string is more than 50 chars long without space
if ( output ! = ucchar ( ' ' ) )
ucLenWithoutSpace + + ;
if ( ucLenWithoutSpace = = 50 )
tmp . push_back ( ucchar ( ' ' ) ) ;
ucLenWithoutSpace = 0 ;
ucLenWithoutSpace = 0 ;
*/ }
if ( ! tmp . empty ( ) )
addString ( tmp ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : addLink ( uint element_number , uint /* attribute_number */ , HTChildAnchor * anchor , const BOOL * present , const char * * value )
if ( _Browsing )
if ( element_number = = HTML_A )
if ( present [ MY_HTML_A_HREF ] & & value [ MY_HTML_A_HREF ] )
string suri = value [ MY_HTML_A_HREF ] ;
if ( _TrustedDomain & & suri . find ( " ah: " ) = = 0 )
// in ah: command we don't respect the uri standard so the HTAnchor_address doesn't work correctly
_Link . push_back ( suri ) ;
else if ( _TrustedDomain & & suri [ 0 ] = = ' # ' )
// Direct url (hack for lua beginElement)
_Link . push_back ( suri . substr ( 1 ) ) ;
HTAnchor * dest = HTAnchor_followMainLink ( ( HTAnchor * ) anchor ) ;
if ( dest )
C3WSmartPtr uri = HTAnchor_address ( dest ) ;
_Link . push_back ( ( const char * ) uri ) ;
_Link . push_back ( " " ) ;
for ( uint8 i = MY_HTML_A_ACCESSKEY ; i < MY_HTML_A_Z_ACTION_SHORTCUT ; i + + )
if ( present [ i ] & & value [ i ] )
string title = value [ i ] ;
// nlinfo("key %d = %s", i, title.c_str());
//nlinfo("key of TITLE is : %d", MY_HTML_A_Z_ACTION_PARAMS);
if ( present [ MY_HTML_A_Z_ACTION_PARAMS ] & & value [ MY_HTML_A_Z_ACTION_PARAMS ] )
string title = value [ MY_HTML_A_Z_ACTION_PARAMS ] ;
_LinkTitle . push_back ( title ) ;
_LinkTitle . push_back ( " " ) ;
_Link . push_back ( " " ) ;
_LinkTitle . push_back ( " " ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
# define getCellsParameters(prefix,inherit) \
{ \
CGroupHTML : : CCellParams cellParams ; \
if ( ! _CellParams . empty ( ) & & inherit ) \
{ \
cellParams = _CellParams . back ( ) ; \
} \
if ( present [ prefix # # _BGCOLOR ] & & value [ prefix # # _BGCOLOR ] ) \
cellParams . BgColor = getColor ( value [ prefix # # _BGCOLOR ] ) ; \
if ( present [ prefix # # _L_MARGIN ] & & value [ prefix # # _L_MARGIN ] ) \
fromString ( value [ prefix # # _L_MARGIN ] , cellParams . LeftMargin ) ; \
if ( present [ prefix # # _NOWRAP ] ) \
cellParams . NoWrap = true ; \
if ( present [ prefix # # _ALIGN ] & & value [ prefix # # _ALIGN ] ) \
{ \
string align = value [ prefix # # _ALIGN ] ; \
align = strlwr ( align ) ; \
if ( align = = " left " ) \
cellParams . Align = CGroupCell : : Left ; \
if ( align = = " center " ) \
cellParams . Align = CGroupCell : : Center ; \
if ( align = = " right " ) \
cellParams . Align = CGroupCell : : Right ; \
} \
if ( present [ prefix # # _VALIGN ] & & value [ prefix # # _VALIGN ] ) \
{ \
string align = value [ prefix # # _VALIGN ] ; \
align = strlwr ( align ) ; \
if ( align = = " top " ) \
cellParams . VAlign = CGroupCell : : Top ; \
if ( align = = " middle " ) \
cellParams . VAlign = CGroupCell : : Middle ; \
if ( align = = " bottom " ) \
cellParams . VAlign = CGroupCell : : Bottom ; \
} \
_CellParams . push_back ( cellParams ) ; \
static bool isHexa ( char c )
return isdigit ( c ) | | ( tolower ( c ) > = ' a ' & & tolower ( c ) < = ' f ' ) ;
static uint8 convertHexa ( char c )
return ( uint8 ) ( tolower ( c ) - ( isdigit ( c ) ? ' 0 ' : ( ' a ' - 10 ) ) ) ;
// scan a color component, and return pointer to next position
static const char * scanColorComponent ( const char * src , uint8 & intensity )
if ( ! src ) return NULL ;
if ( ! isHexa ( * src ) ) return NULL ;
uint8 value = convertHexa ( * src + + ) < < 4 ;
if ( ! isHexa ( * src ) ) return NULL ;
value + = convertHexa ( * src + + ) ;
intensity = value ;
return src ;
class CNameToCol
public :
const char * Name ;
CRGBA Color ;
CNameToCol ( const char * name , CRGBA color ) : Name ( name ) , Color ( color ) { }
} ;
static CNameToCol htmlColorNameToRGBA [ ] =
CNameToCol ( " AliceBlue " , CRGBA ( 0xF0 , 0xF8 , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " AntiqueWhite " , CRGBA ( 0xFA , 0xEB , 0xD7 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Aqua " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0xFF , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Aquamarine " , CRGBA ( 0x7F , 0xFF , 0xD4 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Azure " , CRGBA ( 0xF0 , 0xFF , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Beige " , CRGBA ( 0xF5 , 0xF5 , 0xDC ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Bisque " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xE4 , 0xC4 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Black " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " BlanchedAlmond " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xEB , 0xCD ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Blue " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " BlueViolet " , CRGBA ( 0x8A , 0x2B , 0xE2 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Brown " , CRGBA ( 0xA5 , 0x2A , 0x2A ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " BurlyWood " , CRGBA ( 0xDE , 0xB8 , 0x87 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " CadetBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x5F , 0x9E , 0xA0 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Chartreuse " , CRGBA ( 0x7F , 0xFF , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Chocolate " , CRGBA ( 0xD2 , 0x69 , 0x1E ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Coral " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0x7F , 0x50 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " CornflowerBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x64 , 0x95 , 0xED ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Cornsilk " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xF8 , 0xDC ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Crimson " , CRGBA ( 0xDC , 0x14 , 0x3C ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Cyan " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0xFF , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x8B ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkCyan " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0x8B , 0x8B ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkGoldenRod " , CRGBA ( 0xB8 , 0x86 , 0x0B ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkGray " , CRGBA ( 0xA9 , 0xA9 , 0xA9 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0x64 , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkKhaki " , CRGBA ( 0xBD , 0xB7 , 0x6B ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkMagenta " , CRGBA ( 0x8B , 0x00 , 0x8B ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkOliveGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x55 , 0x6B , 0x2F ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Darkorange " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0x8C , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkOrchid " , CRGBA ( 0x99 , 0x32 , 0xCC ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkRed " , CRGBA ( 0x8B , 0x00 , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkSalmon " , CRGBA ( 0xE9 , 0x96 , 0x7A ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkSeaGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x8F , 0xBC , 0x8F ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkSlateBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x48 , 0x3D , 0x8B ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkSlateGray " , CRGBA ( 0x2F , 0x4F , 0x4F ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkTurquoise " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0xCE , 0xD1 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DarkViolet " , CRGBA ( 0x94 , 0x00 , 0xD3 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DeepPink " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0x14 , 0x93 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DeepSkyBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0xBF , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DimGray " , CRGBA ( 0x69 , 0x69 , 0x69 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " DodgerBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x1E , 0x90 , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Feldspar " , CRGBA ( 0xD1 , 0x92 , 0x75 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " FireBrick " , CRGBA ( 0xB2 , 0x22 , 0x22 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " FloralWhite " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xFA , 0xF0 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " ForestGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x22 , 0x8B , 0x22 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Fuchsia " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0x00 , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Gainsboro " , CRGBA ( 0xDC , 0xDC , 0xDC ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " GhostWhite " , CRGBA ( 0xF8 , 0xF8 , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Gold " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xD7 , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " GoldenRod " , CRGBA ( 0xDA , 0xA5 , 0x20 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Gray " , CRGBA ( 0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Green " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0x80 , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " GreenYellow " , CRGBA ( 0xAD , 0xFF , 0x2F ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " HoneyDew " , CRGBA ( 0xF0 , 0xFF , 0xF0 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " HotPink " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0x69 , 0xB4 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " IndianRed " , CRGBA ( 0xCD , 0x5C , 0x5C ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Indigo " , CRGBA ( 0x4B , 0x00 , 0x82 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Ivory " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xFF , 0xF0 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Khaki " , CRGBA ( 0xF0 , 0xE6 , 0x8C ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Lavender " , CRGBA ( 0xE6 , 0xE6 , 0xFA ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LavenderBlush " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xF0 , 0xF5 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LawnGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x7C , 0xFC , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LemonChiffon " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xFA , 0xCD ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightBlue " , CRGBA ( 0xAD , 0xD8 , 0xE6 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightCoral " , CRGBA ( 0xF0 , 0x80 , 0x80 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightCyan " , CRGBA ( 0xE0 , 0xFF , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightGoldenRodYellow " , CRGBA ( 0xFA , 0xFA , 0xD2 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightGrey " , CRGBA ( 0xD3 , 0xD3 , 0xD3 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x90 , 0xEE , 0x90 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightPink " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xB6 , 0xC1 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightSalmon " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xA0 , 0x7A ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightSeaGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x20 , 0xB2 , 0xAA ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightSkyBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x87 , 0xCE , 0xFA ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightSlateBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x84 , 0x70 , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightSlateGray " , CRGBA ( 0x77 , 0x88 , 0x99 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightSteelBlue " , CRGBA ( 0xB0 , 0xC4 , 0xDE ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LightYellow " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xFF , 0xE0 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Lime " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0xFF , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " LimeGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x32 , 0xCD , 0x32 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Linen " , CRGBA ( 0xFA , 0xF0 , 0xE6 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Magenta " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0x00 , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Maroon " , CRGBA ( 0x80 , 0x00 , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MediumAquaMarine " , CRGBA ( 0x66 , 0xCD , 0xAA ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MediumBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xCD ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MediumOrchid " , CRGBA ( 0xBA , 0x55 , 0xD3 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MediumPurple " , CRGBA ( 0x93 , 0x70 , 0xD8 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MediumSeaGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x3C , 0xB3 , 0x71 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MediumSlateBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x7B , 0x68 , 0xEE ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MediumSpringGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0xFA , 0x9A ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MediumTurquoise " , CRGBA ( 0x48 , 0xD1 , 0xCC ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MediumVioletRed " , CRGBA ( 0xC7 , 0x15 , 0x85 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MidnightBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x19 , 0x19 , 0x70 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MintCream " , CRGBA ( 0xF5 , 0xFF , 0xFA ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " MistyRose " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xE4 , 0xE1 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Moccasin " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xE4 , 0xB5 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " NavajoWhite " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xDE , 0xAD ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Navy " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x80 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " OldLace " , CRGBA ( 0xFD , 0xF5 , 0xE6 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Olive " , CRGBA ( 0x80 , 0x80 , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " OliveDrab " , CRGBA ( 0x6B , 0x8E , 0x23 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Orange " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xA5 , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " OrangeRed " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0x45 , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Orchid " , CRGBA ( 0xDA , 0x70 , 0xD6 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " PaleGoldenRod " , CRGBA ( 0xEE , 0xE8 , 0xAA ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " PaleGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x98 , 0xFB , 0x98 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " PaleTurquoise " , CRGBA ( 0xAF , 0xEE , 0xEE ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " PaleVioletRed " , CRGBA ( 0xD8 , 0x70 , 0x93 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " PapayaWhip " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xEF , 0xD5 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " PeachPuff " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xDA , 0xB9 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Peru " , CRGBA ( 0xCD , 0x85 , 0x3F ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Pink " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xC0 , 0xCB ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Plum " , CRGBA ( 0xDD , 0xA0 , 0xDD ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " PowderBlue " , CRGBA ( 0xB0 , 0xE0 , 0xE6 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Purple " , CRGBA ( 0x80 , 0x00 , 0x80 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Red " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0x00 , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " RosyBrown " , CRGBA ( 0xBC , 0x8F , 0x8F ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " RoyalBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x41 , 0x69 , 0xE1 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " SaddleBrown " , CRGBA ( 0x8B , 0x45 , 0x13 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Salmon " , CRGBA ( 0xFA , 0x80 , 0x72 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " SandyBrown " , CRGBA ( 0xF4 , 0xA4 , 0x60 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " SeaGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x2E , 0x8B , 0x57 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " SeaShell " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xF5 , 0xEE ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Sienna " , CRGBA ( 0xA0 , 0x52 , 0x2D ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Silver " , CRGBA ( 0xC0 , 0xC0 , 0xC0 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " SkyBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x87 , 0xCE , 0xEB ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " SlateBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x6A , 0x5A , 0xCD ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " SlateGray " , CRGBA ( 0x70 , 0x80 , 0x90 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Snow " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xFA , 0xFA ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " SpringGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0xFF , 0x7F ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " SteelBlue " , CRGBA ( 0x46 , 0x82 , 0xB4 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Tan " , CRGBA ( 0xD2 , 0xB4 , 0x8C ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Teal " , CRGBA ( 0x00 , 0x80 , 0x80 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Thistle " , CRGBA ( 0xD8 , 0xBF , 0xD8 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Tomato " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0x63 , 0x47 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Turquoise " , CRGBA ( 0x40 , 0xE0 , 0xD0 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Violet " , CRGBA ( 0xEE , 0x82 , 0xEE ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " VioletRed " , CRGBA ( 0xD0 , 0x20 , 0x90 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Wheat " , CRGBA ( 0xF5 , 0xDE , 0xB3 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " White " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xFF , 0xFF ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " WhiteSmoke " , CRGBA ( 0xF5 , 0xF5 , 0xF5 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " Yellow " , CRGBA ( 0xFF , 0xFF , 0x00 ) ) ,
CNameToCol ( " YellowGreen " , CRGBA ( 0x9A , 0xCD , 0x32 ) )
} ;
// scan a color from a HTML form (#rrggbb format)
bool scanHTMLColor ( const char * src , CRGBA & dest )
if ( ! src | | * src = = ' \0 ' ) return false ;
if ( * src = = ' # ' )
+ + src ;
CRGBA result ;
src = scanColorComponent ( src , result . R ) ; if ( ! src ) return false ;
src = scanColorComponent ( src , result . G ) ; if ( ! src ) return false ;
src = scanColorComponent ( src , result . B ) ; if ( ! src ) return false ;
src = scanColorComponent ( src , result . A ) ;
if ( ! src )
// Alpha is optional
result . A = 255 ;
dest = result ;
return true ;
// slow but should suffice for now
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < sizeofarray ( htmlColorNameToRGBA ) ; + + k )
if ( nlstricmp ( src , htmlColorNameToRGBA [ k ] . Name ) = = 0 )
dest = htmlColorNameToRGBA [ k ] . Color ;
return true ;
return false ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : beginElement ( uint element_number , const BOOL * present , const char * * value )
if ( _Browsing )
// Paragraph ?
switch ( element_number )
case HTML_A :
_TextColor . push_back ( LinkColor ) ;
_GlobalColor . push_back ( LinkColorGlobalColor ) ;
_A . push_back ( true ) ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_A_TITLE ] & & value [ MY_HTML_A_TITLE ] )
_LinkTitle . push_back ( value [ MY_HTML_A_TITLE ] ) ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_A_CLASS ] & & value [ MY_HTML_A_CLASS ] )
_LinkClass . push_back ( value [ MY_HTML_A_CLASS ] ) ;
break ;
case HTML_DIV :
if ( present [ MY_HTML_DIV_NAME ] & & value [ MY_HTML_DIV_NAME ] )
_DivName = value [ MY_HTML_DIV_NAME ] ;
string instClass ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_DIV_CLASS ] & & value [ MY_HTML_DIV_CLASS ] )
instClass = value [ MY_HTML_DIV_CLASS ] ;
// use generic template system
if ( _TrustedDomain & & ! instClass . empty ( ) & & instClass = = " ryzom-ui-grouptemplate " )
string id ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_DIV_ID ] & & value [ MY_HTML_DIV_ID ] )
id = value [ MY_HTML_DIV_ID ] ;
string style ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_DIV_STYLE ] & & value [ MY_HTML_DIV_STYLE ] )
style = value [ MY_HTML_DIV_STYLE ] ;
typedef pair < string , string > TTmplParam ;
vector < TTmplParam > tmplParams ;
string templateName ;
if ( ! style . empty ( ) )
TStyle styles = parseStyle ( style ) ;
TStyle : : iterator it ;
for ( it = styles . begin ( ) ; it ! = styles . end ( ) ; it + + )
if ( ( * it ) . first = = " template " )
templateName = ( * it ) . second ;
tmplParams . push_back ( TTmplParam ( ( * it ) . first , ( * it ) . second ) ) ;
if ( ! templateName . empty ( ) )
string parentId ;
bool haveParentDiv = getDiv ( ) ! = NULL ;
if ( haveParentDiv )
parentId = getDiv ( ) - > getId ( ) ;
parentId = _Paragraph - > getId ( ) ;
2012-07-13 03:37:09 +00:00
CInterfaceGroup * inst = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > createGroupInstance ( templateName , parentId + " : " + id , tmplParams ) ;
2012-07-01 01:11:24 +00:00
if ( inst )
inst - > setId ( parentId + " : " + id ) ;
inst - > updateCoords ( ) ;
if ( haveParentDiv )
inst - > setParent ( getDiv ( ) ) ;
inst - > setParentSize ( getDiv ( ) ) ;
inst - > setParentPos ( getDiv ( ) ) ;
inst - > setPosRef ( Hotspot_TL ) ;
inst - > setParentPosRef ( Hotspot_TL ) ;
getDiv ( ) - > addGroup ( inst ) ;
if ( ! _Paragraph )
newParagraph ( 0 ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( inst ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
_Divs . push_back ( inst ) ;
break ;
case HTML_FONT :
bool found = false ;
if ( present [ HTML_FONT_COLOR ] & & value [ HTML_FONT_COLOR ] )
CRGBA color ;
if ( scanHTMLColor ( value [ HTML_FONT_COLOR ] , color ) )
_TextColor . push_back ( color ) ;
found = true ;
if ( ! found )
_TextColor . push_back ( _TextColor . empty ( ) ? CRGBA : : White : _TextColor . back ( ) ) ;
if ( present [ HTML_FONT_SIZE ] & & value [ HTML_FONT_SIZE ] )
uint fontsize ;
fromString ( value [ HTML_FONT_SIZE ] , fontsize ) ;
_FontSize . push_back ( fontsize ) ;
_FontSize . push_back ( _FontSize . empty ( ) ? TextFontSize : _FontSize . back ( ) ) ;
break ;
case HTML_BR :
addString ( ucstring ( " \n " ) ) ;
break ;
case HTML_BODY :
if ( present [ HTML_BODY_BGCOLOR ] & & value [ HTML_BODY_BGCOLOR ] )
CRGBA bgColor = getColor ( value [ HTML_BODY_BGCOLOR ] ) ;
setBackgroundColor ( bgColor ) ;
string style ;
if ( present [ HTML_BODY_STYLE ] & & value [ HTML_BODY_STYLE ] )
style = value [ HTML_BODY_STYLE ] ;
if ( ! style . empty ( ) )
TStyle styles = parseStyle ( style ) ;
TStyle : : iterator it ;
it = styles . find ( " background-repeat " ) ;
bool repeat = ( it ! = styles . end ( ) & & it - > second = = " 1 " ) ;
// Webig only
it = styles . find ( " background-scale " ) ;
bool scale = ( it ! = styles . end ( ) & & it - > second = = " 1 " ) ;
it = styles . find ( " background-image " ) ;
if ( it ! = styles . end ( ) )
string image = it - > second ;
string : : size_type texExt = strlwr ( image ) . find ( " url( " ) ;
// Url image
if ( texExt ! = string : : npos )
// Remove url()
image = image . substr ( 4 , image . size ( ) - 5 ) ;
setBackground ( image , scale , repeat ) ;
break ;
case HTML_FORM :
// Build the form
CGroupHTML : : CForm form ;
// Get the action name
if ( present [ HTML_FORM_ACTION ] & & value [ HTML_FORM_ACTION ] )
HTParentAnchor * parent = HTAnchor_parent ( _LibWWW - > Anchor ) ;
HTChildAnchor * child = HTAnchor_findChildAndLink ( parent , " " , value [ HTML_FORM_ACTION ] , NULL ) ;
if ( child )
HTAnchor * mainChild = HTAnchor_followMainLink ( ( HTAnchor * ) child ) ;
if ( mainChild )
C3WSmartPtr uri = HTAnchor_address ( mainChild ) ;
form . Action = ( const char * ) uri ;
HTAnchor * dest = HTAnchor_findAddress ( value [ HTML_FORM_ACTION ] ) ;
if ( dest )
C3WSmartPtr uri = HTAnchor_address ( dest ) ;
form . Action = ( const char * ) uri ;
form . Action = value [ HTML_FORM_ACTION ] ;
_Forms . push_back ( form ) ;
break ;
case HTML_H1 :
newParagraph ( PBeginSpace ) ;
_FontSize . push_back ( H1FontSize ) ;
_TextColor . push_back ( H1Color ) ;
_GlobalColor . push_back ( H1ColorGlobalColor ) ;
break ;
case HTML_H2 :
newParagraph ( PBeginSpace ) ;
_FontSize . push_back ( H2FontSize ) ;
_TextColor . push_back ( H2Color ) ;
_GlobalColor . push_back ( H2ColorGlobalColor ) ;
break ;
case HTML_H3 :
newParagraph ( PBeginSpace ) ;
_FontSize . push_back ( H3FontSize ) ;
_TextColor . push_back ( H3Color ) ;
_GlobalColor . push_back ( H3ColorGlobalColor ) ;
break ;
case HTML_H4 :
newParagraph ( PBeginSpace ) ;
_FontSize . push_back ( H4FontSize ) ;
_TextColor . push_back ( H4Color ) ;
_GlobalColor . push_back ( H4ColorGlobalColor ) ;
break ;
case HTML_H5 :
newParagraph ( PBeginSpace ) ;
_FontSize . push_back ( H5FontSize ) ;
_TextColor . push_back ( H5Color ) ;
_GlobalColor . push_back ( H5ColorGlobalColor ) ;
break ;
case HTML_H6 :
newParagraph ( PBeginSpace ) ;
_FontSize . push_back ( H6FontSize ) ;
_TextColor . push_back ( H6Color ) ;
_GlobalColor . push_back ( H6ColorGlobalColor ) ;
break ;
case HTML_IMG :
// Get the string name
if ( present [ MY_HTML_IMG_SRC ] & & value [ MY_HTML_IMG_SRC ] )
// Get the global color name
bool globalColor = false ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_IMG_GLOBAL_COLOR ] )
globalColor = true ;
if ( getA ( ) & & getParent ( ) & & getParent ( ) - > getParent ( ) )
// Tooltip
const char * tooltip = NULL ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_IMG_ALT ] & & value [ MY_HTML_IMG_ALT ] )
tooltip = value [ MY_HTML_IMG_ALT ] ;
string params = " name= " + getId ( ) + " |url= " + getLink ( ) ;
addButton ( CCtrlButton : : PushButton , value [ MY_HTML_IMG_SRC ] , value [ MY_HTML_IMG_SRC ] , value [ MY_HTML_IMG_SRC ] ,
" " , globalColor , " browse " , params . c_str ( ) , tooltip ) ;
// Get the option to reload (class==reload)
bool reloadImg = false ;
string style ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_IMG_STYLE ] & & value [ MY_HTML_IMG_STYLE ] )
style = value [ MY_HTML_IMG_STYLE ] ;
if ( ! style . empty ( ) )
TStyle styles = parseStyle ( style ) ;
TStyle : : iterator it ;
it = styles . find ( " reload " ) ;
if ( it ! = styles . end ( ) & & ( * it ) . second = = " 1 " )
reloadImg = true ;
addImage ( value [ MY_HTML_IMG_SRC ] , globalColor , reloadImg ) ;
break ;
// Got one form ?
if ( ! ( _Forms . empty ( ) ) )
// read general property
string templateName ;
string minWidth ;
// Widget template name
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_BTN_TMPL ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_BTN_TMPL ] )
templateName = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_BTN_TMPL ] ;
// Input name is the new
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_TMPL ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_TMPL ] )
templateName = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_TMPL ] ;
// Widget minimal width
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_WIDTH ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_WIDTH ] )
minWidth = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_WIDTH ] ;
// Get the type
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_TYPE ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_TYPE ] )
// Global color flag
bool globalColor = false ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_GLOBAL_COLOR ] )
globalColor = true ;
// Tooltip
const char * tooltip = NULL ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_ALT ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_ALT ] )
tooltip = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_ALT ] ;
string type = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_TYPE ] ;
type = strlwr ( type ) ;
if ( type = = " image " )
// The submit button
string name ;
string normal ;
string pushed ;
string over ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] )
name = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SRC ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SRC ] )
normal = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SRC ] ;
// Action handler parameters : "name=group_html_id|form=id_of_the_form|submit_button=button_name"
string param = " name= " + getId ( ) + " |form= " + toString ( _Forms . size ( ) - 1 ) + " |submit_button= " + name ;
// Add the ctrl button
addButton ( CCtrlButton : : PushButton , name , normal , pushed . empty ( ) ? normal : pushed , over ,
globalColor , " html_submit_form " , param . c_str ( ) , tooltip ) ;
if ( type = = " button " | | type = = " submit " )
// The submit button
string name ;
string text ;
string normal ;
string pushed ;
string over ;
string buttonTemplate ( ! templateName . empty ( ) ? templateName : DefaultButtonGroup ) ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] )
name = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SRC ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SRC ] )
normal = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SRC ] ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_VALUE ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_VALUE ] )
text = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_VALUE ] ;
// Action handler parameters : "name=group_html_id|form=id_of_the_form|submit_button=button_name"
string param = " name= " + getId ( ) + " |form= " + toString ( _Forms . size ( ) - 1 ) + " |submit_button= " + name ;
// Add the ctrl button
if ( ! _Paragraph )
newParagraph ( 0 ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
typedef pair < string , string > TTmplParam ;
vector < TTmplParam > tmplParams ;
tmplParams . push_back ( TTmplParam ( " id " , name ) ) ;
tmplParams . push_back ( TTmplParam ( " onclick " , " html_submit_form " ) ) ;
tmplParams . push_back ( TTmplParam ( " onclick_param " , param ) ) ;
//tmplParams.push_back(TTmplParam("text", text));
tmplParams . push_back ( TTmplParam ( " active " , " true " ) ) ;
if ( ! minWidth . empty ( ) )
tmplParams . push_back ( TTmplParam ( " wmin " , minWidth ) ) ;
2012-07-13 03:37:09 +00:00
CInterfaceGroup * buttonGroup = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > createGroupInstance ( buttonTemplate , _Paragraph - > getId ( ) , tmplParams ) ;
2012-07-01 01:11:24 +00:00
if ( buttonGroup )
// Add the ctrl button
CCtrlTextButton * ctrlButton = dynamic_cast < CCtrlTextButton * > ( buttonGroup - > getCtrl ( " button " ) ) ;
if ( ! ctrlButton ) ctrlButton = dynamic_cast < CCtrlTextButton * > ( buttonGroup - > getCtrl ( " b " ) ) ;
if ( ctrlButton )
ctrlButton - > setModulateGlobalColorAll ( globalColor ) ;
// Translate the tooltip
if ( tooltip )
ctrlButton - > setDefaultContextHelp ( CI18N : : get ( tooltip ) ) ;
ctrlButton - > setText ( ucstring : : makeFromUtf8 ( text ) ) ;
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( buttonGroup ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// addButton (CCtrlTextButton::PushButton, name, normal, pushed.empty()?normal:pushed, over,
// globalColor, "html_submit_form", param.c_str(), tooltip);
else if ( type = = " text " )
// Get the string name
string name ;
ucstring ucValue ;
uint size = 120 ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] )
name = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SIZE ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SIZE ] )
fromString ( value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SIZE ] , size ) ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_VALUE ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_VALUE ] )
ucValue . fromUtf8 ( value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_VALUE ] ) ;
string textTemplate ( ! templateName . empty ( ) ? templateName : DefaultFormTextGroup ) ;
// Add the editbox
CInterfaceGroup * textArea = addTextArea ( textTemplate , name . c_str ( ) , 1 , size / 12 , false , ucValue ) ;
if ( textArea )
// Add the text area to the form
CGroupHTML : : CForm : : CEntry entry ;
entry . Name = name ;
entry . TextArea = textArea ;
_Forms . back ( ) . Entries . push_back ( entry ) ;
else if ( type = = " checkbox " )
// The submit button
string name ;
string normal = DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal ;
string pushed = DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed ;
string over = DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver ;
bool checked = false ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] )
name = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SRC ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SRC ] )
normal = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_SRC ] ;
checked = ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_CHECKED ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_CHECKED ] ) ;
// Add the ctrl button
CCtrlButton * checkbox = addButton ( CCtrlButton : : ToggleButton , name , normal , pushed , over ,
globalColor , " " , " " , tooltip ) ;
if ( checkbox )
checkbox - > setPushed ( checked ) ;
// Add the text area to the form
CGroupHTML : : CForm : : CEntry entry ;
entry . Name = name ;
entry . Checkbox = checkbox ;
_Forms . back ( ) . Entries . push_back ( entry ) ;
else if ( type = = " hidden " )
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] )
// Get the name
string name = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_NAME ] ;
// Get the value
ucstring ucValue ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_VALUE ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_VALUE ] )
ucValue . fromUtf8 ( value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_VALUE ] ) ;
// Add an entry
CGroupHTML : : CForm : : CEntry entry ;
entry . Name = name ;
entry . Value = decodeHTMLEntities ( ucValue ) ;
_Forms . back ( ) . Entries . push_back ( entry ) ;
break ;
if ( ! ( _Forms . empty ( ) ) )
// A select box
// read general property
string templateName ;
string minWidth ;
// Widget template name
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_TMPL ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_TMPL ] )
templateName = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_TMPL ] ;
// Widget minimal width
if ( present [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_WIDTH ] & & value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_WIDTH ] )
minWidth = value [ MY_HTML_INPUT_Z_INPUT_WIDTH ] ;
string name ;
if ( present [ HTML_SELECT_NAME ] & & value [ HTML_SELECT_NAME ] )
name = value [ HTML_SELECT_NAME ] ;
string formTemplate = templateName . empty ( ) ? DefaultFormSelectGroup : templateName ;
CDBGroupComboBox * cb = addComboBox ( formTemplate , name . c_str ( ) ) ;
CGroupHTML : : CForm : : CEntry entry ;
entry . Name = name ;
entry . ComboBox = cb ;
_Forms . back ( ) . Entries . push_back ( entry ) ;
break ;
// Got one form ?
if ( ! ( _Forms . empty ( ) ) )
if ( ! _Forms . back ( ) . Entries . empty ( ) )
// clear the option string
_SelectOptionStr . clear ( ) ;
std : : string optionValue ;
bool selected = false ;
if ( present [ HTML_OPTION_VALUE ] & & value [ HTML_OPTION_VALUE ] )
optionValue = value [ HTML_OPTION_VALUE ] ;
if ( present [ HTML_OPTION_SELECTED ] & & value [ HTML_OPTION_SELECTED ] )
selected = nlstricmp ( value [ HTML_OPTION_SELECTED ] , " selected " ) = = 0 ;
_Forms . back ( ) . Entries . back ( ) . SelectValues . push_back ( optionValue ) ;
if ( selected )
_Forms . back ( ) . Entries . back ( ) . InitialSelection = ( sint ) _Forms . back ( ) . Entries . back ( ) . SelectValues . size ( ) - 1 ;
_SelectOption = true ;
break ;
case HTML_LI :
if ( getUL ( ) )
// First LI ?
if ( ! _LI )
_LI = true ;
newParagraph ( ULBeginSpace ) ;
newParagraph ( LIBeginSpace ) ;
ucstring str ;
str + = ( ucchar ) 0x2219 ;
str + = ( ucchar ) ' ' ;
addString ( str ) ;
flushString ( ) ;
getParagraph ( ) - > setFirstViewIndent ( LIIndent ) ;
break ;
case HTML_P :
newParagraph ( PBeginSpace ) ;
break ;
case HTML_PRE :
_PRE . push_back ( true ) ;
break ;
// Get cells parameters
getCellsParameters ( MY_HTML_TABLE , false ) ;
CGroupTable * table = new CGroupTable ( TCtorParam ( ) ) ;
table - > BgColor = _CellParams . back ( ) . BgColor ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_TABLE_WIDTH ] & & value [ MY_HTML_TABLE_WIDTH ] )
getPercentage ( table - > ForceWidthMin , table - > TableRatio , value [ MY_HTML_TABLE_WIDTH ] ) ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_TABLE_BORDER ] & & value [ MY_HTML_TABLE_BORDER ] )
fromString ( value [ MY_HTML_TABLE_BORDER ] , table - > Border ) ;
fromString ( value [ MY_HTML_TABLE_CELLSPACING ] , table - > CellSpacing ) ;
fromString ( value [ MY_HTML_TABLE_CELLPADDING ] , table - > CellPadding ) ;
// Table must fit the container size
addGroup ( table , 0 ) ;
_Tables . push_back ( table ) ;
// Add a cell pointer
_Cells . push_back ( NULL ) ;
_TR . push_back ( false ) ;
break ;
case HTML_TD :
// Get cells parameters
getCellsParameters ( MY_HTML_TD , true ) ;
CGroupTable * table = getTable ( ) ;
if ( table )
if ( ! _Cells . empty ( ) )
_Cells . back ( ) = new CGroupCell ( CViewBase : : TCtorParam ( ) ) ;
string style ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_TD_STYLE ] & & value [ MY_HTML_TD_STYLE ] )
style = value [ MY_HTML_TD_STYLE ] ;
// Set the cell parameters
if ( ! style . empty ( ) )
TStyle styles = parseStyle ( style ) ;
TStyle : : iterator it ;
it = styles . find ( " background-repeat " ) ;
_Cells . back ( ) - > setTextureTile ( it ! = styles . end ( ) ) ;
// Webig only
it = styles . find ( " background-scale " ) ;
_Cells . back ( ) - > setTextureScale ( it ! = styles . end ( ) ) ;
it = styles . find ( " background-image " ) ;
if ( it ! = styles . end ( ) )
nlinfo ( " found background-image %s " , it - > second . c_str ( ) ) ;
string image = ( * it ) . second ;
string : : size_type texExt = strlwr ( image ) . find ( " url( " ) ;
// Url image
if ( texExt ! = string : : npos )
// Remove url()
image = image . substr ( 4 , image . size ( ) - 5 ) ;
addImageDownload ( image , _Cells . back ( ) ) ;
// Image in BNP
_Cells . back ( ) - > setTexture ( image ) ;
_Cells . back ( ) - > BgColor = _CellParams . back ( ) . BgColor ;
_Cells . back ( ) - > Align = _CellParams . back ( ) . Align ;
_Cells . back ( ) - > VAlign = _CellParams . back ( ) . VAlign ;
_Cells . back ( ) - > LeftMargin = _CellParams . back ( ) . LeftMargin ;
_Cells . back ( ) - > NoWrap = _CellParams . back ( ) . NoWrap ;
float temp ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_TD_WIDTH ] & & value [ MY_HTML_TD_WIDTH ] )
getPercentage ( _Cells . back ( ) - > WidthWanted , _Cells . back ( ) - > TableRatio , value [ MY_HTML_TD_WIDTH ] ) ;
if ( present [ MY_HTML_TD_HEIGHT ] & & value [ MY_HTML_TD_HEIGHT ] )
getPercentage ( _Cells . back ( ) - > Height , temp , value [ MY_HTML_TD_HEIGHT ] ) ;
_Cells . back ( ) - > NewLine = getTR ( ) ;
table - > addChild ( _Cells . back ( ) ) ;
newParagraph ( TDBeginSpace ) ;
// Reset TR flag
if ( ! _TR . empty ( ) )
_TR . back ( ) = false ;
break ;
// Got one form ?
if ( ! ( _Forms . empty ( ) ) )
// read general property
string templateName ;
// Widget template name
templateName = value [ MY_HTML_TEXTAREA_Z_INPUT_TMPL ] ;
// Get the string name
_TextAreaName = " " ;
_TextAreaRow = 1 ;
_TextAreaCols = 10 ;
_TextAreaContent = " " ;
if ( present [ HTML_TEXTAREA_NAME ] & & value [ HTML_TEXTAREA_NAME ] )
_TextAreaName = value [ HTML_TEXTAREA_NAME ] ;
if ( present [ HTML_TEXTAREA_ROWS ] & & value [ HTML_TEXTAREA_ROWS ] )
fromString ( value [ HTML_TEXTAREA_ROWS ] , _TextAreaRow ) ;
if ( present [ HTML_TEXTAREA_COLS ] & & value [ HTML_TEXTAREA_COLS ] )
fromString ( value [ HTML_TEXTAREA_COLS ] , _TextAreaCols ) ;
_TextAreaTemplate = ! templateName . empty ( ) ? templateName : DefaultFormTextAreaGroup ;
_TextArea = true ;
break ;
if ( ! _TitlePrefix . empty ( ) )
_TitleString = _TitlePrefix + " - " ;
_TitleString = " " ;
_Title = true ;
break ;
case HTML_I :
_Localize = true ;
break ;
case HTML_TR :
// Get cells parameters
getCellsParameters ( MY_HTML_TR , true ) ;
// Set TR flag
if ( ! _TR . empty ( ) )
_TR . back ( ) = true ;
break ;
case HTML_UL :
_Indent + = ULIndent ;
_LI = false ;
endParagraph ( ) ;
_UL . push_back ( true ) ;
break ;
_ObjectType = " " ;
_ObjectData = " " ;
_ObjectMD5Sum = " " ;
_ObjectAction = " " ;
if ( present [ HTML_OBJECT_TYPE ] & & value [ HTML_OBJECT_TYPE ] )
_ObjectType = value [ HTML_OBJECT_TYPE ] ;
if ( present [ HTML_OBJECT_DATA ] & & value [ HTML_OBJECT_DATA ] )
_ObjectData = value [ HTML_OBJECT_DATA ] ;
if ( present [ HTML_OBJECT_ID ] & & value [ HTML_OBJECT_ID ] )
_ObjectMD5Sum = value [ HTML_OBJECT_ID ] ;
if ( present [ HTML_OBJECT_STANDBY ] & & value [ HTML_OBJECT_STANDBY ] )
_ObjectAction = value [ HTML_OBJECT_STANDBY ] ;
_Object = true ;
break ;
_IgnoreText = true ;
break ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : endElement ( uint element_number )
if ( _Browsing )
// Paragraph ?
switch ( element_number )
case HTML_FONT :
popIfNotEmpty ( _TextColor ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _FontSize ) ;
break ;
case HTML_A :
popIfNotEmpty ( _TextColor ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _GlobalColor ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _A ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _Link ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _LinkTitle ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _LinkClass ) ;
break ;
case HTML_H1 :
case HTML_H2 :
case HTML_H3 :
case HTML_H4 :
case HTML_H5 :
case HTML_H6 :
popIfNotEmpty ( _FontSize ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _TextColor ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _GlobalColor ) ;
endParagraph ( ) ;
break ;
case HTML_PRE :
popIfNotEmpty ( _PRE ) ;
break ;
case HTML_DIV :
_DivName = " " ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _Divs ) ;
break ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _CellParams ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _TR ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _Cells ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _Tables ) ;
endParagraph ( ) ;
// Add a cell
break ;
case HTML_TD :
popIfNotEmpty ( _CellParams ) ;
if ( ! _Cells . empty ( ) )
_Cells . back ( ) = NULL ;
break ;
case HTML_TR :
popIfNotEmpty ( _CellParams ) ;
break ;
// Add the editbox
// nlinfo("textarea temp '%s'", _TextAreaTemplate.c_str());
// nlinfo("textarea name '%s'", _TextAreaName.c_str());
// nlinfo("textarea %d %d", _TextAreaRow, _TextAreaCols);
// nlinfo("textarea content '%s'", _TextAreaContent.toUtf8().c_str());
CInterfaceGroup * textArea = addTextArea ( _TextAreaTemplate , _TextAreaName . c_str ( ) , _TextAreaRow , _TextAreaCols , true , _TextAreaContent ) ;
if ( textArea )
// Add the text area to the form
CGroupHTML : : CForm : : CEntry entry ;
entry . Name = _TextAreaName ;
entry . TextArea = textArea ;
_Forms . back ( ) . Entries . push_back ( entry ) ;
_TextArea = false ;
break ;
_Title = false ;
// Get the parent container
setTitle ( _TitleString ) ;
break ;
_SelectOption = false ;
if ( ! ( _Forms . empty ( ) ) )
if ( ! _Forms . back ( ) . Entries . empty ( ) )
CDBGroupComboBox * cb = _Forms . back ( ) . Entries . back ( ) . ComboBox ;
if ( cb )
cb - > setSelectionNoTrigger ( _Forms . back ( ) . Entries . back ( ) . InitialSelection ) ;
cb - > setW ( cb - > evalContentWidth ( ) + 16 ) ;
break ;
// insert the parsed text into the select control
CDBGroupComboBox * cb = _Forms . back ( ) . Entries . back ( ) . ComboBox ;
if ( cb )
cb - > addText ( _SelectOptionStr ) ;
break ;
case HTML_I :
_Localize = false ;
break ;
case HTML_UL :
if ( getUL ( ) )
_Indent - = ULIndent ;
_Indent = std : : max ( _Indent , ( uint ) 0 ) ;
endParagraph ( ) ;
popIfNotEmpty ( _UL ) ;
break ;
_IgnoreText = false ;
break ;
if ( _TrustedDomain )
if ( _ObjectType = = " application/ryzom-data " )
if ( ! _ObjectData . empty ( ) )
if ( addBnpDownload ( _ObjectData , _ObjectAction , _ObjectScript , _ObjectMD5Sum ) )
CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . executeLuaScript ( " \n local __ALLREADYDL__=true \n " + _ObjectScript , true ) ;
_ObjectScript = " " ;
_Object = false ;
break ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : beginUnparsedElement ( const char * buffer , int length )
string str ( buffer , buffer + length ) ;
if ( stricmp ( str . c_str ( ) , " lua " ) = = 0 )
// we receive an embeded lua script
_ParsingLua = _TrustedDomain ; // Only parse lua if TrustedDomain
_LuaScript = " " ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : endUnparsedElement ( const char * buffer , int length )
string str ( buffer , buffer + length ) ;
if ( stricmp ( str . c_str ( ) , " lua " ) = = 0 )
if ( _ParsingLua & & _TrustedDomain )
_ParsingLua = false ;
// execute the embeded lua script
_LuaScript = " \n local __CURRENT_WINDOW__= \" " + this - > _Id + " \" \n " + _LuaScript ;
CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . executeLuaScript ( _LuaScript , true ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT ( CViewBase , CGroupHTML , std : : string , " html " ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
uint32 CGroupHTML : : _GroupHtmlUIDPool = 0 ;
CGroupHTML : : TGroupHtmlByUIDMap CGroupHTML : : _GroupHtmlByUID ;
// ***************************************************************************
CGroupHTML : : CGroupHTML ( const TCtorParam & param )
: CGroupScrollText ( param ) ,
// add it to map of group html created
_GroupHtmlUID = + + _GroupHtmlUIDPool ; // valid assigned Id begin to 1!
_GroupHtmlByUID [ _GroupHtmlUID ] = this ;
// init
_ParsingLua = false ;
_IgnoreText = false ;
_BrowseNextTime = false ;
_PostNextTime = false ;
_Browsing = false ;
_Connecting = false ;
_LibWWW = new CLibWWWData ;
_CurrentViewLink = NULL ;
_CurrentViewImage = NULL ;
_Indent = 0 ;
_LI = false ;
_SelectOption = false ;
_GroupListAdaptor = NULL ;
// Register
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > registerClockMsgTarget ( this ) ;
// HTML parameters
BgColor = CRGBA : : Black ;
ErrorColor = CRGBA ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) ;
LinkColor = CRGBA ( 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
TextColor = CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
H1Color = CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
H2Color = CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
H3Color = CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
H4Color = CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
H5Color = CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
H6Color = CRGBA ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
ErrorColorGlobalColor = false ;
LinkColorGlobalColor = false ;
TextColorGlobalColor = false ;
H1ColorGlobalColor = false ;
H2ColorGlobalColor = false ;
H3ColorGlobalColor = false ;
H4ColorGlobalColor = false ;
H5ColorGlobalColor = false ;
H6ColorGlobalColor = false ;
TextFontSize = 9 ;
H1FontSize = 18 ;
H2FontSize = 15 ;
H3FontSize = 12 ;
H4FontSize = 9 ;
H5FontSize = 9 ;
H6FontSize = 9 ;
LIBeginSpace = 4 ;
ULBeginSpace = 12 ;
PBeginSpace = 12 ;
TDBeginSpace = 0 ;
LIIndent = - 10 ;
ULIndent = 30 ;
LineSpaceFontFactor = 0.5f ;
DefaultButtonGroup = " html_text_button " ;
DefaultFormTextGroup = " edit_box_widget " ;
DefaultFormTextAreaGroup = " edit_box_widget_multiline " ;
DefaultFormSelectGroup = " html_form_select_widget " ;
DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal = " checkbox_normal.tga " ;
DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed = " checkbox_pushed.tga " ;
DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver = " checkbox_over.tga " ;
DefaultBackgroundBitmapView = " bg " ;
clearContext ( ) ;
MultiCurl = curl_multi_init ( ) ;
RunningCurls = 0 ;
initImageDownload ( ) ;
initBnpDownload ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
CGroupHTML : : ~ CGroupHTML ( )
// TestYoyo
//nlinfo("** CGroupHTML Destroy: %x, %s, uid%d", this, _Id.c_str(), _GroupHtmlUID);
/* Erase from map of Group HTML (thus requestTerminated() callback won't be called)
Do it first , just because don ' t want requestTerminated ( ) to be called while I ' m destroying
( useless and may be dangerous )
_GroupHtmlByUID . erase ( _GroupHtmlUID ) ;
// stop browsing
stopBrowse ( ) ; // NB : we don't call updateRefreshButton here, because :
// 1) it is useless,
// 2) it crashed before when it called getElementFromId (that didn't work when a master group was being removed...). Btw it should work now
// this is why the call to 'updateRefreshButton' has been removed from stopBrowse
clearContext ( ) ;
delete _LibWWW ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CGroupHTML : : parse ( xmlNodePtr cur , CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup )
nlassert ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > isClockMsgTarget ( this ) ) ;
if ( ! CGroupScrollText : : parse ( cur , parentGroup ) )
return false ;
// TestYoyo
//nlinfo("** CGroupHTML parsed Ok: %x, %s, %s, uid%d", this, _Id.c_str(), typeid(this).name(), _GroupHtmlUID);
CXMLAutoPtr ptr ;
// Get the url
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " url " ) ;
if ( ptr )
_URL = ( const char * ) ptr ;
// Bkup default for undo/redo
_AskedUrl = _URL ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " title_prefix " ) ;
if ( ptr )
_TitlePrefix = CI18N : : get ( ( const char * ) ptr ) ;
// Parameters
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " background_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
BgColor = convertColor ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " error_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
ErrorColor = convertColor ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " link_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
LinkColor = convertColor ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " text_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
TextColor = convertColor ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h1_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H1Color = convertColor ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h2_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H2Color = convertColor ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h3_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H3Color = convertColor ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h4_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H4Color = convertColor ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h5_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H5Color = convertColor ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h6_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H6Color = convertColor ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " error_color_global_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
ErrorColorGlobalColor = convertBool ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " link_color_global_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
LinkColorGlobalColor = convertBool ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " text_color_global_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
TextColorGlobalColor = convertBool ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h1_color_global_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H1ColorGlobalColor = convertBool ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h2_color_global_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H2ColorGlobalColor = convertBool ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h3_color_global_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H3ColorGlobalColor = convertBool ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h4_color_global_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H4ColorGlobalColor = convertBool ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h5_color_global_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H5ColorGlobalColor = convertBool ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h6_color_global_color " ) ;
if ( ptr )
H6ColorGlobalColor = convertBool ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " text_font_size " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , TextFontSize ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h1_font_size " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , H1FontSize ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h2_font_size " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , H2FontSize ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h3_font_size " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , H3FontSize ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h4_font_size " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , H4FontSize ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h5_font_size " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , H5FontSize ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " h6_font_size " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , H6FontSize ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " td_begin_space " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , TDBeginSpace ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " paragraph_begin_space " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , PBeginSpace ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " li_begin_space " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , LIBeginSpace ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " ul_begin_space " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , ULBeginSpace ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " li_indent " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , LIIndent ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " ul_indent " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , ULIndent ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " multi_line_space_factor " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , LineSpaceFontFactor ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " form_text_group " ) ;
if ( ptr )
DefaultFormTextGroup = ( const char * ) ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " form_text_area_group " ) ;
if ( ptr )
DefaultFormTextAreaGroup = ( const char * ) ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " form_select_group " ) ;
if ( ptr )
DefaultFormSelectGroup = ( const char * ) ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " checkbox_bitmap_normal " ) ;
if ( ptr )
DefaultCheckBoxBitmapNormal = ( const char * ) ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " checkbox_bitmap_pushed " ) ;
if ( ptr )
DefaultCheckBoxBitmapPushed = ( const char * ) ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " checkbox_bitmap_over " ) ;
if ( ptr )
DefaultCheckBoxBitmapOver = ( const char * ) ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " background_bitmap_view " ) ;
if ( ptr )
DefaultBackgroundBitmapView = ( const char * ) ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " home " ) ;
if ( ptr )
Home = ( const char * ) ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " browse_next_time " ) ;
if ( ptr )
_BrowseNextTime = convertBool ( ptr ) ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " browse_tree " ) ;
if ( ptr )
_BrowseTree = ( const char * ) ptr ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " browse_undo " ) ;
if ( ptr )
_BrowseUndoButton = ( const char * ) ptr ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " browse_redo " ) ;
if ( ptr )
_BrowseRedoButton = ( const char * ) ptr ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " browse_refresh " ) ;
if ( ptr )
_BrowseRefreshButton = ( const char * ) ptr ;
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " timeout " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , _TimeoutValue ) ;
return true ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CGroupHTML : : handleEvent ( const NLGUI : : CEventDescriptor & eventDesc )
bool traited = CGroupScrollText : : handleEvent ( eventDesc ) ;
if ( eventDesc . getType ( ) = = NLGUI : : CEventDescriptor : : system )
const NLGUI : : CEventDescriptorSystem & systemEvent = ( const NLGUI : : CEventDescriptorSystem & ) eventDesc ;
if ( systemEvent . getEventTypeExtended ( ) = = NLGUI : : CEventDescriptorSystem : : clocktick )
// Handle now
handle ( ) ;
return traited ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : endParagraph ( )
// Remove previous paragraph if empty
if ( _Paragraph & & ( _Paragraph - > getNumChildren ( ) = = 0 ) )
_Paragraph - > getParent ( ) - > delGroup ( _Paragraph ) ;
_Paragraph = NULL ;
_Paragraph = NULL ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : newParagraph ( uint beginSpace )
// Remove previous paragraph if empty
if ( _Paragraph & & ( _Paragraph - > getNumChildren ( ) = = 0 ) )
_Paragraph - > getParent ( ) - > delGroup ( _Paragraph ) ;
_Paragraph = NULL ;
// Add a new paragraph
CGroupParagraph * newParagraph = new CGroupParagraph ( CViewBase : : TCtorParam ( ) ) ;
newParagraph - > setResizeFromChildH ( true ) ;
newParagraph - > setBrowseGroup ( this ) ;
newParagraph - > setIndent ( _Indent ) ;
// Add to the group
addGroup ( newParagraph , beginSpace ) ;
_Paragraph = newParagraph ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : browse ( const char * url )
// modify undo/redo
pushUrlUndoRedo ( url ) ;
// do the browse, with no undo/redo
doBrowse ( url ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : refresh ( )
if ( ! _URL . empty ( ) )
doBrowse ( _URL . c_str ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : doBrowse ( const char * url )
// Stop previous browse
if ( _Browsing )
// Clear all the context
clearContext ( ) ;
_Browsing = false ;
if ( _Connecting )
nlassert ( _ConnectingLock = = this ) ;
_ConnectingLock = NULL ;
nlassert ( _ConnectingLock ! = this ) ;
_Connecting = false ;
// stopBrowse ();
updateRefreshButton ( ) ;
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " *** ALREADY BROWSING, break first " ) ;
# endif
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " Browsing URL : '%s' " , url ) ;
# endif
// go
_URL = url ;
_BrowseNextTime = true ;
// if a BrowseTree is bound to us, try to select the node that opens this URL (auto-locate)
if ( ! _BrowseTree . empty ( ) )
CGroupTree * groupTree = dynamic_cast < CGroupTree * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( _BrowseTree ) ) ;
if ( groupTree )
string nodeId = selectTreeNodeRecurs ( groupTree - > getRootNode ( ) , url ) ;
// select the node
if ( ! nodeId . empty ( ) )
groupTree - > selectNodeById ( nodeId ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : browseError ( const char * msg )
// Get the list group from CGroupScrollText
removeContent ( ) ;
newParagraph ( 0 ) ;
CViewText * viewText = new CViewText ( " " , ( string ( " Error : " ) + msg ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
viewText - > setColor ( ErrorColor ) ;
viewText - > setModulateGlobalColor ( ErrorColorGlobalColor ) ;
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( viewText ) ;
if ( ! _TitlePrefix . empty ( ) )
setTitle ( _TitlePrefix ) ;
stopBrowse ( ) ;
updateRefreshButton ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CGroupHTML : : isBrowsing ( )
return _Browsing ;
void CGroupHTML : : stopBrowse ( )
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " *** STOP BROWSE " ) ;
# endif
// Clear all the context
clearContext ( ) ;
_Browsing = false ;
if ( _Connecting )
nlassert ( _ConnectingLock = = this ) ;
_ConnectingLock = NULL ;
nlassert ( _ConnectingLock ! = this ) ;
_Connecting = false ;
// Request running ?
if ( _LibWWW - > Request )
// VerifyLibWWW("HTRequest_kill", HTRequest_kill(_LibWWW->Request) == TRUE);
HTRequest_kill ( _LibWWW - > Request ) ;
HTRequest_delete ( _LibWWW - > Request ) ;
_LibWWW - > Request = NULL ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : updateCoords ( )
CGroupScrollText : : updateCoords ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CGroupHTML : : translateChar ( ucchar & output , ucchar input , ucchar lastCharParam ) const
// Keep this char ?
bool keep = true ;
switch ( input )
// Return / tab only in <PRE> mode
case ' \t ' :
case ' \n ' :
// Get the last char
ucchar lastChar = lastCharParam ;
if ( lastChar = = 0 )
lastChar = getLastChar ( ) ;
keep = ( ( lastChar ! = ( ucchar ) ' ' ) & &
( lastChar ! = 0 ) ) | | getPRE ( ) | | ( _CurrentViewImage & & ( lastChar = = 0 ) ) ;
if ( ! getPRE ( ) )
input = ' ' ;
break ;
case ' ' :
// Get the last char
ucchar lastChar = lastCharParam ;
if ( lastChar = = 0 )
lastChar = getLastChar ( ) ;
keep = ( ( lastChar ! = ( ucchar ) ' ' ) & &
( lastChar ! = ( ucchar ) ' \n ' ) & &
( lastChar ! = 0 ) ) | | getPRE ( ) | | ( _CurrentViewImage & & ( lastChar = = 0 ) ) ;
break ;
case 0xd :
keep = false ;
break ;
if ( keep )
output = input ;
return keep ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : addString ( const ucstring & str )
ucstring tmpStr = str ;
if ( _Localize )
string _str = tmpStr . toString ( ) ;
string : : size_type p = _str . find ( ' # ' ) ;
if ( p = = string : : npos )
tmpStr = CI18N : : get ( _str ) ;
string cmd = _str . substr ( 0 , p ) ;
string arg = _str . substr ( p + 1 ) ;
if ( cmd = = " date " )
uint year , month , day ;
sscanf ( arg . c_str ( ) , " %d/%d/%d " , & year , & month , & day ) ;
tmpStr = CI18N : : get ( " uiMFIDate " ) ;
year + = ( year > 70 ? 1900 : 2000 ) ;
strFindReplace ( tmpStr , " %year " , toString ( " %d " , year ) ) ;
strFindReplace ( tmpStr , " %month " , CI18N : : get ( toString ( " uiMonth%02d " , month ) ) ) ;
strFindReplace ( tmpStr , " %day " , toString ( " %d " , day ) ) ;
tmpStr = arg ;
// In title ?
if ( _Title )
_TitleString + = tmpStr ;
else if ( _TextArea )
_TextAreaContent + = tmpStr ;
else if ( _Object )
_ObjectScript + = tmpStr . toString ( ) ;
else if ( _SelectOption )
if ( ! ( _Forms . empty ( ) ) )
if ( ! _Forms . back ( ) . Entries . empty ( ) )
_SelectOptionStr + = tmpStr ;
// In a paragraph ?
if ( ! _Paragraph )
newParagraph ( 0 ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// Text added ?
bool added = false ;
// Number of child in this paragraph
if ( _CurrentViewLink )
bool skipLine = ! _CurrentViewLink - > getText ( ) . empty ( ) & & * ( _CurrentViewLink - > getText ( ) . rbegin ( ) ) = = ( ucchar ) ' \n ' ;
// Compatible with current parameters ?
if ( ! skipLine & &
( getTextColor ( ) = = _CurrentViewLink - > getColor ( ) ) & &
( getFontSize ( ) = = ( uint ) _CurrentViewLink - > getFontSize ( ) ) & &
( getLink ( ) = = _CurrentViewLink - > Link ) & &
( getGlobalColor ( ) = = _CurrentViewLink - > getModulateGlobalColor ( ) ) )
// Concat the text
_CurrentViewLink - > setText ( _CurrentViewLink - > getText ( ) + tmpStr ) ;
_CurrentViewLink - > invalidateContent ( ) ;
added = true ;
// Not added ?
if ( ! added )
if ( getA ( ) & & string ( getLinkClass ( ) ) = = " ryzom-ui-button " )
string buttonTemplate = DefaultButtonGroup ;
// Action handler parameters : "name=group_html_id|form=id_of_the_form|submit_button=button_name"
string param = " name= " + this - > _Id + " |url= " + getLink ( ) ;
typedef pair < string , string > TTmplParam ;
vector < TTmplParam > tmplParams ;
tmplParams . push_back ( TTmplParam ( " id " , " " ) ) ;
tmplParams . push_back ( TTmplParam ( " onclick " , " browse " ) ) ;
tmplParams . push_back ( TTmplParam ( " onclick_param " , param ) ) ;
tmplParams . push_back ( TTmplParam ( " active " , " true " ) ) ;
2012-07-13 03:37:09 +00:00
CInterfaceGroup * buttonGroup = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > createGroupInstance ( buttonTemplate , _Paragraph - > getId ( ) , tmplParams ) ;
2012-07-01 01:11:24 +00:00
if ( buttonGroup )
// Add the ctrl button
CCtrlTextButton * ctrlButton = dynamic_cast < CCtrlTextButton * > ( buttonGroup - > getCtrl ( " button " ) ) ;
if ( ! ctrlButton ) ctrlButton = dynamic_cast < CCtrlTextButton * > ( buttonGroup - > getCtrl ( " b " ) ) ;
if ( ctrlButton )
ctrlButton - > setModulateGlobalColorAll ( false ) ;
// Translate the tooltip
ctrlButton - > setDefaultContextHelp ( ucstring : : makeFromUtf8 ( getLinkTitle ( ) ) ) ;
ctrlButton - > setText ( tmpStr ) ;
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( buttonGroup ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
CViewLink * newLink = new CViewLink ( CViewBase : : TCtorParam ( ) ) ;
if ( getA ( ) )
newLink - > Link = getLink ( ) ;
newLink - > LinkTitle = getLinkTitle ( ) ;
if ( ! newLink - > Link . empty ( ) )
newLink - > setHTMLView ( this ) ;
newLink - > setUnderlined ( true ) ;
newLink - > setText ( tmpStr ) ;
newLink - > setColor ( getTextColor ( ) ) ;
newLink - > setFontSize ( getFontSize ( ) ) ;
newLink - > setMultiLineSpace ( ( uint ) ( ( float ) getFontSize ( ) * LineSpaceFontFactor ) ) ;
newLink - > setMultiLine ( true ) ;
newLink - > setModulateGlobalColor ( getGlobalColor ( ) ) ;
// newLink->setLineAtBottom (true);
if ( getA ( ) & & ! newLink - > Link . empty ( ) )
getParagraph ( ) - > addChildLink ( newLink ) ;
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( newLink ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : addImage ( const char * img , bool globalColor , bool reloadImg )
// In a paragraph ?
if ( _Paragraph )
string finalUrl ;
// 1/ try to load the image with the old system (local files in bnp)
string image = CFile : : getPath ( img ) + CFile : : getFilenameWithoutExtension ( img ) + " .tga " ;
if ( lookupLocalFile ( finalUrl , image . c_str ( ) , false ) )
// No more text in this text view
_CurrentViewLink = NULL ;
// Not added ?
CViewBitmap * newImage = new CViewBitmap ( TCtorParam ( ) ) ;
/* todo link in image
if ( getA ( ) )
newImage - > Link = getLink ( ) ;
newImage - > setHTMLView ( this ) ;
} */
newImage - > setRenderLayer ( getRenderLayer ( ) + 1 ) ;
newImage - > setTexture ( finalUrl ) ;
newImage - > setModulateGlobalColor ( globalColor ) ;
/* todo link in image
if ( getA ( ) )
getParagraph ( ) - > addChildLink ( newImage ) ;
else */
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( newImage ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// 2/ if it doesn't work, try to load the image in cache
image = localImageName ( img ) ;
if ( ! reloadImg & & lookupLocalFile ( finalUrl , image . c_str ( ) , false ) )
// No more text in this text view
_CurrentViewLink = NULL ;
// Not added ?
CViewBitmap * newImage = new CViewBitmap ( TCtorParam ( ) ) ;
/* todo link in image
if ( getA ( ) )
newImage - > Link = getLink ( ) ;
newImage - > setHTMLView ( this ) ;
} */
// don't display image that are not power of 2
uint32 w , h ;
CBitmap : : loadSize ( image , w , h ) ;
if ( w = = 0 | | h = = 0 | | ( ( ! NLMISC : : isPowerOf2 ( w ) | | ! NLMISC : : isPowerOf2 ( h ) ) & & ! NL3D : : CTextureFile : : supportNonPowerOfTwoTextures ( ) ) )
image . clear ( ) ;
newImage - > setTexture ( image ) ;
// newImage->setTexture (finalUrl);
newImage - > setModulateGlobalColor ( globalColor ) ;
/* todo link in image
if ( getA ( ) )
getParagraph ( ) - > addChildLink ( newImage ) ;
else */
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( newImage ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// 3/ if it doesn't work, display a placeholder and ask to dl the image into the cache
image = " web_del.tga " ;
if ( lookupLocalFile ( finalUrl , image . c_str ( ) , false ) )
// No more text in this text view
_CurrentViewLink = NULL ;
// Not added ?
CViewBitmap * newImage = new CViewBitmap ( TCtorParam ( ) ) ;
/* todo link in image
if ( getA ( ) )
newImage - > Link = getLink ( ) ;
newImage - > setHTMLView ( this ) ;
} */
newImage - > setTexture ( image ) ;
// newImage->setTexture (finalUrl);
newImage - > setModulateGlobalColor ( globalColor ) ;
addImageDownload ( img , newImage ) ;
/* todo link in image
if ( getA ( ) )
getParagraph ( ) - > addChildLink ( newImage ) ;
else */
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( newImage ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
CInterfaceGroup * CGroupHTML : : addTextArea ( const std : : string & templateName , const char * name , uint /* rows */ , uint cols , bool multiLine , const ucstring & content )
// In a paragraph ?
if ( ! _Paragraph )
newParagraph ( 0 ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// No more text in this text view
_CurrentViewLink = NULL ;
// Not added ?
std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > > templateParams ;
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( " w " , toString ( cols * 12 ) ) ) ;
//templateParams.push_back (std::pair<std::string,std::string> ("h", toString (rows*12)));
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( " id " , name ) ) ;
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( " prompt " , " " ) ) ;
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( " multiline " , multiLine ? " true " : " false " ) ) ;
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( " want_return " , multiLine ? " true " : " false " ) ) ;
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( " enter_recover_focus " , " false " ) ) ;
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( " max_num_chars " , " 1024 " ) ) ;
2012-07-13 03:37:09 +00:00
CInterfaceGroup * textArea = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > createGroupInstance ( templateName . c_str ( ) ,
2012-07-01 01:11:24 +00:00
getParagraph ( ) - > getId ( ) , templateParams . empty ( ) ? NULL : & ( templateParams [ 0 ] ) , ( uint ) templateParams . size ( ) ) ;
// Group created ?
if ( textArea )
// Set the content
CGroupEditBox * eb = dynamic_cast < CGroupEditBox * > ( textArea - > getGroup ( " eb " ) ) ;
if ( eb )
eb - > setInputString ( decodeHTMLEntities ( content ) ) ;
textArea - > invalidateCoords ( ) ;
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( textArea ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
return textArea ;
// Not group created
return NULL ;
// ***************************************************************************
CDBGroupComboBox * CGroupHTML : : addComboBox ( const std : : string & templateName , const char * name )
// In a paragraph ?
if ( ! _Paragraph )
newParagraph ( 0 ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// Not added ?
std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > > templateParams ;
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( " id " , name ) ) ;
2012-07-13 03:37:09 +00:00
CInterfaceGroup * group = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > createGroupInstance ( templateName . c_str ( ) ,
2012-07-01 01:11:24 +00:00
getParagraph ( ) - > getId ( ) , templateParams . empty ( ) ? NULL : & ( templateParams [ 0 ] ) , ( uint ) templateParams . size ( ) ) ;
// Group created ?
if ( group )
// Set the content
CDBGroupComboBox * cb = dynamic_cast < CDBGroupComboBox * > ( group ) ;
if ( ! cb )
nlwarning ( " '%s' template has bad type, combo box expected " , templateName . c_str ( ) ) ;
delete cb ;
return NULL ;
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( cb ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
return cb ;
// Not group created
return NULL ;
// ***************************************************************************
CCtrlButton * CGroupHTML : : addButton ( CCtrlButton : : EType type , const std : : string & /* name */ , const std : : string & normalBitmap , const std : : string & pushedBitmap ,
const std : : string & overBitmap , bool useGlobalColor , const char * actionHandler , const char * actionHandlerParams ,
const char * tooltip )
// In a paragraph ?
if ( ! _Paragraph )
newParagraph ( 0 ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// Add the ctrl button
CCtrlButton * ctrlButton = new CCtrlButton ( TCtorParam ( ) ) ;
// Load only tga files.. (conversion in dds filename is done in the lookup procedure)
string normal = normalBitmap . empty ( ) ? " " : CFile : : getPath ( normalBitmap ) + CFile : : getFilenameWithoutExtension ( normalBitmap ) + " .tga " ;
// if the image doesn't exist on local, we check in the cache
// if(!CFile::fileExists(normal))
if ( ! CPath : : exists ( normal ) )
// search in the compressed texture
CViewRenderer & rVR = * CViewRenderer : : getInstance ( ) ;
sint32 id = rVR . getTextureIdFromName ( normal ) ;
if ( id = = - 1 )
normal = localImageName ( normalBitmap ) ;
if ( ! CFile : : fileExists ( normal ) )
normal = " web_del.tga " ;
addImageDownload ( normalBitmap , ctrlButton ) ;
string pushed = pushedBitmap . empty ( ) ? " " : CFile : : getPath ( pushedBitmap ) + CFile : : getFilenameWithoutExtension ( pushedBitmap ) + " .tga " ;
// if the image doesn't exist on local, we check in the cache, don't download it because the "normal" will already setuped it
// if(!CFile::fileExists(pushed))
if ( ! CPath : : exists ( pushed ) )
// search in the compressed texture
CViewRenderer & rVR = * CViewRenderer : : getInstance ( ) ;
sint32 id = rVR . getTextureIdFromName ( pushed ) ;
if ( id = = - 1 )
pushed = localImageName ( pushedBitmap ) ;
string over = overBitmap . empty ( ) ? " " : CFile : : getPath ( overBitmap ) + CFile : : getFilenameWithoutExtension ( overBitmap ) + " .tga " ;
ctrlButton - > setType ( type ) ;
if ( ! normal . empty ( ) )
ctrlButton - > setTexture ( normal ) ;
if ( ! pushed . empty ( ) )
ctrlButton - > setTexturePushed ( pushed ) ;
if ( ! over . empty ( ) )
ctrlButton - > setTextureOver ( over ) ;
ctrlButton - > setModulateGlobalColorAll ( useGlobalColor ) ;
ctrlButton - > setActionOnLeftClick ( actionHandler ) ;
ctrlButton - > setParamsOnLeftClick ( actionHandlerParams ) ;
// Translate the tooltip or display raw text (tooltip from webig)
if ( tooltip )
if ( CI18N : : hasTranslation ( tooltip ) )
ctrlButton - > setDefaultContextHelp ( CI18N : : get ( tooltip ) ) ;
ctrlButton - > setDefaultContextHelp ( ucstring ( tooltip ) ) ;
ctrlButton - > setInstantContextHelp ( true ) ;
ctrlButton - > setToolTipParent ( TTMouse ) ;
ctrlButton - > setToolTipParentPosRef ( Hotspot_TTAuto ) ;
ctrlButton - > setToolTipPosRef ( Hotspot_TTAuto ) ;
ctrlButton - > setActionOnLeftClickParams ( tooltip ) ;
getParagraph ( ) - > addChild ( ctrlButton ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
return ctrlButton ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : flushString ( )
_CurrentViewLink = NULL ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : clearContext ( )
_Paragraph = NULL ;
_PRE . clear ( ) ;
_TextColor . clear ( ) ;
_GlobalColor . clear ( ) ;
_FontSize . clear ( ) ;
_Indent = 0 ;
_LI = false ;
_UL . clear ( ) ;
_A . clear ( ) ;
_Link . clear ( ) ;
_LinkTitle . clear ( ) ;
_Tables . clear ( ) ;
_Cells . clear ( ) ;
_TR . clear ( ) ;
_Forms . clear ( ) ;
_Groups . clear ( ) ;
_CellParams . clear ( ) ;
_Title = false ;
_TextArea = false ;
_Object = false ;
_Localize = false ;
// TR
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// clear the pointer to the current image download since all the button are deleted
# ifdef LOG_DL
nlwarning ( " Clear pointers to %d curls " , Curls . size ( ) ) ;
# endif
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < Curls . size ( ) ; i + + )
Curls [ i ] . imgs . clear ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
ucchar CGroupHTML : : getLastChar ( ) const
if ( _CurrentViewLink )
const ucstring & str = _CurrentViewLink - > getText ( ) ;
if ( ! str . empty ( ) )
return str [ str . length ( ) - 1 ] ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : paragraphChange ( )
_CurrentViewLink = NULL ;
_CurrentViewImage = NULL ;
CGroupParagraph * paragraph = getParagraph ( ) ;
if ( paragraph )
// Number of child in this paragraph
uint numChild = paragraph - > getNumChildren ( ) ;
if ( numChild )
// Get the last child
CViewBase * child = paragraph - > getChild ( numChild - 1 ) ;
// Is this a string view ?
_CurrentViewLink = dynamic_cast < CViewLink * > ( child ) ;
_CurrentViewImage = dynamic_cast < CViewBitmap * > ( child ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
CInterfaceGroup * CGroupHTML : : getCurrentGroup ( )
if ( ! _Cells . empty ( ) & & _Cells . back ( ) )
return _Cells . back ( ) - > Group ;
return _GroupListAdaptor ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : addGroup ( CInterfaceGroup * group , uint beginSpace )
if ( ! group )
return ;
// Remove previous paragraph if empty
if ( _Paragraph & & ( _Paragraph - > getNumChildren ( ) = = 0 ) )
_Paragraph - > getParent ( ) - > delGroup ( _Paragraph ) ;
_Paragraph = NULL ;
if ( ! _DivName . empty ( ) )
group - > setName ( _DivName ) ;
_Groups . push_back ( group ) ;
group - > setSizeRef ( CInterfaceElement : : width ) ;
// Compute begin space between paragraph and tables
// * If first in group, no begin space
// * If behind a paragraph, take the biggest begin space between the previous paragraph and current one.
// Pointer on the current paragraph (can be a table too)
CGroupParagraph * p = dynamic_cast < CGroupParagraph * > ( group ) ;
CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup = CGroupHTML : : getCurrentGroup ( ) ;
const std : : vector < CInterfaceGroup * > & groups = parentGroup - > getGroups ( ) ;
group - > setParent ( parentGroup ) ;
group - > setParentSize ( parentGroup ) ;
if ( groups . empty ( ) )
group - > setParentPos ( parentGroup ) ;
group - > setPosRef ( Hotspot_TL ) ;
group - > setParentPosRef ( Hotspot_TL ) ;
beginSpace = 0 ;
// Last is a paragraph ?
group - > setParentPos ( groups . back ( ) ) ;
group - > setPosRef ( Hotspot_TL ) ;
group - > setParentPosRef ( Hotspot_BL ) ;
// Begin space for previous paragraph
CGroupParagraph * previous = dynamic_cast < CGroupParagraph * > ( groups . back ( ) ) ;
if ( previous )
beginSpace = std : : max ( beginSpace , previous - > getTopSpace ( ) ) ;
// Set the begin space
if ( p )
p - > setTopSpace ( beginSpace ) ;
group - > setY ( - ( sint32 ) beginSpace ) ;
parentGroup - > addGroup ( group ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : setTitle ( const ucstring & title )
CInterfaceElement * parent = getParent ( ) ;
if ( parent )
if ( ( parent = parent - > getParent ( ) ) )
CGroupContainer * container = dynamic_cast < CGroupContainer * > ( parent ) ;
if ( container )
container - > setUCTitle ( title ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CGroupHTML : : lookupLocalFile ( string & result , const char * url , bool isUrl )
result = url ;
string tmp ;
// folder used for images cache
static const string cacheDir = " cache " ;
string : : size_type protocolPos = strlwr ( result ) . find ( " :// " ) ;
if ( protocolPos ! = string : : npos )
// protocol present, it's an url so file must be searched in cache folder
// TODO: case of special characters & and ?
result = cacheDir + result . substr ( protocolPos + 2 ) ;
// if the file is already cached, use it
if ( CFile : : fileExists ( result ) ) tmp = result ;
// Url is a file ?
if ( strlwr ( result ) . find ( " file: " ) = = 0 )
result = result . substr ( 5 , result . size ( ) - 5 ) ;
tmp = CPath : : lookup ( CFile : : getFilename ( result ) , false , false , false ) ;
if ( tmp . empty ( ) )
// try to find in local directory
tmp = CPath : : lookup ( result , false , false , true ) ;
if ( ! tmp . empty ( ) )
// Normalize the path
if ( isUrl )
//result = "file:"+strlwr(CPath::standardizePath (CPath::getFullPath (CFile::getPath(result)))+CFile::getFilename(result));*/
result = " file:/ " + tmp ;
result = tmp ;
return true ;
// Is it a texture in the big texture ?
if ( CViewRenderer : : getInstance ( ) - > getTextureIdFromName ( result ) > = 0 )
return true ;
// This is not a file in the CPath, let libwww open this URL
result = url ;
return false ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : submitForm ( uint formId , const char * submitButtonName )
// Form id valid ?
if ( formId < _Forms . size ( ) )
_PostNextTime = true ;
_PostFormId = formId ;
_PostFormSubmitButton = submitButtonName ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : setBackgroundColor ( const CRGBA & bgcolor )
// Should have a child named bg
CViewBase * view = getView ( DefaultBackgroundBitmapView ) ;
if ( view )
CViewBitmap * bitmap = dynamic_cast < CViewBitmap * > ( view ) ;
if ( bitmap )
// Change the background color
bitmap - > setColor ( bgcolor ) ;
bitmap - > setModulateGlobalColor ( false ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : setBackground ( const string & bgtex , bool scale , bool tile )
// Should have a child named bg
CViewBase * view = getView ( DefaultBackgroundBitmapView ) ;
if ( view )
CViewBitmap * bitmap = dynamic_cast < CViewBitmap * > ( view ) ;
if ( bitmap )
bitmap - > setParentPosRef ( Hotspot_TL ) ;
bitmap - > setPosRef ( Hotspot_TL ) ;
bitmap - > setX ( 0 ) ;
bitmap - > setY ( 0 ) ;
bitmap - > setRenderLayer ( - 2 ) ;
bitmap - > setScale ( scale ) ;
bitmap - > setTile ( tile ) ;
addImageDownload ( bgtex , view ) ;
struct CButtonFreezer : public CInterfaceElementVisitor
virtual void visitCtrl ( CCtrlBase * ctrl )
CCtrlBaseButton * textButt = dynamic_cast < CCtrlTextButton * > ( ctrl ) ;
if ( textButt )
textButt - > setFrozen ( true ) ;
} ;
static int timer_called = 0 ;
static int
timer_callback ( HTTimer * const timer ,
void * const user_data ,
HTEventType const event )
A handy timer callback which cancels the running event loop .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
nlassert ( event = = HTEvent_TIMEOUT ) ;
timer_called = 1 ;
HTEventList_stopLoop ( ) ;
/* XXX - The meaning of this return value is undocumented, but close
* * inspection of libwww ' s source suggests that we want to return HT_OK . */
return HT_OK ;
static void handleLibwwwEvents ( )
HTTimer * timer ;
timer_called = 0 ;
timer = HTTimer_new ( NULL , & timer_callback , NULL ,
1 , YES , NO ) ;
if ( ! timer_called )
HTEventList_newLoop ( ) ;
HTTimer_delete ( timer ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : handle ( )
H_AUTO ( RZ_Interface_Html_handle )
const CWidgetManager : : SInterfaceTimes & times = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getInterfaceTimes ( ) ;
if ( _Connecting )
nlassert ( _ConnectingLock = = this ) ;
// Check timeout if needed
if ( _TimeoutValue ! = 0 & & _ConnectingTimeout < = ( times . thisFrameMs / 1000.0f ) )
browseError ( ( " Connection timeout : " + _URL ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( _ConnectingLock = = NULL )
if ( _BrowseNextTime )
// Stop browsing now
stopBrowse ( ) ;
updateRefreshButton ( ) ;
// Home ?
if ( _URL = = " home " )
_URL = home ( ) ;
string finalUrl ;
bool isLocal = lookupLocalFile ( finalUrl , _URL . c_str ( ) , true ) ;
// Reset the title
if ( _TitlePrefix . empty ( ) )
setTitle ( CI18N : : get ( " uiPleaseWait " ) ) ;
setTitle ( _TitlePrefix + " - " + CI18N : : get ( " uiPleaseWait " ) ) ;
// Start connecting
nlassert ( _ConnectingLock = = NULL ) ;
_ConnectingLock = this ;
_Connecting = true ;
_ConnectingTimeout = ( times . thisFrameMs / 1000.0f ) + _TimeoutValue ;
CButtonFreezer freezer ;
this - > visit ( & freezer ) ;
// Browsing
_Browsing = true ;
updateRefreshButton ( ) ;
// Save new url
_URL = finalUrl ;
// display HTTP query
//nlinfo("WEB: GET '%s'", finalUrl.c_str());
// Init LibWWW
initLibWWW ( ) ;
_TrustedDomain = isTrustedDomain ( setCurrentDomain ( finalUrl ) ) ;
// Add custom get params
addHTTPGetParams ( finalUrl , _TrustedDomain ) ;
// Get the final URL
C3WSmartPtr uri = HTParse ( finalUrl . c_str ( ) , NULL , PARSE_ALL ) ;
// Create an anchor
if ( ( _LibWWW - > Anchor = HTAnchor_findAddress ( uri ) ) = = NULL )
# else
// temporarily disable local URL's until LibWWW can be replaced.
if ( isLocal | | ( ( _LibWWW - > Anchor = HTAnchor_findAddress ( uri ) ) = = NULL ) )
# endif
browseError ( ( string ( " The page address is malformed : " ) + ( const char * ) uri ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
/* Add our own request terminate handler. Nb: pass as param a UID, not the ptr */
HTNet_addAfter ( requestTerminater , NULL , ( void * ) _GroupHtmlUID , HT_ALL , HT_FILTER_LAST ) ;
/* Set the timeout for long we are going to wait for a response */
HTHost_setEventTimeout ( 60000 ) ;
/* Start the first request */
// request = Request_new(app);
_LibWWW - > Request = HTRequest_new ( ) ;
HTRequest_setContext ( _LibWWW - > Request , this ) ;
// add supported language header
HTList * langs = HTList_new ( ) ;
// set the language code used by the client
HTLanguage_add ( langs , options . languageCode . c_str ( ) , 1.0 ) ;
HTRequest_setLanguage ( _LibWWW - > Request , langs , 1 ) ;
// get_document(_LibWWW->Request, _LibWWW->Anchor);
C3WSmartPtr address = HTAnchor_address ( _LibWWW - > Anchor ) ;
HTRequest_setAnchor ( _LibWWW - > Request , _LibWWW - > Anchor ) ;
if ( HTLoad ( _LibWWW - > Request , NO ) )
browseError ( ( string ( " The page cannot be displayed : " ) + ( const char * ) uri ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
_BrowseNextTime = false ;
if ( _PostNextTime )
/* Create a list to hold the form arguments */
HTAssocList * formfields = HTAssocList_new ( ) ;
// Add text area text
uint i ;
// Ref the form
CForm & form = _Forms [ _PostFormId ] ;
// Save new url
_URL = form . Action ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < form . Entries . size ( ) ; i + + )
// Text area ?
bool addEntry = false ;
ucstring entryData ;
if ( form . Entries [ i ] . TextArea )
// Get the edit box view
CInterfaceGroup * group = form . Entries [ i ] . TextArea - > getGroup ( " eb " ) ;
if ( group )
// Should be a CGroupEditBox
CGroupEditBox * editBox = dynamic_cast < CGroupEditBox * > ( group ) ;
if ( editBox )
entryData = editBox - > getViewText ( ) - > getText ( ) ;
addEntry = true ;
else if ( form . Entries [ i ] . Checkbox )
// todo handle unicode POST here
if ( form . Entries [ i ] . Checkbox - > getPushed ( ) )
entryData = ucstring ( " on " ) ;
addEntry = true ;
else if ( form . Entries [ i ] . ComboBox )
CDBGroupComboBox * cb = form . Entries [ i ] . ComboBox ;
entryData . fromUtf8 ( form . Entries [ i ] . SelectValues [ cb - > getSelection ( ) ] ) ;
addEntry = true ;
// This is a hidden value
entryData = form . Entries [ i ] . Value ;
addEntry = true ;
// Add this entry
if ( addEntry )
// Build a utf8 string
string uft8 = form . Entries [ i ] . Name + " = " + CI18N : : encodeUTF8 ( entryData ) ;
/* Parse the content and add it to the association list */
HTParseFormInput ( formfields , uft8 . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Add the button coordinates
HTParseFormInput ( formfields , ( _PostFormSubmitButton + " _x=0 " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
HTParseFormInput ( formfields , ( _PostFormSubmitButton + " _y=0 " ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Add custom params
addHTTPPostParams ( formfields , _TrustedDomain ) ;
// Reset the title
if ( _TitlePrefix . empty ( ) )
setTitle ( CI18N : : get ( " uiPleaseWait " ) ) ;
setTitle ( _TitlePrefix + " - " + CI18N : : get ( " uiPleaseWait " ) ) ;
// Stop previous browse
stopBrowse ( ) ;
// Set timeout
nlassert ( _ConnectingLock = = NULL ) ;
_ConnectingLock = this ;
_Connecting = true ;
_ConnectingTimeout = ( times . thisFrameMs / 1000.0f ) + _TimeoutValue ;
CButtonFreezer freezer ;
this - > visit ( & freezer ) ;
// Browsing
_Browsing = true ;
updateRefreshButton ( ) ;
// display HTTP query with post parameters
//nlinfo("WEB: POST %s", _URL.c_str());
// Init LibWWW
initLibWWW ( ) ;
_TrustedDomain = isTrustedDomain ( setCurrentDomain ( _URL ) ) ;
// Get the final URL
C3WSmartPtr uri = HTParse ( _URL . c_str ( ) , NULL , PARSE_ALL ) ;
// Create an anchor
if ( ( _LibWWW - > Anchor = HTAnchor_findAddress ( uri ) ) = = NULL )
browseError ( ( string ( " The page address is malformed : " ) + ( const char * ) uri ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
/* Add our own request terminate handler. Nb: pass as param a UID, not the ptr */
HTNet_addAfter ( requestTerminater , NULL , ( void * ) _GroupHtmlUID , HT_ALL , HT_FILTER_LAST ) ;
/* Start the first request */
// request = Request_new(app);
_LibWWW - > Request = HTRequest_new ( ) ;
HTRequest_setContext ( _LibWWW - > Request , this ) ;
* * Dream up a source anchor ( an editor can for example use this ) .
* * After creation we associate the data that we want to post and
* * set some metadata about what the data is . More formats can be found
* * . . / src / HTFormat . html
/*HTParentAnchor *src = HTTmpAnchor(NULL);
HTAnchor_setDocument ( src , ( void * ) ( data . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
HTAnchor_setFormat ( src , WWW_PLAINTEXT ) ; */
* * If not posting to an HTTP / 1.1 server then content length MUST be
* * there . If HTTP / 1.1 then it doesn ' t matter as we just use chunked
* * encoding under the covers
// HTAnchor_setLength(src, data.size());
HTParentAnchor * result = HTPostFormAnchor ( formfields , _LibWWW - > Anchor , _LibWWW - > Request ) ;
if ( result )
browseError ( ( string ( " The page cannot be displayed : " ) + ( const char * ) uri ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
/* POST the source to the dest */
BOOL status = NO ;
status = HTPostAnchor ( src , _LibWWW - > Anchor , _LibWWW - > Request ) ;
if ( status )
browseError ( ( string ( " The page cannot be displayed : " ) + ( const char * ) uri ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
} */
_PostNextTime = false ;
# ifndef NL_OS_WINDOWS
if ( isBrowsing ( ) )
handleLibwwwEvents ( ) ;
# endif
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : draw ( )
checkDownloads ( ) ;
CGroupScrollText : : draw ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : endBuild ( )
invalidateCoords ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : addHTTPGetParams ( string & /* url */ , bool /*trustedDomain*/ )
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : addHTTPPostParams ( HTAssocList * /* formfields */ , bool /*trustedDomain*/ )
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : requestTerminated ( HTRequest * /* request */ )
// set the browser as complete
_Browsing = false ;
updateRefreshButton ( ) ;
// check that the title is set, or reset it (in the case the page
// does not provide a title)
if ( _TitleString . empty ( ) )
setTitle ( _TitlePrefix ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
string CGroupHTML : : home ( )
return Home ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : removeContent ( )
// Remove old document
if ( ! _GroupListAdaptor )
_GroupListAdaptor = new CGroupListAdaptor ( CViewBase : : TCtorParam ( ) ) ; // deleted by the list
_GroupListAdaptor - > setResizeFromChildH ( true ) ;
getList ( ) - > addChild ( _GroupListAdaptor , true ) ;
// Group list adaptor not exist ?
_GroupListAdaptor - > clearGroups ( ) ;
_GroupListAdaptor - > clearControls ( ) ;
_GroupListAdaptor - > clearViews ( ) ;
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > clearViewUnders ( ) ;
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > clearCtrlsUnders ( ) ;
_Paragraph = NULL ;
// Reset default background color
setBackgroundColor ( BgColor ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
const std : : string & CGroupHTML : : selectTreeNodeRecurs ( CGroupTree : : SNode * node , const std : : string & url )
static std : : string emptyString ;
if ( ! node )
return emptyString ;
// if this node match
if ( actionLaunchUrlRecurs ( node - > AHName , node - > AHParams , url ) )
return node - > Id ;
// fails => look into children
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < node - > Children . size ( ) ; i + + )
const string & childRes = selectTreeNodeRecurs ( node - > Children [ i ] , url ) ;
if ( ! childRes . empty ( ) )
return childRes ;
// none match...
return emptyString ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CGroupHTML : : actionLaunchUrlRecurs ( const std : : string & ah , const std : : string & params , const std : : string & url )
// check if this action match
if ( ( ah = = " launch_help " | | ah = = " browse " ) & & IActionHandler : : getParam ( params , " url " ) = = url )
return true ;
// can be a proc that contains launch_help/browse => look recurs
else if ( ah = = " proc " )
const std : : string & procName = params ;
// look into this proc
2012-07-13 03:37:09 +00:00
uint numActions = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > getProcedureNumActions ( procName ) ;
2012-07-01 01:11:24 +00:00
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < numActions ; i + + )
string procAh , procParams ;
2012-07-13 03:37:09 +00:00
if ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > getProcedureAction ( procName , i , procAh , procParams ) )
2012-07-01 01:11:24 +00:00
// recurs proc if needed!
if ( actionLaunchUrlRecurs ( procAh , procParams , url ) )
return true ;
return false ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : clearUndoRedo ( )
// erase any undo/redo
_BrowseUndo . clear ( ) ;
_BrowseRedo . clear ( ) ;
// update buttons validation
updateUndoRedoButtons ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : pushUrlUndoRedo ( const std : : string & url )
// if same url, no op
if ( url = = _AskedUrl )
return ;
// erase any redo, push undo, set current
_BrowseRedo . clear ( ) ;
if ( ! _AskedUrl . empty ( ) )
_BrowseUndo . push_back ( _AskedUrl ) ;
_AskedUrl = url ;
// limit undo
while ( _BrowseUndo . size ( ) > MaxUrlUndoRedo )
_BrowseUndo . pop_front ( ) ;
// update buttons validation
updateUndoRedoButtons ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : browseUndo ( )
if ( _BrowseUndo . empty ( ) )
return ;
// push to redo, pop undo, and set current
_BrowseRedo . push_front ( _AskedUrl ) ;
_AskedUrl = _BrowseUndo . back ( ) ;
_BrowseUndo . pop_back ( ) ;
// update buttons validation
updateUndoRedoButtons ( ) ;
// and then browse the undoed url, with no undo/redo
doBrowse ( _AskedUrl . c_str ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : browseRedo ( )
if ( _BrowseRedo . empty ( ) )
return ;
// push to undo, pop redo, and set current
_BrowseUndo . push_back ( _AskedUrl ) ;
_AskedUrl = _BrowseRedo . front ( ) ;
_BrowseRedo . pop_front ( ) ;
// update buttons validation
updateUndoRedoButtons ( ) ;
// and then browse the redoed url, with no undo/redo
doBrowse ( _AskedUrl . c_str ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : updateUndoRedoButtons ( )
CCtrlBaseButton * butUndo = dynamic_cast < CCtrlBaseButton * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( _BrowseUndoButton ) ) ;
CCtrlBaseButton * butRedo = dynamic_cast < CCtrlBaseButton * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( _BrowseRedoButton ) ) ;
// gray according to list size
if ( butUndo )
butUndo - > setFrozen ( _BrowseUndo . empty ( ) ) ;
if ( butRedo )
butRedo - > setFrozen ( _BrowseRedo . empty ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : updateRefreshButton ( )
CCtrlBaseButton * butRefresh = dynamic_cast < CCtrlBaseButton * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( _BrowseRefreshButton ) ) ;
bool enabled = ! _Browsing & & ! _Connecting ;
if ( butRefresh )
butRefresh - > setFrozen ( ! enabled ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT ( CViewBase , CGroupHTMLInputOffset , std : : string , " html_input_offset " ) ;
CGroupHTMLInputOffset : : CGroupHTMLInputOffset ( const TCtorParam & param )
: CInterfaceGroup ( param ) ,
Offset ( 0 )
// ***************************************************************************
bool CGroupHTMLInputOffset : : parse ( xmlNodePtr cur , CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup )
if ( ! CInterfaceGroup : : parse ( cur , parentGroup ) ) return false ;
CXMLAutoPtr ptr ;
// Get the url
ptr = xmlGetProp ( cur , ( xmlChar * ) " y_offset " ) ;
if ( ptr )
fromString ( ( const char * ) ptr , Offset ) ;
return true ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CGroupHTML : : luaBrowse ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " browse " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
browse ( ls . toString ( 1 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CGroupHTML : : luaRefresh ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " refresh " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 0 ) ;
refresh ( ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CGroupHTML : : luaRemoveContent ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " removeContent " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 0 ) ;
removeContent ( ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CGroupHTML : : luaInsertText ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " insertText " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 3 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 3 , LUA_TBOOLEAN ) ;
string name = ls . toString ( 1 ) ;
ucstring text ;
text . fromUtf8 ( ls . toString ( 2 ) ) ;
if ( ! _Forms . empty ( ) )
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _Forms . back ( ) . Entries . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( _Forms . back ( ) . Entries [ i ] . TextArea & & _Forms . back ( ) . Entries [ i ] . Name = = name )
// Get the edit box view
CInterfaceGroup * group = _Forms . back ( ) . Entries [ i ] . TextArea - > getGroup ( " eb " ) ;
if ( group )
// Should be a CGroupEditBox
CGroupEditBox * editBox = dynamic_cast < CGroupEditBox * > ( group ) ;
if ( editBox )
editBox - > writeString ( text , false , ls . toBoolean ( 3 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CGroupHTML : : luaAddString ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " addString " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
addString ( ucstring ( ls . toString ( 1 ) ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CGroupHTML : : luaAddImage ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " addImage " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 2 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TBOOLEAN ) ;
if ( ! _Paragraph )
newParagraph ( 0 ) ;
paragraphChange ( ) ;
string url = getLink ( ) ;
if ( ! url . empty ( ) )
string params = " name= " + getId ( ) + " |url= " + getLink ( ) ;
addButton ( CCtrlButton : : PushButton , ls . toString ( 1 ) , ls . toString ( 1 ) , ls . toString ( 1 ) ,
" " , ls . toBoolean ( 2 ) , " browse " , params . c_str ( ) , " " ) ;
addImage ( ls . toString ( 1 ) , ls . toBoolean ( 2 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CGroupHTML : : luaBeginElement ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " beginElement " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 2 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TTABLE ) ;
uint element_number = ( uint ) ls . toNumber ( 1 ) ;
std : : vector < BOOL > present ;
std : : vector < const char * > value ;
present . resize ( 30 , false ) ;
value . resize ( 30 ) ;
CLuaObject params ;
params . pop ( ls ) ;
uint max_idx = 0 ;
ENUM_LUA_TABLE ( params , it )
if ( ! it . nextKey ( ) . isNumber ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : bad key encountered with type %s, number expected. " , funcName , it . nextKey ( ) . getTypename ( ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( ! it . nextValue ( ) . isString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : bad value encountered with type %s for key %s, string expected. " , funcName , it . nextValue ( ) . getTypename ( ) , it . nextKey ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
continue ;
uint idx = ( uint ) it . nextKey ( ) . toNumber ( ) ;
present . insert ( present . begin ( ) + ( uint ) it . nextKey ( ) . toNumber ( ) , true ) ;
string str = it . nextValue ( ) . toString ( ) ;
size_t size = str . size ( ) + 1 ;
char * buffer = new char [ size ] ;
strncpy ( buffer , str . c_str ( ) , size ) ;
value . insert ( value . begin ( ) + ( uint ) it . nextKey ( ) . toNumber ( ) , buffer ) ;
beginElement ( element_number , & present [ 0 ] , & value [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( element_number = = HTML_A )
addLink ( element_number , 0 , NULL , & present [ 0 ] , & value [ 0 ] ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CGroupHTML : : luaEndElement ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " endElement " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
uint element_number = ( uint ) ls . toNumber ( 1 ) ;
endElement ( element_number ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CGroupHTML : : luaShowDiv ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " showDiv " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 2 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TBOOLEAN ) ;
if ( ! _Groups . empty ( ) )
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _Groups . size ( ) ; i + + )
CInterfaceGroup * group = _Groups [ i ] ;
if ( group - > getName ( ) = = ls . toString ( 1 ) )
group - > setActive ( ls . toBoolean ( 2 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CGroupHTML : : setURL ( const std : : string & url )
browse ( url . c_str ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
inline bool isDigit ( ucchar c , uint base = 16 )
if ( c > = ' 0 ' & & c < = ' 9 ' ) return true ;
if ( base ! = 16 ) return false ;
if ( c > = ' A ' & & c < = ' F ' ) return true ;
if ( c > = ' a ' & & c < = ' f ' ) return true ;
return false ;
// ***************************************************************************
inline ucchar convertHexDigit ( ucchar c )
if ( c > = ' 0 ' & & c < = ' 9 ' ) return c - ' 0 ' ;
if ( c > = ' A ' & & c < = ' F ' ) return c - ' A ' + 10 ;
if ( c > = ' a ' & & c < = ' f ' ) return c - ' a ' + 10 ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
ucstring CGroupHTML : : decodeHTMLEntities ( const ucstring & str )
ucstring result ;
uint last , pos ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < str . length ( ) ; + + i )
// HTML entity
if ( str [ i ] = = ' & ' & & ( str . length ( ) - i ) > = 4 )
pos = i + 1 ;
// unicode character
if ( str [ pos ] = = ' # ' )
+ + pos ;
// using decimal by default
uint base = 10 ;
// using hexadecimal if &#x
if ( str [ pos ] = = ' x ' )
base = 16 ;
+ + pos ;
// setup "last" to point at the first character following "&#x?[0-9a-f]+"
for ( last = pos ; last < str . length ( ) ; + + last ) if ( ! isDigit ( str [ last ] , base ) ) break ;
// make sure that at least 1 digit was found
// and have the terminating ';' to complete the token: "&#x?[0-9a-f]+;"
if ( last = = pos | | str [ last ] ! = ' ; ' )
result + = str [ i ] ;
continue ;
ucchar c = 0 ;
// convert digits to unicode character
while ( pos < last ) c = convertHexDigit ( str [ pos + + ] ) + c * ucchar ( base ) ;
// append our new character to the result string
result + = c ;
// move 'i' forward to point at the ';' .. the for(...) will increment i to point to next char
i = last ;
continue ;
// special xml characters
if ( str . substr ( i + 1 , 5 ) = = ucstring ( " quot; " ) ) { i + = 5 ; result + = ' \" ' ; continue ; }
if ( str . substr ( i + 1 , 4 ) = = ucstring ( " amp; " ) ) { i + = 4 ; result + = ' & ' ; continue ; }
if ( str . substr ( i + 1 , 3 ) = = ucstring ( " lt; " ) ) { i + = 3 ; result + = ' < ' ; continue ; }
if ( str . substr ( i + 1 , 3 ) = = ucstring ( " gt; " ) ) { i + = 3 ; result + = ' > ' ; continue ; }
// all the special cases are catered for... treat this as a normal character
result + = str [ i ] ;
return result ;