2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "stdpch.h" // First include for pre-compiled headers.
// Misc
# include "nel/misc/path.h"
# include "nel/misc/file.h"
# include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
# include "nel/misc/sheet_id.h"
// Georges
# include "nel/georges/u_form.h"
# include "nel/georges/u_form_elm.h"
# include "nel/georges/u_form_loader.h"
# include "nel/georges/u_type.h"
# include "nel/georges/load_form.h"
// Client
# include "sheet_manager.h"
//#include "client_cfg.h"
# include "client_sheets/entity_sheet.h"
# include "client_sheets/faction_sheet.h"
// Game Share
# include "game_share/visual_slot_manager.h"
// USING //
using namespace NLMISC ;
using namespace std ;
using namespace NLGEORGES ;
// Sheet manager.
CSheetManager SheetMngr ;
UFormLoader * CSheetManager : : FormLoader = NULL ;
COFile fItemAssoc ;
bool ItemAssocFileOpen = false ;
// there can be several instance of CSheetManager (for reload operations) -> ctruct the loader here rather than in CSheetManager ctor
class CFormLoaderInit
public :
CFormLoaderInit ( )
nlassert ( CSheetManager : : FormLoader = = NULL ) ;
CSheetManager : : FormLoader = UFormLoader : : createLoader ( ) ;
nlassert ( CSheetManager : : FormLoader ! = NULL ) ;
~ CFormLoaderInit ( )
if ( CSheetManager : : FormLoader )
UFormLoader : : releaseLoader ( CSheetManager : : FormLoader ) ;
CSheetManager : : FormLoader = NULL ;
} ;
static CFormLoaderInit FormLoadInit ;
class CTypeVersion
public :
std : : string Type ;
uint Version ;
CTypeVersion ( std : : string type , uint version ) { Type = type ; Version = version ; }
} ;
CTypeVersion TypeVersion [ ] =
CTypeVersion ( " creature " , 17 ) ,
// CTypeVersion("player", 0),
CTypeVersion ( " fx " , 0 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " building " , 2 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " sitem " , 42 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " item " , 42 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " plant " , 5 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " death_impact " , 0 ) ,
// CTypeVersion("mission", 0),
CTypeVersion ( " race_stats " , 3 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " light_cycle " , 0 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " weather_setup " , 1 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " continent " , 12 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " world " , 1 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " weather_function_params " , 2 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " mission_icon " , 0 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " sbrick " , 32 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " sphrase " , 4 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " skill_tree " , 5 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " titles " , 1 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " succes_chances_table " , 1 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " automaton_list " , 23 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " animset_list " , 25 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " animation_fx " , 4 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " id_to_string_array " , 1 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " emot " , 1 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " forage_source " , 2 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " flora " , 0 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " animation_fx_set " , 3 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " attack_list " , 9 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " text_emotes " , 1 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " sky " , 5 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " outpost " , 0 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " outpost_building " , 1 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " outpost_squad " , 1 ) ,
CTypeVersion ( " faction " , 0 ) ,
} ;
// This is just a value for CVS conflict generation.
const char * LastPackedFilenameVersionIncrementer = " nico " ;
static uint Version = 2 ;
// CSheetManagerEntry //
// ***************************************************************************
CSheetManagerEntry : : CSheetManagerEntry ( ) : EntitySheet ( NULL )
// ~CSheetManagerEntry :
CSheetManagerEntry : : ~ CSheetManagerEntry ( )
// Release the sheet.
if ( EntitySheet ! = 0 )
delete EntitySheet ;
EntitySheet = 0 ;
} // ~CSheetManagerEntry //
// ***************************************************************************
void CSheetManagerEntry : : readGeorges ( const NLMISC : : CSmartPtr < NLGEORGES : : UForm > & form , const NLMISC : : CSheetId & sheetId )
// Load the form with given sheet id
if ( form )
// if (EntitySheet != NULL)
// delete EntitySheet;
CEntitySheet * sheet = NULL ;
std : : string extension = NLMISC : : CSheetId : : fileExtensionFromType ( sheetId . getSheetType ( ) ) ;
// create the new structure
if ( extension = = " creature " )
sheet = new CCharacterSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " player " )
sheet = new CPlayerSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " fx " )
sheet = new CFXSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " building " )
sheet = new CBuildingSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " sitem " | | extension = = " item " )
sheet = new CItemSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " plant " )
sheet = new CPlantSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " death_impact " )
sheet = new CPactSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " mission " )
sheet = new CMissionSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " race_stats " )
sheet = new CRaceStatsSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " light_cycle " )
sheet = new CLightCycleSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " weather_setup " )
sheet = new CWeatherSetupSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " continent " )
sheet = new CContinentSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " world " )
sheet = new CWorldSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " weather_function_params " )
sheet = new CWeatherFunctionParamsSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " mission_icon " )
sheet = new CMissionIconSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " sbrick " )
sheet = new CSBrickSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " sphrase " )
sheet = new CSPhraseSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " skill_tree " )
sheet = new CSkillsTreeSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " titles " )
sheet = new CUnblockTitlesSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " succes_chances_table " )
sheet = new CSuccessTableSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " automaton_list " )
sheet = new CAutomatonListSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " animset_list " )
sheet = new CAnimationSetListSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " animation_fx " )
sheet = new CAnimationFXSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " id_to_string_array " )
sheet = new CIDToStringArraySheet ;
else if ( extension = = " emot " )
sheet = new CEmotListSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " forage_source " )
sheet = new CForageSourceSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " flora " )
sheet = new CFloraSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " animation_fx_set " )
sheet = new CAnimationFXSetSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " attack_list " )
sheet = new CAttackListSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " text_emotes " )
sheet = new CTextEmotListSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " sky " )
sheet = new CSkySheet ;
else if ( extension = = " outpost " )
sheet = new COutpostSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " outpost_building " )
sheet = new COutpostBuildingSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " outpost_squad " )
sheet = new COutpostSquadSheet ;
else if ( extension = = " faction " )
sheet = new CFactionSheet ;
nlwarning ( " CSheetManager::loadSheet: Do not know how to create the class from the sheet '%s'. " , sheetId . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Build the sheet from an external file.
sheet - > Id = sheetId ;
sheet - > build ( form - > getRootNode ( ) ) ;
EntitySheet = sheet ;
SheetMngr . processSheet ( EntitySheet ) ;
// Error while loading the form.
// nlwarning("CSheetManager::loadSheet: Cannot load the form '%s'.", filename.c_str());
EntitySheet = 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSheetManagerEntry : : initSheet ( CEntitySheet * pES , NLMISC : : IStream & s , CEntitySheet : : TType type )
if ( pES ! = NULL )
pES - > Id . serial ( s ) ;
pES - > serial ( s ) ;
pES - > Type = type ;
SheetMngr . processSheet ( pES ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSheetManagerEntry : : serial ( NLMISC : : IStream & s )
if ( s . isReading ( ) )
// if (EntitySheet != NULL)
// delete EntitySheet;
CEntitySheet : : TType type = CEntitySheet : : TypeCount ;
s . serialEnum ( type ) ;
switch ( type )
case CEntitySheet : : FAUNA :
EntitySheet = new CCharacterSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : FLORA :
EntitySheet = new CFloraSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : CHAR :
EntitySheet = new CPlayerSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : FX :
EntitySheet = new CFXSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : BUILDING :
EntitySheet = new CBuildingSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : ITEM :
EntitySheet = new CItemSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : PLANT :
EntitySheet = new CPlantSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : PACT :
EntitySheet = new CPactSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : MISSION :
EntitySheet = new CMissionSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : MISSION_ICON :
EntitySheet = new CMissionIconSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : RACE_STATS :
EntitySheet = new CRaceStatsSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : LIGHT_CYCLE :
EntitySheet = new CLightCycleSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : WEATHER_SETUP :
EntitySheet = new CWeatherSetupSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : CONTINENT :
EntitySheet = new CContinentSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : WORLD :
EntitySheet = new CWorldSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
EntitySheet = new CWeatherFunctionParamsSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : SBRICK :
EntitySheet = new CSBrickSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : SPHRASE :
EntitySheet = new CSPhraseSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : SKILLS_TREE :
EntitySheet = new CSkillsTreeSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : UNBLOCK_TITLES :
EntitySheet = new CUnblockTitlesSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : SUCCESS_TABLE :
EntitySheet = new CSuccessTableSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : AUTOMATON_LIST :
EntitySheet = new CAutomatonListSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : ANIMATION_SET_LIST :
EntitySheet = new CAnimationSetListSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : ANIMATION_FX :
EntitySheet = new CAnimationFXSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : ID_TO_STRING_ARRAY :
EntitySheet = new CIDToStringArraySheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : EMOT :
EntitySheet = new CEmotListSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : FORAGE_SOURCE :
EntitySheet = new CForageSourceSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : ANIMATION_FX_SET :
EntitySheet = new CAnimationFXSetSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : ATTACK_LIST :
EntitySheet = new CAttackListSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : TEXT_EMOT :
EntitySheet = new CTextEmotListSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : SKY :
EntitySheet = new CSkySheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : OUTPOST :
EntitySheet = new COutpostSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : OUTPOST_BUILDING :
EntitySheet = new COutpostBuildingSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : OUTPOST_SQUAD :
EntitySheet = new COutpostSquadSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
case CEntitySheet : : FACTION :
EntitySheet = new CFactionSheet ;
initSheet ( EntitySheet , s , type ) ;
break ;
default :
nlwarning ( " CSheetManager::load: Unknown type '%d' in the packed file. Rebuild=true and Ignore this sheet. " , type ) ;
EntitySheet = NULL ;
break ;
if ( EntitySheet ! = NULL )
s . serialEnum ( EntitySheet - > Type ) ;
EntitySheet - > Id . serial ( s ) ;
EntitySheet - > serial ( s ) ;
// write a speudo entry into the stream
CEntitySheet : : TType tmp = CEntitySheet : : UNKNOWN ;
s . serialEnum ( tmp ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSheetManagerEntry : : removed ( )
// any action that is needed if the sheet no more exist.
if ( EntitySheet ! = 0 )
delete EntitySheet ;
EntitySheet = 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
uint CSheetManagerEntry : : getVersion ( )
return Version ;
void CSheetManagerEntry : : setVersion ( uint version )
Version = version ;
} // setVersion //
// CSheetManager :
// Constructor.
CSheetManager : : CSheetManager ( )
_NbEyesColor = 0 ; // Default is no color available for the eyes.
// Slot 0 is invalid.
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < SLOTTYPE : : NB_SLOT ; + + i )
TItemVector slotList ;
slotList . push_back ( 0 ) ;
_VisualSlots . push_back ( slotList ) ;
// CSheetManager :
// Destructor.
CSheetManager : : ~ CSheetManager ( )
release ( ) ;
void CSheetManager : : release ( )
_VisualSlots . clear ( ) ;
_EntitySheetContainer . clear ( ) ;
_SheetToVS . clear ( ) ;
// load :
// Load all sheets.
void CSheetManager : : load ( NLMISC : : IProgressCallback & callBack , bool updatePackedSheet , bool needComputeVS , bool dumpVSIndex )
// Open The Item Association File
2010-06-21 19:03:21 +00:00
if ( ! fItemAssoc . open ( getLogDirectory ( ) + " item_association.dbg " , false , true ) )
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
nlwarning ( " CSheetManager::load: Cannot Open the 'item_association.txt'. " ) ;
ItemAssocFileOpen = true ;
// Initialize the Sheet DB.
loadAllSheet ( callBack , updatePackedSheet , needComputeVS , dumpVSIndex ) ;
// Close the Item Association File.
fItemAssoc . close ( ) ;
ItemAssocFileOpen = false ;
// Optimize memory taken by all strings of all sheets
ClientSheetsStrings . memoryCompress ( ) ;
return ;
} // load //
// loadAllSheet :
// Load all sheets.
void CSheetManager : : loadAllSheet ( NLMISC : : IProgressCallback & callBack , bool updatePackedSheet , bool needComputeVS , bool dumpVSIndex , bool forceRecompute /*= false*/ , const std : : vector < std : : string > * userExtensions /*= NULL*/ )
callBack . progress ( 0 ) ;
callBack . pushCropedValues ( 0 , 0.5f ) ;
2010-06-13 14:58:11 +00:00
// Get some information from typ files.
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
loadTyp ( ) ;
// prepare a list of sheets extension to load.
vector < string > extensions ;
uint sizeTypeVersion = sizeof ( TypeVersion ) ;
uint sizeCTypeVersion = sizeof ( CTypeVersion ) ;
uint nb = sizeTypeVersion / sizeCTypeVersion ;
if ( ! userExtensions )
_EntitySheetContainer . clear ( ) ;
TEntitySheetMap entitySheetContainer ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < nb ; + + i )
// see if extension is wanted
bool found = false ;
if ( userExtensions )
for ( uint l = 0 ; l < userExtensions - > size ( ) ; + + l )
if ( stricmp ( ( * userExtensions ) [ l ] . c_str ( ) , TypeVersion [ i ] . Type . c_str ( ) ) = = 0 )
found = true ;
found = true ;
if ( found )
entitySheetContainer . clear ( ) ;
extensions . clear ( ) ;
extensions . push_back ( TypeVersion [ i ] . Type ) ;
CSheetManagerEntry : : setVersion ( TypeVersion [ i ] . Version ) ;
string path = CPath : : lookup ( TypeVersion [ i ] . Type + " .packed_sheets " , false ) ;
if ( forceRecompute & & ! path . empty ( ) )
// delete previous packed sheets
NLMISC : : CFile : : deleteFile ( path ) ;
path . clear ( ) ;
if ( path . empty ( ) )
path = " ../../client/data/ " + TypeVersion [ i ] . Type + " .packed_sheets " ;
: : loadForm ( extensions , path , entitySheetContainer , updatePackedSheet ) ;
TEntitySheetMap : : iterator it = entitySheetContainer . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = entitySheetContainer . end ( ) )
_EntitySheetContainer [ ( * it ) . first ] = ( * it ) . second ;
( * it ) . second . EntitySheet = 0 ;
// Next
+ + it ;
// Re-compute Visual Slot
if ( needComputeVS )
computeVS ( ) ;
// Compute Visual Slots
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < SLOTTYPE : : NB_SLOT ; + + i )
_VisualSlots [ i ] . resize ( CVisualSlotManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getNbIndex ( ( SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot ) i ) + 1 , 0 ) ; // Nb Index +1 because index 0 is reserve for empty.
TEntitySheetMap : : iterator it = _EntitySheetContainer . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = _EntitySheetContainer . end ( ) )
std : : vector < CVisualSlotManager : : TIdxbyVS > result ;
CVisualSlotManager : : getInstance ( ) - > sheet2Index ( ( * it ) . first , result ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < result . size ( ) ; + + i )
if ( dynamic_cast < CItemSheet * > ( ( * it ) . second . EntitySheet ) )
_SheetToVS [ dynamic_cast < CItemSheet * > ( ( * it ) . second . EntitySheet ) ] . push_back ( std : : make_pair ( result [ i ] . VisualSlot , result [ i ] . Index ) ) ;
_VisualSlots [ result [ i ] . VisualSlot ] [ result [ i ] . Index ] = dynamic_cast < CItemSheet * > ( ( * it ) . second . EntitySheet ) ;
+ + it ;
// Dump visual slots
// nb : if a new visual_slot.tab has just been generated don't forget
// to move it in data_common before dump.
if ( dumpVSIndex )
dumpVisualSlotsIndex ( ) ;
callBack . popCropedValues ( ) ;
} // loadAllSheet //
// ***************************************************************************
void CSheetManager : : loadAllSheetNoPackedSheet ( NLMISC : : IProgressCallback & callBack , const std : : vector < std : : string > & extensions , const std : : string & wildcardFilter )
callBack . progress ( 0 ) ;
callBack . pushCropedValues ( 0 , 0.5f ) ;
// load all forms
: : loadFormNoPackedSheet ( extensions , _EntitySheetContainer , wildcardFilter ) ;
callBack . popCropedValues ( ) ;
// computeVS :
// compute Visual Slots for this sheet.
void CSheetManager : : computeVS ( )
static std : : map < std : : string , uint16 > ProcessedItem ;
map < string , uint16 > : : iterator it ;
CVisualSlotManager : : TVisualSlot vs ;
vs . resize ( SLOTTYPE : : NB_SLOT ) ;
TEntitySheetMap : : iterator itS = _EntitySheetContainer . begin ( ) ;
while ( itS ! = _EntitySheetContainer . end ( ) )
// Visual Slots are only valid for Items.
CItemSheet * item = dynamic_cast < CItemSheet * > ( ( * itS ) . second . EntitySheet ) ;
if ( item & & ( * itS ) . first . getSheetType ( ) = = CSheetId : : typeFromFileExtension ( std : : string ( " sitem " ) ) )
for ( uint j = 0 ; j < SLOTTYPE : : NB_SLOT_TYPE ; + + j )
SLOTTYPE : : TSlotType slotType = ( SLOTTYPE : : TSlotType ) j ;
if ( item - > hasSlot ( slotType ) )
SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot visualSlot = SLOTTYPE : : convertTypeToVisualSlot ( slotType ) ;
if ( visualSlot ! = SLOTTYPE : : HIDDEN_SLOT )
string currentSheet = ( ( * itS ) . first ) . toString ( ) ;
CVisualSlotManager : : TElement vsElmt ;
string sheetName = toString ( " %s%d " , currentSheet . c_str ( ) , visualSlot ) ;
// Is the sheet already process (could be process by a sheet with a different lvl)
it = ProcessedItem . find ( sheetName ) ;
// Insert if not found
if ( it = = ProcessedItem . end ( ) )
uint itemNumber ;
if ( vs [ visualSlot ] . Element . size ( ) = = 0 )
itemNumber = 1 ;
itemNumber = vs [ visualSlot ] . Element [ vs [ visualSlot ] . Element . size ( ) - 1 ] . Index + 1 ;
// Item Processed
ProcessedItem . insert ( make_pair ( sheetName , itemNumber ) ) ;
vsElmt . Index = itemNumber ;
vsElmt . Index = ( * it ) . second ;
vsElmt . SheetId = ( * itS ) . first ;
vs [ visualSlot ] . Element . push_back ( vsElmt ) ;
// Next Sheet
+ + itS ;
// Open the file.
NLMISC : : COFile f ;
if ( f . open ( " visual_slot.tab " ) )
// Dump entities.
f . serialCont ( vs ) ;
// Close the File.
f . close ( ) ;
nlwarning ( " SheetMngr:load: cannot open/create the file 'visual_slot.tab'. " ) ;
} // computeVS //
// processSheet :
// Porcessing the sheet.
// \param sheet : sheet to process.
void CSheetManager : : processSheet ( CEntitySheet * /* sheet */ )
// For now: no op
} // processSheet //
const CSheetManager : : TVisualSlotItemArray * CSheetManager : : getVSItems ( CItemSheet * sheet ) const
TItemSheet2SlotItemArray : : const_iterator it = _SheetToVS . find ( sheet ) ;
if ( it = = _SheetToVS . end ( ) )
return NULL ;
return & ( it - > second ) ;
sint CSheetManager : : getVSIndex ( const std : : string & itemName , SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot slot )
NLMISC : : CSheetId si ;
if ( ! si . buildSheetId ( itemName ) )
nlwarning ( " <CSheetManager::getVSIndex> : cannot build id from item %s for the slot %d. " , itemName . c_str ( ) , slot ) ;
return - 1 ;
TEntitySheetMap : : iterator it = _EntitySheetContainer . find ( si ) ; ;
if ( it = = _EntitySheetContainer . end ( ) )
nlwarning ( " <CSheetManager::getVSIndex> : cannot find %s for the slot %d. " , itemName . c_str ( ) , slot ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( it - > second . EntitySheet = = 0 | | it - > second . EntitySheet - > type ( ) ! = CEntitySheet : : ITEM )
nlwarning ( " <CSheetManager::getVSIndex> : %s is not an item for the slot %d. " , itemName . c_str ( ) , slot ) ;
return - 1 ;
CItemSheet * is = static_cast < CItemSheet * > ( it - > second . EntitySheet ) ;
const TVisualSlotItemArray * ia = getVSItems ( is ) ;
if ( ia = = NULL )
nlwarning ( " <CSheetManager::getVSIndex> : no items for the slot %d. while looking for %s " , slot , itemName . c_str ( ) ) ;
return - 1 ;
TVisualSlotItemArray : : const_iterator first ( ia - > begin ( ) ) , last ( ia - > end ( ) ) ;
for ( ; first ! = last ; + + first )
if ( first - > first = = slot )
return first - > second ;
nlwarning ( " <CSheetManager::getVSIndex> : cannot find %s for the slot %d. " , itemName . c_str ( ) , slot ) ;
return - 1 ;
// get :
// Get a sheet from its number.
// \param uint32 num : sheet number.
// \return CEntitySheet * : pointer on the sheet according to the param or 0 if any pb.
CEntitySheet * CSheetManager : : get ( CSheetId num )
TEntitySheetMap : : iterator it = _EntitySheetContainer . find ( num ) ;
if ( it ! = _EntitySheetContainer . end ( ) )
return it - > second . EntitySheet ;
return NULL ;
} // get //
uint CSheetManager : : getNumItem ( SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot slot )
// The slot is not a visible one.
if ( slot = = SLOTTYPE : : HIDDEN_SLOT )
return 0 ;
// Convert into an uint to remove warnings.
uint s = ( uint ) slot ;
// Check slot.
if ( s < _VisualSlots . size ( ) )
2010-05-13 20:45:24 +00:00
return ( uint ) _VisualSlots [ s ] . size ( ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
nlwarning ( " CSheetManager::getNumItem : invalid slot %d. " , slot ) ;
return 0 ;
// getItem :
// Get the real.
CItemSheet * CSheetManager : : getItem ( SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot slot , uint index )
// The slot is not a visible one.
if ( slot = = SLOTTYPE : : HIDDEN_SLOT )
return 0 ;
// Convert into an uint to remove warnings.
uint s = ( uint ) slot ;
// Check slot.
if ( s < _VisualSlots . size ( ) )
// Check index.
if ( index < _VisualSlots [ s ] . size ( ) )
// Not the default Item.
if ( index ! = 0 )
return _VisualSlots [ s ] [ index ] ;
// Default Item.
return NULL ;
// Bad index.
//nlwarning("CSheetManager::getItem : invalid index %d for the slot %d.", index, slot);
return NULL ;
// Bad slot.
nlwarning ( " CSheetManager::getItem : invalid slot %d. " , slot ) ;
return NULL ;
} // getItem //
// loadTyp :
2010-06-13 14:58:11 +00:00
// Get Some information from 'typ' files.
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
void CSheetManager : : loadTyp ( )
// Read the Eyes Color 'typ'
NLMISC : : CSmartPtr < NLGEORGES : : UType > smartPtr = FormLoader - > loadFormType ( " _creature_3d_eyes_color.typ " ) ;
if ( smartPtr )
string maxStr = smartPtr - > getMax ( ) ;
fromString ( maxStr , _NbEyesColor ) ;
if ( _NbEyesColor < = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CSheetManager::loadTyp: There no is Color available for the eyes. " ) ;
nlwarning ( " CSheetManager::loadTyp: Cannot load the '_creature_3d_eyes_color.typ' file. " ) ;
// Read the Hair Color 'typ'
smartPtr = FormLoader - > loadFormType ( " _creature_3d_hair_color.typ " ) ;
if ( smartPtr )
string maxStr = smartPtr - > getMax ( ) ;
fromString ( maxStr , _NbHairColor ) ;
if ( _NbHairColor < = 0 )
nlwarning ( " CSheetManager::loadTyp: There is no Color available for the hair. " ) ;
nlwarning ( " CSheetManager::loadTyp: Cannot load the '_creature_3d_hair_color.typ' file. " ) ;
} // initTyp //
// ***************************************************************************
void CSheetManager : : dumpVisualSlots ( )
for ( uint k = 0 ; k < _VisualSlots . size ( ) ; + + k )
TItemVector & iv = _VisualSlots [ k ] ;
for ( uint l = 0 ; l < iv . size ( ) ; + + l )
if ( iv [ l ] )
nlinfo ( " Slot %d, item %d = %s " , ( int ) k , ( int ) l , iv [ l ] - > Id . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CSheetManager : : dumpVisualSlotsIndex ( )
2010-06-21 19:03:21 +00:00
FILE * vsIndexFile = fopen ( std : : string ( getLogDirectory ( ) + " vs_index.txt " ) . c_str ( ) , " w " ) ;
2010-05-06 00:08:41 +00:00
if ( vsIndexFile )
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < SLOTTYPE : : NB_SLOT ; + + i )
fprintf ( vsIndexFile , " VISUAL SLOT : %d \n " , i ) ;
TItemVector & rVTmp = _VisualSlots [ i ] ;
for ( uint j = 0 ; j < rVTmp . size ( ) ; + + j )
CItemSheet * pIS = rVTmp [ j ] ;
if ( pIS ! = NULL )
fprintf ( vsIndexFile , " %d : %s \n " , j , pIS - > Id . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
nlwarning ( " <CSheetManager::loadAllSheet> Can't open file to dump VS index " ) ;
fclose ( vsIndexFile ) ;