2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "std3d.h"
# include "nel/3d/shadow_map_manager.h"
# include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"
# include "nel/3d/driver.h"
# include "nel/3d/scene.h"
# include "nel/3d/viewport.h"
# include "nel/3d/scissor.h"
# include "nel/3d/dru.h"
# include "nel/3d/texture_mem.h"
# include "nel/3d/visual_collision_manager.h"
# include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h"
# include "nel/misc/fast_floor.h"
using namespace NLMISC ;
using namespace std ;
namespace NL3D {
// ***************************************************************************
// easineasout
static inline float easeInEaseOut ( float x )
float y ;
// cubic such that f(0)=0, f'(0)=0, f(1)=1, f'(1)=0.
float x2 = x * x ;
float x3 = x2 * x ;
y = - 2 * x3 + 3 * x2 ;
return y ;
// ***************************************************************************
CShadowMapManager : : CShadowMapManager ( )
uint i ;
// For Texture profiling
_TextureCategory = new ITexture : : CTextureCategory ( " SHADOW MANAGER " ) ;
_ShadowCasters . reserve ( 256 ) ;
_GenerateShadowCasters . reserve ( 256 ) ;
_PolySmooth = true ;
// **** Setup Fill
_FillQuads . setVertexFormat ( CVertexBuffer : : PositionFlag ) ;
_FillMaterial . initUnlit ( ) ;
_FillMaterial . setColor ( CRGBA ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
_FillMaterial . setZWrite ( false ) ;
_FillMaterial . setZFunc ( CMaterial : : always ) ;
_FillMaterial . setDoubleSided ( true ) ;
_FillQuads . setPreferredMemory ( CVertexBuffer : : RAMVolatile , true ) ;
// **** Setup Blur
_BlurQuads . setVertexFormat ( CVertexBuffer : : PositionFlag |
CVertexBuffer : : TexCoord0Flag |
CVertexBuffer : : TexCoord1Flag |
CVertexBuffer : : TexCoord2Flag |
CVertexBuffer : : TexCoord3Flag ) ;
_BlurQuads . setPreferredMemory ( CVertexBuffer : : RAMVolatile , true ) ;
// Only 2 quads are used to blur
_BlurQuads . setNumVertices ( 8 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + )
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . initUnlit ( ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . setColor ( CRGBA : : White ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . setZWrite ( false ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . setZFunc ( CMaterial : : always ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . setDoubleSided ( true ) ;
// Setup The Blur. NB: it will take advantage of Max 4 texture driver support, but will still
// work with 2 or 3 (less beautifull).
uint j ;
for ( j = 1 ; j < 4 ; j + + )
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . texEnvOpRGB ( j , CMaterial : : InterpolateConstant ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . texEnvArg0RGB ( j , CMaterial : : Texture , CMaterial : : SrcColor ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . texEnvArg1RGB ( j , CMaterial : : Previous , CMaterial : : SrcColor ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . texEnvOpAlpha ( j , CMaterial : : InterpolateConstant ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . texEnvArg0Alpha ( j , CMaterial : : Texture , CMaterial : : SrcAlpha ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . texEnvArg1Alpha ( j , CMaterial : : Previous , CMaterial : : SrcAlpha ) ;
// Factor for Stage so the sum is 1.
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . texConstantColor ( 1 , CRGBA ( 128 , 128 , 128 , 128 ) ) ; // factor= 1/2
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . texConstantColor ( 2 , CRGBA ( 85 , 85 , 85 , 85 ) ) ; // factor= 1/3
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . texConstantColor ( 3 , CRGBA ( 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 ) ) ; // factor= 1/4
_BlurTextureW = 0 ;
_BlurTextureH = 0 ;
// *** Setup copy
_CopyQuads . setVertexFormat ( CVertexBuffer : : PositionFlag | CVertexBuffer : : TexCoord0Flag ) ;
_CopyQuads . setNumVertices ( 4 ) ;
_CopyQuads . setPreferredMemory ( CVertexBuffer : : RAMVolatile , true ) ;
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba ;
_CopyQuads . lock ( vba ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( 0 , CVector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( 1 , CVector ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( 2 , CVector ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( 3 , CVector ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
// Copy material
_CopyMaterial . initUnlit ( ) ;
_CopyMaterial . setColor ( CRGBA : : White ) ;
_CopyMaterial . setZWrite ( false ) ;
_CopyMaterial . setZFunc ( CMaterial : : always ) ;
_CopyMaterial . setDoubleSided ( true ) ;
_CopyMaterial . setBlend ( false ) ;
_CopyMaterial . setAlphaTest ( false ) ;
_CopyMaterial . setBlendFunc ( CMaterial : : one , CMaterial : : zero ) ;
// **** Setup Receiving
// Setup the clamp texture.
const uint clampTextSize = 512 ;
const uint clampNearFadeSize = 32 ;
const uint clampFarFadeSize = 128 ;
uint textMemSize = 4 * clampTextSize * 1 ;
// Fill mem
uint8 * tmpMem = new uint8 [ textMemSize ] ;
memset ( tmpMem , 255 , textMemSize ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < clampNearFadeSize ; + + i )
float f = ( float ) i / clampNearFadeSize ;
f = easeInEaseOut ( f ) ;
tmpMem [ 4 * i + 3 ] = uint8 ( 255.f * f ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < clampFarFadeSize ; + + i )
float f = ( float ) i / clampFarFadeSize ;
f = easeInEaseOut ( f ) ;
tmpMem [ 4 * ( clampTextSize - i - 1 ) + 3 ] = uint8 ( 255.f * f ) ;
// build the texture
_ClampTexture = new CTextureMem ( tmpMem , 4 * clampTextSize * 1 , true , false , clampTextSize , 1 ) ;
_ClampTexture - > setWrapS ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
_ClampTexture - > setWrapT ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
_ClampTexture - > setFilterMode ( ITexture : : Linear , ITexture : : LinearMipMapOff ) ;
_ClampTexture - > generate ( ) ;
_ClampTexture - > setReleasable ( false ) ;
// For Texture Profiling
_ClampTexture - > setTextureCategory ( _TextureCategory ) ;
// init material
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . initUnlit ( ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setBlend ( true ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setBlendFunc ( CMaterial : : zero , CMaterial : : invsrccolor ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setZWrite ( false ) ;
// FillRate Optim
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setAlphaTest ( true ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setAlphaTestThreshold ( 0.01f ) ;
// ---- Stage 0. Project the ShadowMap. Blend the color between ShadowColor and White.
// setup texture coord gen
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . enableUserTexMat ( 0 , true ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setTexCoordGen ( 0 , true ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setTexCoordGenMode ( 0 , CMaterial : : TexCoordGenObjectSpace ) ;
// Setup the stage so we interpolate ShadowColor and White (according to shadowmap alpha)
// nico : with D3D driver, limitation of the number of per stage constant (Only 1 if diffuse is used), so do a blend between inv diffuse & black (instead of diffuse & white), which resolve to a modulate between
// source alpha & inverse diffuse. then invert result at subsequent stage
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . texEnvOpRGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Modulate ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . texEnvArg0RGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Diffuse , CMaterial : : InvSrcColor ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . texEnvArg1RGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Texture , CMaterial : : SrcAlpha ) ;
// Take Alpha for AlphaTest only.
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . texEnvOpAlpha ( 0 , CMaterial : : Replace ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . texEnvArg0Alpha ( 0 , CMaterial : : Texture , CMaterial : : SrcAlpha ) ;
// ---- Stage 1. "Modulate" by Clamp Texture. Blend the color between stage0 color and White.
// setup texture coord gen
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . enableUserTexMat ( 1 , true ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setTexCoordGen ( 1 , true ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setTexCoordGenMode ( 1 , CMaterial : : TexCoordGenObjectSpace ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setTexture ( 1 , _ClampTexture ) ;
// Setup the stage so we interpolate Shadow and White (according to clamp alpha)
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . texEnvOpRGB ( 1 , CMaterial : : Modulate ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . texEnvArg0RGB ( 1 , CMaterial : : Previous , CMaterial : : SrcColor ) ; // Color is inverted before the blend
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . texEnvArg1RGB ( 1 , CMaterial : : Texture , CMaterial : : SrcAlpha ) ;
// Take Alpha for AlphaTest only. (take 1st texture alpha...)
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . texEnvOpAlpha ( 0 , CMaterial : : Replace ) ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . texEnvArg0Alpha ( 0 , CMaterial : : Previous , CMaterial : : SrcAlpha ) ;
// **** Setup Casting
_CasterShadowMaterial . initUnlit ( ) ;
_CasterShadowMaterial . setColor ( CRGBA : : White ) ;
_CasterShadowMaterial . setZWrite ( false ) ;
_CasterShadowMaterial . setZFunc ( CMaterial : : always ) ;
_CasterShadowMaterial . setDoubleSided ( true ) ;
// Alpha Polygon coverage accumulate, for polygon smoothing
_CasterShadowMaterial . setBlend ( true ) ;
_CasterShadowMaterial . setBlendFunc ( CMaterial : : one , CMaterial : : one ) ;
_BlurQuads . setName ( " CShadowMapManager::_BlurQuads " ) ;
_FillQuads . setName ( " CShadowMapManager::_FillQuads " ) ;
_CopyQuads . setName ( " CShadowMapManager::_CopyQuads " ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
CShadowMapManager : : ~ CShadowMapManager ( )
clearAllShadowCasters ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : setQuadGridSize ( uint size , float cellSize )
_ShadowReceiverGrid . create ( size , cellSize ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : addShadowCaster ( CTransform * model )
_ShadowCasters . push_back ( model ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : addShadowReceiver ( CTransform * model )
CAABBox bb ;
model - > getReceiverBBox ( bb ) ;
_ShadowReceiverGrid . insert ( bb . getMin ( ) , bb . getMax ( ) , model ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : renderGenerate ( CScene * scene )
H_AUTO ( NL3D_ShadowManager_Generate ) ;
2014-12-26 12:38:02 +00:00
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// Each frame, do a small garbage collector for unused free textures.
garbageShadowTextures ( scene ) ;
IDriver * driverForShadowGeneration = scene - > getRenderTrav ( ) . getAuxDriver ( ) ;
2013-07-01 22:53:45 +00:00
CSmartPtr < NL3D : : ITexture > previousRenderTarget = driverForShadowGeneration - > getRenderTarget ( ) ;
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// Init
// ********
uint32 wndW = _BlurTextureW , wndH = _BlurTextureH ;
// get some text/screen size.
if ( driverForShadowGeneration )
driverForShadowGeneration - > getWindowSize ( wndW , wndH ) ;
uint baseTextureSize = scene - > getShadowMapTextureSize ( ) ;
// Minimize the Dest Texture size, so the blurTexture don't get too heavy in VRAM.
uint32 textDestW = min ( wndW , ( uint32 ) NL3D_SMM_MAX_TEXTDEST_SIZE ) ;
uint32 textDestH = min ( wndH , ( uint32 ) NL3D_SMM_MAX_TEXTDEST_SIZE ) ;
// if not needed or if not possible, exit. test for wndSize is also important when window is minimized
if ( _ShadowCasters . empty ( ) | |
textDestW < baseTextureSize | | textDestH < baseTextureSize )
clearAllShadowCasters ( ) ;
return ;
// If Needed to project some ShadowCaster, but none to compute this frame, quit.
if ( _GenerateShadowCasters . empty ( ) )
// But here don't reset since the renderProject() will do job
return ;
// get the number of shadowMap compute we can do in one screen.
uint numTextW = textDestW / baseTextureSize ;
uint numTextH = textDestH / baseTextureSize ;
if ( ! isPowerOf2 ( numTextW ) )
numTextW = raiseToNextPowerOf2 ( numTextW ) / 2 ;
if ( ! isPowerOf2 ( numTextH ) )
numTextH = raiseToNextPowerOf2 ( numTextH ) / 2 ;
// the max shadow casters we can do in 1 screen pass.
uint maxSCPerPass = numTextW * numTextH ;
// compute vp float size.
float vpWidth = ( float ) baseTextureSize / ( float ) ( numTextW * baseTextureSize ) ;
float vpHeight = ( float ) baseTextureSize / ( float ) ( numTextH * baseTextureSize ) ;
// Create / Update the Blur Texture
updateBlurTexture ( * driverForShadowGeneration , numTextW * baseTextureSize , numTextH * baseTextureSize ) ;
// Do NPass if a screen is not sufficient to render all shadow maps...
// ********
// bkup driver state
CViewport bkupViewport ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > getViewport ( bkupViewport ) ;
bool bkupFog = driverForShadowGeneration - > fogEnabled ( ) ;
// setup some state
driverForShadowGeneration - > enableFog ( false ) ;
// Allow Writing on alpha only. => don't write on RGB objects!
driverForShadowGeneration - > setColorMask ( false , false , false , true ) ;
uint numSC = ( uint ) _GenerateShadowCasters . size ( ) ;
uint baseSC = 0 ;
while ( numSC > 0 )
uint numPassSC = min ( maxSCPerPass , numSC ) ;
// number of line including the last line if not empty
uint numTotalLine = ( numPassSC + numTextW - 1 ) / numTextW ;
// number of column.
uint numTotalCol = ( numPassSC < numTextW ) ? numPassSC : numTextW ;
// Render to the blur texture
driverForShadowGeneration - > setRenderTarget ( _BlurTexture [ 0 ] , 0 , 0 , numTotalCol * baseTextureSize , numTotalLine * baseTextureSize ) ;
uint textX , textY ;
uint i ;
// Render All Shadow Map
// ********
// Render the polygons with Smooth Anti-Alias. Less jittering for little performance overcost
if ( _PolySmooth )
driverForShadowGeneration - > enablePolygonSmoothing ( true ) ;
textX = 0 ;
textY = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numPassSC ; i + + )
// get the transform to compute shadow map.
CTransform * sc = _GenerateShadowCasters [ baseSC + i ] ;
// select the shadow direction
CVector lightDir ;
computeShadowDirection ( scene , sc , lightDir ) ;
// setup viewport to render to
CViewport vp ;
vp . init ( textX * baseTextureSize / ( float ) _BlurTextureW , textY * baseTextureSize / ( float ) _BlurTextureH , vpWidth , vpHeight ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupViewport ( vp ) ;
// TODO_SHADOW: optim: one big erase per pass, but just bbox needed (according to number of SC to render)
// do a siccor or prefer do a polygon clear?
CScissor sic ;
sic . init ( textX * baseTextureSize / ( float ) _BlurTextureW , textY * baseTextureSize / ( float ) _BlurTextureH , vpWidth , vpHeight ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupScissor ( sic ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > clear2D ( CRGBA ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
// render to screen
sc - > generateShadowMap ( lightDir ) ;
// next text
textX + + ;
if ( textX = = numTextW )
textX = 0 ;
textY + + ;
// Restore
if ( _PolySmooth )
driverForShadowGeneration - > enablePolygonSmoothing ( false ) ;
// For Subsequent operations, setup a full viewport and a "Screen Frustum"
CScissor sic ;
sic . initFullScreen ( ) ;
// TODO_SHADOW: optim: need scissor?
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupScissor ( sic ) ;
CViewport vp ;
vp . initFullScreen ( ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupViewport ( vp ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setFrustum ( 0 , ( float ) _BlurTextureW , 0 , ( float ) _BlurTextureH , - 1 , 1 , false ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupViewMatrix ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupModelMatrix ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
// Ensure the One pixel black security on texture border
fillBlackBorder ( driverForShadowGeneration , numPassSC , numTextW , numTextH , baseTextureSize ) ;
// Blur.
// ********
uint numBlur = scene - > getShadowMapBlurSize ( ) ;
clamp ( numBlur , 0U , 3U ) ;
uint blurTarget = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numBlur ; i + + )
// Set the blur texture target
blurTarget = ( i + 1 ) & 1 ;
const uint blurSource = i & 1 ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setRenderTarget ( _BlurTexture [ blurTarget ] , 0 , 0 , numTotalCol * baseTextureSize , numTotalLine * baseTextureSize ) ;
// blur
applyFakeGaussianBlur ( driverForShadowGeneration , numPassSC , numTextW , numTextH , baseTextureSize , blurSource ) ;
// Ensure the One pixel black security on texture border
fillBlackBorder ( driverForShadowGeneration , numPassSC , numTextW , numTextH , baseTextureSize ) ;
// Copy the last blur texture
_CopyMaterial . setTexture ( 0 , _BlurTexture [ blurTarget ] ) ;
// Store Screen in ShadowMaps
// ********
textX = 0 ;
textY = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numPassSC ; i + + )
// get the transform to compute shadow map.
CTransform * sc = _GenerateShadowCasters [ baseSC + i ] ;
CShadowMap * sm = sc - > getShadowMap ( ) ;
if ( sm )
ITexture * text = sm - > getTexture ( ) ;
if ( text )
uint bts = baseTextureSize ;
// todo hulud : Try the temporary buffer trick (openGL)
//if (!driverForShadowGeneration->copyTargetToTexture (text, 0, 0, textX*bts, textY*bts, bts, bts))
// Copy the texture
driverForShadowGeneration - > setRenderTarget ( text , 0 , 0 , bts , bts ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > clear2D ( CRGBA ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
// Viewport is already fullscreen, set the frustum
driverForShadowGeneration - > setFrustum ( 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , 1 , false ) ;
// Set the vertex buffer UV
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba ;
_CopyQuads . lock ( vba ) ;
const float u = ( float ) ( textX * bts ) * _BlurTextureOOW ;
const float v = ( float ) ( textY * bts ) * _BlurTextureOOH ;
const float width = ( float ) bts * _BlurTextureOOW ;
const float height = ( float ) bts * _BlurTextureOOH ;
vba . setTexCoord ( 0 , 0 , u , v ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( 1 , 0 , u + width , v ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( 2 , 0 , u + width , v + height ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( 3 , 0 , u , v + height ) ;
// Vertex buffer
driverForShadowGeneration - > activeVertexBuffer ( _CopyQuads ) ;
CScissor sic ;
sic . initFullScreen ( ) ;
// TODO_SHADOW: optim: need scissor?
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupScissor ( sic ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupViewMatrix ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupModelMatrix ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
// Render the shadow in the final shadow texture
vp . init ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupViewport ( vp ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > renderRawQuads ( _CopyMaterial , 0 , 1 ) ;
// Set default render target
driverForShadowGeneration - > setRenderTarget ( NULL ) ;
// Indicate to the ShadowMap that we have updated his Texture
sm - > LastGenerationFrame = scene - > getNumRender ( ) ;
// next text
textX + + ;
if ( textX = = numTextW )
textX = 0 ;
textY + + ;
// next screen pass.
baseSC + = numPassSC ;
numSC - = numPassSC ;
// Set default render target
2013-07-01 22:53:45 +00:00
driverForShadowGeneration - > setRenderTarget ( previousRenderTarget ) ;
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// Allow Writing on all.
driverForShadowGeneration - > setColorMask ( true , true , true , true ) ;
// Restore driver state. (do it here because driverForShadowGeneration may be the main screen).
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupViewport ( bkupViewport ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > enableFog ( bkupFog ) ;
// TODO_SHADOW: optim need scissor?
CScissor sic ;
sic . initFullScreen ( ) ;
driverForShadowGeneration - > setupScissor ( sic ) ;
// ensure the Scene Driver has correct matrix setup (in common case where AuxDriver == Std Driver)
scene - > getRenderTrav ( ) . setupDriverCamera ( ) ;
// Clear ShadowCaster Generation
clearGenerateShadowCasters ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : renderProject ( CScene * scene )
// if not needed exit. NB renderGenerate() must have been called before.
if ( _ShadowCasters . empty ( ) )
return ;
// Project ShadowMap on receivers.
// ********
H_AUTO ( NL3D_ShadowManager_Project ) ;
/* Fog Case: Since we do a modulate, we don't want to modulate the fog color with himself.
Instead , if the shadowed pixel is in full fog , we have to modulate him with Blac ( modulate with INVERSE - source color , actually . . . )
= > replace fog color with black temporarily
IDriver * driver = scene - > getRenderTrav ( ) . getDriver ( ) ;
CRGBA bkupFogColor = driver - > getFogColor ( ) ;
driver - > setupFog ( driver - > getFogStart ( ) , driver - > getFogEnd ( ) , CRGBA : : Black ) ;
/* Light case: CVisualCollisionManager use a fakeLight to avoid ShadowMapping on backFaces of meshs
Hence must clean all lights , and enable only the Light0 in driver
// Use CRenderTrav::resetLightSetup() to do so, to reset its Cache information
scene - > getRenderTrav ( ) . resetLightSetup ( ) ;
driver - > enableLight ( 0 , true ) ;
// For each ShadowMap
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _ShadowCasters . size ( ) ; i + + )
CTransform * caster = _ShadowCasters [ i ] ;
CShadowMap * sm = caster - > getShadowMap ( ) ;
nlassert ( sm ) ;
// NB: the ShadowCaster may not have a texture yet, for example because of Generate selection...
// If the final fade is 1, don't render!
if ( sm - > getTexture ( ) & & sm - > getFinalFade ( ) < 1 )
CVector casterPos = caster - > getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
// Compute the World bbox (for quadGrid intersection)
CAABBox worldBB = sm - > LocalBoundingBox ;
worldBB . setCenter ( worldBB . getCenter ( ) + casterPos ) ;
// compute the world matrix of the projection.
CMatrix worldProjMat = sm - > LocalProjectionMatrix ;
worldProjMat . setPos ( worldProjMat . getPos ( ) + casterPos ) ;
// Now compute the textureMatrix, from WorldSpace to UV.
CMatrix wsTextMat ;
wsTextMat = worldProjMat ;
wsTextMat . invert ( ) ;
// setup the Material.
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setTexture ( 0 , sm - > getTexture ( ) ) ;
/// Get The Mean Ambiant and Diffuse the caster receive (and cast, by approximation)
CRGBA ambient , diffuse ;
computeShadowColors ( scene , caster , ambient , diffuse ) ;
// In some case, the ambient may be black, which cause problems because the shadow pop while diffuse fade.
// ThereFore, supose always a minimum of ambiant 10.
ambient . R = max ( uint8 ( 10 ) , ambient . R ) ;
ambient . G = max ( uint8 ( 10 ) , ambient . G ) ;
ambient . B = max ( uint8 ( 10 ) , ambient . B ) ;
// copute the shadowColor so that modulating a Medium diffuse terrain will get the correct result.
uint R = ambient . R + ( diffuse . R > > 1 ) ;
uint G = ambient . G + ( diffuse . G > > 1 ) ;
uint B = ambient . B + ( diffuse . B > > 1 ) ;
clamp ( R , 1U , 256U ) ;
clamp ( G , 1U , 256U ) ;
clamp ( B , 1U , 256U ) ;
/* screen= text*(a+d*0.5) (mean value). if we do shadowColor= a/(a+d*0.5f),
then we ' ll have " in theory " screen = text * a
R = ( uint ) ( 256 * ambient . R / ( float ) R ) ;
G = ( uint ) ( 256 * ambient . G / ( float ) G ) ;
B = ( uint ) ( 256 * ambient . B / ( float ) B ) ;
clamp ( R , 0U , 255U ) ;
clamp ( G , 0U , 255U ) ;
clamp ( B , 0U , 255U ) ;
/// Finally "modulate" with FinalFade.
if ( sm - > getFinalFade ( ) > 0 )
sint factor = OptFastFloor ( 256 * sm - > getFinalFade ( ) ) ;
clamp ( factor , 0 , 256 ) ;
R = 255 * factor + R * ( 256 - factor ) ; R > > = 8 ;
G = 255 * factor + G * ( 256 - factor ) ; G > > = 8 ;
B = 255 * factor + B * ( 256 - factor ) ; B > > = 8 ;
_ReceiveShadowMaterial . setColor ( CRGBA ( uint8 ( R ) , uint8 ( G ) , uint8 ( B ) , 255 ) ) ;
// init the _ShadowMapProjector
_ShadowMapProjector . setWorldSpaceTextMat ( wsTextMat ) ;
// select receivers.
_ShadowReceiverGrid . select ( worldBB . getMin ( ) , worldBB . getMax ( ) ) ;
// For all receivers
TShadowReceiverGrid : : CIterator it ;
for ( it = _ShadowReceiverGrid . begin ( ) ; it ! = _ShadowReceiverGrid . end ( ) ; it + + )
CTransform * receiver = * it ;
// Avoid Auto-Casting.
if ( receiver = = caster )
continue ;
// update the material texture projection
// see getReceiverRenderWorldMatrix() Doc for why using this instead of getWorldMatrix()
_ShadowMapProjector . applyToMaterial ( receiver - > getReceiverRenderWorldMatrix ( ) , _ReceiveShadowMaterial ) ;
// cast the shadow on them
receiver - > receiveShadowMap ( sm , casterPos , _ReceiveShadowMaterial ) ;
// Additionaly, the VisualCollisionManager may manage some shadow receiving
CVisualCollisionManager * shadowVcm = scene - > getVisualCollisionManagerForShadow ( ) ;
if ( shadowVcm )
shadowVcm - > receiveShadowMap ( driver , sm , casterPos , _ReceiveShadowMaterial , _ShadowMapProjector ) ;
// Restore fog color
driver - > setupFog ( driver - > getFogStart ( ) , driver - > getFogEnd ( ) , bkupFogColor ) ;
// Leave Light Setup in a clean State
scene - > getRenderTrav ( ) . resetLightSetup ( ) ;
// TestYoyo. Display Projection BBox.
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _ShadowCasters . size ( ) ; i + + )
// get the transform to compute shadow map.
CTransform * sc = _ShadowCasters [ i ] ;
CShadowMap * sm = sc - > getShadowMap ( ) ;
if ( sm )
CVector p0 = sm - > LocalProjectionMatrix . getPos ( ) + sc - > getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
IDriver & drv = * driver ;
drv . setupModelMatrix ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
CDRU : : drawWiredBox ( p0 , sm - > LocalProjectionMatrix . getI ( ) , sm - > LocalProjectionMatrix . getJ ( ) ,
sm - > LocalProjectionMatrix . getK ( ) , CRGBA : : White , drv ) ;
} */
/* // hulud test
CScissor sic ;
sic . initFullScreen ( ) ;
// TODO_SHADOW: optim: need scissor?
driver - > setupScissor ( sic ) ;
driver - > setupViewMatrix ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
driver - > setupModelMatrix ( CMatrix : : Identity ) ;
driver - > setFrustum ( 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , - 1 , 1 , false ) ;
// Render the shadow in the final shadow texture
CViewport vp ;
vp . init ( 0 , 0 , 0.5f , 0.5f ) ;
driver - > setupViewport ( vp ) ;
static CVertexBuffer CopyQuads ;
static CMaterial CopyMaterial ;
CopyMaterial . initUnlit ( ) ;
CopyMaterial . setColor ( CRGBA : : White ) ;
CopyMaterial . setZWrite ( false ) ;
CopyMaterial . setZFunc ( CMaterial : : always ) ;
CopyMaterial . setDoubleSided ( true ) ;
CopyMaterial . setBlend ( false ) ;
CopyMaterial . setAlphaTest ( false ) ;
CopyMaterial . setBlendFunc ( CMaterial : : one , CMaterial : : zero ) ;
CopyMaterial . texEnvOpRGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Replace ) ;
CopyMaterial . texEnvArg0RGB ( 0 , CMaterial : : Texture , CMaterial : : SrcAlpha ) ;
CopyQuads . setVertexFormat ( CVertexBuffer : : PositionFlag | CVertexBuffer : : TexCoord0Flag ) ;
CopyQuads . setNumVertices ( 4 ) ;
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba ;
CopyQuads . lock ( vba ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( 0 , CVector ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( 1 , CVector ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( 2 , CVector ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( 3 , CVector ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( 2 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( 3 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ;
driver - > activeVertexBuffer ( CopyQuads ) ;
if ( _ShadowCasters . size ( ) > 0 )
// get the transform to compute shadow map.
CTransform * sc = _ShadowCasters [ 0 ] ;
CShadowMap * sm = sc - > getShadowMap ( ) ;
if ( sm )
CopyMaterial . setTexture ( 0 , sm - > getTexture ( ) ) ;
driver - > renderRawQuads ( CopyMaterial , 0 , 1 ) ;
} */
// Release pass.
// ********
clearAllShadowCasters ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : computeShadowDirection ( CScene * scene , CTransform * sc , CVector & lightDir )
// merge the sunLight and pointLights into a single directional
lightDir = scene - > getSunDirection ( ) ;
const CLightContribution & lc = sc - > getLightContribution ( ) ;
// For Better result, weight with the light color too.
CRGBA color = scene - > getSunDiffuse ( ) ;
lightDir * = ( float ) lc . SunContribution * ( color . R + color . G + color . B ) ;
// merge pointLights
const CVector & modelPos = sc - > getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION ; i + + )
CPointLight * pl = lc . PointLight [ i ] ;
// End of List?
if ( ! pl )
break ;
CVector plDir = modelPos - pl - > getPosition ( ) ;
plDir . normalize ( ) ;
// Sum with this light, weighted by AttFactor, and light color
color = pl - > getDiffuse ( ) ;
lightDir + = plDir * ( float ) lc . AttFactor [ i ] * ( float ) ( color . R + color . G + color . B ) ;
// normalize merged dir
lightDir . normalize ( ) ;
// clamp the light direction in z, according to Caster restriction
float zThre = sc - > getShadowMapDirectionZThreshold ( ) ;
if ( lightDir . z > zThre )
/* normalize the x/y component so z=zthre
we want this : sqrt ( x2 + y2 + z2 ) = = 1 , which solve for x2 + y2 = 1 - z2
the scale to apply to x and y is therefore deduced from :
sqr ( scale ) = ( 1 - z2 ) / ( x2 + y2 )
float scale = 0.f ;
if ( lightDir . x ! = 0.f | | lightDir . y ! = 0.f )
scale = sqrtf ( ( 1 - sqr ( zThre ) ) / ( sqr ( lightDir . x ) + sqr ( lightDir . y ) ) ) ;
lightDir . x * = scale ;
lightDir . y * = scale ;
// force z component to be at least zthre
lightDir . z = zThre ;
// re-normalize in case of precision problems
lightDir . normalize ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : computeShadowColors ( CScene * scene , CTransform * sc , CRGBA & ambient , CRGBA & diffuse )
const CLightContribution & lc = sc - > getLightContribution ( ) ;
// Get the current ambiant
ambient = lc . computeCurrentAmbient ( scene - > getSunAmbient ( ) ) ;
// Compute the current diffuse as a sum (not a mean)
uint r , g , b ;
CRGBA color = scene - > getSunDiffuse ( ) ;
r = color . R * lc . SunContribution ;
g = color . G * lc . SunContribution ;
b = color . B * lc . SunContribution ;
// Add PointLights contribution
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NL3D_MAX_LIGHT_CONTRIBUTION ; i + + )
CPointLight * pl = lc . PointLight [ i ] ;
// End of List?
if ( ! pl )
break ;
// Sum with this light, weighted by AttFactor
color = pl - > getDiffuse ( ) ;
r + = color . R * lc . AttFactor [ i ] ;
g + = color . G * lc . AttFactor [ i ] ;
b + = color . B * lc . AttFactor [ i ] ;
// normalize
r > > = 8 ;
g > > = 8 ;
b > > = 8 ;
// Don't take the MergedPointLight into consideration (should add to the diffuse part here, but rare case)
diffuse . R = uint8 ( min ( r , 255U ) ) ;
diffuse . G = uint8 ( min ( g , 255U ) ) ;
diffuse . B = uint8 ( min ( b , 255U ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : fillBlackBorder ( IDriver * drv , uint numPassText , uint numTextW , uint numTextH , uint baseTextureSize )
if ( numPassText = = 0 )
return ;
// the number of lines that have all their column disp.
uint numFullLine = numPassText / numTextW ;
// for the last line not full, the number of column setuped
uint lastLineNumCol = numPassText - ( numFullLine * numTextW ) ;
// number of line including the last line if not empty
uint numTotalLine = numFullLine + ( lastLineNumCol ? 1 : 0 ) ;
// Compute how many quads to render
uint numHQuads = numTotalLine * 2 ;
uint numTotalCol ;
uint numVQuads ;
if ( numFullLine )
numTotalCol = numTextW ;
numTotalCol = lastLineNumCol ;
numVQuads = numTotalCol * 2 ;
_FillQuads . setNumVertices ( ( numVQuads + numHQuads ) * 4 ) ;
// Fill HQuads.
uint i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numTotalLine ; i + + )
uint w ;
if ( i < numFullLine )
w = numTextW * baseTextureSize ;
w = lastLineNumCol * baseTextureSize ;
// bottom of text
setBlackQuad ( i * 2 + 0 , 0 , i * baseTextureSize , w , 1 ) ;
// top of text
setBlackQuad ( i * 2 + 1 , 0 , ( i + 1 ) * baseTextureSize - 1 , w , 1 ) ;
// Fill VQuads;
uint baseId = numTotalLine * 2 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numTotalCol ; i + + )
uint h ;
if ( i < lastLineNumCol )
h = numTotalLine * baseTextureSize ;
h = numFullLine * baseTextureSize ;
// left of text
setBlackQuad ( baseId + i * 2 + 0 , i * baseTextureSize , 0 , 1 , h ) ;
// right of text
setBlackQuad ( baseId + i * 2 + 1 , ( i + 1 ) * baseTextureSize - 1 , 0 , 1 , h ) ;
// Render Quads
_FillMaterial . setColor ( CRGBA ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
drv - > activeVertexBuffer ( _FillQuads ) ;
drv - > renderRawQuads ( _FillMaterial , 0 , numHQuads + numVQuads ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : setBlackQuad ( uint index , sint x , sint y , sint w , sint h )
float x0 = ( float ) x ;
float y0 = ( float ) y ;
float x1 = ( float ) x + ( float ) w ;
float y1 = ( float ) y + ( float ) h ;
index * = 4 ;
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba ;
_FillQuads . lock ( vba ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( index + 0 , CVector ( x0 , 0 , y0 ) ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( index + 1 , CVector ( x1 , 0 , y0 ) ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( index + 2 , CVector ( x1 , 0 , y1 ) ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( index + 3 , CVector ( x0 , 0 , y1 ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : updateBlurTexture ( IDriver & drv , uint w , uint h )
w = max ( w , 2U ) ;
h = max ( h , 2U ) ;
// if same size than setup, quit
if ( _BlurTextureW = = w & & _BlurTextureH = = h )
return ;
// release old SmartPtr
uint i , j ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + )
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . setTexture ( 0 , NULL ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . setTexture ( 1 , NULL ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . setTexture ( 2 , NULL ) ;
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . setTexture ( 3 , NULL ) ;
_BlurTexture [ 0 ] = NULL ;
_BlurTexture [ 1 ] = NULL ;
_BlurTextureW = w ;
_BlurTextureH = h ;
// NB: the format must be RGBA; else slow copyFrameBufferToTexture()
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + )
uint8 * tmpMem = new uint8 [ 4 * _BlurTextureW * _BlurTextureH ] ;
_BlurTexture [ i ] = new CTextureMem ( tmpMem , 4 * _BlurTextureW * _BlurTextureH , true , false , _BlurTextureW , _BlurTextureH ) ;
_BlurTexture [ i ] - > setWrapS ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
_BlurTexture [ i ] - > setWrapT ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
_BlurTexture [ i ] - > setFilterMode ( ITexture : : Linear , ITexture : : LinearMipMapOff ) ;
_BlurTexture [ i ] - > generate ( ) ;
_BlurTexture [ i ] - > setReleasable ( false ) ;
_BlurTexture [ i ] - > setRenderTarget ( true ) ;
// For Texture Profiling
_BlurTexture [ i ] - > setTextureCategory ( _TextureCategory ) ;
uint maxNumCstLighted ;
uint maxNumCstUnlighted ;
drv . getNumPerStageConstant ( maxNumCstLighted , maxNumCstUnlighted ) ;
// set to the material
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < maxNumCstUnlighted ; j + + )
_BlurMaterial [ i ] . setTexture ( j , _BlurTexture [ i ] ) ;
// compute values for texturing
_BlurTextureOOW = 1.f / _BlurTextureW ;
_BlurTextureOOH = 1.f / _BlurTextureH ;
// The Delta HalfPixel
_BlurTextureD05W = 0.5f * _BlurTextureOOW ;
_BlurTextureD05H = 0.5f * _BlurTextureOOH ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : copyScreenToBlurTexture ( IDriver * drv , uint numPassText , uint numTextW , uint numTextH , uint baseTextureSize )
if ( numPassText = = 0 )
return ;
// TODO_SHADOW: optim: split into 2 copy for less pixel draw on the last line? No because of OverHead?
// number of line including the last line if not empty
// uint numTotalLine= (numPassText+numTextW-1)/numTextW;
// number of column.
// uint numTotalCol= (numPassText<numTextW)?numPassText:numTextW;
/* todo hulud shadows
drv - > copyFrameBufferToTexture ( _BlurTexture , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , numTotalCol * baseTextureSize , numTotalLine * baseTextureSize ) ; */
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : applyFakeGaussianBlur ( IDriver * drv , uint numPassText , uint numTextW , uint numTextH , uint baseTextureSize , uint blurSource )
if ( numPassText = = 0 )
return ;
// the number of lines that have all their column disp.
uint numFullLine = numPassText / numTextW ;
// for the last line not full, the number of column setuped
uint lastLineNumCol = numPassText - ( numFullLine * numTextW ) ;
// Split into 2 quads. one for the first full lines, and one for the last not full line.
uint index = 0 ;
if ( numFullLine )
setBlurQuadFakeGaussian ( index + + , 0 , 0 , numTextW * baseTextureSize , numFullLine * baseTextureSize ) ;
if ( lastLineNumCol )
setBlurQuadFakeGaussian ( index + + , 0 , numFullLine * baseTextureSize , lastLineNumCol * baseTextureSize , baseTextureSize ) ;
// render
drv - > activeVertexBuffer ( _BlurQuads ) ;
drv - > renderRawQuads ( _BlurMaterial [ blurSource ] , 0 , index ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : setBlurQuadFakeGaussian ( uint index , sint x , sint y , sint w , sint h )
float x0 = ( float ) x ;
float y0 = ( float ) y ;
float x1 = ( float ) x + ( float ) w ;
float y1 = ( float ) y + ( float ) h ;
float u0 = x0 * _BlurTextureOOW ;
float v0 = y0 * _BlurTextureOOH ;
float u1 = x1 * _BlurTextureOOW ;
float v1 = y1 * _BlurTextureOOH ;
index * = 4 ;
// NB: the order of the Delta (--,++,-+,+-) is made so it works well with 2,3 or 4 texture support.
// vertex 0
CVertexBufferReadWrite vba ;
_BlurQuads . lock ( vba ) ;
vba . setVertexCoord ( index + 0 , CVector ( x0 , 0 , y0 ) ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 0 , 0 , u0 - _BlurTextureD05W , v0 - _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 0 , 1 , u0 + _BlurTextureD05W , v0 + _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 0 , 2 , u0 - _BlurTextureD05W , v0 + _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 0 , 3 , u0 + _BlurTextureD05W , v0 - _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
// vertex 1
vba . setVertexCoord ( index + 1 , CVector ( x1 , 0 , y0 ) ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 1 , 0 , u1 - _BlurTextureD05W , v0 - _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 1 , 1 , u1 + _BlurTextureD05W , v0 + _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 1 , 2 , u1 - _BlurTextureD05W , v0 + _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 1 , 3 , u1 + _BlurTextureD05W , v0 - _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
// vertex 2
vba . setVertexCoord ( index + 2 , CVector ( x1 , 0 , y1 ) ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 2 , 0 , u1 - _BlurTextureD05W , v1 - _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 2 , 1 , u1 + _BlurTextureD05W , v1 + _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 2 , 2 , u1 - _BlurTextureD05W , v1 + _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 2 , 3 , u1 + _BlurTextureD05W , v1 - _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
// vertex 3
vba . setVertexCoord ( index + 3 , CVector ( x0 , 0 , y1 ) ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 3 , 0 , u0 - _BlurTextureD05W , v1 - _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 3 , 1 , u0 + _BlurTextureD05W , v1 + _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 3 , 2 , u0 - _BlurTextureD05W , v1 + _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
vba . setTexCoord ( index + 3 , 3 , u0 + _BlurTextureD05W , v1 - _BlurTextureD05H ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
struct CShadowMapSort
CTransform * Caster ;
float Weight ;
bool operator < ( const CShadowMapSort & o ) const
return Weight < o . Weight ;
} ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : selectShadowMapsToGenerate ( CScene * scene )
// TODO: Scene option.
const uint maxPerFrame = 8 ;
const float minCamDist = 10 ;
const CVector & camPos = scene - > getRenderTrav ( ) . CamPos ;
uint i ;
// **** Clear first
clearGenerateShadowCasters ( ) ;
// If the scene filter skeleton render, suppose no generation at all. Ugly.
if ( ! ( scene - > getFilterRenderFlags ( ) & UScene : : FilterSkeleton ) )
return ;
// **** Select
// For all ShadowCaster inserted
static vector < CShadowMapSort > sortList ;
sortList . clear ( ) ;
sortList . reserve ( _ShadowCasters . size ( ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < _ShadowCasters . size ( ) ; i + + )
CTransform * caster = _ShadowCasters [ i ] ;
/* If the shadowMap exist, and if not totaly faded
NB : take FinalFade here because if 1 , it won ' t be rendered in renderProject ( )
so don ' t really need to update ( useful for update reason , but LastGenerationFrame do the job )
if ( caster - > getShadowMap ( ) & & caster - > getShadowMap ( ) - > getFinalFade ( ) < 1 )
CShadowMapSort sms ;
sms . Caster = caster ;
// The Weight is the positive delta of frame
sms . Weight = ( float ) ( scene - > getNumRender ( ) - caster - > getShadowMap ( ) - > LastGenerationFrame ) ;
// Modulated by Caster Distance from Camera.
float distToCam = ( caster - > getWorldMatrix ( ) . getPos ( ) - camPos ) . norm ( ) ;
distToCam = max ( distToCam , minCamDist ) ;
// The farthest, the less important
sms . Weight / = distToCam ;
// Append
sortList . push_back ( sms ) ;
// Sort increasing
sort ( sortList . begin ( ) , sortList . end ( ) ) ;
// Select the best
uint numSel = min ( ( uint ) sortList . size ( ) , maxPerFrame ) ;
_GenerateShadowCasters . resize ( numSel ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numSel ; i + + )
_GenerateShadowCasters [ i ] = sortList [ sortList . size ( ) - 1 - i ] . Caster ;
// **** Flag selecteds
// For All selected models, indicate that they will generate shadowMap for this Frame.
for ( i = 0 ; i < _GenerateShadowCasters . size ( ) ; i + + )
_GenerateShadowCasters [ i ] - > setGeneratingShadowMap ( true ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : clearAllShadowCasters ( )
_ShadowReceiverGrid . clear ( ) ;
_ShadowCasters . clear ( ) ;
clearGenerateShadowCasters ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : clearGenerateShadowCasters ( )
// Reset first each flag of all models
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < _GenerateShadowCasters . size ( ) ; i + + )
_GenerateShadowCasters [ i ] - > setGeneratingShadowMap ( false ) ;
_GenerateShadowCasters . clear ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
ITexture * CShadowMapManager : : allocateTexture ( uint textSize )
nlassert ( isPowerOf2 ( textSize ) ) ;
// **** First, find a free texture already allocated.
if ( ! _FreeShadowTextures . empty ( ) )
ITexture * freeText = _FreeShadowTextures . back ( ) - > second ;
// If Ok for the size.
if ( freeText - > getWidth ( ) = = textSize )
// take this texture => no more free.
_FreeShadowTextures . pop_back ( ) ;
return freeText ;
// else, suppose that we still take this slot.
// but since bad size, delete this slot from the map and create a new one (below)
_ShadowTextureMap . erase ( _FreeShadowTextures . back ( ) ) ;
// no more valid it
_FreeShadowTextures . pop_back ( ) ;
// **** Else Allocate new one.
// NB: the format must be RGBA; else slow copyFrameBufferToTexture()
uint8 * tmpMem = new uint8 [ 4 * textSize * textSize ] ;
ITexture * text ;
text = new CTextureMem ( tmpMem , 4 * textSize * textSize , true , false , textSize , textSize ) ;
text - > setWrapS ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
text - > setWrapT ( ITexture : : Clamp ) ;
text - > setFilterMode ( ITexture : : Linear , ITexture : : LinearMipMapOff ) ;
text - > generate ( ) ;
text - > setReleasable ( false ) ;
text - > setRenderTarget ( true ) ;
// For Texture Profiling
text - > setTextureCategory ( _TextureCategory ) ;
// Setup in the map.
_ShadowTextureMap [ text ] = text ;
return text ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : releaseTexture ( ITexture * text )
if ( ! text )
return ;
ItTextureMap it = _ShadowTextureMap . find ( text ) ;
nlassert ( it ! = _ShadowTextureMap . end ( ) ) ;
// Don't release it, but insert in Free Space
_FreeShadowTextures . push_back ( it ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CShadowMapManager : : garbageShadowTextures ( CScene * scene )
uint defSize = scene - > getShadowMapTextureSize ( ) ;
// For all Free Textures only, release the one that are no more of the wanted default ShadowMap Size.
std : : vector < ItTextureMap > : : iterator itVec = _FreeShadowTextures . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; itVec ! = _FreeShadowTextures . end ( ) ; )
if ( ( * itVec ) - > second - > getWidth ( ) ! = defSize )
// release the map texture iterator
_ShadowTextureMap . erase ( * itVec ) ;
// release the Vector Free iterator.
itVec = _FreeShadowTextures . erase ( itVec ) ;
itVec + + ;
// For memory optimisation, allow only a small extra of Texture allocated.
if ( _FreeShadowTextures . size ( ) > NL3D_SMM_MAX_FREETEXT )
// Release the extra texture (Hysteresis: divide by 2 the max wanted free to leave)
uint startToFree = NL3D_SMM_MAX_FREETEXT / 2 ;
for ( uint i = startToFree ; i < _FreeShadowTextures . size ( ) ; i + + )
// Free the texture entry.
_ShadowTextureMap . erase ( _FreeShadowTextures [ i ] ) ;
// resize vector
_FreeShadowTextures . resize ( startToFree ) ;
} // NL3D