2013-03-26 18:57:00 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "stdpch.h"
2013-02-14 15:53:06 +00:00
# include <algorithm>
// to get rid of you_must_not_use_assert___use_nl_assert___read_debug_h_file messages
# include <cassert>
# ifdef assert
# undef assert
# endif
// Warning: cannot use namespace std, when using luabind
# undef for
# endif
# endif
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
# define assert(x) nlassert(x)
# else
# define assert(x)
# endif
# include <luabind/luabind.hpp>
// in luabind > 0.6, LUABIND_MAX_ARITY is set to 10
# include <luabind / operator.hpp>
// only luabind > 0.7 have version.hpp (file checked with build system)
# include <luabind / version.hpp>
# endif
// luabind 0.7 doesn't define LUABIND_VERSION
# define LUABIND_VERSION 700
# endif
// luabind 0.6 doesn't define LUABIND_VERSION but LUABIND_MAX_ARITY is set to 5
# define LUABIND_VERSION 600
# else
# pragma error("luabind version not recognized")
# endif
# include "lua_ihm_ryzom.h"
# include "interface_manager.h"
# include "nel/gui/lua_helper.h"
# include "nel/gui/lua_object.h"
# include "nel/gui/lua_ihm.h"
# include "nel/gui/reflect.h"
# include "nel/gui/action_handler.h"
# include "action_handler_tools.h"
# include "interface_manager.h"
# include "nel/gui/interface_group.h"
# include "nel/gui/view_text.h"
# include "game_share/people_pd.h"
# include "nel/gui/group_tree.h"
# include "nel/gui/interface_link.h"
# include "nel/gui/interface_expr.h"
# include "people_interraction.h"
# include "nel/misc/algo.h"
# include "nel/misc/file.h"
# include "nel/misc/i18n.h"
# include "nel/misc/time_nl.h"
# include "skill_manager.h"
# include "nel/gui/group_html.h"
# include "../net_manager.h"
# include "../user_entity.h"
# include "sphrase_manager.h"
# include "guild_manager.h"
# include "../client_cfg.h"
# include "../sheet_manager.h"
# include "nel/gui/lua_object.h"
# include "game_share/emote_list_parser.h"
# include "game_share/pvp_clan.h"
# include "../weather.h"
# include "../continent_manager.h"
# include "../zone_util.h"
# include "../motion/user_controls.h"
# include "group_html_cs.h"
# include "bonus_malus.h"
# include "nel/gui/group_editbox.h"
# include "../entities.h"
# include "../sheet_manager.h" // for emotes
# include "../global.h" // for emotes
# include "../entity_animation_manager.h" // for emotes
# include "../net_manager.h" // for emotes
# include "../client_chat_manager.h" // for emotes
# include "../login.h"
# include "nel/gui/lua_object.h"
# include "../actions.h"
# include "../bg_downloader_access.h"
# include "../connection.h"
# include "../login_patch.h"
# include "bot_chat_page_all.h"
# include "bot_chat_page_ring_sessions.h"
# include "nel/georges/u_form_loader.h"
# include "nel/georges/u_form.h"
# include "nel/georges/u_form_elm.h"
# include "nel/misc/polygon.h"
# include "game_share/scenario_entry_points.h"
# include "game_share/bg_downloader_msg.h"
# include "game_share/constants.h"
# include "game_share/visual_slot_manager.h"
# include "nel/gui/lua_manager.h"
# include "lua_ide_dll_nevrax/include/lua_ide_dll/ide_interface.h" // external debugger
# endif
extern ILuaIDEInterface * LuaDebuggerIDE ;
# endif
using namespace NLMISC ;
using namespace NLGUI ;
using namespace R2 ;
extern NLMISC : : CLog g_log ;
extern CContinentManager ContinentMngr ;
extern CClientChatManager ChatMngr ;
// ***************************************************************************
class CHandlerLUA : public IActionHandler
public :
void execute ( CCtrlBase * pCaller , const std : : string & sParams )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
// For getUI() LUA function, push the UI caller
if ( pCaller )
_UICallerStack . push_back ( pCaller ) ;
// execute a small script. NB: use a small script here because
// most often action handlers are called from xml files => lot of redundant script
CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . executeLuaScript ( sParams , true ) ;
// pop UI caller
if ( pCaller )
_UICallerStack . pop_back ( ) ;
// get the top of stack Caller to this LUA script
static CCtrlBase * getUICaller ( ) ;
private :
static std : : deque < CRefPtr < CCtrlBase > > _UICallerStack ;
} ;
std : : deque < CRefPtr < CCtrlBase > > CHandlerLUA : : _UICallerStack ;
// ***************************************************************************
// Allow also to call script from expression
if ( args . size ( ) ! = 1 | | ! args [ 0 ] . toString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " <lua> requires 1 arg (string=script) " ) ;
return false ;
// Retrieve lua state
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CLuaState * state = CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLuaState ( ) ;
if ( ! state )
return false ;
CLuaState & ls = * state ;
// *** clear return value
const std : : string retId = " __ui_internal_ret_ " ;
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls ) ;
ls . push ( retId ) ;
ls . pushNil ( ) ;
ls . setTable ( LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ) ;
// *** execute script
std : : string script = args [ 0 ] . getString ( ) ;
// assign return value in retId.
script = retId + " = " + script ;
// execute a small script here, because most often exprs are called from xml files => lot of redundant script
CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . executeLuaScript ( script , true ) ;
// *** retrieve and convert return value
ls . push ( retId ) ;
ls . getTable ( LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ) ;
bool ok = false ;
sint type = ls . type ( ) ;
if ( type = = LUA_TBOOLEAN )
// get and pop
bool val = ls . toBoolean ( ) ;
ls . pop ( ) ;
// set result
result . setBool ( val ) ;
ok = true ;
else if ( type = = LUA_TNUMBER )
// get and pop
double val = ls . toNumber ( ) ;
ls . pop ( ) ;
// set double or integer?
if ( val = = floor ( val ) )
result . setInteger ( sint64 ( floor ( val ) ) ) ;
result . setDouble ( val ) ;
ok = true ;
else if ( type = = LUA_TSTRING )
// get and pop
std : : string val ;
ls . toString ( - 1 , val ) ;
ls . pop ( ) ;
// set result
result . setString ( val ) ;
ok = true ;
else if ( type = = LUA_TUSERDATA )
// NB: the value is poped in obj.set() (no need to do ls.pop());
// try with ucstring
ucstring ucstrVal ;
if ( CLuaIHM : : pop ( ls , ucstrVal ) )
result . setUCString ( ucstrVal ) ;
ok = true ;
// try with RGBA
if ( ! ok )
NLMISC : : CRGBA rgbaVal ;
if ( CLuaIHM : : pop ( ls , rgbaVal ) )
result . setRGBA ( rgbaVal ) ;
ok = true ;
// error (nil for instance)
ls . pop ( ) ;
return ok ;
CCtrlBase * CHandlerLUA : : getUICaller ( )
if ( _UICallerStack . empty ( ) )
return NULL ;
return _UICallerStack . back ( ) ;
# define LUABIND_ENUM(__enum__, __name__, __num__, __toStringFunc__) \
createLuaEnumTable ( ls , __name__ ) ; \
for ( uint e = 0 ; e < __num__ ; e + + ) \
{ \
std : : string str = __toStringFunc__ ( ( __enum__ ) e ) ; \
std : : string temp = __name__ + toString ( " . " ) + __toStringFunc__ ( ( __enum__ ) e ) + " = " + toString ( " %d; " , e ) ; \
ls . executeScript ( temp ) ; \
} \
# define LUABIND_FUNC(__func__) luabind::def(#__func__, &__func__)
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : luaClientCfgIndex ( CLuaState & ls )
CConfigFile : : CVar * v = ClientCfg . ConfigFile . getVarPtr ( ls . toString ( 2 ) ) ;
if ( ! v ) return 0 ;
if ( v - > size ( ) ! = 1 )
// arrays not implemented (would require a second metatable)....
throw ELuaWrappedFunctionException ( & ls , " Access to array inside client.cfg not supported. " ) ;
switch ( v - > Type )
case CConfigFile : : CVar : : T_REAL :
ls . push ( ( double ) v - > asDouble ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
break ;
case CConfigFile : : CVar : : T_STRING :
ls . push ( v - > asString ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
break ;
default : // handle both T_INT && T_BOOL
case CConfigFile : : CVar : : T_INT :
ls . push ( ( double ) v - > asInt ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
break ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : luaClientCfgNewIndex ( CLuaState & ls )
throw ELuaWrappedFunctionException ( & ls , " Can't write into config file from lua. " ) ;
static CLuaString lstr_Env ( " Env " ) ;
static CLuaString lstr_isNil ( " isNil " ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : createLuaEnumTable ( CLuaState & ls , const std : : string & str )
std : : string path = " " , script , p ;
CSString s = str ;
// Create table recursively (ex: 'game.TPVPClan' will check/create the table 'game' and 'game.TPVPClan')
p = s . splitTo ( ' . ' , true ) ;
while ( p . size ( ) > 0 )
if ( path = = " " )
path = p ;
path + = " . " + p ;
script = " if ( " + path + " == nil) then " + path + " = {}; end " ;
ls . executeScript ( script ) ;
p = s . splitTo ( ' . ' , true ) ;
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : RegisterRyzomFunctions ( NLGUI : : CLuaState & ls )
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls ) ;
// MISC ui ctors
struct CUICtor
// CGroupTree::SNode
static int SNode ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " SNode " , 0 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : pushReflectableOnStack ( ls , new CGroupTree : : SNode ) ;
return 1 ;
} ;
ls . registerFunc ( " SNode " , CUICtor : : SNode ) ;
// *** Register the metatable for access to client.cfg (nb nico this may be more general later -> access to any config file ...)
ls . pushValue ( LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ) ;
CLuaObject globals ( ls ) ;
CLuaObject clientCfg = globals . newTable ( " config " ) ;
CLuaObject mt = globals . newTable ( " __cfmt " ) ;
nlverify ( clientCfg . setMetaTable ( mt ) ) ;
mt . setValue ( " __index " , luaClientCfgIndex ) ;
mt . setValue ( " __newindex " , luaClientCfgNewIndex ) ;
globals . setNil ( " __cfmt " ) ; // remove temp metatable
ls . registerFunc ( " getUI " , getUI ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " validMessageBox " , validMessageBox ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getUICaller " , getUICaller ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getUI " , getUI ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getIndexInDB " , getIndexInDB ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " createGroupInstance " , createGroupInstance ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " createRootGroupInstance " , createRootGroupInstance ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " createUIElement " , createUIElement ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " launchContextMenuInGame " , launchContextMenuInGame ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " parseInterfaceFromString " , parseInterfaceFromString ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " updateAllLocalisedElements " , updateAllLocalisedElements ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " formatUI " , formatUI ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " formatDB " , formatDB ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " dumpUI " , dumpUI ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " setKeyboardContext " , setKeyboardContext ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " breakPoint " , breakPoint ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " setTextFormatTaged " , setTextFormatTaged ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " initEmotesMenu " , initEmotesMenu ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " hideAllWindows " , hideAllWindows ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " hideAllNonSavableWindows " , hideAllNonSavableWindows ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getDesktopIndex " , getDesktopIndex ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " setLuaBreakPoint " , setLuaBreakPoint ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getMainPageURL " , getMainPageURL ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getCharSlot " , getCharSlot ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getServerSeason " , getServerSeason ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " computeCurrSeason " , computeCurrSeason ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getAutoSeason " , getAutoSeason ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " enableModalWindow " , enableModalWindow ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getPlayerPos " , getPlayerPos ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getPlayerFront " , getPlayerFront ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getPlayerDirection " , getPlayerDirection ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getPlayerGender " , getPlayerGender ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getPlayerName " , getPlayerName ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getPlayerTitleRaw " , getPlayerTitleRaw ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getPlayerTitle " , getPlayerTitle ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getTargetPos " , getTargetPos ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getTargetFront " , getTargetFront ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getTargetDirection " , getTargetDirection ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getTargetGender " , getTargetGender ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getTargetName " , getTargetName ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getTargetTitleRaw " , getTargetTitleRaw ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getTargetTitle " , getTargetTitle ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " addSearchPathUser " , addSearchPathUser ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " displaySystemInfo " , displaySystemInfo ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " disableContextHelpForControl " , disableContextHelpForControl ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " disableContextHelp " , disableContextHelp ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " setWeatherValue " , setWeatherValue ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getWeatherValue " , getWeatherValue ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getCompleteIslands " , getCompleteIslands ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " displayBubble " , displayBubble ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getIslandId " , getIslandId ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getClientCfgVar " , getClientCfgVar ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " isPlayerFreeTrial " , isPlayerFreeTrial ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " isPlayerNewbie " , isPlayerNewbie ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " isInRingMode " , isInRingMode ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getUserRace " , getUserRace ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getSheet2idx " , getSheet2idx ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getTargetSlot " , getTargetSlot ) ;
ls . registerFunc ( " getSlotDataSetId " , getSlotDataSetId ) ;
lua_State * L = ls . getStatePointer ( ) ;
LUABIND_ENUM ( PVP_CLAN : : TPVPClan , " game.TPVPClan " , PVP_CLAN : : NbClans , PVP_CLAN : : toString ) ;
LUABIND_ENUM ( BONUS_MALUS : : TBonusMalusSpecialTT , " game.TBonusMalusSpecialTT " , BONUS_MALUS : : NbSpecialTT , BONUS_MALUS : : toString ) ;
luabind : : module ( L )
LUABIND_FUNC ( getDbProp ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( setDbProp ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( addDbProp ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( delDbProp ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( debugInfo ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( rawDebugInfo ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( dumpCallStack ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getDefine ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( setContextHelpText ) ,
luabind : : def ( " messageBox " , ( void ( * ) ( const ucstring & ) ) & messageBox ) ,
luabind : : def ( " messageBox " , ( void ( * ) ( const ucstring & , const std : : string & ) ) & messageBox ) ,
luabind : : def ( " messageBox " , ( void ( * ) ( const ucstring & , const std : : string & , int caseMode ) ) & messageBox ) ,
luabind : : def ( " messageBox " , ( void ( * ) ( const std : : string & ) ) & messageBox ) ,
luabind : : def ( " messageBoxWithHelp " , ( void ( * ) ( const ucstring & ) ) & messageBoxWithHelp ) ,
luabind : : def ( " messageBoxWithHelp " , ( void ( * ) ( const ucstring & , const std : : string & ) ) & messageBoxWithHelp ) ,
luabind : : def ( " messageBoxWithHelp " , ( void ( * ) ( const ucstring & , const std : : string & , int caseMode ) ) & messageBoxWithHelp ) ,
luabind : : def ( " messageBoxWithHelp " , ( void ( * ) ( const std : : string & ) ) & messageBoxWithHelp ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( replacePvpEffectParam ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( secondsSince1970ToHour ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( pauseBGDownloader ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( unpauseBGDownloader ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( requestBGDownloaderPriority ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getBGDownloaderPriority ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getPatchLastErrorMessage ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getPlayerSelectedSlot ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isInGame ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isPlayerSlotNewbieLand ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getSkillIdFromName ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getSkillLocalizedName ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getMaxSkillValue ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getBaseSkillValueMaxChildren ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getMagicResistChance ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getDodgeParryChance ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( browseNpcWebPage ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( clearHtmlUndoRedo ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getDynString ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isDynStringAvailable ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isFullyPatched ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getSheetType ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getSheetName ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getFameIndex ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getFameName ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getFameDBIndex ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getFirstTribeFameIndex ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getNbTribeFameIndex ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getClientCfg ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( sendMsgToServer ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( sendMsgToServerPvpTag ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isGuildQuitAvailable ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( sortGuildMembers ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getNbGuildMembers ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getGuildMemberName ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getGuildMemberGrade ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isR2Player ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getR2PlayerRace ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isR2PlayerMale ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getCharacterSheetSkel ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getSheetId ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getCharacterSheetRegionForce ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getCharacterSheetRegionLevel ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getRegionByAlias ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( tell ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isRingAccessPointInReach ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( updateTooltipCoords ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isCtrlKeyDown ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( encodeURLUnicodeParam ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getPlayerLevel ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getPlayerVpa ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getPlayerVpb ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getPlayerVpc ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getTargetLevel ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getTargetForceRegion ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getTargetLevelForce ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getTargetSheet ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getTargetVpa ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getTargetVpb ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( getTargetVpc ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isTargetNPC ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isTargetPlayer ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isTargetUser ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isPlayerInPVPMode ) ,
LUABIND_FUNC ( isTargetInPVPMode )
] ;
// ***************************************************************************
static sint32 getTargetSlotNr ( )
const char * dbPath = " UI:VARIABLES:TARGET:SLOT " ;
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * node = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( dbPath , false ) ;
if ( ! node ) return 0 ;
if ( ( uint8 ) node - > getValue32 ( ) = = ( uint8 ) CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
return 0 ;
return node - > getValue32 ( ) ;
static CEntityCL * getTargetEntity ( )
const char * dbPath = " UI:VARIABLES:TARGET:SLOT " ;
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * node = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( dbPath , false ) ;
if ( ! node ) return NULL ;
if ( ( uint8 ) node - > getValue32 ( ) = = ( uint8 ) CLFECOMMON : : INVALID_SLOT )
return NULL ;
return EntitiesMngr . entity ( ( uint ) node - > getValue32 ( ) ) ;
static CEntityCL * getSlotEntity ( uint slot )
return EntitiesMngr . entity ( slot ) ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getUI ( CLuaState & ls )
// params: "ui:interface:...".
// return: CInterfaceElement* (nil if error)
const char * funcName = " getUI " ;
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , ls . getTop ( ) = = 1 | | ls . getTop ( ) = = 2 , funcName ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
bool verbose = true ;
if ( ls . getTop ( ) > 1 )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TBOOLEAN ) ;
verbose = ls . toBoolean ( 2 ) ;
// get the string
std : : string eltStr ;
ls . toString ( 1 , eltStr ) ;
// return the element
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CInterfaceElement * pIE = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( eltStr ) ;
if ( ! pIE )
ls . pushNil ( ) ;
if ( verbose )
std : : string stackContext ;
ls . getStackContext ( stackContext , 1 ) ;
debugInfo ( NLMISC : : toString ( " %s : getUI(): '%s' not found " , stackContext . c_str ( ) , eltStr . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
CLuaIHM : : pushUIOnStack ( ls , pIE ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : formatUI ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls , 1 ) ;
// params: "expr", param1, param2....
// return: string with # and % parsed
CLuaIHM : : checkArgMin ( ls , " formatUI " , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , ls . isString ( 1 ) , " formatUI() require a string in param1 " ) ;
// get the string to format
std : : string propVal ;
ls . toString ( 1 , propVal ) ;
// *** format with %
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
std : : string newPropVal , defError ;
if ( ! CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > solveDefine ( propVal , newPropVal , defError ) )
throw ELuaIHMException ( " formatUI() : Can ' t find define : ' % s ' " , defError.c_str()) ;
// *** format with any additional parameter and #1, #2, #3 etc...
// search backward, starting from bigger param to replace (thus avoid to replace #1 before #13 for instance...)
sint stackIndex = ls . getTop ( ) ;
while ( stackIndex > 1 )
std : : string paramValue ;
ls . toString ( stackIndex , paramValue ) ;
// For stack param 4, the param index is 3 (because stack param 2 is the param No 1)
sint paramIndex = stackIndex - 1 ;
while ( NLMISC : : strFindReplace ( newPropVal , NLMISC : : toString ( " #%d " , paramIndex ) , paramValue ) ) ;
// next
stackIndex - - ;
// return result
ls . push ( newPropVal ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : formatDB ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls , 1 ) ;
// params: param1, param2....
// return: string with @ and , added
CLuaIHM : : checkArgMin ( ls , " formatDB " , 1 ) ;
uint top = ls . getTop ( ) ;
std : : string dbRes ;
for ( uint i = 1 ; i < = top ; i + + )
if ( i = = 1 )
dbRes = " @ " ;
dbRes + = " , @ " ;
std : : string paramValue ;
ls . toString ( i , paramValue ) ;
dbRes + = paramValue ;
// return result
ls . push ( dbRes ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : dumpUI ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls , 0 ) ;
// params: CInterfaceElement *
// return: none
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " dumpUI " , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , CLuaIHM : : isUIOnStack ( ls , 1 ) , " dumpUI() requires a UI object in param 1 " ) ;
// retrieve args
CInterfaceElement * pIE = CLuaIHM : : getUIOnStack ( ls , 1 ) ;
if ( ! pIE )
debugInfo ( " UI: NULL " ) ;
// Display also Information on RefPtr (warning: don't modify pinfo!!!)
nlassert ( pIE - > pinfo ) ;
debugInfo ( NLMISC : : toString ( " UI: %x. %s. RefPtrCount: %d " , pIE , pIE - > getId ( ) . c_str ( ) ,
pIE - > pinfo - > IsNullPtrInfo ? 0 : pIE - > pinfo - > RefCount ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : setKeyboardContext ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " setKeyboardContext " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgMin ( ls , funcName , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
ActionsContext . setContext ( ls . toString ( 1 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : validMessageBox ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " validMessageBox " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 6 ) ;
ucstring msg ;
ls . pushValue ( 1 ) ; // copy ucstring at the end of stack to pop it
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , CLuaIHM : : pop ( ls , msg ) , " validMessageBox : ucstring wanted as first parameter " ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 3 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 4 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 5 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 6 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
im - > validMessageBox ( CInterfaceManager : : QuestionIconMsg , msg , ls . toString ( 2 ) , ls . toString ( 3 ) , ls . toString ( 4 ) , ls . toString ( 5 ) , ls . toString ( 6 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : breakPoint ( CLuaState & ls )
std : : string reason ;
ls . getStackContext ( reason , 1 ) ; // 1 because 0 is the current C function => return 1 for script called
LuaHelperStuff : : formatLuaStackContext ( reason ) ;
NLMISC : : InfoLog - > displayRawNL ( reason . c_str ( ) ) ;
static volatile bool doAssert = true ;
if ( doAssert ) // breakPoint can be discarded in case of looping assert
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : setTextFormatTaged ( CLuaState & ls )
// params: CViewText*, "text" (or ucstring)
// return: none
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " setTextFormatTaged " , 2 ) ;
// *** check and retrieve param 1
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , CLuaIHM : : isUIOnStack ( ls , 1 ) , " setTextFormatTaged() requires a UI object in param 1 " ) ;
CInterfaceElement * pIE = CLuaIHM : : getUIOnStack ( ls , 1 ) ;
// *** check and retrieve param 2. must be a string or a ucstring
ucstring text ;
if ( ls . isString ( 2 ) )
std : : string str ;
ls . toString ( 2 , str ) ;
text = str ;
// try to pop a ucstring from the stack
// fail?
if ( ! CLuaIHM : : pop ( ls , text ) )
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , false , " setTextFormatTaged() requires a string or a ucstring in param 2 " ) ;
// must be a view text
CViewText * vt = dynamic_cast < CViewText * > ( pIE ) ;
if ( ! vt )
throw ELuaIHMException ( " setTextFormatTaged() : ' % s ' is not a CViewText " , pIE->getId().c_str()) ;
// Set the text as format
vt - > setTextFormatTaged ( text ) ;
return 0 ;
struct CEmoteStruct
string EmoteId ;
string Path ;
string Anim ;
bool UsableFromClientUI ;
bool operator < ( const CEmoteStruct & entry ) const
string path1 = Path ;
string path2 = entry . Path ;
for ( ; ; )
string : : size_type pos1 = path1 . find ( ' | ' ) ;
string : : size_type pos2 = path2 . find ( ' | ' ) ;
ucstring s1 = toUpper ( CI18N : : get ( path1 . substr ( 0 , pos1 ) ) ) ;
ucstring s2 = toUpper ( CI18N : : get ( path2 . substr ( 0 , pos2 ) ) ) ;
sint result = s1 . compare ( s2 ) ;
if ( result ! = 0 )
return ( result < 0 ) ;
if ( pos1 = = string : : npos )
return ( pos2 ! = string : : npos ) ;
if ( pos2 = = string : : npos )
return false ;
path1 = path1 . substr ( pos1 + 1 ) ;
path2 = path2 . substr ( pos2 + 1 ) ;
return false ;
} ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : initEmotesMenu ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " initEmotesMenu " , 2 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , " initEmotesMenu " , 2 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
const std : : string & emoteMenu = ls . toString ( 1 ) ;
const std : : string & luaParams = ls . toString ( 2 ) ;
ls . newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject result ( ls ) ;
std : : map < std : : string , std : : string > emoteList ;
uint maxVisibleLine = 10 ;
CTextEmotListSheet * pTELS = dynamic_cast < CTextEmotListSheet * > ( SheetMngr . get ( CSheetId ( " list.text_emotes " ) ) ) ;
if ( pTELS = = NULL )
return 0 ;
std : : list < CEmoteStruct > entries ;
if ( entries . empty ( ) )
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < pTELS - > TextEmotList . size ( ) ; i + + )
CEmoteStruct entry ;
entry . EmoteId = pTELS - > TextEmotList [ i ] . EmoteId ;
entry . Path = pTELS - > TextEmotList [ i ] . Path ;
entry . Anim = pTELS - > TextEmotList [ i ] . Anim ;
entry . UsableFromClientUI = pTELS - > TextEmotList [ i ] . UsableFromClientUI ;
entries . push_back ( entry ) ;
entries . sort ( ) ;
// The list of behaviour missnames emotList
CEmotListSheet * pEmotList = dynamic_cast < CEmotListSheet * > ( SheetMngr . get ( CSheetId ( " list.emot " ) ) ) ;
nlassert ( pEmotList ! = NULL ) ;
nlassert ( pEmotList - > Emots . size ( ) < = 255 ) ;
// Get the focus beta tester flag
bool betaTester = false ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CSkillManager * pSM = CSkillManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
betaTester = pSM - > isTitleUnblocked ( CHARACTER_TITLE : : FBT ) ;
CGroupMenu * pInitRootMenu = dynamic_cast < CGroupMenu * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( emoteMenu ) ) ;
pInitRootMenu - > reset ( ) ;
for ( std : : list < CEmoteStruct > : : const_iterator it = entries . begin ( ) ; it ! = entries . end ( ) ; it + + )
std : : string sEmoteId = ( * it ) . EmoteId ;
std : : string sState = ( * it ) . Anim ;
std : : string sName = ( * it ) . Path ;
// Check that the emote can be added to UI
// ---------------------------------------
if ( ( * it ) . UsableFromClientUI = = false )
continue ;
// Check the emote reserved for FBT (hardcoded)
// --------------------------------------------
if ( sState = = " FBT " & & ! betaTester )
continue ;
uint32 i , j ;
// Add to the game context menu
// ----------------------------
uint32 nbToken = 1 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sName . size ( ) ; + + i )
if ( sName [ i ] = = ' | ' )
nbToken + + ;
CGroupMenu * pRootMenu = dynamic_cast < CGroupMenu * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( emoteMenu ) ) ;
CGroupSubMenu * pMenu = pRootMenu - > getRootMenu ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nbToken ; + + i )
if ( i = = 0 )
sName = sName . substr ( sName . find ( ' | ' ) + 1 , sName . size ( ) ) ;
string sTmp ;
if ( i ! = ( nbToken - 1 ) )
sTmp = sName . substr ( 0 , sName . find ( ' | ' ) ) ;
sTmp = sName ;
// Look if this part of the path is already present
bool bFound = false ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < pMenu - > getNumLine ( ) ; + + j )
if ( sTmp = = pMenu - > getLineId ( j ) )
bFound = true ;
break ;
if ( ! bFound ) // Create it
if ( i ! = ( nbToken - 1 ) )
pMenu - > addLine ( CI18N : : get ( sTmp ) , " " , " " , sTmp ) ;
// Create a sub menu
CGroupSubMenu * pNewSubMenu = new CGroupSubMenu ( CViewBase : : TCtorParam ( ) ) ;
pMenu - > setSubMenu ( j , pNewSubMenu ) ;
// Create a line
pMenu - > addLine ( CI18N : : get ( sTmp ) , " lua " ,
luaParams + " (' " + sEmoteId + " ', ' " + toString ( CI18N : : get ( sTmp ) ) + " ') " , sTmp ) ;
emoteList [ sEmoteId ] = ( toLower ( CI18N : : get ( sTmp ) ) ) . toUtf8 ( ) ;
// Jump to sub menu
if ( i ! = ( nbToken - 1 ) )
pMenu = pMenu - > getSubMenu ( j ) ;
sName = sName . substr ( sName . find ( ' | ' ) + 1 , sName . size ( ) ) ;
pMenu - > setMaxVisibleLine ( maxVisibleLine ) ;
pInitRootMenu - > setMaxVisibleLine ( maxVisibleLine ) ;
std : : map < std : : string , std : : string > : : iterator it ;
for ( it = emoteList . begin ( ) ; it ! = emoteList . end ( ) ; it + + )
result . setValue ( it - > first , it - > second ) ;
result . push ( ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : hideAllWindows ( CLuaState & /* ls */ )
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > hideAllWindows ( ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : hideAllNonSavableWindows ( CLuaState & /* ls */ )
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > hideAllNonSavableWindows ( ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getDesktopIndex ( CLuaState & ls )
ls . push ( ( double ) CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getMode ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : setLuaBreakPoint ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " setLuaBreakPoint " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 2 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
if ( LuaDebuggerIDE )
LuaDebuggerIDE - > setBreakPoint ( ls . toString ( 1 ) , ( int ) ls . toNumber ( 2 ) ) ;
# endif
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getMainPageURL ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " getMainPageURL " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( RingMainURL ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getCharSlot ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " getCharSlot " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( double ( PlayerSelectedSlot ) ) ;
return 1 ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getServerSeason ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " getServerSeason " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 0 ) ;
extern uint8 ServerSeasonValue ;
ls . push ( ( double ) ServerSeasonValue ) ;
return 1 ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : computeCurrSeason ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " computeCurrSeason " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( ( double ) ( : : computeCurrSeason ( ) + 1 ) ) ;
return 1 ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getAutoSeason ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " getAutoSeason " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( ( double ) ( StartupSeason + 1 ) ) ;
return 1 ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : enableModalWindow ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " enableModalWindow " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 2 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , CLuaIHM : : isUIOnStack ( ls , 1 ) , " enableModalWindow() requires a UI object in param 1 " ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CInterfaceElement * pIE = CLuaIHM : : getUIOnStack ( ls , 1 ) ;
std : : string modalId = ls . toString ( 2 ) ;
// convert to id
if ( pIE )
CCtrlBase * ctrl = dynamic_cast < CCtrlBase * > ( pIE ) ;
if ( ctrl )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CInterfaceGroup * group = dynamic_cast < CInterfaceGroup * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( modalId ) ) ;
if ( group )
UserControls . stopFreeLook ( ) ;
// enable the modal
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > enableModalWindow ( ctrl , group ) ;
nlwarning ( " <CLuaIHMRyzom::enableModalWindow> Couldn't find group %s " , modalId . c_str ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerPos ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getPlayerPos " , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( UserEntity - > pos ( ) . x ) ;
ls . push ( UserEntity - > pos ( ) . y ) ;
ls . push ( UserEntity - > pos ( ) . z ) ;
return 3 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerFront ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getPlayerFront " , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( atan2 ( UserEntity - > front ( ) . y , UserEntity - > front ( ) . x ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerDirection ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getPlayerDirection " , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( atan2 ( UserEntity - > dir ( ) . y , UserEntity - > dir ( ) . x ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerGender ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getPlayerGender " , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( ( lua_Number ) ( UserEntity - > getGender ( ) ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerName ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getPlayerName " , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( UserEntity - > getEntityName ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerTitleRaw ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getPlayerTitleRaw " , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( UserEntity - > getTitleRaw ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerTitle ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getPlayerTitle " , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( UserEntity - > getTitle ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetPos ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getTargetPos " , 0 ) ;
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return 0 ;
ls . push ( target - > pos ( ) . x ) ;
ls . push ( target - > pos ( ) . y ) ;
ls . push ( target - > pos ( ) . z ) ;
return 3 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetFront ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getTargetFront " , 0 ) ;
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return 0 ;
ls . push ( atan2 ( target - > front ( ) . y , target - > front ( ) . x ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetDirection ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getTargetDirection " , 0 ) ;
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return 0 ;
ls . push ( atan2 ( target - > dir ( ) . y , target - > dir ( ) . x ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetGender ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getTargetGender " , 0 ) ;
CCharacterCL * target = ( CCharacterCL * ) getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return ( int ) GSGENDER : : unknown ;
ls . push ( ( lua_Number ) ( target - > getGender ( ) ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetName ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getTargetName " , 0 ) ;
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return 0 ;
ls . push ( target - > getEntityName ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetTitleRaw ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getTargetTitleRaw " , 0 ) ;
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return 0 ;
ls . push ( target - > getTitleRaw ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetTitle ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getTargetTitle " , 0 ) ;
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return 0 ;
ls . push ( target - > getTitle ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : addSearchPathUser ( CLuaState & ls )
bool memoryCompressed = CPath : : isMemoryCompressed ( ) ;
if ( memoryCompressed )
CPath : : memoryUncompress ( ) ;
CPath : : addSearchPath ( " user/ " , true , false , NULL ) ;
if ( memoryCompressed )
CPath : : memoryCompress ( ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : isPlayerFreeTrial ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " isPlayerFreeTrial " , 0 ) ;
ls . push ( FreeTrial ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : disableContextHelp ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls , 0 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " disableContextHelp " , 0 ) ;
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > disableContextHelp ( ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : disableContextHelpForControl ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls , 0 ) ;
// params: CCtrlBase*
// return: none
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " disableContextHelpForControl " , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , CLuaIHM : : isUIOnStack ( ls , 1 ) , " disableContextHelpForControl() requires a UI object in param 1 " ) ;
// retrieve args
CInterfaceElement * pIE = CLuaIHM : : getUIOnStack ( ls , 1 ) ;
// go
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > disableContextHelpForControl ( dynamic_cast < CCtrlBase * > ( pIE ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : isPlayerNewbie ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " isPlayerNewbie " , 0 ) ;
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
ls . push ( NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:USER:IS_NEWBIE " ) - > getValueBool ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : isInRingMode ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " isInRingMode " , 0 ) ;
extern bool IsInRingMode ( ) ;
ls . push ( IsInRingMode ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getUserRace ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getUserRace " , 0 ) ;
if ( ! UserEntity | | ! UserEntity - > playerSheet ( ) )
ls . push ( " Unknwown " ) ;
ls . push ( EGSPD : : CPeople : : toString ( UserEntity - > playerSheet ( ) - > People ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getSheet2idx ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getSheet2idx " , 2 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , " getSheet2idx " , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , " getSheet2idx " , 2 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
const std : : string & sheedtName = ls . toString ( 1 ) ;
uint32 slotId = ( uint32 ) ls . toNumber ( 2 ) ;
NLMISC : : CSheetId sheetId ;
if ( sheetId . buildSheetId ( sheedtName ) )
uint32 idx = CVisualSlotManager : : getInstance ( ) - > sheet2Index ( sheetId , ( SLOTTYPE : : EVisualSlot ) slotId ) ;
ls . push ( ( lua_Number ) idx ) ;
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetSlot ( CLuaState & ls )
uint32 slot = ( uint32 ) getTargetSlotNr ( ) ;
ls . push ( ( lua_Number ) slot ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getSlotDataSetId ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getSlotDataSetId " , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , " getSlotDataSetId " , 1 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
uint32 slot = ( uint32 ) ls . toNumber ( 1 ) ;
CEntityCL * e = getSlotEntity ( slot ) ;
string id = toString ( e - > dataSetId ( ) ) ;
ls . push ( id ) ;
return 1 ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getClientCfgVar ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " getClientCfgVar " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
std : : string varName = ls . toString ( 1 ) ;
CConfigFile : : CVar * v = ClientCfg . ConfigFile . getVarPtr ( varName ) ;
if ( ! v ) return 0 ;
if ( v - > size ( ) = = 1 )
switch ( v - > Type )
case CConfigFile : : CVar : : T_REAL :
ls . push ( ( double ) v - > asDouble ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
break ;
case CConfigFile : : CVar : : T_STRING :
ls . push ( v - > asString ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
break ;
default : // handle both T_INT && T_BOOL
case CConfigFile : : CVar : : T_INT :
ls . push ( ( double ) v - > asInt ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
break ;
ls . newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject result ( ls ) ;
uint count = 0 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < v - > StrValues . size ( ) ; i + + )
result . setValue ( toString ( count ) . c_str ( ) , v - > StrValues [ i ] ) ;
count + + ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < v - > IntValues . size ( ) ; i + + )
result . setValue ( toString ( count ) . c_str ( ) , ( double ) v - > IntValues [ i ] ) ;
count + + ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < v - > RealValues . size ( ) ; i + + )
result . setValue ( toString ( count ) . c_str ( ) , ( double ) v - > RealValues [ i ] ) ;
count + + ;
result . push ( ) ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : displaySystemInfo ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " displaySystemInfo " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 2 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgTypeUCString ( ls , funcName , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
ucstring msg ;
nlverify ( CLuaIHM : : getUCStringOnStack ( ls , 1 , msg ) ) ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > displaySystemInfo ( msg , ls . toString ( 2 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : setWeatherValue ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " setWeatherValue " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgMin ( ls , funcName , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgMax ( ls , funcName , 2 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TBOOLEAN ) ;
// bool autoWeather = ls.toBoolean(1);
ClientCfg . ManualWeatherSetup = ! ls . toBoolean ( 1 ) ;
if ( ls . getTop ( ) = = 2 )
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
ManualWeatherValue = ( float ) ls . toNumber ( 2 ) ;
return 0 ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getWeatherValue ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " getWeatherValue " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 0 ) ;
uint64 currDay = RT . getRyzomDay ( ) ;
float currHour = ( float ) RT . getRyzomTime ( ) ;
ls . push ( : : getBlendedWeather ( currDay , currHour , * WeatherFunctionParams , ContinentMngr . cur ( ) - > WeatherFunction ) ) ;
return 1 ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getUICaller ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls , 1 ) ;
// params: none.
// return: CInterfaceElement* (nil if error)
CInterfaceElement * pIE = CHandlerLUA : : getUICaller ( ) ;
if ( ! pIE )
ls . pushNil ( ) ;
debugInfo ( toString ( " getUICaller(): No UICaller found. return Nil " ) ) ;
CLuaIHM : : pushUIOnStack ( ls , pIE ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getIndexInDB ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls , 1 ) ;
// params: CDBCtrlSheet*
// return: index in DB of a dbctrlsheet (empty if error)
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " getIndexInDB " , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , CLuaIHM : : isUIOnStack ( ls , 1 ) , " getIndexInDB() requires a UI object in param 1 " ) ;
// retrieve args
CInterfaceElement * pIE = CLuaIHM : : getUIOnStack ( ls , 1 ) ;
CDBCtrlSheet * pCS = dynamic_cast < CDBCtrlSheet * > ( pIE ) ;
// get the index in db
if ( pCS )
ls . push ( ( double ) pCS - > getIndexInDB ( ) ) ;
ls . push ( 0.0 ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : createGroupInstance ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " createGroupInstance " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 3 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 3 , LUA_TTABLE ) ;
std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > > templateParams ;
CLuaObject params ;
params . pop ( ls ) ;
ENUM_LUA_TABLE ( params , it )
if ( ! it . nextKey ( ) . isString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : bad key encountered with type %s, string expected. " , funcName , it . nextKey ( ) . getTypename ( ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( ! it . nextValue ( ) . isString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : bad value encountered with type %s for key %s, string expected. " , funcName , it . nextValue ( ) . getTypename ( ) , it . nextKey ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
continue ;
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( it . nextKey ( ) . toString ( ) , it . nextValue ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ; // strange compilation bug here when I use std::make_pair ... :(
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CInterfaceGroup * result = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > createGroupInstance ( ls . toString ( 1 ) , ls . toString ( 2 ) , templateParams ) ;
if ( ! result )
ls . pushNil ( ) ;
CLuaIHM : : pushUIOnStack ( ls , result ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : createRootGroupInstance ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " createRootGroupInstance " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 3 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 3 , LUA_TTABLE ) ;
std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > > templateParams ;
CLuaObject params ;
params . pop ( ls ) ;
ENUM_LUA_TABLE ( params , it )
if ( ! it . nextKey ( ) . isString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : bad key encountered with type %s, string expected. " , funcName , it . nextKey ( ) . getTypename ( ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( ! it . nextValue ( ) . isString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : bad value encountered with type %s for key %s, string expected. " , funcName , it . nextValue ( ) . getTypename ( ) , it . nextKey ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
continue ;
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( it . nextKey ( ) . toString ( ) , it . nextValue ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ; // strange compilation bug here when I use std::make_pair ... :(
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CInterfaceGroup * result = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > createGroupInstance ( ls . toString ( 1 ) , " ui:interface: " + string ( ls . toString ( 2 ) ) , templateParams ) ;
if ( ! result )
ls . pushNil ( ) ;
result - > setId ( " ui:interface: " + string ( ls . toString ( 2 ) ) ) ;
result - > updateCoords ( ) ;
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > addWindowToMasterGroup ( " ui:interface " , result ) ;
CInterfaceGroup * pRoot = dynamic_cast < CInterfaceGroup * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( " ui:interface " ) ) ;
result - > setParent ( pRoot ) ;
if ( pRoot )
pRoot - > addGroup ( result ) ;
result - > setActive ( true ) ;
CLuaIHM : : pushUIOnStack ( ls , result ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : createUIElement ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " addUIElement " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 3 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 3 , LUA_TTABLE ) ;
std : : vector < std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > > templateParams ;
CLuaObject params ;
params . pop ( ls ) ;
ENUM_LUA_TABLE ( params , it )
if ( ! it . nextKey ( ) . isString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : bad key encountered with type %s, string expected. " , funcName , it . nextKey ( ) . getTypename ( ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( ! it . nextValue ( ) . isString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : bad value encountered with type %s for key %s, string expected. " , funcName , it . nextValue ( ) . getTypename ( ) , it . nextKey ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
continue ;
templateParams . push_back ( std : : pair < std : : string , std : : string > ( it . nextKey ( ) . toString ( ) , it . nextValue ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ; // strange compilation bug here when I use std::make_pair ... :(
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CInterfaceElement * result = CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > createUIElement ( ls . toString ( 1 ) , ls . toString ( 2 ) , templateParams ) ;
if ( ! result )
ls . pushNil ( ) ;
CLuaIHM : : pushUIOnStack ( ls , result ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : displayBubble ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " displayBubble " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 3 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 1 , LUA_TNUMBER ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 2 , LUA_TSTRING ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgType ( ls , funcName , 3 , LUA_TTABLE ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > strs ;
std : : vector < std : : string > links ;
CLuaObject params ;
params . pop ( ls ) ;
ENUM_LUA_TABLE ( params , it )
if ( ! it . nextKey ( ) . isString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : bad key encountered with type %s, string expected. " , funcName , it . nextKey ( ) . getTypename ( ) ) ;
continue ;
if ( ! it . nextValue ( ) . isString ( ) )
nlwarning ( " %s : bad value encountered with type %s for key %s, string expected. " , funcName , it . nextValue ( ) . getTypename ( ) , it . nextKey ( ) . toString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
continue ;
links . push_back ( it . nextValue ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
strs . push_back ( it . nextKey ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
InSceneBubbleManager . webIgChatOpen ( ( uint32 ) ls . toNumber ( 1 ) , ls . toString ( 2 ) , strs , links ) ;
return 1 ;
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : launchContextMenuInGame ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " launchContextMenuInGame " , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , ls . isString ( 1 ) , " launchContextMenuInGame() requires a string in param 1 " ) ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > launchContextMenuInGame ( ls . toString ( 1 ) ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : parseInterfaceFromString ( CLuaState & ls )
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " parseInterfaceFromString " , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , ls . isString ( 1 ) , " parseInterfaceFromString() requires a string in param 1 " ) ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > script ( 1 ) ;
script [ 0 ] = ls . toString ( 1 ) ;
ls . push ( pIM - > parseInterface ( script , true , false ) ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : updateAllLocalisedElements ( CLuaState & ls )
TTime startTime = CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) ;
CLuaStackChecker lsc ( & ls ) ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , " updateAllLocalisedElements " , 0 ) ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > updateAllLocalisedElements ( ) ;
TTime endTime = CTime : : getLocalTime ( ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . R2EDVerboseParseTime )
nlinfo ( " %.2f seconds for 'updateAllLocalisedElements' " , ( endTime - startTime ) / 1000.f ) ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getCompleteIslands ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " getCompleteIslands " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 0 ) ;
ls . newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject result ( ls ) ;
// load entryPoints
CScenarioEntryPoints scenarioEntryPoints = CScenarioEntryPoints : : getInstance ( ) ;
const CScenarioEntryPoints : : TCompleteIslands & islands = scenarioEntryPoints . getCompleteIslands ( ) ;
CScenarioEntryPoints : : TCompleteIslands : : const_iterator island ( islands . begin ( ) ) , lastIsland ( islands . end ( ) ) ;
for ( ; island ! = lastIsland ; + + island )
ls . newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject islandTable ( ls ) ;
islandTable . setValue ( " continent " , island - > Continent ) ;
islandTable . setValue ( " xmin " , ( double ) island - > XMin ) ;
islandTable . setValue ( " ymin " , ( double ) island - > YMin ) ;
islandTable . setValue ( " xmax " , ( double ) island - > XMax ) ;
islandTable . setValue ( " ymax " , ( double ) island - > YMax ) ;
ls . newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject entrypointsTable ( ls ) ;
for ( uint e = 0 ; e < island - > EntryPoints . size ( ) ; e + + )
const CScenarioEntryPoints : : CShortEntryPoint & entryPoint = island - > EntryPoints [ e ] ;
ls . newTable ( ) ;
CLuaObject entrypointTable ( ls ) ;
entrypointTable . setValue ( " x " , ( double ) entryPoint . X ) ;
entrypointTable . setValue ( " y " , ( double ) entryPoint . Y ) ;
entrypointsTable . setValue ( entryPoint . Location , entrypointTable ) ;
islandTable . setValue ( " entrypoints " , entrypointsTable ) ;
result . setValue ( island - > Island , islandTable ) ;
result . push ( ) ;
return 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
int CLuaIHMRyzom : : getIslandId ( CLuaState & ls )
const char * funcName = " getIslandId " ;
CLuaIHM : : checkArgCount ( ls , funcName , 1 ) ;
CLuaIHM : : check ( ls , ls . isString ( 1 ) , " getIslandId() requires a string in param 1 " ) ;
CScenarioEntryPoints scenarioEntryPoints = CScenarioEntryPoints : : getInstance ( ) ;
uint32 id = scenarioEntryPoints . getIslandId ( ls . toString ( 1 ) ) ;
ls . push ( ( double ) id ) ;
return 1 ;
////////////////////////////////////////// Standard Lua stuff ends here //////////////////////////////////////
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getDbProp ( const std : : string & dbProp )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * node = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( dbProp , false ) ;
if ( node )
return node - > getValue32 ( ) ;
debugInfo ( toString ( " getDbProp(): '%s' dbProp Not found " , dbProp . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
return 0 ;
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : setDbProp ( const std : : string & dbProp , sint32 value )
// Do not allow Write on SERVER: or LOCAL:
static const std : : string dbServer = " SERVER: " ;
static const std : : string dbLocal = " LOCAL: " ;
static const std : : string dbLocalR2 = " LOCAL:R2 " ;
if ( ( 0 = = dbProp . compare ( 0 , dbServer . size ( ) , dbServer ) ) | |
( 0 = = dbProp . compare ( 0 , dbLocal . size ( ) , dbLocal ) )
if ( 0 ! = dbProp . compare ( 0 , dbLocalR2 . size ( ) , dbLocalR2 ) )
nlstop ;
throw ELuaIHMException ( " setDbProp() : You are not allowed to write on ' SERVER : . . . ' or ' LOCAL : . . . ' database " ) ;
// Write to the DB if found
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * node = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( dbProp , false ) ;
if ( node )
node - > setValue32 ( value ) ;
debugInfo ( toString ( " setDbProp(): '%s' dbProp Not found " , dbProp . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : delDbProp ( const string & dbProp )
// Do not allow Write on SERVER: or LOCAL:
static const string dbServer = " SERVER: " ;
static const string dbLocal = " LOCAL: " ;
static const string dbLocalR2 = " LOCAL:R2 " ;
if ( ( 0 = = dbProp . compare ( 0 , dbServer . size ( ) , dbServer ) ) | |
( 0 = = dbProp . compare ( 0 , dbLocal . size ( ) , dbLocal ) )
if ( 0 ! = dbProp . compare ( 0 , dbLocalR2 . size ( ) , dbLocalR2 ) )
nlstop ;
throw ELuaIHMException ( " setDbProp() : You are not allowed to write on ' SERVER : . . . ' or ' LOCAL : . . . ' database " ) ;
// Write to the DB if found
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > delDbProp ( dbProp ) ;
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : addDbProp ( const std : : string & dbProp , sint32 value )
// Do not allow Write on SERVER: or LOCAL:
static const std : : string dbServer = " SERVER: " ;
static const std : : string dbLocal = " LOCAL: " ;
static const std : : string dbLocalR2 = " LOCAL:R2 " ;
if ( ( 0 = = dbProp . compare ( 0 , dbServer . size ( ) , dbServer ) ) | |
( 0 = = dbProp . compare ( 0 , dbLocal . size ( ) , dbLocal ) )
if ( 0 ! = dbProp . compare ( 0 , dbLocalR2 . size ( ) , dbLocalR2 ) )
nlstop ;
throw ELuaIHMException ( " setDbProp() : You are not allowed to write on ' SERVER : . . . ' or ' LOCAL : . . . ' database " ) ;
// Write to the DB if found
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * node = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( dbProp , true ) ;
if ( node )
node - > setValue32 ( value ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : debugInfo ( const std : : string & cstDbg )
if ( ClientCfg . DisplayLuaDebugInfo )
std : : string dbg = cstDbg ;
if ( ClientCfg . LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonEnabled )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
lua_State * ls = CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLuaState ( ) - > getStatePointer ( ) ;
lua_Debug luaDbg ;
if ( lua_getstack ( ls , 1 , & luaDbg ) )
if ( lua_getinfo ( ls , " lS " , & luaDbg ) )
// add a command button to jump to the wanted file
dbg = createGotoFileButtonTag ( luaDbg . short_src , luaDbg . currentline ) + dbg ;
rawDebugInfo ( dbg ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : rawDebugInfo ( const std : : string & dbg )
if ( ClientCfg . DisplayLuaDebugInfo )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
if ( ! dbg . empty ( ) & & dbg [ 0 ] = = ' @ ' )
// if color is already given use the message as it
NLMISC : : InfoLog - > displayRawNL ( dbg . c_str ( ) ) ;
NLMISC : : InfoLog - > displayRawNL ( LuaHelperStuff : : formatLuaErrorSysInfo ( dbg ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( LuaDebuggerIDE )
LuaDebuggerIDE - > debugInfo ( dbg . c_str ( ) ) ;
# endif
pIM - > displaySystemInfo ( LuaHelperStuff : : formatLuaErrorSysInfo ( dbg ) ) ;
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : dumpCallStack ( int startStackLevel )
if ( ClientCfg . DisplayLuaDebugInfo )
lua_Debug dbg ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
lua_State * ls = CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLuaState ( ) - > getStatePointer ( ) ;
int stackLevel = startStackLevel ;
rawDebugInfo ( " Call stack : " ) ;
rawDebugInfo ( " ------------- " ) ;
while ( lua_getstack ( ls , stackLevel , & dbg ) )
if ( lua_getinfo ( ls , " lS " , & dbg ) )
std : : string result = createGotoFileButtonTag ( dbg . short_src , dbg . currentline ) + NLMISC : : toString ( " %s:%d: " , dbg . short_src , dbg . currentline ) ;
rawDebugInfo ( result ) ;
+ + stackLevel ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : getCallStackAsString ( int startStackLevel /*=0*/ , std : : string & result )
result . clear ( ) ;
lua_Debug dbg ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
lua_State * ls = CLuaManager : : getInstance ( ) . getLuaState ( ) - > getStatePointer ( ) ;
int stackLevel = startStackLevel ;
result + = " Call stack : \n " ;
result + = " ------------- " ;
while ( lua_getstack ( ls , stackLevel , & dbg ) )
if ( lua_getinfo ( ls , " lS " , & dbg ) )
result + = NLMISC : : toString ( " %s:%d: " , dbg . short_src , dbg . currentline ) ;
+ + stackLevel ;
// ***************************************************************************
std : : string CLuaIHMRyzom : : getDefine ( const std : : string & def )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
if ( ClientCfg . DisplayLuaDebugInfo & & ! CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > isDefineExist ( def ) )
debugInfo ( toString ( " getDefine(): '%s' not found " , def . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
return CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > getDefine ( def ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : setContextHelpText ( const ucstring & text )
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > setContextHelpText ( text ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : messageBox ( const ucstring & text )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > messageBox ( text ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : messageBox ( const ucstring & text , const std : : string & masterGroup )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > messageBox ( text , masterGroup ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : messageBox ( const ucstring & text , const std : : string & masterGroup , int caseMode )
if ( caseMode < 0 | | caseMode > = CaseCount )
throw ELuaIHMException ( " messageBox: case mode value is invalid. " ) ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > messageBox ( text , masterGroup , ( TCaseMode ) caseMode ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : messageBox ( const std : : string & text )
static volatile bool dumpCallStack = false ;
if ( dumpCallStack )
CLuaIHMRyzom : : dumpCallStack ( 0 ) ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > messageBox ( text ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : messageBoxWithHelp ( const ucstring & text )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > messageBoxWithHelp ( text ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : messageBoxWithHelp ( const ucstring & text , const std : : string & masterGroup )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > messageBoxWithHelp ( text , masterGroup ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : messageBoxWithHelp ( const ucstring & text , const std : : string & masterGroup , int caseMode )
if ( caseMode < 0 | | caseMode > = CaseCount )
throw ELuaIHMException ( " messageBoxWithHelp: case mode value is invalid. " ) ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > messageBoxWithHelp ( text , masterGroup , " " , " " , ( TCaseMode ) caseMode ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : messageBoxWithHelp ( const std : : string & text )
static volatile bool dumpCallStack = false ;
if ( dumpCallStack )
CLuaIHMRyzom : : dumpCallStack ( 0 ) ;
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
pIM - > messageBoxWithHelp ( text ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : executeFunctionOnStack ( CLuaState & ls , int numArgs , int numRet )
static volatile bool dumpFunction = false ;
if ( dumpFunction )
CLuaStackRestorer lsr ( & ls , ls . getTop ( ) ) ;
lua_Debug ar ;
ls . pushValue ( - 1 - numArgs ) ;
lua_getinfo ( ls . getStatePointer ( ) , " >lS " , & ar ) ;
nlwarning ( ( std : : string ( ar . what ) + " , at line " + toString ( ar . linedefined ) + " in " + std : : string ( ar . source ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
int result = ls . pcall ( numArgs , numRet ) ;
switch ( result )
debugInfo ( ls . toString ( - 1 ) ) ;
ls . pop ( ) ;
return false ;
break ;
case 0 :
return true ;
break ;
default :
nlassert ( 0 ) ;
break ;
return false ;
// ***************************************************************************
ucstring CLuaIHMRyzom : : replacePvpEffectParam ( const ucstring & str , sint32 parameter )
ucstring result = str ;
CSString s = str . toString ( ) ;
std : : string p , paramString ;
// Locate parameter and store it
p = s . splitTo ( ' % ' , true ) ;
while ( p . size ( ) > 0 & & s . size ( ) > 0 )
if ( s [ 0 ] = = ' p ' | | s [ 0 ] = = ' n ' | | s [ 0 ] = = ' r ' )
paramString = " % " ;
paramString + = s [ 0 ] ;
break ;
p = s . splitTo ( ' % ' , true ) ;
// Return original string if param isn't found
if ( paramString . size ( ) < 2 )
return str ;
// Replace parameter based on its type
switch ( paramString [ 1 ] )
case ' p ' :
p = toString ( " %.1f %% " , parameter / 100.0 ) ;
break ;
case ' n ' :
p = toString ( parameter ) ;
break ;
case ' r ' :
p = toString ( " %.1f " , parameter / 100.0 ) ;
break ;
default :
debugInfo ( " Bad arguments in " + str . toString ( ) + " : " + paramString ) ;
strFindReplace ( result , paramString . c_str ( ) , p ) ;
return result ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : secondsSince1970ToHour ( sint32 seconds )
// convert to readable form
struct tm * tstruct ;
time_t tval = seconds ;
tstruct = gmtime ( & tval ) ;
if ( ! tstruct )
debugInfo ( toString ( " Bad Date Received: %d " , seconds ) ) ;
return 0 ;
return tstruct - > tm_hour ; // 0-23
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : pauseBGDownloader ( )
: : pauseBGDownloader ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : unpauseBGDownloader ( )
: : unpauseBGDownloader ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : requestBGDownloaderPriority ( uint priority )
if ( priority > = BGDownloader : : ThreadPriority_Count )
throw NLMISC : : Exception ( " requestBGDownloaderPriority() : invalid priority " ) ;
CBGDownloaderAccess : : getInstance ( ) . requestDownloadThreadPriority ( ( BGDownloader : : TThreadPriority ) priority , false ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint CLuaIHMRyzom : : getBGDownloaderPriority ( )
return CBGDownloaderAccess : : getInstance ( ) . getDownloadThreadPriority ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
ucstring CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPatchLastErrorMessage ( )
if ( isBGDownloadEnabled ( ) )
return CBGDownloaderAccess : : getInstance ( ) . getLastErrorMessage ( ) ;
CPatchManager * pPM = CPatchManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
return pPM - > getLastErrorMessage ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isInGame ( )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
return pIM - > isInGame ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
uint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerSelectedSlot ( )
return ( uint32 ) PlayerSelectedSlot ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isPlayerSlotNewbieLand ( uint32 slot )
if ( slot > CharacterSummaries . size ( ) )
throw ELuaIHMException ( " isPlayerSlotNewbieLand() : Invalid slot % d " , (int) slot) ;
return CharacterSummaries [ slot ] . InNewbieland ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getSkillIdFromName ( const std : : string & def )
SKILLS : : ESkills e = SKILLS : : toSkill ( def ) ;
// Avoid any bug, return SF if not found
if ( e > = SKILLS : : unknown )
e = SKILLS : : SF ;
return e ;
// ***************************************************************************
ucstring CLuaIHMRyzom : : getSkillLocalizedName ( sint32 skillId )
return ucstring ( STRING_MANAGER : : CStringManagerClient : : getSkillLocalizedName ( ( SKILLS : : ESkills ) skillId ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getMaxSkillValue ( sint32 skillId )
CSkillManager * pSM = CSkillManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
return pSM - > getMaxSkillValue ( ( SKILLS : : ESkills ) skillId ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getBaseSkillValueMaxChildren ( sint32 skillId )
CSkillManager * pSM = CSkillManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
return pSM - > getBaseSkillValueMaxChildren ( ( SKILLS : : ESkills ) skillId ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getMagicResistChance ( bool elementalSpell , sint32 casterSpellLvl , sint32 victimResistLvl )
CSPhraseManager * pPM = CSPhraseManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
casterSpellLvl = std : : max ( casterSpellLvl , sint32 ( 0 ) ) ;
victimResistLvl = std : : max ( victimResistLvl , sint32 ( 0 ) ) ;
/* The success rate in the table is actually the "Casting Success Chance".
Thus , the relativeLevel is casterSpellLvl - victimResistLvl
Moreover , must take the " PartialSuccessMaxDraw " line because the spell is not resisted if success > 0
sint32 chanceToHit = pPM - > getSuccessRate ( elementalSpell ? CSPhraseManager : : STResistMagic : CSPhraseManager : : STResistMagicLink ,
casterSpellLvl - victimResistLvl , true ) ;
clamp ( chanceToHit , 0 , 100 ) ;
// Thus, the resist chance is 100 - hit chance.
return 100 - chanceToHit ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getDodgeParryChance ( sint32 attLvl , sint32 defLvl )
CSPhraseManager * pPM = CSPhraseManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
attLvl = std : : max ( attLvl , sint32 ( 0 ) ) ;
defLvl = std : : max ( defLvl , sint32 ( 0 ) ) ;
sint32 chance = pPM - > getSuccessRate ( CSPhraseManager : : STDodgeParry , defLvl - attLvl , false ) ;
clamp ( chance , 0 , 100 ) ;
return chance ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : browseNpcWebPage ( const std : : string & htmlId , const std : : string & urlIn , bool addParameters , double timeout )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CGroupHTML * groupHtml = dynamic_cast < CGroupHTML * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( htmlId ) ) ;
if ( groupHtml )
// if true, it means that we want to display a web page that use webig auth
bool webig = urlIn . find ( " http:// " ) = = 0 ;
string url ;
// append the WebServer to the url
if ( urlIn . find ( " ring_access_point=1 " ) ! = std : : string : : npos )
url = RingMainURL + " ? " + urlIn ;
else if ( webig )
url = urlIn ;
url = WebServer + urlIn ;
if ( addParameters & & ! webig )
// append shardid, playername and language code
string userName ;
string guildName ;
if ( UserEntity )
userName = UserEntity - > getDisplayName ( ) . toString ( ) ;
STRING_MANAGER : : CStringManagerClient * pSMC = STRING_MANAGER : : CStringManagerClient : : instance ( ) ;
ucstring ucsTmp ;
pSMC - > getString ( UserEntity - > getGuildNameID ( ) , ucsTmp ) ;
guildName = ucsTmp . toString ( ) ;
while ( guildName . find ( ' ' ) ! = string : : npos )
guildName [ guildName . find ( ' ' ) ] = ' _ ' ;
url + = ( ( url . find ( ' ? ' ) ! = string : : npos ) ? " & " : " ? " ) +
string ( " shard= " ) + toString ( ShardId ) +
string ( " &user_login= " ) + userName +
string ( " &lang= " ) + ClientCfg . getHtmlLanguageCode ( ) +
string ( " &guild_name= " ) + guildName ;
/* Already added by GroupHtml
if ( webig )
// append special webig auth params
addWebIGParams ( url ) ;
// set the wanted timeout
groupHtml - > setTimeout ( ( float ) std : : max ( 0.0 , timeout ) ) ;
// Browse the url
groupHtml - > clean ( ) ;
groupHtml - > browse ( url . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Set top of the page
CCtrlScroll * pScroll = groupHtml - > getScrollBar ( ) ;
if ( pScroll ! = NULL )
pScroll - > moveTrackY ( 10000 ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : clearHtmlUndoRedo ( const std : : string & htmlId )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CGroupHTML * groupHtml = dynamic_cast < CGroupHTML * > ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getElementFromId ( htmlId ) ) ;
if ( groupHtml )
groupHtml - > clearUndoRedo ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
ucstring CLuaIHMRyzom : : getDynString ( sint32 dynStringId )
ucstring result ;
STRING_MANAGER : : CStringManagerClient : : instance ( ) - > getDynString ( dynStringId , result ) ;
return result ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isDynStringAvailable ( sint32 dynStringId )
ucstring result ;
bool res = STRING_MANAGER : : CStringManagerClient : : instance ( ) - > getDynString ( dynStringId , result ) ;
return res ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isFullyPatched ( )
return AvailablePatchs = = 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
std : : string CLuaIHMRyzom : : getSheetType ( const std : : string & sheet )
const CEntitySheet * sheetPtr = SheetMngr . get ( CSheetId ( sheet ) ) ;
if ( ! sheetPtr ) return " " ;
return CEntitySheet : : typeToString ( sheetPtr - > Type ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
std : : string CLuaIHMRyzom : : getSheetName ( uint32 sheetId )
return CSheetId ( sheetId ) . toString ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getFameIndex ( const std : : string & factionName )
return CStaticFames : : getInstance ( ) . getFactionIndex ( factionName ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
std : : string CLuaIHMRyzom : : getFameName ( sint32 fameIndex )
return CStaticFames : : getInstance ( ) . getFactionName ( fameIndex ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getFameDBIndex ( sint32 fameIndex )
// Yoyo: avoid crash if fames not initialized
if ( CStaticFames : : getInstance ( ) . getNbFame ( ) = = 0 )
return 0 ;
return CStaticFames : : getInstance ( ) . getDatabaseIndex ( fameIndex ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getFirstTribeFameIndex ( )
return CStaticFames : : getInstance ( ) . getFirstTribeFameIndex ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getNbTribeFameIndex ( )
// Yoyo: avoid crash if fames not initialized. at leasst one tribe
return std : : max ( 1U , CStaticFames : : getInstance ( ) . getNbTribeFameIndex ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
string CLuaIHMRyzom : : getClientCfg ( const string & varName )
return ClientCfg . readString ( varName ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : sendMsgToServer ( const std : : string & sMsg )
: : sendMsgToServer ( sMsg ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : sendMsgToServerPvpTag ( bool pvpTag )
uint8 tag = ( uint8 ) pvpTag ;
: : sendMsgToServer ( " PVP:PVP_TAG " , tag ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isGuildQuitAvailable ( )
return CGuildManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getGuild ( ) . QuitGuildAvailable ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : sortGuildMembers ( )
CGuildManager : : getInstance ( ) - > sortGuildMembers ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getNbGuildMembers ( )
return ( sint32 ) CGuildManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getGuildMembers ( ) . size ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
string CLuaIHMRyzom : : getGuildMemberName ( sint32 nMemberId )
if ( ( nMemberId < 0 ) | | ( nMemberId > = getNbGuildMembers ( ) ) )
return " " ;
return CGuildManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getGuildMembers ( ) [ nMemberId ] . Name . toString ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
string CLuaIHMRyzom : : getGuildMemberGrade ( sint32 nMemberId )
if ( ( nMemberId < 0 ) | | ( nMemberId > = getNbGuildMembers ( ) ) )
return " " ;
return EGSPD : : CGuildGrade : : toString ( CGuildManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getGuildMembers ( ) [ nMemberId ] . Grade ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isR2Player ( const std : : string & sheet )
const CEntitySheet * entitySheet = SheetMngr . get ( CSheetId ( sheet ) ) ;
if ( ! entitySheet ) return false ;
const CCharacterSheet * chSheet = dynamic_cast < const CCharacterSheet * > ( entitySheet ) ;
if ( ! chSheet ) return false ;
return chSheet - > R2Npc ;
// ***************************************************************************
std : : string CLuaIHMRyzom : : getR2PlayerRace ( const std : : string & sheet )
const CEntitySheet * entitySheet = SheetMngr . get ( CSheetId ( sheet ) ) ;
if ( ! entitySheet ) return " " ;
const CCharacterSheet * chSheet = dynamic_cast < const CCharacterSheet * > ( entitySheet ) ;
if ( ! chSheet ) return " " ;
return EGSPD : : CPeople : : toString ( chSheet - > Race ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isR2PlayerMale ( const std : : string & sheet )
const CEntitySheet * entitySheet = SheetMngr . get ( CSheetId ( sheet ) ) ;
if ( ! entitySheet ) return true ;
const CCharacterSheet * chSheet = dynamic_cast < const CCharacterSheet * > ( entitySheet ) ;
if ( ! chSheet ) return true ;
return ( chSheet - > Gender = = GSGENDER : : male ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
std : : string CLuaIHMRyzom : : getCharacterSheetSkel ( const std : : string & sheet , bool isMale )
const CEntitySheet * sheetPtr = SheetMngr . get ( CSheetId ( sheet ) ) ;
const CCharacterSheet * charSheet = dynamic_cast < const CCharacterSheet * > ( sheetPtr ) ;
if ( charSheet ) return charSheet - > getSkelFilename ( ) ;
const CRaceStatsSheet * raceStatSheet = dynamic_cast < const CRaceStatsSheet * > ( sheetPtr ) ;
if ( raceStatSheet ) return raceStatSheet - > GenderInfos [ isMale ? 0 : 1 ] . Skelfilename ;
return " " ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getSheetId ( const std : : string & itemName )
return ( sint32 ) CSheetId ( itemName ) . asInt ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint CLuaIHMRyzom : : getCharacterSheetRegionForce ( const std : : string & sheet )
const CCharacterSheet * charSheet = dynamic_cast < const CCharacterSheet * > ( SheetMngr . get ( CSheetId ( sheet ) ) ) ;
if ( ! charSheet ) return 0 ;
return charSheet - > RegionForce ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint CLuaIHMRyzom : : getCharacterSheetRegionLevel ( const std : : string & sheet )
const CCharacterSheet * charSheet = dynamic_cast < const CCharacterSheet * > ( SheetMngr . get ( CSheetId ( sheet ) ) ) ;
if ( ! charSheet ) return 0 ;
return charSheet - > RegionForce ;
// ***************************************************************************
string CLuaIHMRyzom : : getRegionByAlias ( uint32 alias )
return ContinentMngr . getRegionNameByAlias ( alias ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : tell ( const ucstring & player , const ucstring & msg )
// display a /tell command in the main chat
if ( ! player . empty ( ) )
if ( ! msg . empty ( ) )
// Parse any tokens in the message.
ucstring msg_modified = msg ;
// Parse any tokens in the text
if ( ! CInterfaceManager : : parseTokens ( msg_modified ) )
return ;
ChatMngr . tell ( player . toUtf8 ( ) , msg_modified ) ;
CChatWindow * w = PeopleInterraction . ChatGroup . Window ;
if ( w )
CInterfaceManager * im = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
w - > setKeyboardFocus ( ) ;
w - > enableBlink ( 1 ) ;
w - > setCommand ( ucstring ( " tell " ) + CEntityCL : : removeTitleFromName ( player ) + ucstring ( " " ) , false ) ;
CGroupEditBox * eb = w - > getEditBox ( ) ;
if ( eb ! = NULL )
eb - > bypassNextKey ( ) ;
if ( w - > getContainer ( ) )
w - > getContainer ( ) - > setActive ( true ) ;
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > setTopWindow ( w - > getContainer ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isRingAccessPointInReach ( )
if ( BotChatPageAll - > RingSessions - > RingAccessPointPos = = CVector : : Null ) return false ;
const CVectorD & vect1 = BotChatPageAll - > RingSessions - > RingAccessPointPos ;
CVectorD vect2 = UserEntity - > pos ( ) ;
double distanceSquare = pow ( vect1 . x - vect2 . x , 2 ) + pow ( vect1 . y - vect2 . y , 2 ) ;
return distanceSquare < = MaxTalkingDistSquare ;
// ***************************************************************************
void CLuaIHMRyzom : : updateTooltipCoords ( )
CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > updateTooltipCoords ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isCtrlKeyDown ( )
bool ctrlDown = Driver - > AsyncListener . isKeyDown ( KeyLCONTROL ) | |
Driver - > AsyncListener . isKeyDown ( KeyRCONTROL ) ;
if ( ctrlDown ) nlwarning ( " ctrl down " ) ;
else nlwarning ( " ctrl up " ) ;
return ctrlDown ;
// ***************************************************************************
std : : string CLuaIHMRyzom : : encodeURLUnicodeParam ( const ucstring & text )
return convertToHTML ( text . toUtf8 ( ) ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerLevel ( )
if ( ! UserEntity ) return - 1 ;
CSkillManager * pSM = CSkillManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
uint32 maxskill = pSM - > getBestSkillValue ( SKILLS : : SC ) ;
maxskill = std : : max ( maxskill , pSM - > getBestSkillValue ( SKILLS : : SF ) ) ;
maxskill = std : : max ( maxskill , pSM - > getBestSkillValue ( SKILLS : : SH ) ) ;
maxskill = std : : max ( maxskill , pSM - > getBestSkillValue ( SKILLS : : SM ) ) ;
return sint32 ( maxskill ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint64 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerVpa ( )
sint64 prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:Entities:E0:P " + toString ( " %d " , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPA ) ) - > getValue64 ( ) ;
return prop ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint64 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerVpb ( )
sint64 prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:Entities:E0:P " + toString ( " %d " , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPB ) ) - > getValue64 ( ) ;
return prop ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint64 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getPlayerVpc ( )
sint64 prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:Entities:E0:P " + toString ( " %d " , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPB ) ) - > getValue64 ( ) ;
return prop ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetLevel ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return - 1 ;
if ( target - > isPlayer ( ) )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * pDbPlayerLevel = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > getDefine ( " target_player_level " ) ) ;
return pDbPlayerLevel ? pDbPlayerLevel - > getValue32 ( ) : - 1 ;
CCharacterSheet * pCS = dynamic_cast < CCharacterSheet * > ( SheetMngr . get ( target - > sheetId ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! pCS ) return - 1 ;
// only display the consider if the target is attackable #523
if ( ! pCS - > Attackable ) return - 1 ;
if ( ! target - > properties ( ) . attackable ( ) ) return - 1 ;
return sint32 ( pCS - > Level ) ;
return - 1 ;
// ***************************************************************************
ucstring CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetSheet ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return ucstring ( ) ;
return target - > sheetId ( ) . toString ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint64 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetVpa ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return 0 ;
sint64 prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:Entities:E " + toString ( " %d " , getTargetSlotNr ( ) ) + " :P " + toString ( " %d " , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPA ) ) - > getValue64 ( ) ;
return prop ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint64 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetVpb ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return 0 ;
sint64 prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:Entities:E " + toString ( " %d " , getTargetSlotNr ( ) ) + " :P " + toString ( " %d " , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPB ) ) - > getValue64 ( ) ;
return prop ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint64 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetVpc ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return 0 ;
sint64 prop = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( " SERVER:Entities:E " + toString ( " %d " , getTargetSlotNr ( ) ) + " :P " + toString ( " %d " , CLFECOMMON : : PROPERTY_VPB ) ) - > getValue64 ( ) ;
return prop ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetForceRegion ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return - 1 ;
if ( target - > isPlayer ( ) )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * pDbPlayerLevel = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > getDefine ( " target_player_level " ) ) ;
if ( ! pDbPlayerLevel ) return - 1 ;
sint nLevel = pDbPlayerLevel - > getValue32 ( ) ;
if ( nLevel < 250 )
return ( sint32 ) ( ( nLevel < 20 ) ? 1 : ( nLevel / 50 ) + 2 ) ;
return 8 ;
CCharacterSheet * pCS = dynamic_cast < CCharacterSheet * > ( SheetMngr . get ( target - > sheetId ( ) ) ) ;
return pCS ? ( sint32 ) pCS - > RegionForce : - 1 ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
sint32 CLuaIHMRyzom : : getTargetLevelForce ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return - 1 ;
if ( target - > isPlayer ( ) )
CInterfaceManager * pIM = CInterfaceManager : : getInstance ( ) ;
CCDBNodeLeaf * pDbPlayerLevel = NLGUI : : CDBManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getDbProp ( CWidgetManager : : getInstance ( ) - > getParser ( ) - > getDefine ( " target_player_level " ) ) ;
if ( ! pDbPlayerLevel ) return - 1 ;
sint nLevel = pDbPlayerLevel - > getValue32 ( ) ;
if ( nLevel < 250 )
return ( sint32 ) ( ( ( nLevel % 50 ) * 5 / 50 ) + 1 ) ;
return 6 ;
CCharacterSheet * pCS = dynamic_cast < CCharacterSheet * > ( SheetMngr . get ( target - > sheetId ( ) ) ) ;
return pCS ? ( sint32 ) pCS - > ForceLevel : - 1 ;
return 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isTargetNPC ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return false ;
return target - > isNPC ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isTargetPlayer ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return false ;
return target - > isPlayer ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isTargetUser ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return false ;
return target - > isUser ( ) ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isPlayerInPVPMode ( )
if ( ! UserEntity ) return false ;
return ( UserEntity - > getPvpMode ( ) & PVP_MODE : : PvpFaction | | UserEntity - > getPvpMode ( ) & PVP_MODE : : PvpFactionFlagged | | UserEntity - > getPvpMode ( ) & PVP_MODE : : PvpZoneFaction ) ! = 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
bool CLuaIHMRyzom : : isTargetInPVPMode ( )
CEntityCL * target = getTargetEntity ( ) ;
if ( ! target ) return false ;
return ( target - > getPvpMode ( ) & PVP_MODE : : PvpFaction | | target - > getPvpMode ( ) & PVP_MODE : : PvpFactionFlagged | | target - > getPvpMode ( ) & PVP_MODE : : PvpZoneFaction ) ! = 0 ;
// ***************************************************************************
std : : string CLuaIHMRyzom : : createGotoFileButtonTag ( const char * fileName , uint line )
if ( ClientCfg . LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonEnabled )
// TODO nico : put this in the interface
// add a command button to jump to the wanted file
return toString ( " /$$%s|%s|lua|%s('%s', %d)$$/ " ,
ClientCfg . LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonTemplate . c_str ( ) ,
ClientCfg . LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonCaption . c_str ( ) ,
ClientCfg . LuaDebugInfoGotoButtonFunction . c_str ( ) ,
fileName ,
) ;
return " " ;