diff --git a/code/ryzom/tools/translation/work/wk.uxt b/code/ryzom/tools/translation/work/wk.uxt index 65b12158d..4a86a4cf6 100644 --- a/code/ryzom/tools/translation/work/wk.uxt +++ b/code/ryzom/tools/translation/work/wk.uxt @@ -13499,3 +13499,37 @@ uiFreeViewTablet [Tablet or touch screen] uiCopy [Copy] uiBrowse [Browse] +//Item group commands + + +//createGroup +cmdCreateGroupUsage1 [createGroup command usage :] +cmdCreateGroupUsage2 [/createGroup group_name : create a group named group_nam with all your equipped items] +cmdCreateGroupUsage3 [/createGroup group_name true : create a group named group_nam with all your equipped items, and create a remove command for every empty slot] +cmdCreateGroupError [A group named %name already exist, cannot create one with the same name.] +cmdCreateGroupSuccess1 [Group %name successfully created.] +cmdCreateGroupSuccess2 [Group %name successfully created with removal for all unequiped items.] + +//equipGroup +cmdEquipGroupUsage1 [equipGroup command usage :] +cmdEquipGroupUsage2 [/equipGroup group_name : Pull the items from the group group_name from available inventory and equip them.] +cmdEquipGroupError [Could not equip group %name because no group named like this was found.] +cmdEquipGroupSuccess [Group %name successfully equipped.] + + +//deleteGroup +cmdDeleteGroupUsage1 [deleteGroup command usage :] +cmdDeleteGroupUsage2 [/deleteGroup group_name : Remove the group named group_name if it exists.] +cmdDeleteGroupError [Cannot delete group %name : no group with this name found.] +cmdDeleteGroupSuccess [Group %name successfully deleted.] + +//moveGroup +cmdMoveGroupUsage1 [moveGroup command usage :] +cmdMoveGroupUsage2 [/moveGroup group_name destination : move items from all available inventories to destination] +cmdMoveGroupUsage3 [destination can be either bag, player_room, guild, pet_animal1, pet_animal2, pet_animal3, pet_animal4] +cmdMoveGroupError [Could not move group %name to %inventory because no group named like this was found, and/or it wasn't a valid inventory.] +cmdMoveGroupSuccess [Group %name successfully moved to %inventory.] + +//listGroup +cmdListGroupHeader [Available item groups :] +cmdListGroupLine [* %name, with %size items inside.]