# This file is based off of the Platform/Darwin.cmake and Platform/UnixPaths.cmake # files which are included with CMake 2.8.4 # It has been altered for iOS development # # Options: # # IOS_VERSION = last(default) or specific one (4.3, 5.0, 4.1) # This decides if SDKS will be selected from the iPhoneOS.platform or iPhoneSimulator.platform folders # OS - the default, used to build for iPhone and iPad physical devices, which have an arm arch. # SIMULATOR - used to build for the Simulator platforms, which have an x86 arch. # # IOS_PLATFORM = OS (default) or SIMULATOR or ALL # This decides if SDKS will be selected from the iPhoneOS.platform or iPhoneSimulator.platform folders # OS - the default, used to build for iPhone and iPad physical devices, which have an arm arch. # SIMULATOR - used to build for the Simulator platforms, which have an x86 arch. # # CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT = automatic(default) or /path/to/platform/Developer folder # By default this location is automatcially chosen based on the IOS_PLATFORM value above. # If set manually, it will override the default location and force the user of a particular Developer Platform # # CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT = automatic(default) or /path/to/platform/Developer/SDKs/SDK folder # By default this location is automatcially chosen based on the CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT value. # In this case it will always be the most up-to-date SDK found in the CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT path. # If set manually, this will force the use of a specific SDK version IF(DEFINED CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) # subsequent toolchain loading is not really needed RETURN() ENDIF() # Standard settings SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Darwin) SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 1) # TODO: determine target Darwin version SET(UNIX ON) SET(APPLE ON) SET(IOS ON) # Setup iOS platform IF(NOT DEFINED IOS_PLATFORM) SET(IOS_PLATFORM "OS") ENDIF() SET(IOS_PLATFORM ${IOS_PLATFORM} CACHE STRING "Type of iOS Platform") SET(IOS_PLATFORM_LOCATION "iPhoneOS.platform") SET(IOS_SIMULATOR_PLATFORM_LOCATION "iPhoneSimulator.platform") # Check the platform selection and setup for developer root if(${IOS_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "OS") # This causes the installers to properly locate the output libraries set (CMAKE_XCODE_EFFECTIVE_PLATFORMS "-iphoneos") elseif(${IOS_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "SIMULATOR") # This causes the installers to properly locate the output libraries set (CMAKE_XCODE_EFFECTIVE_PLATFORMS "-iphonesimulator") elseif(${IOS_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "ALL") # This causes the installers to properly locate the output libraries set (CMAKE_XCODE_EFFECTIVE_PLATFORMS "-iphonesimulator;-iphoneos") else() message (FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported IOS_PLATFORM value selected. Please choose OS or SIMULATOR") endif() set (CMAKE_XCODE_EFFECTIVE_PLATFORMS ${CMAKE_XCODE_EFFECTIVE_PLATFORMS} CACHE PATH "iOS Platform") # Setup iOS developer location unless specified manually with CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT # Note Xcode 4.3 changed the installation location, choose the most recent one available SET(XCODE_DEFAULT_ROOT "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents") IF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT) IF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_XCODE_ROOT) IF(EXISTS ${XCODE_DEFAULT_ROOT}) SET(CMAKE_XCODE_ROOT ${XCODE_DEFAULT_ROOT} CACHE STRING "Xcode root") ELSE() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Xcode directory ${XCODE_DEFAULT_ROOT} doesn't exist") ENDIF() ENDIF() SET(TMP ${CMAKE_XCODE_ROOT}/Developer/Platforms/${IOS_PLATFORM_LOCATION}/Developer) IF(EXISTS ${TMP}) SET(CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT ${TMP}) MESSAGE(STATUS "Use iOS developer root: ${CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT}") ENDIF() SET(TMP ${CMAKE_XCODE_ROOT}/Developer/Platforms/${IOS_SIMULATOR_PLATFORM_LOCATION}/Developer) IF(EXISTS ${TMP}) SET(CMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_DEVELOPER_ROOT ${TMP}) MESSAGE(STATUS "Use iOS simulator developer root: ${CMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_DEVELOPER_ROOT}") ENDIF() ENDIF() SET(CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT ${CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT} CACHE PATH "Location of iOS Platform") SET(CMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_DEVELOPER_ROOT ${CMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_DEVELOPER_ROOT} CACHE PATH "Location of iOS Simulator Platform") MACRO(GET_AVAILABLE_SDK_VERSIONS ROOT VERSIONS) FILE(GLOB _CMAKE_IOS_SDKS "${ROOT}/SDKs/iPhoneOS*") IF(_CMAKE_IOS_SDKS) LIST(SORT _CMAKE_IOS_SDKS) LIST(REVERSE _CMAKE_IOS_SDKS) FOREACH(_CMAKE_IOS_SDK ${_CMAKE_IOS_SDKS}) STRING(REGEX REPLACE ".+iPhoneOS([0-9.]+)\\.sdk" "\\1" _IOS_SDK "${_CMAKE_IOS_SDK}") LIST(APPEND ${VERSIONS} ${_IOS_SDK}) ENDFOREACH() ENDIF() ENDMACRO() # Find and use the most recent iOS sdk IF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT) # Search for a specific version of a SDK GET_AVAILABLE_SDK_VERSIONS(${CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT} IOS_VERSIONS) IF(NOT IOS_VERSIONS) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "No iOS SDK's found in default search path ${CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT}. Manually set CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT or install the iOS SDK.") ENDIF() IF(IOS_VERSION) LIST(FIND IOS_VERSIONS "${IOS_VERSION}" _INDEX) IF(_INDEX EQUAL -1) LIST(GET IOS_VERSIONS 0 IOS_SDK_VERSION) ELSE() SET(IOS_SDK_VERSION ${IOS_VERSION}) ENDIF() ELSE() LIST(GET IOS_VERSIONS 0 IOS_VERSION) SET(IOS_SDK_VERSION ${IOS_VERSION}) ENDIF() MESSAGE(STATUS "Target iOS ${IOS_VERSION} and use SDK ${IOS_SDK_VERSION}") SET(CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT ${CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT}/SDKs/iPhoneOS${IOS_SDK_VERSION}.sdk) SET(CMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_SDK_ROOT ${CMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_DEVELOPER_ROOT}/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator${IOS_SDK_VERSION}.sdk) endif() SET(CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT ${CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT} CACHE PATH "Location of the selected iOS SDK") SET(CMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_SDK_ROOT ${CMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_SDK_ROOT} CACHE PATH "Location of the selected iOS Simulator SDK") SET(IOS_VERSION ${IOS_VERSION} CACHE STRING "iOS target version") # Set the sysroot default to the most recent SDK SET(CMAKE_IOS_SYSROOT ${CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT} CACHE PATH "Sysroot used for iOS support") SET(CMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_SYSROOT ${CMAKE_IOS_SIMULATOR_SDK_ROOT} CACHE PATH "Sysroot used for iOS Simulator support") IF(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES Xcode) IF(${IOS_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "OS") SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "armv7") ELSEIF(${IOS_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "SIMULATOR") SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "x86") ELSEIF(${IOS_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "ALL") SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "armv7") ENDIF() ELSE() IF(${IOS_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "OS") SET(ARCHS armv7 arm64) SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "armv7") ELSEIF(${IOS_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "SIMULATOR") # iPhone simulator targets i386 SET(ARCHS "i386") SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "x86") ELSEIF(${IOS_PLATFORM} STREQUAL "ALL") SET(ARCHS armv7 arm64 i386 x86_64) SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "armv7") ENDIF() ENDIF() # set the architecture for iOS - using ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT sets armv7,armv7s and appears to be XCode's standard. # The other value that works is ARCHS_UNIVERSAL_IPHONE_OS but that sets armv7 only IF(ARCHS) SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES ${ARCHS} CACHE STRING "Build architecture for iOS") ENDIF() # Set the find root to the iOS developer roots and to user defined paths SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH ${CMAKE_IOS_DEVELOPER_ROOT} ${CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT} ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/external $ENV{EXTERNAL_IOS_PATH} CACHE STRING "iOS find search path root") # default to searching for frameworks first SET(CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK FIRST) # set up the default search directories for frameworks SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH ${CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT}/System/Library/Frameworks ${CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT}/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks ${CMAKE_IOS_SDK_ROOT}/Developer/Library/Frameworks ) # only search the iOS sdks, not the remainder of the host filesystem SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM BOTH) SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY) SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE ONLY) # Force the compilers to Clang for iOS SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER clang) SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER clang++) # Skip the platform compiler checks for cross compiling. SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_FORCED TRUE) SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_FORCED TRUE) # determinate location for bin utils based on CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH INCLUDE(CMakeFindBinUtils)