If you find any bugs or have any suggestions use the OpenNeL Issue Tracker:

If you need any help contact us on the OpenNeL Forums:


   Snowballs need the folowing libraries :

      - NeL                   <URL:http://www.opennel.org/>
            Default install plus NeL Sound.
            You need to launch the configure script with the '--enable-sound'
      - NeLNS                 <URL:http://www.opennel.org/>
            This is mandatory to run the Snowballs server but it isn't for
            the Snowballs client.

   And the lastest Snowballs data pack available :



   1. Windows compilation

      Visit the following urls for the most recent information:

   2. GNU/Linux compilation

      In the case (ex: after a cvs checkout) that you need to rebuild the
      "configure" script and/or the "Makefile.in" files, execute the
      "bootstrap" script in the swnoballs directory :
         % ./bootstrap

      In the snowballs directory do :

         % ./configure --with-stlport=<Path_to_the_stlport_install_directory>

         % make

      The "configure" script must be call with the "--with-stlport" option.
      This option permit to override the default STL headers.

      To disable the client or the server compilation and install, use
      '--disable-client' and '--disable-server' options.

      To pass additional arguments to the C++ compiler, use the command line :

         % CXXFLAGS=-pipe ./configure --with-stlport=<STLPort_headers_path>

      To get the complete list of arguments of the "configure" script use the
      following command :

         % ./configure --help


   1. Windows installation

      Not done yet.

   2. GNU/Linux installation

      % make install