// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010  Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "lod_texture_builder.h"
#include "nel/misc/aabbox.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NL3D;

// ***************************************************************************
// Quality factor. Useful to get maximum of interseting values in the range 0..255.
// The bigger, the lower the influence of the normal is. must be >=0
#define	NL_LTB_NORMAL_BIAS					1.f

// ***************************************************************************
	_OverSampleDistance= 0.05f;

// ***************************************************************************
float			CLodTextureBuilder::computeQualityPixel(const CPixelInfo &p0, const CPixelInfo &p1) const
	float	d= (p1.Pos-p0.Pos).norm();
	float	dotProd= p1.Normal*p0.Normal;
	// With NL_NORMAL_BIAS==1, it return froms d*1(normals aligned) to d*3 (opposite normals)
	return d*(NL_LTB_NORMAL_BIAS+1-dotProd);

// ***************************************************************************
void			CLodTextureBuilder::setLod(const NL3D::CLodCharacterShapeBuild &lod)
	uint	i;

	_CLod= lod;

	// **** compute the max quality distance. ie where CTUVQ.Q== 255
	// build a bbox around the lod.
	CAABBox	bbox;
	/* get the opposite vertices/normals and so compute the max qualityPixel "possible" (it is still possible 
		for the CMesh to be completely out of the bbox of the CLod, but doesn't matter)
	CPixelInfo	p0, p1;
	p0.Pos= bbox.getMin();
	p1.Pos= bbox.getMax();
	_MaxDistanceQuality= computeQualityPixel(p0, p1);
	// apply a user factor.

// ***************************************************************************
bool			CLodTextureBuilder::computeTexture(const CMesh &mesh, NL3D::CLodCharacterTexture  &text)
	// a set to flag if an edge has already been overSampled
	TEdgeSet	edgeSet;

	// **** Over sample the mesh
	// Get vertex info
	const CVertexBuffer	&VB= mesh.getVertexBuffer();
	CVertexBufferRead vba;
	VB.lock (vba);
	const uint8			*srcPos= (const uint8*)vba.getVertexCoordPointer();
	const uint8			*srcNormal= (const uint8*)vba.getNormalCoordPointer();
	const uint8			*srcUV= (const uint8*)vba.getTexCoordPointer();
	uint				vertexSize= VB.getVertexSize();
	// For all matrix blocks..
	for(uint mb=0; mb<mesh.getNbMatrixBlock();mb++)
		// for all rdrPass
		for(uint rp=0; rp<mesh.getNbRdrPass(mb);rp++)
			const CIndexBuffer	&pb= mesh.getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(mb, rp);
			CIndexBufferRead iba;
			pb.lock (iba);
			uint	matId= mesh.getRdrPassMaterial(mb, rp);
			// samples the tris of this pass			
			if (iba.getFormat() == CIndexBuffer::Indices16)
				addSampleTris(srcPos, srcNormal, srcUV, vertexSize, (uint16 *) iba.getPtr(), pb.getNumIndexes()/3, matId, edgeSet);
				nlassert(iba.getFormat() == CIndexBuffer::Indices32);
				addSampleTris(srcPos, srcNormal, srcUV, vertexSize, (uint32 *) iba.getPtr(), pb.getNumIndexes()/3, matId, edgeSet);

	// **** compute the texture, with the samples

	return true;

// ***************************************************************************
bool			CLodTextureBuilder::computeTexture(const CMeshMRM &meshMRM, NL3D::CLodCharacterTexture  &text)
	// a set to flag if an edge has already been overSampled
	TEdgeSet	edgeSet;

	// **** Over sample the mesh
	// Get vertex info
	CVertexBuffer		&VB= const_cast<CVertexBuffer&>(meshMRM.getVertexBuffer());
	CVertexBufferRead vba;
	VB.lock (vba);
	const uint8			*srcPos= (const uint8*)vba.getVertexCoordPointer();
	const uint8			*srcNormal= (const uint8*)vba.getNormalCoordPointer();
	const uint8			*srcUV= (const uint8*)vba.getTexCoordPointer();
	uint				vertexSize = VB.getVertexSize();
	// For the more precise lod
	uint	lodId= meshMRM.getNbLod()-1;
	// Resolve Geomoprh problem: copy End to all geomorphs dest. Hence sure that all ids points to good vertex data
	const std::vector<CMRMWedgeGeom>	&geoms= meshMRM.getMeshGeom().getGeomorphs(lodId);
	for(uint gm=0;gm<geoms.size();gm++)
		uint	srcId= geoms[gm].End;
		// copy the geom src to the dest VB place.
		*(CVector*)(srcPos+gm*vertexSize)= *(CVector*)(srcPos+srcId*vertexSize);
		*(CVector*)(srcNormal+gm*vertexSize)= *(CVector*)(srcNormal+srcId*vertexSize);
		*(CUV*)(srcUV+gm*vertexSize)= *(CUV*)(srcUV+srcId*vertexSize);
	// for all rdrPass
	for(uint rp=0; rp<meshMRM.getNbRdrPass(lodId);rp++)
		const CIndexBuffer	&pb= meshMRM.getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(lodId, rp);
		CIndexBufferRead iba;
		pb.lock (iba);
		uint	matId= meshMRM.getRdrPassMaterial(lodId, rp);
		// samples the tris of this pass
		if (iba.getFormat() == CIndexBuffer::Indices16)
			addSampleTris(srcPos, srcNormal, srcUV, vertexSize, (uint16 *) iba.getPtr(), pb.getNumIndexes()/3, matId, edgeSet);
			nlassert(iba.getFormat() == CIndexBuffer::Indices32);
			addSampleTris(srcPos, srcNormal, srcUV, vertexSize, (uint32 *) iba.getPtr(), pb.getNumIndexes()/3, matId, edgeSet);

	// **** compute the texture, with the samples

	return true;

// ***************************************************************************
bool			CLodTextureBuilder::computeTexture(const CMeshMRMSkinned &meshMRM, NL3D::CLodCharacterTexture  &text)
	// a set to flag if an edge has already been overSampled
	TEdgeSet	edgeSet;

	// **** Over sample the mesh
	// Get vertex info
	CVertexBuffer tmp;
	CVertexBufferRead vba;
	tmp.lock (vba);
	const uint8			*srcPos= (const uint8*)vba.getVertexCoordPointer();
	const uint8			*srcNormal= (const uint8*)vba.getNormalCoordPointer();
	const uint8			*srcUV= (const uint8*)vba.getTexCoordPointer();
	uint				vertexSize= tmp.getVertexSize();
	// For the more precise lod
	uint	lodId= meshMRM.getNbLod()-1;
	// Resolve Geomoprh problem: copy End to all geomorphs dest. Hence sure that all ids points to good vertex data
	const std::vector<CMRMWedgeGeom>	&geoms= meshMRM.getMeshGeom().getGeomorphs(lodId);
	for(uint gm=0;gm<geoms.size();gm++)
		uint	srcId= geoms[gm].End;
		// copy the geom src to the dest VB place.
		*(CVector*)(srcPos+gm*vertexSize)= *(CVector*)(srcPos+srcId*vertexSize);
		*(CVector*)(srcNormal+gm*vertexSize)= *(CVector*)(srcNormal+srcId*vertexSize);
		*(CUV*)(srcUV+gm*vertexSize)= *(CUV*)(srcUV+srcId*vertexSize);
	// for all rdrPass
	for(uint rp=0; rp<meshMRM.getNbRdrPass(lodId);rp++)
		CIndexBuffer	pb;
		meshMRM.getRdrPassPrimitiveBlock(lodId, rp, pb);
		uint	matId= meshMRM.getRdrPassMaterial(lodId, rp);
		CIndexBufferRead iba;
		pb.lock (iba);
		// samples the tris of this pass
		if (iba.getFormat() == CIndexBuffer::Indices16)
			addSampleTris(srcPos, srcNormal, srcUV, vertexSize, (uint16 *) iba.getPtr(), pb.getNumIndexes()/3, matId, edgeSet);
			addSampleTris(srcPos, srcNormal, srcUV, vertexSize, (uint32 *) iba.getPtr(), pb.getNumIndexes()/3, matId, edgeSet);

	// **** compute the texture, with the samples

	return true;

// ***************************************************************************
void			CLodTextureBuilder::addSampleTris(const uint8 *srcPos, const uint8 *srcNormal, const uint8 *srcUV, uint vertexSize, 
	const uint16 *triPointer, uint numTris, uint materialId, TEdgeSet &edgeSet)
	std::vector<uint32> indices32(triPointer, triPointer + numTris * 3);
	addSampleTris(srcPos, srcNormal, srcUV, vertexSize, &indices32[0], numTris, materialId, edgeSet);

// ***************************************************************************
void			CLodTextureBuilder::addSampleTris(const uint8 *srcPos, const uint8 *srcNormal, const uint8 *srcUV, uint vertexSize, 
	const uint32 *triPointer, uint numTris, uint materialId, TEdgeSet &edgeSet)

	// ensure that the material is in 0..255
	clamp(materialId, 0U, 255U);

	for(uint i=0;i<numTris;i++)
		uint c;

		// **** get tri indices and tri values.
		uint		idx[3];
		CVector		pos[3];
		CVector		normal[3];
		CUV			uv[3];
			idx[c]= *triPointer++;
			pos[c]= *(CVector*)(srcPos + idx[c]*vertexSize);
				normal[c]= *(CVector*)(srcNormal + idx[c]*vertexSize);
				normal[c]= CVector::K;
				uv[c]= *(CUV*)(srcUV + idx[c]*vertexSize);

		// **** Append the 3 vertices in the samples. only if not already done
			// special edgeId: vertStart==vertEnd
			TEdge	edgeId;
			edgeId.first= idx[c];
			edgeId.second= idx[c];
			// if success to insert in the set, then must add it to samples
				CSample		sample;
				sample.P.Pos= pos[c];
				sample.P.Normal= normal[c];
				sample.UV= uv[c];
				sample.MaterialId= materialId;

		// **** Append the interior of each edges, according to _OverSampleDistance
		uint	numEdgeOverSamples[3];
			uint	cNext= (c+1)%3;
			// get the edgeId
			TEdge	edgeId;
			edgeId.first= idx[c];
			edgeId.second= idx[cNext];
			// compute the number of overSamples to apply to the edge
			numEdgeOverSamples[c]= (uint)floor( (pos[cNext]-pos[c]).norm()/_OverSampleDistance );

			// if success to insert in the set, then must add it to samples
				// Do it only if numOverSamples>=2
					// Sample the edge, exclude endPoints.
					for(uint s=1;s<numEdgeOverSamples[c];s++)
						float	f= s/(float)numEdgeOverSamples[c];
						// interpoalte the sample
						CSample		sample;
						sample.P.Pos= pos[c]*(1-f) + pos[cNext]*f;
						sample.P.Normal= normal[c]*(1-f) + normal[cNext]*f;
						sample.UV= uv[c]*(1-f) + uv[cNext]*f;
						sample.MaterialId= materialId;
						// add it

		// **** Append the interior of the triangle, if too many overSample
		// compute min of over samples
		uint	triOverSample= min(numEdgeOverSamples[0], numEdgeOverSamples[1]);
		triOverSample= min(triOverSample, numEdgeOverSamples[2]);
		// If >=3 (at least one vertex in the middle)
			// Interpolate with barycentric coordinate rules
			uint	s,t,v;
			// Donc't compute on triangles edges.
					// barycentric sum==1 guaranteed.
					v= triOverSample-s-t;
					float	fs= s/(float)triOverSample;
					float	ft= t/(float)triOverSample;
					float	fv= v/(float)triOverSample;
					// compute the sample
					CSample		sample;
					sample.P.Pos= pos[0]*fs + pos[1]*ft + pos[2]*fv;
					sample.P.Normal= normal[0]*fs + normal[1]*ft + normal[2]*fv;
					sample.UV= uv[0]*fs + uv[1]*ft + uv[2]*fv;
					sample.MaterialId= materialId;
					// add it


// ***************************************************************************
bool			CLodTextureBuilder::computeTextureFromSamples(NL3D::CLodCharacterTexture  &text)
	// The lod must have correct width/height
	if(NL3D_CLOD_TEXT_WIDTH!=_CLod.getTextureInfoWidth() || NL3D_CLOD_TEXT_HEIGHT!=_CLod.getTextureInfoHeight() )
		nlwarning("ERROR: the _CLod must have a textureInfo size of %d/%d", NL3D_CLOD_TEXT_WIDTH, NL3D_CLOD_TEXT_HEIGHT);
		return false;

	// prepare dest.
	CLodCharacterTexture::CTUVQ		emptyTUVQ;
	emptyTUVQ.T= 0;
	emptyTUVQ.U= 0;
	emptyTUVQ.V= 0;
	emptyTUVQ.Q= 255;
	fill(text.Texture.begin(), text.Texture.end(), emptyTUVQ);

	// For all pixels.
	const	CPixelInfo		*srcPixel= _CLod.getTextureInfoPtr();
	for(uint i=0;i<NL3D_CLOD_TEXT_SIZE;i++)
		// if the src pixel is not empty
		if( !(srcPixel[i]==CPixelInfo::EmptyPixel) )
			CLodCharacterTexture::CTUVQ		&dstTUVQ= text.Texture[i];

			// For All samples, search the best.
			float	minQuality= FLT_MAX;
			uint	bestIdx= 0;
			for(uint j=0;j<_Samples.size();j++)
				float	q= computeQualityPixel(srcPixel[i], _Samples[j].P);
					minQuality= q;
					bestIdx= j;

			// Then compress the sample info in the TUVQ.
			dstTUVQ.T= _Samples[bestIdx].MaterialId;
			dstTUVQ.U= (uint8)(sint)(_Samples[bestIdx].UV.U*256);
			dstTUVQ.V= (uint8)(sint)(_Samples[bestIdx].UV.V*256);
			minQuality= minQuality*255/_MaxDistanceQuality;
			clamp(minQuality, 0, 255);
			dstTUVQ.Q= (uint8)minQuality;

	return true;