// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef R2_SHARE_ITF #define R2_SHARE_ITF #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h" #if defined(NL_COMP_VC8) || defined(NL_COMP_VC9) # include #endif #include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h" #include "nel/misc/string_conversion.h" #include "nel/net/message.h" #include "nel/net/module.h" #include "nel/net/module_builder_parts.h" #include "nel/net/module_message.h" #include "nel/net/module_gateway.h" #include "game_share/object.h" #include "nel/misc/md5.h" #include "game_share/r2_types.h" namespace R2 { class TRunningScenarioInfo; class TCharMappedInfo; struct TSessionLevel { enum TValues { sl_a = 1, sl_b, sl_c, sl_d, sl_e, sl_f, /// the highest valid value in the enum last_enum_item = sl_f, /// a value equal to the last enum item +1 end_of_enum, invalid_val, /// Number of enumerated values nb_enum_items = 6 }; /// Index table to convert enum value to linear index table const std::map &getIndexTable() const { static std::map indexTable; static bool init = false; if (!init) { // fill the index table indexTable.insert(std::make_pair(sl_a, 0)); indexTable.insert(std::make_pair(sl_b, 1)); indexTable.insert(std::make_pair(sl_c, 2)); indexTable.insert(std::make_pair(sl_d, 3)); indexTable.insert(std::make_pair(sl_e, 4)); indexTable.insert(std::make_pair(sl_f, 5)); init = true; } return indexTable; } static const NLMISC::CStringConversion &getConversionTable() { NL_BEGIN_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE(TValues) NL_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE_ENTRY(sl_a) NL_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE_ENTRY(sl_b) NL_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE_ENTRY(sl_c) NL_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE_ENTRY(sl_d) NL_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE_ENTRY(sl_e) NL_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE_ENTRY(sl_f) NL_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE_ENTRY(invalid_val) }; static NLMISC::CStringConversion conversionTable(TValues_nl_string_conversion_table, sizeof(TValues_nl_string_conversion_table) / sizeof(TValues_nl_string_conversion_table[0]), invalid_val); return conversionTable; } TValues _Value; public: TSessionLevel() : _Value(invalid_val) { } TSessionLevel(TValues value) : _Value(value) { } TSessionLevel(const std::string &str) { _Value = getConversionTable().fromString(str); } void serial(NLMISC::IStream &s) { s.serialEnum(_Value); } bool operator == (const TSessionLevel &other) const { return _Value == other._Value; } bool operator != (const TSessionLevel &other) const { return ! (_Value == other._Value); } bool operator < (const TSessionLevel &other) const { return _Value < other._Value; } bool operator <= (const TSessionLevel &other) const { return _Value <= other._Value; } bool operator > (const TSessionLevel &other) const { return !(_Value <= other._Value); } bool operator >= (const TSessionLevel &other) const { return !(_Value < other._Value); } const std::string &toString() const { return getConversionTable().toString(_Value); } static const std::string &toString(TValues value) { return getConversionTable().toString(value); } TValues getValue() const { return _Value; } // return true if the actual value of the enum is valid, otherwise false bool isValid() { if (_Value == invalid_val) return false; // not invalid, check other enum value return getConversionTable().isValid(_Value); } uint32 asIndex() { std::map::const_iterator it(getIndexTable().find(_Value)); nlassert(it != getIndexTable().end()); return it->second; } public: void fromCharacterLevel(uint32 level) { if (level < 21) _Value = sl_a; // 0..20 else if (level < 51) _Value = sl_b; // 21..50 else if (level < 101) _Value = sl_c; // 51..100 else if (level < 151) _Value = sl_d; // 101..150 else if (level < 201) _Value = sl_e; // 151..200 else _Value = sl_f; // 201..oo } void fromSkillName(const std::string &skillName) { // we considere the lenght of the skill name to be proportional to the level if (skillName.size() < 2) { // skill name too short _Value = invalid_val; } uint32 size = (uint32)skillName.size()-1; if (size < end_of_enum) _Value = TValues(size); else // max the level _Value = sl_f; } // return a value corresponding to the top of the game level range for the given value uint32 asLevel() { switch (_Value) { case sl_a: return 20; case sl_b: return 50; case sl_c: return 100; case sl_d: return 150; case sl_e: return 200; case sl_f: return 250; default: BOMB("Invalid value being converted to level - returning 1",return 1); } } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TRunningScenarioInfo { protected: // NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 _ScenarioKey; // std::string _ScenarioTitle; // std::string _ScenarioDesc; // TSessionLevel _SessionLevel; // std::string _ScenarioAuthorName; // uint32 _SessionAnimatorCharId; // bool _DMLess; // std::string _MissionTag; public: // const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &getScenarioKey() const { return _ScenarioKey; } NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &getScenarioKey() { return _ScenarioKey; } void setScenarioKey(const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &value) { _ScenarioKey = value; } // const std::string &getScenarioTitle() const { return _ScenarioTitle; } std::string &getScenarioTitle() { return _ScenarioTitle; } void setScenarioTitle(const std::string &value) { _ScenarioTitle = value; } // const std::string &getScenarioDesc() const { return _ScenarioDesc; } std::string &getScenarioDesc() { return _ScenarioDesc; } void setScenarioDesc(const std::string &value) { _ScenarioDesc = value; } // TSessionLevel getSessionLevel() const { return _SessionLevel; } void setSessionLevel(TSessionLevel value) { _SessionLevel = value; } // const std::string &getScenarioAuthorName() const { return _ScenarioAuthorName; } std::string &getScenarioAuthorName() { return _ScenarioAuthorName; } void setScenarioAuthorName(const std::string &value) { _ScenarioAuthorName = value; } // uint32 getSessionAnimatorCharId() const { return _SessionAnimatorCharId; } void setSessionAnimatorCharId(uint32 value) { _SessionAnimatorCharId = value; } // bool getDMLess() const { return _DMLess; } void setDMLess(bool value) { _DMLess = value; } // const std::string &getMissionTag() const { return _MissionTag; } std::string &getMissionTag() { return _MissionTag; } void setMissionTag(const std::string &value) { _MissionTag = value; } bool operator == (const TRunningScenarioInfo &other) const { return _ScenarioKey == other._ScenarioKey && _ScenarioTitle == other._ScenarioTitle && _ScenarioDesc == other._ScenarioDesc && _SessionLevel == other._SessionLevel && _ScenarioAuthorName == other._ScenarioAuthorName && _SessionAnimatorCharId == other._SessionAnimatorCharId && _DMLess == other._DMLess && _MissionTag == other._MissionTag; } // constructor TRunningScenarioInfo() { } void serial(NLMISC::IStream &s) { s.serial(_ScenarioKey); s.serial(_ScenarioTitle); s.serial(_ScenarioDesc); s.serial(_SessionLevel); s.serial(_ScenarioAuthorName); s.serial(_SessionAnimatorCharId); s.serial(_DMLess); s.serial(_MissionTag); } private: }; struct TPioneerRight { enum TValues { Tester = 0, DM, /// the highest valid value in the enum last_enum_item = DM, /// a value equal to the last enum item +1 end_of_enum, invalid_val, /// Number of enumerated values nb_enum_items = 2 }; /// Index table to convert enum value to linear index table const std::map &getIndexTable() const { static std::map indexTable; static bool init = false; if (!init) { // fill the index table indexTable.insert(std::make_pair(Tester, 0)); indexTable.insert(std::make_pair(DM, 1)); init = true; } return indexTable; } static const NLMISC::CStringConversion &getConversionTable() { NL_BEGIN_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE(TValues) NL_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE_ENTRY(Tester) NL_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE_ENTRY(DM) NL_STRING_CONVERSION_TABLE_ENTRY(invalid_val) }; static NLMISC::CStringConversion conversionTable(TValues_nl_string_conversion_table, sizeof(TValues_nl_string_conversion_table) / sizeof(TValues_nl_string_conversion_table[0]), invalid_val); return conversionTable; } TValues _Value; public: TPioneerRight() : _Value(invalid_val) { } TPioneerRight(TValues value) : _Value(value) { } TPioneerRight(const std::string &str) { _Value = getConversionTable().fromString(str); } void serial(NLMISC::IStream &s) { s.serialEnum(_Value); } bool operator == (const TPioneerRight &other) const { return _Value == other._Value; } bool operator != (const TPioneerRight &other) const { return ! (_Value == other._Value); } bool operator < (const TPioneerRight &other) const { return _Value < other._Value; } bool operator <= (const TPioneerRight &other) const { return _Value <= other._Value; } bool operator > (const TPioneerRight &other) const { return !(_Value <= other._Value); } bool operator >= (const TPioneerRight &other) const { return !(_Value < other._Value); } const std::string &toString() const { return getConversionTable().toString(_Value); } static const std::string &toString(TValues value) { return getConversionTable().toString(value); } TValues getValue() const { return _Value; } // return true if the actual value of the enum is valid, otherwise false bool isValid() { if (_Value == invalid_val) return false; // not invalid, check other enum value return getConversionTable().isValid(_Value); } uint32 asIndex() { std::map::const_iterator it(getIndexTable().find(_Value)); nlassert(it != getIndexTable().end()); return it->second; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CShareServerAnimationItfSkel { public: /// the interceptor type typedef NLNET::CInterceptorForwarder < CShareServerAnimationItfSkel> TInterceptor; protected: CShareServerAnimationItfSkel() { // do early run time check for message table getMessageHandlers(); } virtual ~CShareServerAnimationItfSkel() { } void init(NLNET::IModule *module) { _Interceptor.init(this, module); } // unused interceptors std::string fwdBuildModuleManifest() const { return std::string(); } void fwdOnModuleUp(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} void fwdOnModuleDown(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} void fwdOnModuleSecurityChange(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} // process module message interceptor bool fwdOnProcessModuleMessage(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &message); private: typedef void (CShareServerAnimationItfSkel::*TMessageHandler)(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &message); typedef std::map TMessageHandlerMap; const TMessageHandlerMap &getMessageHandlers() const; void connectAnimationModePlay_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void askMissionItemsDescription_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void askActPositionDescriptions_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void askUserTriggerDescriptions_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onUserTriggerTriggered_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onDssTarget_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); // declare one interceptor member of the skeleton TInterceptor _Interceptor; // declare the interceptor forwarder as friend of this class friend class NLNET::CInterceptorForwarder < CShareServerAnimationItfSkel>; public: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // request the connection to play mode in an animation session virtual void connectAnimationModePlay(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender) =0; // A client Message to register mission item of a scenario virtual void askMissionItemsDescription(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender) =0; // A client Message to update client Act Position Description virtual void askActPositionDescriptions(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender) =0; // A client Message to update client User Trigger Description virtual void askUserTriggerDescriptions(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender) =0; // client wants to trigger an user trigger virtual void onUserTriggerTriggered(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 actId, uint32 triggerId) =0; // client wants to execute a dm action on its target virtual void onDssTarget(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::vector &args) =0; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CShareServerAnimationItfProxy { /// Smart pointer on the module proxy NLNET::TModuleProxyPtr _ModuleProxy; // Pointer on the local module that implement the interface (if the proxy is for a local module) NLNET::TModulePtr _LocalModule; // Direct pointer on the server implementation interface for collocated module CShareServerAnimationItfSkel *_LocalModuleSkel; public: CShareServerAnimationItfProxy(NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy) { nlassert(proxy->getModuleClassName() == "ServerAnimationModule"); _ModuleProxy = proxy; // initialize collocated servant interface if (proxy->getModuleDistance() == 0) { _LocalModule = proxy->getLocalModule(); nlassert(_LocalModule != NULL); CShareServerAnimationItfSkel::TInterceptor *interceptor = NULL; interceptor = static_cast < NLNET::CModuleBase* >(_LocalModule.getPtr())->getInterceptor(interceptor); nlassert(interceptor != NULL); _LocalModuleSkel = interceptor->getParent(); nlassert(_LocalModuleSkel != NULL); } else _LocalModuleSkel = 0; } virtual ~CShareServerAnimationItfProxy() { } NLNET::IModuleProxy *getModuleProxy() { return _ModuleProxy; } // request the connection to play mode in an animation session void connectAnimationModePlay(NLNET::IModule *sender); // A client Message to register mission item of a scenario void askMissionItemsDescription(NLNET::IModule *sender); // A client Message to update client Act Position Description void askActPositionDescriptions(NLNET::IModule *sender); // A client Message to update client User Trigger Description void askUserTriggerDescriptions(NLNET::IModule *sender); // client wants to trigger an user trigger void onUserTriggerTriggered(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 actId, uint32 triggerId); // client wants to execute a dm action on its target void onDssTarget(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::vector &args); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_connectAnimationModePlay(NLNET::CMessage &__message); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_askMissionItemsDescription(NLNET::CMessage &__message); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_askActPositionDescriptions(NLNET::CMessage &__message); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_askUserTriggerDescriptions(NLNET::CMessage &__message); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onUserTriggerTriggered(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 actId, uint32 triggerId); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onDssTarget(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::vector &args); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CShareServerEditionItfSkel { public: /// the interceptor type typedef NLNET::CInterceptorForwarder < CShareServerEditionItfSkel> TInterceptor; protected: CShareServerEditionItfSkel() { // do early run time check for message table getMessageHandlers(); } virtual ~CShareServerEditionItfSkel() { } void init(NLNET::IModule *module) { _Interceptor.init(this, module); } // unused interceptors std::string fwdBuildModuleManifest() const { return std::string(); } void fwdOnModuleUp(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} void fwdOnModuleDown(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} void fwdOnModuleSecurityChange(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} // process module message interceptor bool fwdOnProcessModuleMessage(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &message); private: typedef void (CShareServerEditionItfSkel::*TMessageHandler)(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &message); typedef std::map TMessageHandlerMap; const TMessageHandlerMap &getMessageHandlers() const; void startingScenario_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void startScenario_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void advConnACK_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onUserComponentRegistered_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onUserComponentDownloading_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onScenarioUploadAsked_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onNodeSetAsked_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onNodeInsertAsked_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onNodeEraseAsked_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onNodeMoveAsked_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onMapConnectionAsked_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onCharModeUpdateAsked_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onTpPositionAsked_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void tpToEntryPoint_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void setStartingAct_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onScenarioRingAccessUpdated_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void saveScenarioFile_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void loadScenarioFile_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void saveUserComponentFile_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void loadUserComponentFile_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void teleportOneCharacterToAnother_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void teleportWhileUploadingScenario_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void multiPartMsgHead_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void multiPartMsgBody_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void multiPartMsgFoot_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void forwardToDss_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); // declare one interceptor member of the skeleton TInterceptor _Interceptor; // declare the interceptor forwarder as friend of this class friend class NLNET::CInterceptorForwarder < CShareServerEditionItfSkel>; public: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// virtual void startingScenario(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender) =0; // Request the start of a test scenario virtual void startScenario(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, bool ok, const TScenarioHeaderSerializer &header, const CObjectSerializerServer &data, uint32 startingAct) =0; // Client has received the ADV_CONN message virtual void advConnACK(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender) =0; // The client announce to the server that he has registered a component. virtual void onUserComponentRegistered(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5) =0; // The client announce to the server that he need a componennt so the server must uploading it. virtual void onUserComponentDownloading(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5) =0; // Upload the high level scenario. virtual void onScenarioUploadAsked(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 msgId, const CObjectSerializerServer &hlScenario, bool mustBrodcast) =0; // The client request to set a node on a hl scenario. virtual void onNodeSetAsked(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, const R2::CObjectSerializerServer &value) =0; // The client request to insert a node on a hl scenario. virtual void onNodeInsertAsked(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position, const std::string &key, const R2::CObjectSerializerServer &value) =0; // The client request to erase a node on a hl scenario. virtual void onNodeEraseAsked(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position) =0; // The client request to move a node on a hl scenario. virtual void onNodeMoveAsked(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId1, const std::string &attrName1, sint32 position1, const std::string &instanceId2, const std::string &attrName2, sint32 position2) =0; // Call by the client in order to download its current scenario (and tp). virtual void onMapConnectionAsked(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, TSessionId scenarioId, bool updateHighLevel, bool mustTp, R2::TUserRole role) =0; // Call by the client when he change its mode (Dm, Tester, Player) virtual void onCharModeUpdateAsked(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, R2::TCharMode mode) =0; // client wants to tp at a specific position (clicking in map) virtual void onTpPositionAsked(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, float x, float y, float z) =0; // Update the mode of the pioneer (DM/TEST). virtual void tpToEntryPoint(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 actIndex) =0; // Set the starting act of the scenario virtual void setStartingAct(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 actIndex) =0; // Update the the ring access of a scenario. virtual void onScenarioRingAccessUpdated(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, bool ok, const std::string &ringAccess, const std::string &errMsg) =0; // a message to validate a file waiting to be saved virtual void saveScenarioFile(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &md5, const R2::TScenarioHeaderSerializer &header) =0; // a message to validate a file waiting to be loaded virtual void loadScenarioFile(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature) =0; // a message to validate a user component file waiting to be saved virtual void saveUserComponentFile(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &md5, const R2::TScenarioHeaderSerializer &header) =0; // a message to validate a user component file waiting to be loaded virtual void loadUserComponentFile(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature) =0; // a message to ask the dss to teleport a character to another character virtual void teleportOneCharacterToAnother(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, TSessionId sessionId, uint32 sourceId, uint32 destId) =0; // teleport the player while uploading the scenario virtual void teleportWhileUploadingScenario(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &island, const std::string &entryPoint, const std::string &season) =0; // send the header of a multi-part message virtual void multiPartMsgHead(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 charId, const std::string &msgName, uint32 nbPacket, uint32 size) =0; // send a part of a multi-part message virtual void multiPartMsgBody(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 charId, uint32 partId, const std::vector &data) =0; // send the footer of a multi-part message virtual void multiPartMsgFoot(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 charId) =0; // simulate the forward of a message (to dss) virtual void forwardToDss(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 charId, const NLNET::CMessage &msg) =0; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CShareServerEditionItfProxy { /// Smart pointer on the module proxy NLNET::TModuleProxyPtr _ModuleProxy; // Pointer on the local module that implement the interface (if the proxy is for a local module) NLNET::TModulePtr _LocalModule; // Direct pointer on the server implementation interface for collocated module CShareServerEditionItfSkel *_LocalModuleSkel; public: CShareServerEditionItfProxy(NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy) { nlassert(proxy->getModuleClassName() == "ServerEditionModule"); _ModuleProxy = proxy; // initialize collocated servant interface if (proxy->getModuleDistance() == 0) { _LocalModule = proxy->getLocalModule(); nlassert(_LocalModule != NULL); CShareServerEditionItfSkel::TInterceptor *interceptor = NULL; interceptor = static_cast < NLNET::CModuleBase* >(_LocalModule.getPtr())->getInterceptor(interceptor); nlassert(interceptor != NULL); _LocalModuleSkel = interceptor->getParent(); nlassert(_LocalModuleSkel != NULL); } else _LocalModuleSkel = 0; } virtual ~CShareServerEditionItfProxy() { } NLNET::IModuleProxy *getModuleProxy() { return _ModuleProxy; } void startingScenario(NLNET::IModule *sender); // Request the start of a test scenario void startScenario(NLNET::IModule *sender, bool ok, const TScenarioHeaderSerializer &header, const CObjectSerializerServer &data, uint32 startingAct); // Client has received the ADV_CONN message void advConnACK(NLNET::IModule *sender); // The client announce to the server that he has registered a component. void onUserComponentRegistered(NLNET::IModule *sender, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5); // The client announce to the server that he need a componennt so the server must uploading it. void onUserComponentDownloading(NLNET::IModule *sender, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5); // Upload the high level scenario. void onScenarioUploadAsked(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 msgId, const CObjectSerializerServer &hlScenario, bool mustBrodcast); // The client request to set a node on a hl scenario. void onNodeSetAsked(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, const R2::CObjectSerializerServer &value); // The client request to insert a node on a hl scenario. void onNodeInsertAsked(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position, const std::string &key, const R2::CObjectSerializerServer &value); // The client request to erase a node on a hl scenario. void onNodeEraseAsked(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position); // The client request to move a node on a hl scenario. void onNodeMoveAsked(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId1, const std::string &attrName1, sint32 position1, const std::string &instanceId2, const std::string &attrName2, sint32 position2); // Call by the client in order to download its current scenario (and tp). void onMapConnectionAsked(NLNET::IModule *sender, TSessionId scenarioId, bool updateHighLevel, bool mustTp, R2::TUserRole role); // Call by the client when he change its mode (Dm, Tester, Player) void onCharModeUpdateAsked(NLNET::IModule *sender, R2::TCharMode mode); // client wants to tp at a specific position (clicking in map) void onTpPositionAsked(NLNET::IModule *sender, float x, float y, float z); // Update the mode of the pioneer (DM/TEST). void tpToEntryPoint(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 actIndex); // Set the starting act of the scenario void setStartingAct(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 actIndex); // Update the the ring access of a scenario. void onScenarioRingAccessUpdated(NLNET::IModule *sender, bool ok, const std::string &ringAccess, const std::string &errMsg); // a message to validate a file waiting to be saved void saveScenarioFile(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &md5, const R2::TScenarioHeaderSerializer &header); // a message to validate a file waiting to be loaded void loadScenarioFile(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature); // a message to validate a user component file waiting to be saved void saveUserComponentFile(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &md5, const R2::TScenarioHeaderSerializer &header); // a message to validate a user component file waiting to be loaded void loadUserComponentFile(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature); // a message to ask the dss to teleport a character to another character void teleportOneCharacterToAnother(NLNET::IModule *sender, TSessionId sessionId, uint32 sourceId, uint32 destId); // teleport the player while uploading the scenario void teleportWhileUploadingScenario(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &island, const std::string &entryPoint, const std::string &season); // send the header of a multi-part message void multiPartMsgHead(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 charId, const std::string &msgName, uint32 nbPacket, uint32 size); // send a part of a multi-part message void multiPartMsgBody(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 charId, uint32 partId, const std::vector &data); // send the footer of a multi-part message void multiPartMsgFoot(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 charId); // simulate the forward of a message (to dss) void forwardToDss(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 charId, const NLNET::CMessage &msg); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_startingScenario(NLNET::CMessage &__message); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_startScenario(NLNET::CMessage &__message, bool ok, const TScenarioHeaderSerializer &header, const CObjectSerializerServer &data, uint32 startingAct); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_advConnACK(NLNET::CMessage &__message); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onUserComponentRegistered(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onUserComponentDownloading(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onScenarioUploadAsked(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 msgId, const CObjectSerializerServer &hlScenario, bool mustBrodcast); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onNodeSetAsked(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, const R2::CObjectSerializerServer &value); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onNodeInsertAsked(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position, const std::string &key, const R2::CObjectSerializerServer &value); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onNodeEraseAsked(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onNodeMoveAsked(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 msgId, const std::string &instanceId1, const std::string &attrName1, sint32 position1, const std::string &instanceId2, const std::string &attrName2, sint32 position2); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onMapConnectionAsked(NLNET::CMessage &__message, TSessionId scenarioId, bool updateHighLevel, bool mustTp, R2::TUserRole role); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onCharModeUpdateAsked(NLNET::CMessage &__message, R2::TCharMode mode); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onTpPositionAsked(NLNET::CMessage &__message, float x, float y, float z); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_tpToEntryPoint(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 actIndex); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_setStartingAct(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 actIndex); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onScenarioRingAccessUpdated(NLNET::CMessage &__message, bool ok, const std::string &ringAccess, const std::string &errMsg); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_saveScenarioFile(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &md5, const R2::TScenarioHeaderSerializer &header); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_loadScenarioFile(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_saveUserComponentFile(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &md5, const R2::TScenarioHeaderSerializer &header); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_loadUserComponentFile(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_teleportOneCharacterToAnother(NLNET::CMessage &__message, TSessionId sessionId, uint32 sourceId, uint32 destId); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_teleportWhileUploadingScenario(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &island, const std::string &entryPoint, const std::string &season); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_multiPartMsgHead(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 charId, const std::string &msgName, uint32 nbPacket, uint32 size); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_multiPartMsgBody(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 charId, uint32 partId, const std::vector &data); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_multiPartMsgFoot(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 charId); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_forwardToDss(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 charId, const NLNET::CMessage &msg); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CShareClientEditionItfSkel { public: /// the interceptor type typedef NLNET::CInterceptorForwarder < CShareClientEditionItfSkel> TInterceptor; protected: CShareClientEditionItfSkel() { // do early run time check for message table getMessageHandlers(); } virtual ~CShareClientEditionItfSkel() { } void init(NLNET::IModule *module) { _Interceptor.init(this, module); } // unused interceptors std::string fwdBuildModuleManifest() const { return std::string(); } void fwdOnModuleUp(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} void fwdOnModuleDown(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} void fwdOnModuleSecurityChange(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} // process module message interceptor bool fwdOnProcessModuleMessage(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &message); private: typedef void (CShareClientEditionItfSkel::*TMessageHandler)(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &message); typedef std::map TMessageHandlerMap; const TMessageHandlerMap &getMessageHandlers() const; void startingScenario_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void startScenario_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onUserComponentRegistered_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onUserComponentUploading_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onScenarioUploaded_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onNodeSet_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onNodeInserted_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onNodeErased_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onNodeMoved_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onQuotaUpdated_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onCharModeUpdated_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onTestModeDisconnected_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onTpPositionSimulated_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onKicked_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onDisconnected_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void scheduleStartAct_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onAnimationModePlayConnected_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void updateScenarioHeader_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void updateMissionItemsDescription_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void updateActPositionDescriptions_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void updateUserTriggerDescriptions_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onCurrentActIndexUpdated_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void updateTalkingAsList_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void updateIncarningList_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void systemMsg_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void onRingAccessUpdated_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void saveScenarioFileAccepted_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void loadScenarioFileAccepted_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void saveUserComponentFileAccepted_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void loadUserComponentFileAccepted_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void multiPartMsgHead_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void multiPartMsgBody_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void multiPartMsgFoot_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); void ackMsg_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); // declare one interceptor member of the skeleton TInterceptor _Interceptor; // declare the interceptor forwarder as friend of this class friend class NLNET::CInterceptorForwarder < CShareClientEditionItfSkel>; public: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The start of a test has been requested virtual void startingScenario(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 charId) =0; // A Scenario has started virtual void startScenario(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, bool ok, uint32 startingAct, const std::string &errorMsg) =0; // A User component has been registered virtual void onUserComponentRegistered(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5) =0; // Request the upload of a component virtual void onUserComponentUploading(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5) =0; // The client request to upload an hl ata. virtual void onScenarioUploaded(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &hlScenario) =0; // The client request to set a node on a hl scenario. virtual void onNodeSet(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &value) =0; // The ServerEditionMode inserts a node on a hl scenario. virtual void onNodeInserted(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position, const std::string &key, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &value) =0; // The ServerEditionMode erases a node on a hl scenario. virtual void onNodeErased(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position) =0; // The ServerEditionMode a move node on a hl scenario. virtual void onNodeMoved(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &instanceId1, const std::string &attrName1, sint32 position1, const std::string &instanceId2, const std::string &attrName2, sint32 position2) =0; // Updates the client quota virtual void onQuotaUpdated(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 maxNpcs, uint32 maxStaticObjects) =0; // Updates the client Mode (tester, dm, editor, player) be the speed virtual void onCharModeUpdated(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, R2::TCharMode mode) =0; // Indicates to the client that an animation has stop (animation, play, test) virtual void onTestModeDisconnected(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, TSessionId sessionId, uint32 lastActIndex, R2::TScenarioSessionType animationType) =0; // A DSS Message to make a local client tp (because egs can not do it)/ virtual void onTpPositionSimulated(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, TSessionId sessionId, uint64 characterId64, sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 z, uint8 scenarioSeason) =0; // A DSS Message to indicates that the client will be disconnect in secondes./ virtual void onKicked(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 timeBeforeDisconnection, bool mustKick) =0; // A DSS Message to make to disconnect the client./ virtual void onDisconnected(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender) =0; // Tell to the client that an act begin in nbSeconds virtual void scheduleStartAct(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 errorId, uint32 actId, uint32 nbSeconds) =0; // Tell to the client that he is connected in play mode in an animation session virtual void onAnimationModePlayConnected(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender) =0; // A DSS Message to update the scenario Header virtual void updateScenarioHeader(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const R2::TScenarioHeaderSerializer &scenarioHeader) =0; // A DSS Message to update discription mission item of a scenario virtual void updateMissionItemsDescription(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, TSessionId sessionId, const std::vector &missionItem) =0; // A DSS Message to update the discription of acts (name and positions) virtual void updateActPositionDescriptions(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const R2::TActPositionDescriptions &actPositionDescriptions) =0; // A DSS Message to update the discription of acts (name and positions) virtual void updateUserTriggerDescriptions(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const R2::TUserTriggerDescriptions &userTriggerDescriptions) =0; // A DSS Message to update the discription of acts (name and positions) virtual void onCurrentActIndexUpdated(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 actIndex) =0; // Update the Talking as list. virtual void updateTalkingAsList(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::vector &botsId) =0; // Update the Incarning list. virtual void updateIncarningList(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::vector &botsId) =0; // A message that will be printed an client virtual void systemMsg(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &msgType, const std::string &who, const std::string &msg) =0; // Update the ring access of the client virtual void onRingAccessUpdated(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &ringAccess) =0; // a message to validate a file waiting to be saved virtual void saveScenarioFileAccepted(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature, bool isAccepted) =0; // a message to validate a file waiting to be loaded virtual void loadScenarioFileAccepted(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &md5, bool ok) =0; // a message to validate a user component file waiting to be saved virtual void saveUserComponentFileAccepted(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature, bool isAccepted) =0; // a message to validate a user component file waiting to be loaded virtual void loadUserComponentFileAccepted(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &md5, bool ok) =0; // send the header of a multi-part message virtual void multiPartMsgHead(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const std::string &msgName, uint32 nbPacket, uint32 size) =0; // send a part of a multi-part message virtual void multiPartMsgBody(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 partId, uint32 packetSize) =0; // send the footer of a multi-part message virtual void multiPartMsgFoot(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender) =0; // send an ack messag to the client virtual void ackMsg(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 msgId, bool ok) =0; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CShareClientEditionItfProxy { /// Smart pointer on the module proxy NLNET::TModuleProxyPtr _ModuleProxy; // Pointer on the local module that implement the interface (if the proxy is for a local module) NLNET::TModulePtr _LocalModule; // Direct pointer on the server implementation interface for collocated module CShareClientEditionItfSkel *_LocalModuleSkel; public: CShareClientEditionItfProxy(NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy) { nlassert(proxy->getModuleClassName() == "ClientEditionModule"); _ModuleProxy = proxy; // initialize collocated servant interface if (proxy->getModuleDistance() == 0) { _LocalModule = proxy->getLocalModule(); nlassert(_LocalModule != NULL); CShareClientEditionItfSkel::TInterceptor *interceptor = NULL; interceptor = static_cast < NLNET::CModuleBase* >(_LocalModule.getPtr())->getInterceptor(interceptor); nlassert(interceptor != NULL); _LocalModuleSkel = interceptor->getParent(); nlassert(_LocalModuleSkel != NULL); } else _LocalModuleSkel = 0; } virtual ~CShareClientEditionItfProxy() { } NLNET::IModuleProxy *getModuleProxy() { return _ModuleProxy; } // The start of a test has been requested void startingScenario(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 charId); // A Scenario has started void startScenario(NLNET::IModule *sender, bool ok, uint32 startingAct, const std::string &errorMsg); // A User component has been registered void onUserComponentRegistered(NLNET::IModule *sender, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5); // Request the upload of a component void onUserComponentUploading(NLNET::IModule *sender, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5); // The client request to upload an hl ata. void onScenarioUploaded(NLNET::IModule *sender, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &hlScenario); // The client request to set a node on a hl scenario. void onNodeSet(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &value); // The ServerEditionMode inserts a node on a hl scenario. void onNodeInserted(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position, const std::string &key, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &value); // The ServerEditionMode erases a node on a hl scenario. void onNodeErased(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position); // The ServerEditionMode a move node on a hl scenario. void onNodeMoved(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &instanceId1, const std::string &attrName1, sint32 position1, const std::string &instanceId2, const std::string &attrName2, sint32 position2); // Updates the client quota void onQuotaUpdated(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 maxNpcs, uint32 maxStaticObjects); // Updates the client Mode (tester, dm, editor, player) be the speed void onCharModeUpdated(NLNET::IModule *sender, R2::TCharMode mode); // Indicates to the client that an animation has stop (animation, play, test) void onTestModeDisconnected(NLNET::IModule *sender, TSessionId sessionId, uint32 lastActIndex, R2::TScenarioSessionType animationType); // A DSS Message to make a local client tp (because egs can not do it)/ void onTpPositionSimulated(NLNET::IModule *sender, TSessionId sessionId, uint64 characterId64, sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 z, uint8 scenarioSeason); // A DSS Message to indicates that the client will be disconnect in secondes./ void onKicked(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 timeBeforeDisconnection, bool mustKick); // A DSS Message to make to disconnect the client./ void onDisconnected(NLNET::IModule *sender); // Tell to the client that an act begin in nbSeconds void scheduleStartAct(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 errorId, uint32 actId, uint32 nbSeconds); // Tell to the client that he is connected in play mode in an animation session void onAnimationModePlayConnected(NLNET::IModule *sender); // A DSS Message to update the scenario Header void updateScenarioHeader(NLNET::IModule *sender, const R2::TScenarioHeaderSerializer &scenarioHeader); // A DSS Message to update discription mission item of a scenario void updateMissionItemsDescription(NLNET::IModule *sender, TSessionId sessionId, const std::vector &missionItem); // A DSS Message to update the discription of acts (name and positions) void updateActPositionDescriptions(NLNET::IModule *sender, const R2::TActPositionDescriptions &actPositionDescriptions); // A DSS Message to update the discription of acts (name and positions) void updateUserTriggerDescriptions(NLNET::IModule *sender, const R2::TUserTriggerDescriptions &userTriggerDescriptions); // A DSS Message to update the discription of acts (name and positions) void onCurrentActIndexUpdated(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 actIndex); // Update the Talking as list. void updateTalkingAsList(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::vector &botsId); // Update the Incarning list. void updateIncarningList(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::vector &botsId); // A message that will be printed an client void systemMsg(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &msgType, const std::string &who, const std::string &msg); // Update the ring access of the client void onRingAccessUpdated(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &ringAccess); // a message to validate a file waiting to be saved void saveScenarioFileAccepted(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature, bool isAccepted); // a message to validate a file waiting to be loaded void loadScenarioFileAccepted(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &md5, bool ok); // a message to validate a user component file waiting to be saved void saveUserComponentFileAccepted(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature, bool isAccepted); // a message to validate a user component file waiting to be loaded void loadUserComponentFileAccepted(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &md5, bool ok); // send the header of a multi-part message void multiPartMsgHead(NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &msgName, uint32 nbPacket, uint32 size); // send a part of a multi-part message void multiPartMsgBody(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 partId, uint32 packetSize); // send the footer of a multi-part message void multiPartMsgFoot(NLNET::IModule *sender); // send an ack messag to the client void ackMsg(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 msgId, bool ok); // The start of a test has been requested // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_startingScenario(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 charId) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_startingScenario(message , charId); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // A Scenario has started // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_startScenario(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, bool ok, uint32 startingAct, const std::string &errorMsg) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_startScenario(message , ok, startingAct, errorMsg); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // A User component has been registered // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_onUserComponentRegistered(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_onUserComponentRegistered(message , md5); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // The client request to upload an hl ata. // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_onScenarioUploaded(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &hlScenario) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_onScenarioUploaded(message , hlScenario); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // The client request to set a node on a hl scenario. // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_onNodeSet(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &value) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_onNodeSet(message , instanceId, attrName, value); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // The ServerEditionMode inserts a node on a hl scenario. // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_onNodeInserted(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position, const std::string &key, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &value) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_onNodeInserted(message , instanceId, attrName, position, key, value); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // The ServerEditionMode erases a node on a hl scenario. // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_onNodeErased(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_onNodeErased(message , instanceId, attrName, position); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // The ServerEditionMode a move node on a hl scenario. // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_onNodeMoved(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &instanceId1, const std::string &attrName1, sint32 position1, const std::string &instanceId2, const std::string &attrName2, sint32 position2) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_onNodeMoved(message , instanceId1, attrName1, position1, instanceId2, attrName2, position2); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // Indicates to the client that an animation has stop (animation, play, test) // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_onTestModeDisconnected(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, TSessionId sessionId, uint32 lastActIndex, R2::TScenarioSessionType animationType) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_onTestModeDisconnected(message , sessionId, lastActIndex, animationType); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // Tell to the client that an act begin in nbSeconds // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_scheduleStartAct(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 errorId, uint32 actId, uint32 nbSeconds) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_scheduleStartAct(message , errorId, actId, nbSeconds); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // Tell to the client that he is connected in play mode in an animation session // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_onAnimationModePlayConnected(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_onAnimationModePlayConnected(message ); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // A message that will be printed an client // This is the broadcast version of the method. template < class ProxyIterator > static void broadcast_systemMsg(ProxyIterator first, ProxyIterator last, NLNET::IModule *sender, const std::string &msgType, const std::string &who, const std::string &msg) { NLNET::CMessage message; // create the message to send to multiple dest buildMessageFor_systemMsg(message , msgType, who, msg); for (; first != last; ++first) { NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy = *first; proxy->sendModuleMessage(sender, message); } } // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_startingScenario(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 charId); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_startScenario(NLNET::CMessage &__message, bool ok, uint32 startingAct, const std::string &errorMsg); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onUserComponentRegistered(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onUserComponentUploading(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const NLMISC::CHashKeyMD5 &md5); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onScenarioUploaded(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &hlScenario); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onNodeSet(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &value); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onNodeInserted(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position, const std::string &key, const R2::CObjectSerializerClient &value); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onNodeErased(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &instanceId, const std::string &attrName, sint32 position); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onNodeMoved(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &instanceId1, const std::string &attrName1, sint32 position1, const std::string &instanceId2, const std::string &attrName2, sint32 position2); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onQuotaUpdated(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 maxNpcs, uint32 maxStaticObjects); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onCharModeUpdated(NLNET::CMessage &__message, R2::TCharMode mode); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onTestModeDisconnected(NLNET::CMessage &__message, TSessionId sessionId, uint32 lastActIndex, R2::TScenarioSessionType animationType); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onTpPositionSimulated(NLNET::CMessage &__message, TSessionId sessionId, uint64 characterId64, sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 z, uint8 scenarioSeason); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onKicked(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 timeBeforeDisconnection, bool mustKick); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onDisconnected(NLNET::CMessage &__message); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_scheduleStartAct(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 errorId, uint32 actId, uint32 nbSeconds); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onAnimationModePlayConnected(NLNET::CMessage &__message); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_updateScenarioHeader(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const R2::TScenarioHeaderSerializer &scenarioHeader); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_updateMissionItemsDescription(NLNET::CMessage &__message, TSessionId sessionId, const std::vector &missionItem); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_updateActPositionDescriptions(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const R2::TActPositionDescriptions &actPositionDescriptions); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_updateUserTriggerDescriptions(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const R2::TUserTriggerDescriptions &userTriggerDescriptions); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onCurrentActIndexUpdated(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 actIndex); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_updateTalkingAsList(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::vector &botsId); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_updateIncarningList(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::vector &botsId); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_systemMsg(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &msgType, const std::string &who, const std::string &msg); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_onRingAccessUpdated(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &ringAccess); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_saveScenarioFileAccepted(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature, bool isAccepted); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_loadScenarioFileAccepted(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &md5, bool ok); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_saveUserComponentFileAccepted(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &md5, const std::string &signature, bool isAccepted); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_loadUserComponentFileAccepted(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &md5, bool ok); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_multiPartMsgHead(NLNET::CMessage &__message, const std::string &msgName, uint32 nbPacket, uint32 size); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_multiPartMsgBody(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 partId, uint32 packetSize); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_multiPartMsgFoot(NLNET::CMessage &__message); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_ackMsg(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 msgId, bool ok); }; // Describe an user item in a ring session ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TCharMappedInfo { protected: // NLMISC::CSheetId _ItemSheet; // ucstring _Name; public: // const NLMISC::CSheetId &getItemSheet() const { return _ItemSheet; } NLMISC::CSheetId &getItemSheet() { return _ItemSheet; } void setItemSheet(const NLMISC::CSheetId &value) { _ItemSheet = value; } // const ucstring &getName() const { return _Name; } ucstring &getName() { return _Name; } void setName(const ucstring &value) { _Name = value; } bool operator == (const TCharMappedInfo &other) const { return _ItemSheet == other._ItemSheet && _Name == other._Name; } // constructor TCharMappedInfo() { } void serial(NLMISC::IStream &s) { s.serial(_ItemSheet); s.serial(_Name); } private: }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CIOSRingItfSkel { public: /// the interceptor type typedef NLNET::CInterceptorForwarder < CIOSRingItfSkel> TInterceptor; protected: CIOSRingItfSkel() { // do early run time check for message table getMessageHandlers(); } virtual ~CIOSRingItfSkel() { } void init(NLNET::IModule *module) { _Interceptor.init(this, module); } // unused interceptors std::string fwdBuildModuleManifest() const { return std::string(); } void fwdOnModuleUp(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} void fwdOnModuleDown(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} void fwdOnModuleSecurityChange(NLNET::IModuleProxy * /* moduleProxy */) {} // process module message interceptor bool fwdOnProcessModuleMessage(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &message); private: typedef void (CIOSRingItfSkel::*TMessageHandler)(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &message); typedef std::map TMessageHandlerMap; const TMessageHandlerMap &getMessageHandlers() const; void storeItemNamesForAIInstance_skel(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CMessage &__message); // declare one interceptor member of the skeleton TInterceptor _Interceptor; // declare the interceptor forwarder as friend of this class friend class NLNET::CInterceptorForwarder < CIOSRingItfSkel>; public: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DSS send a list of ring names user item with a AI instance virtual void storeItemNamesForAIInstance(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, uint32 aiInstance, const std::vector < TCharMappedInfo > &itemInfos) =0; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WARNING : this is a generated file, don't change it ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CIOSRingItfProxy { /// Smart pointer on the module proxy NLNET::TModuleProxyPtr _ModuleProxy; // Pointer on the local module that implement the interface (if the proxy is for a local module) NLNET::TModulePtr _LocalModule; // Direct pointer on the server implementation interface for collocated module CIOSRingItfSkel *_LocalModuleSkel; public: CIOSRingItfProxy(NLNET::IModuleProxy *proxy) { _ModuleProxy = proxy; // initialize collocated servant interface if (proxy->getModuleDistance() == 0) { _LocalModule = proxy->getLocalModule(); nlassert(_LocalModule != NULL); CIOSRingItfSkel::TInterceptor *interceptor = NULL; interceptor = static_cast < NLNET::CModuleBase* >(_LocalModule.getPtr())->getInterceptor(interceptor); nlassert(interceptor != NULL); _LocalModuleSkel = interceptor->getParent(); nlassert(_LocalModuleSkel != NULL); } else _LocalModuleSkel = 0; } virtual ~CIOSRingItfProxy() { } NLNET::IModuleProxy *getModuleProxy() { return _ModuleProxy; } // DSS send a list of ring names user item with a AI instance void storeItemNamesForAIInstance(NLNET::IModule *sender, uint32 aiInstance, const std::vector < TCharMappedInfo > &itemInfos); // Message serializer. Return the message received in reference for easier integration static const NLNET::CMessage &buildMessageFor_storeItemNamesForAIInstance(NLNET::CMessage &__message, uint32 aiInstance, const std::vector < TCharMappedInfo > &itemInfos); }; } #endif