// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #ifndef MODE_AND_BEHAVIOUR_H #define MODE_AND_BEHAVIOUR_H #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h" #include "base_types.h" namespace MBEHAV { // Mode enum EMode { // IMPORTANT : IF YOU MODIFY THIS ENUM DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE stringToMode() TOO UNKNOWN_MODE = 0, NORMAL, COMBAT_FLOAT, COMBAT, SWIM, SIT, //---------- MOUNT --------// MOUNT_NORMAL, MOUNT_SWIM, //-------------------------// EAT, REST, ALERT, HUNGRY, //--------- DEAD ----------// // Do not ungroup the tree next behaviours // RESURECTED, DEATH, SWIM_DEATH, // PERMANENT_DEATH, //-------------------------// //-------TELEPORT----------// // TELEPORT, //-------------------------// NUMBER_OF_MODES // IMPORTANT : IF YOU MODIFY THIS ENUM DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE stringToMode() TOO }; /** * get the right mode from the input string * \param str the input string * \return the EMode associated to this string (UNKNOWN_MODE if the string cannot be interpreted) */ EMode stringToMode(const std::string &str); /** * get the right mode from the input string * \param mode the EMode * \return the mode as a string */ const std::string & modeToString(EMode mode); /** * Mode structure */ struct TMode { union { /// Raw full mode version uint64 RawModeAndParam; // Structure with mode and param version struct { /// Mode identifier (from enum) sint32 Mode; /// Param union union { /// Raw full param version uint32 RawParam; /// Compressed pos param versiob struct { uint16 X16; uint16 Y16; } Pos; /// Angle param version float Theta; }; }; }; /// Default constructor TMode() : RawModeAndParam(0) {} /// Constructor 1 TMode( EMode mode, sint32 posX, sint32 posY ) { Mode = mode; Pos.X16 = (uint16)(posX >> 4); Pos.Y16 = (uint16)(posY >> 4); } /// Constructor 2 TMode( EMode mode, float theta ) { Mode = mode; Theta = theta; } /// Constructor 3 TMode( uint64 raw ) : RawModeAndParam(raw) {} /// Cast operator (uint64) inline operator uint64() const { return RawModeAndParam; } /// Assignment operator TMode& operator=( const TMode& src ) { RawModeAndParam = src.RawModeAndParam; return *this; } /// Set mode and fill pos from mirror and compress (must be defined in every service calling it!) void setModeAndPos( EMode mode, const TDataSetRow& entityIndex ); /// Set mode and theta void setModeAndTheta( EMode mode, float theta ) { Mode = mode; Theta = theta; } /// Comparison operator bool operator==( const TMode& other ) { return RawModeAndParam == other.RawModeAndParam; } /// Comparison operator bool operator!=( const TMode& other ) { return RawModeAndParam != other.RawModeAndParam; } /// toString() inline std::string toString() const { return modeToString( (EMode)Mode ); // TODO: param } inline void serial (NLMISC::IStream &f) throw (NLMISC::EStream) { f.serial( RawModeAndParam ); } /// Return true if the entity is in a mount mode bool isMountMode() const { return (Mode == MOUNT_NORMAL) || (Mode == MOUNT_SWIM); } }; // Behaviour enum EBehaviour { // IMPORTANT : IF YOU MODIFY THIS ENUM DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE stringToBehaviour() TOO UNKNOWN_BEHAVIOUR = 0, IDLE, // 1 STUNNED, STUN_END, //--------- LOOT ----------// LOOT_INIT, LOOT_END, //-------------------------// //-------- FORAGE ---------// PROSPECTING, PROSPECTING_END, EXTRACTING, EXTRACTING_END, CARE, CARE_END, //-------------------------// //--------HARVEST ---------// HARVESTING, HARVESTING_END, //-------------------------// //--------- FABER ---------// FABER, FABER_END, REPAIR, REPAIR_END, REFINE, REFINE_END, //--------- TRAINING ---------// TRAINING, TRAINING_END, //---- SPELL CASTING ------// MAGIC_CASTING_BEHAVIOUR_BEGIN, CAST_OFF= MAGIC_CASTING_BEHAVIOUR_BEGIN, // Offensive Cast CAST_CUR, // Curative Cast CAST_MIX, // Mixed Cast CAST_ACID, CAST_BLIND, CAST_COLD, CAST_ELEC, CAST_FEAR, CAST_FIRE, CAST_HEALHP, CAST_MAD, CAST_POISON, CAST_ROOT, CAST_ROT, CAST_SHOCK, CAST_SLEEP, CAST_SLOW, CAST_STUN, MAGIC_CASTING_BEHAVIOUR_END = CAST_STUN, MAGIC_END_CASTING_BEHAVIOUR_BEGIN, // Offensive Cast CAST_OFF_FAIL = MAGIC_END_CASTING_BEHAVIOUR_BEGIN,// Offensive Cast CAST_OFF_FUMBLE, // Offensive Cast CAST_OFF_SUCCESS, // Offensive Cast CAST_OFF_LINK, // Offensive Cast // Curative Cast CAST_CUR_FAIL, // Curative Cast CAST_CUR_FUMBLE, // Curative Cast CAST_CUR_SUCCESS, // Curative Cast CAST_CUR_LINK, // Curative Cast // Mixed Cast CAST_MIX_FAIL, // Mixed Cast CAST_MIX_FUMBLE, // Mixed Cast CAST_MIX_SUCCESS, // Mixed Cast CAST_MIX_LINK, // Mixed Cast CAST_FAIL, CAST_SUCCESS, MAGIC_END_CASTING_BEHAVIOUR_END = CAST_SUCCESS, //-------------------------// //--------- COMBAT---------// COMBAT_BEHAVIOUR_BEGIN, // not a behaviour, just here to know if a behaviour is a combat one DEFAULT_ATTACK = COMBAT_BEHAVIOUR_BEGIN, POWERFUL_ATTACK, AREA_ATTACK, RANGE_ATTACK, COMBAT_BEHAVIOUR_END = RANGE_ATTACK, CREATURE_ATTACK_BEGIN, CREATURE_ATTACK_0 = CREATURE_ATTACK_BEGIN, CREATURE_ATTACK_1, CREATURE_ATTACK_END = CREATURE_ATTACK_1, EMOTE_BEGIN, // 46 EMOTE_END = EMOTE_BEGIN+150, // IMPORTANT : IF YOU MODIFY THIS ENUM DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE stringToBehaviour() TOO NUMBER_OF_BEHAVIOURS }; /// Packed behaviour code struct TBehaviour8 { uint8 Behaviour8; /// Constructor TBehaviour8( EBehaviour b=UNKNOWN_BEHAVIOUR ) { Behaviour8 = (uint8)b; } /// Assignment from packed behaviour code TBehaviour8& operator=( TBehaviour8 b8 ) { Behaviour8 = b8; return (*this); } /// Assignment from behaviour enum TBehaviour8& operator=( EBehaviour b ) { Behaviour8 = (uint8)b; return (*this); } /// Cons cast into behaviour enum operator EBehaviour () const { return (EBehaviour)Behaviour8; } }; /** * get the right behaviour from the input string * \param str the input string * \return the EBehaviour associated to this string (UNKNOWN_BEHAVIOUR if the string cannot be interpreted) */ EBehaviour stringToBehaviour(const std::string &str); /** * get the right behaviour from the input string * \param behav the EBehaviour * \return str the input string */ const std::string & behaviourToString(EBehaviour behav); /** * Structure for behaviour * \author David Fleury * \author Nevrax France * \date 2002 */ struct CBehaviour { /************************************************************************/ /* total class size MUST be 64 bits (sizeof==8) */ /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /* We have 24 bits of data per behaviour (16+8) */ /************************************************************************/ union { uint16 Data; struct { uint16 Time : 4; // bits 3..6 of TGameCycle (mandatory for reissuing the behaviour) uint16 HitType : 3; // THitType uint16 ImpactIntensity : 3; // 1 - 5 uint16 ActionDuration : 2; uint16 Localisation : 3; // 6 possible localisation (TBodyPart) uint16 KillingBlow : 1; // 0 = false, 1 = killing blow (kill the main target) // 16 bits used } Combat; struct { uint16 Time : 4; // bits 3..6 of TGameCycle (mandatory for reissuing the behaviour) // type d'arme uint16 WeaponType : 2; // from TRangeWeaponType uint16 ImpactIntensity : 3; // 1 - 5 uint16 Localisation : 3; // 6 possible localisation (TBodyPart). For generic weapons only uint16 Unused : 4; } Range; struct { uint16 Time : 4; // bits 3..6 of TGameCycle (mandatory for reissuing the behaviour) uint16 SpellMode : 2; // MAGICFX::TSpellMode 0 = bomb, 1 = chain, 2 = spray uint16 SpellId : 6; // 0+ = index (MAGICFX::TMagicFx) uint16 SpellIntensity : 3; // 0=nothing, 1+ = intensity (up to 5) uint16 Resist : 1; // 1 = the target resisted // 16 bits used } Spell; struct { uint16 Time : 4; // bits 3..6 of TGameCycle (mandatory for reissuing the behaviour) uint16 Resist : 1; // 1 = the target resisted uint16 ImpactIntensity : 3; // 1 - 5 uint16 ActionDuration : 2; uint16 Localisation : 3; // 6 possible localisation (TBodyPart) uint16 MagicImpactIntensity : 3; // 1 - 5 // 16 bits used } CreatureAttack; struct { uint16 Time : 4; // bits 3..6 of TGameCycle (mandatory for reissuing the behaviour) uint16 Range : 7; uint16 Angle : 2; uint16 Level : 3; // 0 - 4 // 16 bits used } ForageProspection; struct { uint16 Time : 4; // bits 3..6 of TGameCycle (mandatory for reissuing the behaviour) uint16 Level : 4; // 1 - 15 // 8 bits used } ForageExtraction; // IMPORTANT: If you add another member struct in the enum, reserve at the beginning: // uint16 Time : 3; // bits 3..6 of TGameCycle (mandatory for reissuing the behaviour) // It is set by PHRASE_UTILITIES::sendUpdateBehaviour(). }; union { uint8 Data2; struct { uint8 TargetMode : 1; // 0 -> one target, 1->target list uint8 DamageType : 2; // blunt/Slashing/Piercing // effectId ? // effectIntensity uint8 Unused : 5; } Combat2; struct { uint8 SelfSpell : 1; // 0 -> target list, 1-> self spell uint8 Unused : 7; } Spell2; struct { uint8 TargetMode : 1; // 0->target courant, 1->target list uint8 HitType : 3; // THitType (critic etc..) uint8 DamageType : 2; // blunt/Slashing/Piercing uint8 Unused : 2; } CreatureAttack2; }; TBehaviour8 Behaviour; sint16 DeltaHP; uint16 Unused; /// Keep it, used to make the class size = 64 bits (sizeof(CBehaviour) MUST return 8 (bytes)) inline CBehaviour() : Data(0), Data2(0), Behaviour(UNKNOWN_BEHAVIOUR), DeltaHP(0), Unused(0) {} inline CBehaviour( EBehaviour behaviour ) { Unused = 0; Data = 0; Data2 = 0; DeltaHP = 0; Behaviour = behaviour; } inline CBehaviour( EBehaviour behaviour, uint16 data1, uint8 data2 = 0 ) { Unused = 0; Data = data1; Data2 = data2; DeltaHP = 0; Behaviour = behaviour; } inline CBehaviour( uint64 rawdata ) { *this = rawdata; } /// Cast operator (uint64). inline operator uint64() const { /************************************************************************/ /* Problem: Olivier use a (sint64*) cast on a CBehaviour*, so this operator isn't called ! :'( */ /* must use Member declaration order to match 'brutal' cast */ /************************************************************************/ //return (((uint64)(DeltaHP)) << 32) + (((uint64)(Data2)) << 24) + (((uint64)(Data)) << 8) + Behaviour; return (((uint64)(DeltaHP)) << 32) + (((uint64)(Behaviour)) << 24) + (((uint64)(Data2)) << 16) + Data; } inline CBehaviour& operator= ( uint64 raw ) { /* DeltaHP = (sint16)(raw >> 32) ; Data2 = (uint8)(raw >> 24) ; Data = (uint16)(raw >> 8) ; Behaviour = TBehaviour8( (EBehaviour)(raw & 0xFF) ); */ DeltaHP = (sint16)(raw >> 32) ; Behaviour = TBehaviour8( (EBehaviour)((raw >> 24)& 0xFF) ); Data2 = uint8((raw >> 16) & 0xff); Data = uint16(raw & 0xffff); return *this; } inline CBehaviour& operator= ( EBehaviour behaviour ) { DeltaHP = 0; Data = 0; Data2 = 0; Behaviour = behaviour; return *this; } inline CBehaviour& operator = ( const CBehaviour& p ) { DeltaHP = p.DeltaHP; Behaviour = p.Behaviour; Data = p.Data; Data2 = p.Data2; return *this; } inline bool operator == ( const CBehaviour& p ) const { return (DeltaHP == p.DeltaHP && Behaviour == (EBehaviour)p.Behaviour && Data == p.Data && Data2 == p.Data2); } inline bool operator != ( const CBehaviour& p ) const { return (Behaviour != (EBehaviour)p.Behaviour || Data != p.Data || Data2 != p.Data2 || DeltaHP != p.DeltaHP); } inline void serial (NLMISC::IStream &f) throw (NLMISC::EStream) { if (f.isReading() ) { uint64 data = 0; f.serial( data ); *this = data; } else { uint64 data = (uint64)(*this); f.serial( data ); } } /// methode toString() inline std::string toString() const { std::string text = behaviourToString( Behaviour ) + " " + NLMISC::toString(Data) + " "+NLMISC::toString(Data2)+" "+ NLMISC::toString(DeltaHP); return text; } /// Return 'true' if the behaviour is a magic one. inline bool isMagic() const {return (Behaviour >= MAGIC_CASTING_BEHAVIOUR_BEGIN && Behaviour <= MAGIC_END_CASTING_BEHAVIOUR_END);} /// Return 'true' if the behaviour is a combat one. inline bool isCombat() const {return (Behaviour >= COMBAT_BEHAVIOUR_BEGIN && Behaviour <= COMBAT_BEHAVIOUR_END);} /// Return 'true' if the behaviour is a creature related one inline bool isCreatureAttack() const {return (Behaviour >= CREATURE_ATTACK_BEGIN && Behaviour <= CREATURE_ATTACK_END);} /// Return 'true' if the behaviour is an emote one. inline bool isEmote() const {return (Behaviour >= EMOTE_BEGIN && Behaviour <= EMOTE_END);} }; }; // MBEHAV // /// method toString() namespace NLMISC { std::string toString ( const MBEHAV::CBehaviour &b); }; #endif // MODE_AND_BEHAVIOUR_H /* End of mode_and_behaviour.h */