// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" // Interface includes #include "interface_manager.h" #include "action_handler.h" #include "action_handler_tools.h" #include "game_share/outpost.h" #include "interface_expr.h" #include "group_map.h" #include "../sheet_manager.h" #include "../net_manager.h" #include "../game_context_menu.h" #include "../user_entity.h" #include "../entities.h" #include "../outpost_manager.h" using namespace std; using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLMISC; // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** // OUTPOST HANDLERS // *************************************************************************** // *************************************************************************** uint8 getOutpostSelection() { uint8 nOutpost = 0; CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:SELECTION",false); if (pNL != NULL) nOutpost = (uint8)pNL->getValue32(); return nOutpost; } uint32 getOutpostSheet() { uint32 sheet= 0; uint8 outpostSel= getOutpostSelection(); CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(toString("SERVER:GUILD:OUTPOST:O%d:SHEET", outpostSel),false); if (pNL != NULL) sheet = pNL->getValue32(); return sheet; } // *************************************************************************** // Abandon an outpost class COutpostGiveup : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &sParams) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // set confirm dialog flag pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:CONFIRM_DEL_OUTPOST")->setValueBool(true); // Ask if ok before. pIM->validMessageBox(CInterfaceManager::QuestionIconMsg, CI18N::get("uiQConfirmGiveupOutpost"), "outpost_do_giveup", sParams, "outpost_cancel_giveup"); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(COutpostGiveup, "outpost_giveup"); class COutpostDoGiveup : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &sParams) { // retrieve the sheet of this outpost uint32 sheet= 0; uint8 outpostSel; fromString(sParams, outpostSel); CCDBNodeLeaf *pNL = CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getDbProp(toString("SERVER:GUILD:OUTPOST:O%d:SHEET", outpostSel),false); if (pNL == NULL) return; sheet = pNL->getValue32(); // send msg to server sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:GIVEUP_OUTPOST", sheet); // reset confirm dialog flag CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:CONFIRM_DEL_OUTPOST")->setValueBool(false); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(COutpostDoGiveup, "outpost_do_giveup"); class COutpostCancelGiveup : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { // reset confirm dialog flag CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:CONFIRM_DEL_OUTPOST")->setValueBool(false); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(COutpostCancelGiveup, "outpost_cancel_giveup"); // *************************************************************************** // Set a squad To buy (list of squad given by the server) class COutpostSetSquad : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &sParams) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // get Squad slot Destination selected uint8 nSquadSlot = pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:SQUAD_SLOT_SELECTED")->getValue8(); // get Squad Id to buy selected string sLine = getParam(sParams, "line"); CInterfaceExprValue ievLine; uint8 nLine = 0; if (!CInterfaceExpr::eval(sLine, ievLine)) { nlwarning(" : Can't evaluate line"); return; } if (ievLine.getInteger() >= 0) nLine = (uint8)ievLine.getInteger(); // send msg sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:SET_SQUAD", getOutpostSheet(), nSquadSlot, nLine); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(COutpostSetSquad, "outpost_set_squad"); // *************************************************************************** // Remove a squad To buy (list of squad given by the server) class COutpostRemoveSquad : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // get Squad slot Destination selected uint8 nSquadSlot = pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:SQUAD_SLOT_SELECTED")->getValue8(); // send msg sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:REMOVE_SQUAD", getOutpostSheet(), nSquadSlot); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(COutpostRemoveSquad, "outpost_remove_squad"); // *************************************************************************** // Insert a squad To buy (list of squad given by the server) class COutpostInsertSquad : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::string &sParams) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // get Squad slot Destination selected uint8 nSquadSlot = pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:SQUAD_SLOT_SELECTED")->getValue8(); // send msg sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:INSERT_SQUAD", getOutpostSheet(), nSquadSlot); // Then set the selected squad at this place pIM->runActionHandler("outpost_set_squad", pCaller, sParams); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(COutpostInsertSquad, "outpost_insert_squad"); // *************************************************************************** // Map helper uint8 getOutpostSquadSpawnIndex() { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // get Squad slot uint8 nSquadSlot = pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:SQUAD_SLOT_SELECTED")->getValue8(); // So we can get the spawn index stored in the DB string sDBPath = "SERVER:GUILD:OUTPOST:O" + toString(getOutpostSelection()) + ":SQUADS:T"; sDBPath += toString(nSquadSlot) + ":SPAWN"; return pIM->getDbProp(sDBPath)->getValue8(); } // *************************************************************************** class COutpostInitSquadMap : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &sParams) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CGroupMap *pMap = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(sParams)); if (pMap == NULL) return; // Get the spawn index (from selected squad) uint8 nSpawnIndex = getOutpostSquadSpawnIndex(); // *** Get the BBox of the outpost // init map with all xy that are in SERVER:GUILD:OUTPOST:O#x:SQUAD_SPAWN_ZONE (if 0,0 not present) string sDBPathSZ = "SERVER:GUILD:OUTPOST:O" + toString(getOutpostSelection()) + ":SQUAD_SPAWN_ZONE:"; sint32 xMin = 0, xMax = 0, yMin = 0, yMax = 0; bool bInit = false; uint32 i; for (i = 0; i < OUTPOSTENUMS::OUTPOST_MAX_SPAWN_ZONE; ++i) { sint32 x = pIM->getDbProp(sDBPathSZ + toString(i) + ":X")->getValue32(); sint32 y = pIM->getDbProp(sDBPathSZ + toString(i) + ":Y")->getValue32(); if ((x != 0) || (y != 0)) { if (!bInit) { xMin = xMax = x; yMin = yMax = y; bInit = true; } else { if (x < xMin) xMin = x; if (x > xMax) xMax = x; if (y < yMin) yMin = y; if (y > yMax) yMax = y; } } } // *** Find the finest map that contains the 2 points xMin,yMin and xMax,yMax CWorldSheet *pWorldSheet = dynamic_cast(SheetMngr.get(CSheetId("ryzom.world"))); if (pWorldSheet == NULL) return; sint32 nMapFound = -1; for (i = 0; i < pWorldSheet->Maps.size(); ++i) { SMap &rMap = pWorldSheet->Maps[i]; // Avoid 'world' map if (!rMap.ContinentName.empty()) { // Is bouding box contains the 2 points ? if ((rMap.MinX < xMin) && (rMap.MinY < yMin) && (rMap.MaxX > xMax) && (rMap.MaxY > yMax)) { // Is there a map already found ? if (nMapFound == -1) { nMapFound = i; // No, first map found } else // Yes we have to compare with the previous map to keep the finest { SMap &rMapFound = pWorldSheet->Maps[nMapFound]; if ((rMap.MaxX - rMap.MinX) < (rMapFound.MaxX - rMapFound.MinX)) nMapFound = i; } } } } // *** Setup the Map and zoom to outpost if (nMapFound != -1) { SMap &rMapFound = pWorldSheet->Maps[nMapFound]; pMap->setMap(rMapFound.Name); CVector2f centerWorldCoord((xMax + xMin)/2.0f, (yMin + yMax)/2.0f); CVector2f centerMapCoord; pMap->worldToMap(centerMapCoord, centerWorldCoord); pMap->setScale((rMapFound.MaxX - rMapFound.MinX) / max(sint32(1), (xMax - xMin)) ); pMap->setPlayerPos(centerMapCoord); pMap->centerOnPlayer(); CRespawnPointsMsg m; m.NeedToReset = true; for (i = 0; i < OUTPOSTENUMS::OUTPOST_MAX_SPAWN_ZONE; ++i) { sint32 x = pIM->getDbProp(sDBPathSZ + toString(i) + ":X")->getValue32(); sint32 y = pIM->getDbProp(sDBPathSZ + toString(i) + ":Y")->getValue32(); if ((x != 0) || (y != 0)) { CRespawnPointsMsg::SRespawnPoint pt; pt.x = x * 1000; pt.y = y * 1000; m.RespawnPoints.push_back(pt); } } pMap->addRespawnPoints(m); pMap->setRespawnSelected(nSpawnIndex); } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(COutpostInitSquadMap, "outpost_init_squad_map"); // *************************************************************************** class COutpostSquadMapSend : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &sParams) { CInterfaceManager *pIM = CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CGroupMap *pMap = dynamic_cast(pIM->getElementFromId(sParams)); if (pMap == NULL) return; // Get the spawn index (from selected squad) uint8 nSpawnIndex = getOutpostSquadSpawnIndex(); // Get Spawn index selected by the user uint8 nSpawnSelected = (uint8)pMap->getRespawnSelected(); if (nSpawnIndex != nSpawnSelected) { // get Squad slot uint8 nSquadSlot = pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:SQUAD_SLOT_SELECTED")->getValue8(); sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:SET_SQUAD_SPAWN", getOutpostSheet(), nSquadSlot, nSpawnSelected); } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(COutpostSquadMapSend, "outpost_squad_map_send"); // *************************************************************************** class COutpostSelectSquadCapital : public IActionHandler { public: void execute(CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string ¶ms) { uint32 capital; fromString(params, capital); sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:SET_SQUAD_CAPITAL", getOutpostSheet(), capital); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(COutpostSelectSquadCapital, "outpost_select_squad_capital"); // *************************************************************************** static sint localToGmt(sint hour) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CCDBNodeLeaf *node= pIM->getDbProp("UI:SAVE:OUTPOST:TIME_ZONE", false); if(node) hour-= node->getValue32(); hour+= 48; hour%=24; return hour; } static sint gmtToLocal(sint hour) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CCDBNodeLeaf *node= pIM->getDbProp("UI:SAVE:OUTPOST:TIME_ZONE", false); if(node) hour+= node->getValue32(); hour+= 48; hour%=24; return hour; } // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostSelectDefPeriod : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &sParams) { // The user change the defense period (edited in LOCAL TimeZone) sint defPeriod; fromString(sParams, defPeriod); // Then send request to Server sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:SET_DEF_PERIOD", getOutpostSheet(), uint8(localToGmt(defPeriod))); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostSelectDefPeriod, "outpost_select_def_period"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostSelectAttPeriod : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase *pCaller, const std::string &sParams) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // The user change the attack period (edited in LOCAL TimeZone) sint attPeriod; fromString(sParams, attPeriod); // Store in local DB (in LOCAL for consistency) CCDBNodeLeaf *node= pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:DECLARE_WAR_ATTACK_PERIOD", false); if(node) node->setValue32(localToGmt(attPeriod)); // Nead to resend a Declare War Start (because wanted Att Hour changed) pIM->runActionHandler("outpost_declare_war_start", pCaller); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostSelectAttPeriod, "outpost_select_att_period"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostDeclareWarStart : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // read current outpost sheet uint32 outpostSheet= 0; CCDBNodeLeaf *node= pIM->getDbProp("SERVER:OUTPOST_SELECTED:SHEET", false); if(node) outpostSheet= node->getValue32(); // read wanted GMT attack period uint8 wantedAttHour= 0; node= pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:DECLARE_WAR_ATTACK_PERIOD", false); if(node) wantedAttHour= (uint8)node->getValue32(); // send a DECLARE_WAR_START message to server sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:DECLARE_WAR_START", outpostSheet, wantedAttHour); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostDeclareWarStart, "outpost_declare_war_start"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostDeclareWarValidate : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // read current outpost sheet uint32 outpostSheet= 0; CCDBNodeLeaf *node= pIM->getDbProp("SERVER:OUTPOST_SELECTED:SHEET", false); if(node) outpostSheet= node->getValue32(); // read wanted GMT attack period uint8 wantedAttHour= 0; node= pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:DECLARE_WAR_ATTACK_PERIOD", false); if(node) wantedAttHour= (uint8)node->getValue32(); // read result Att Period Time (NB: for final server check: ensure that the user will get what it sees) uint32 startAttackTime= 0; node= pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:DECLARE_WAR_ACK_TIME_RANGE_ATT", false); if(node) startAttackTime= node->getValue32(); // send a DECLARE_WAR_VALIDATE message to server string sMsg= "OUTPOST:DECLARE_WAR_VALIDATE"; CBitMemStream out; if(GenericMsgHeaderMngr.pushNameToStream(sMsg, out)) { //nlinfo("impulseCallBack : %s %d %d %d sent", sMsg.c_str(), outpostSheet, wantedAttHour, startAttackTime); out.serial(outpostSheet); out.serial(wantedAttHour); out.serial(startAttackTime); NetMngr.push(out); } else { nlwarning("command : unknown message name : '%s'.", sMsg.c_str()); } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostDeclareWarValidate, "outpost_declare_war_validate"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostSelectFromBC : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // Copy SERVER DB to Local selection uint32 outpostSheet= 0; CCDBNodeLeaf *node= pIM->getDbProp("LOCAL:TARGET:CONTEXT_MENU:OUTPOST"); if(node) outpostSheet= node->getValue32(); node= pIM->getDbProp("UI:TEMP:OUTPOST:BOT_SELECTION"); if(node) node->setValue32(outpostSheet); // Send a msg to server if(outpostSheet) { string sMsg= "OUTPOST:SELECT"; CBitMemStream out; if(GenericMsgHeaderMngr.pushNameToStream(sMsg, out)) { //nlinfo("impulseCallBack : %s %d sent", sMsg.c_str(), outpostSheet); out.serial(outpostSheet); NetMngr.push(out); } else { nlwarning("command : unknown message name : '%s'.", sMsg.c_str()); } } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostSelectFromBC, "outpost_select_from_bc"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostUnSelect : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { // Called when the Outpost State window (the one opened from BotChat) is closed // Send a msg to server sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:UNSELECT"); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostUnSelect, "outpost_unselect"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostPVPJoin : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &Params) { // parse AH bool bNeutral= true; OUTPOSTENUMS::TPVPSide side = OUTPOSTENUMS::UnknownPVPSide; if(Params=="attack") { bNeutral= false; side= OUTPOSTENUMS::OutpostAttacker; } else if(Params=="defend") { bNeutral= false; side= OUTPOSTENUMS::OutpostOwner; } // validate proposal OutpostManager.endPvpJoinProposal(bNeutral, side); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostPVPJoin, "outpost_pvp_join"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostBanPlayer : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &sParams) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // Ask if ok before. pIM->validMessageBox(CInterfaceManager::QuestionIconMsg, CI18N::get("uiQConfirmOutpostBanPlayer"), "outpost_do_ban_player", sParams, ""); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostBanPlayer, "outpost_ban_player"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostBanGuild : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &sParams) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); // Ask if ok before. pIM->validMessageBox(CInterfaceManager::QuestionIconMsg, CI18N::get("uiQConfirmOutpostBanGuild"), "outpost_do_ban_guild", sParams, ""); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostBanGuild, "outpost_ban_guild"); // *************************************************************************** // Used also in game_context_menu void outpostTestUserCanBan(CCDBNodeLeaf *dbBanRight, bool &okForBanPlayer, bool &okForBanGuild) { okForBanPlayer= false; okForBanGuild= false; /** A player can ban a player in a PVP outpost if: * - The player has right to ban AND his guild attack/owns the outpost the player attacks (all this is in RIGHT_BANNISH) * - The player and the target are in the same war of the outpost, and in same alliance. * - The player and the target are not in same guild */ if(dbBanRight && dbBanRight->getValueBool() && UserEntity) { CEntityCL *selection = EntitiesMngr.entity(UserEntity->selection()); if(selection && selection->isPlayer()) { // in same outpost War and Side if( selection->getOutpostId() == UserEntity->getOutpostId() && selection->getOutpostSide() == UserEntity->getOutpostSide() ) { // not in same guild if( selection->getGuildNameID() != UserEntity->getGuildNameID() ) { okForBanPlayer= true; okForBanGuild= selection->getGuildNameID()!=0; } } } } } // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostDoBanPlayer : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CCDBNodeLeaf *dbBan = pIM->getDbProp("SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_OUTPOST:RIGHT_TO_BANISH", false); // Re-Test if can ban the selection bool okForBanPlayer= false; bool okForBanGuild= false; outpostTestUserCanBan(dbBan, okForBanPlayer, okForBanGuild); // if still ok to ban player if(okForBanPlayer) { sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:BANISH_PLAYER"); } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostDoBanPlayer, "outpost_do_ban_player"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostDoBanGuild : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CCDBNodeLeaf *dbBan = pIM->getDbProp("SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_OUTPOST:RIGHT_TO_BANISH", false); // Re-Test if can ban the selection bool okForBanPlayer= false; bool okForBanGuild= false; outpostTestUserCanBan(dbBan, okForBanPlayer, okForBanGuild); // if still ok to ban player's guild if(okForBanGuild) { sendMsgToServer("OUTPOST:BANISH_GUILD"); } } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostDoBanGuild, "outpost_do_ban_guild"); // *************************************************************************** class CAHOutpostUpdateTimeZoneAuto : public IActionHandler { public: void execute (CCtrlBase * /* pCaller */, const std::string &/* sParams */) { CInterfaceManager *pIM= CInterfaceManager::getInstance(); CCDBNodeLeaf *dbTZ = pIM->getDbProp("UI:SAVE:OUTPOST:TIME_ZONE", false); if(!dbTZ) return; // *** must update time zone, in case of user changed it during play #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS _tzset(); #endif // *** Get the difference of time => timezone time_t tGmt=0, tLocal=0; struct tm *timeTm; // get current time time_t ltime; time( <ime ); // convert into GMT time timeTm = gmtime( <ime ); if(timeTm) tGmt= mktime(timeTm); // convert into local time timeTm = localtime( <ime ); timeTm->tm_isdst = 0; // reset daylight saving time flag if(timeTm) tLocal= mktime(timeTm); // Make the difference and hence compute the time zone double tzSec= difftime(tLocal, tGmt); sint tzHour= (sint)floor(tzSec / 3600); clamp(tzHour, -12, 12); // set the result dbTZ->setValue32(tzHour); } }; REGISTER_ACTION_HANDLER(CAHOutpostUpdateTimeZoneAuto, "outpost_update_time_zone_auto");