// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdopengl.h" #include "driver_opengl.h" #include "driver_opengl_extension.h" // by default, we disable the windows menu keys (F10, ALT and ALT+SPACE key doesn't freeze or open the menu) #define NL_DISABLE_MENU #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define NOMINMAX # include # include # include # include #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # define GL_GLEXT_LEGACY # include # include "mac/glext.h" # include "mac/cocoa_adapter.h" #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) # include # include #endif // NL_OS_UNIX #include #include "nel/3d/viewport.h" #include "nel/3d/scissor.h" #include "nel/3d/u_driver.h" #include "nel/3d/vertex_buffer.h" #include "nel/3d/light.h" #include "nel/3d/index_buffer.h" #include "nel/misc/rect.h" #include "nel/misc/di_event_emitter.h" #include "nel/misc/mouse_device.h" #include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h" #include "nel/misc/dynloadlib.h" #include "driver_opengl_vertex_buffer_hard.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; // *************************************************************************** // try to allocate 16Mo by default of AGP Ram. #define NL3D_DRV_VERTEXARRAY_AGP_INIT_SIZE (16384*1024) // *************************************************************************** #ifndef NL_STATIC #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // dllmain:: BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,ULONG fdwReason,LPVOID lpvReserved) { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { // Yoyo: Vianney change: don't need to call initDebug() anymore. // initDebug(); } return true; } #endif /* NL_OS_WINDOWS */ class CDriverGLNelLibrary : public INelLibrary { void onLibraryLoaded(bool firstTime) { } void onLibraryUnloaded(bool lastTime) { } }; NLMISC_DECL_PURE_LIB(CDriverGLNelLibrary) #endif /* #ifndef NL_STATIC */ namespace NL3D { CMaterial::CTexEnv CDriverGL::_TexEnvReplace; #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS uint CDriverGL::_Registered=0; #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS // Version of the driver. Not the interface version!! Increment when implementation of the driver change. const uint32 CDriverGL::ReleaseVersion = 0x10; // Number of register to allocate for the EXTVertexShader extension const uint CDriverGL::_EVSNumConstant = 97; #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS #ifdef NL_STATIC # pragma comment(lib, "opengl32") # pragma comment(lib, "dinput8") # pragma comment(lib, "dxguid") IDriver* createGlDriverInstance () { return new CDriverGL; } #else __declspec(dllexport) IDriver* NL3D_createIDriverInstance () { return new CDriverGL; } __declspec(dllexport) uint32 NL3D_interfaceVersion () { return IDriver::InterfaceVersion; } #endif static bool GlWndProc(CDriverGL *driver, HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { H_AUTO_OGL(GlWndProc) if(message == WM_SIZE) { if (driver != NULL) { RECT rect; GetClientRect (driver->_hWnd, &rect); // Setup gl viewport driver->_WindowWidth = rect.right-rect.left; driver->_WindowHeight = rect.bottom-rect.top; } } else if(message == WM_MOVE) { if (driver != NULL) { RECT rect; GetWindowRect (hWnd, &rect); driver->_WindowX = rect.left; driver->_WindowY = rect.top; } } else if (message == WM_ACTIVATE) { WORD fActive = LOWORD(wParam); if (fActive == WA_INACTIVE) { driver->_WndActive = false; } else { driver->_WndActive = true; } } bool trapMessage = false; if (driver->_EventEmitter.getNumEmitters() > 0) { CWinEventEmitter *we = NLMISC::safe_cast(driver->_EventEmitter.getEmitter(0)); // Process the message by the emitter we->setHWnd(hWnd); trapMessage = we->processMessage (hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } return trapMessage; } static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { H_AUTO_OGL(DriverGL_WndProc) // Get the driver pointer.. CDriverGL *pDriver=(CDriverGL*)GetWindowLongPtr (hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA); bool trapMessage = false; if (pDriver != NULL) { trapMessage = GlWndProc (pDriver, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } #ifdef NL_DISABLE_MENU // disable menu (F10, ALT and ALT+SPACE key doesn't freeze or open the menu) if(message == WM_SYSCOMMAND && wParam == SC_KEYMENU) return 0; #endif // NL_DISABLE_MENU // disable menu (default ALT-F4 behavior is disabled) if(message == WM_CLOSE) { if(pDriver && pDriver->ExitFunc) { pDriver->ExitFunc(); } else { #ifndef NL_DISABLE_MENU // if we don't disable menu, alt F4 make a direct exit else we discard the message exit(0); #endif // NL_DISABLE_MENU } return 0; } return trapMessage ? 0 : DefWindowProcW(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) #ifdef NL_STATIC IDriver* createGlDriverInstance () { return new CDriverGL; } #else extern "C" { IDriver* NL3D_createIDriverInstance () { return new CDriverGL; } uint32 NL3D_interfaceVersion () { return IDriver::InterfaceVersion; } } #endif /* static Bool WndProc(Display *d, XEvent *e, char *arg) { nlinfo("3D: glop %d %d", e->type, e->xmap.window); CDriverGL *pDriver = (CDriverGL*)arg; if (pDriver != NULL) { // Process the message by the emitter pDriver->_EventEmitter.processMessage(); } // TODO i'don t know what to return exactly return (e->type == MapNotify) && (e->xmap.window == (Window) arg); } */ #endif // NL_OS_UNIX GLenum CDriverGL::NLCubeFaceToGLCubeFace[6] = { GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB }; // *************************************************************************** CDriverGL::CDriverGL() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_CDriverGL) _OffScreen = false; #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; _NeedToRestaureGammaRamp = false; _Interval = 1; #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) NL3D::MAC::ctor(); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) cursor = None; # ifdef XF86VIDMODE // zero the old screen mode memset(&_OldScreenMode, 0, sizeof(_OldScreenMode)); # endif //XF86VIDMODE #endif // NL_OS_UNIX _FullScreen= false; _CurrentMaterial=NULL; _Initialized = false; _FogEnabled= false; _FogEnd = _FogStart = 0.f; _CurrentFogColor[0]= 0; _CurrentFogColor[1]= 0; _CurrentFogColor[2]= 0; _CurrentFogColor[3]= 0; _RenderTargetFBO = false; _LightSetupDirty= false; _ModelViewMatrixDirty= false; _RenderSetupDirty= false; // All lights default pos. uint i; for(i=0;iisBloomTexture() && tex->mipMapOff() && (!isPowerOf2(tex->getWidth()) || !isPowerOf2(tex->getHeight()))); } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::activeFrameBufferObject(ITexture * tex) { if(supportFrameBufferObject()/* && supportPackedDepthStencil()*/) { if(tex) { CTextureDrvInfosGL* gltext = (CTextureDrvInfosGL*)(ITextureDrvInfos*)(tex->TextureDrvShare->DrvTexture); return gltext->activeFrameBufferObject(tex); } else { nglBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); return true; } } return false; } // -------------------------------------------------- void CDriverGL::disableHardwareVertexProgram() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_disableHardwareVertexProgram) _Extensions.DisableHardwareVertexProgram= true; } void CDriverGL::disableHardwareVertexArrayAGP() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_disableHardwareVertexArrayAGP) _Extensions.DisableHardwareVertexArrayAGP= true; } void CDriverGL::disableHardwareTextureShader() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_disableHardwareTextureShader) _Extensions.DisableHardwareTextureShader= true; } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::setDisplay(nlWindow wnd, const GfxMode &mode, bool show, bool resizeable) throw(EBadDisplay) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setDisplay) uint width = mode.Width; uint height = mode.Height; #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // Driver caps. //============= // Retrieve the WGL extensions before init the driver. int pf; _OffScreen = mode.OffScreen; // Init pointers _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _WindowWidth = _WindowHeight = _WindowX = _WindowY = 0; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; // Offscreen mode ? if (_OffScreen) { // Get a hdc ULONG WndFlags=WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_CLIPCHILDREN+WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; WndFlags&=~WS_VISIBLE; RECT WndRect; WndRect.left=0; WndRect.top=0; WndRect.right=width; WndRect.bottom=height; AdjustWindowRect(&WndRect,WndFlags,FALSE); HWND tmpHWND = CreateWindowW(L"NLClass", L"", WndFlags, CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, WndRect.right,WndRect.bottom, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandleW(NULL), NULL); if (!tmpHWND) { nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: CreateWindowW failed"); return false; } // resize the window RECT rc; SetRect (&rc, 0, 0, width, height); _WindowWidth = width; _WindowHeight = height; AdjustWindowRectEx (&rc, GetWindowStyle (_hWnd), GetMenu (_hWnd) != NULL, GetWindowExStyle (_hWnd)); SetWindowPos (_hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ); // Get the HDC tempHDC = GetDC(tmpHWND); _Depth=uint8(GetDeviceCaps(tempHDC,BITSPIXEL)); // --- memset(&_pfd,0,sizeof(_pfd)); _pfd.nSize = sizeof(_pfd); _pfd.nVersion = 1; _pfd.dwFlags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; _pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; _pfd.cColorBits = (char)_Depth; // Choose best suited Depth Buffer. if(_Depth<=16) { _pfd.cDepthBits = 16; } else { _pfd.cDepthBits = 24; _pfd.cAlphaBits = 8; } _pfd.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; pf=ChoosePixelFormat(tempHDC,&_pfd); if (!pf) { nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: ChoosePixelFormat failed"); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); return false; } if ( !SetPixelFormat(tempHDC,pf,&_pfd) ) { nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: SetPixelFormat failed"); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); return false; } // Create gl context HGLRC tempGLRC = wglCreateContext(tempHDC); if (tempGLRC == NULL) { DWORD error = GetLastError (); nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: wglCreateContext failed: 0x%x", error); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; return false; } // Make the context current if (!wglMakeCurrent(tempHDC,tempGLRC)) { DWORD error = GetLastError (); nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: wglMakeCurrent failed: 0x%x", error); wglDeleteContext (tempGLRC); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; return false; } // Register WGL functions registerWGlExtensions (_Extensions, tempHDC); HDC hdc = wglGetCurrentDC (); if (hdc == NULL) { DWORD error = GetLastError (); nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: wglGetCurrentDC failed: 0x%x", error); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; return false; } // Get ready to query for a suitable pixel format that meets our // minimum requirements. int iattributes[2*20]; float fattributes[2*20]; int niattribs = 0; // Attribute arrays must be "0" terminated - for simplicity, first // just zero-out the array then fill from left to right. for ( int a = 0; a < 2*20; a++ ) { iattributes[a] = 0; fattributes[a] = 0; } // Since we are trying to create a pbuffer, the pixel format we // request (and subsequently use) must be "buffer capable". iattributes[2*niattribs ] = WGL_DRAW_TO_PBUFFER_ARB; iattributes[2*niattribs+1] = true; niattribs++; // We require a minimum of 24-bit depth. iattributes[2*niattribs ] = WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB; iattributes[2*niattribs+1] = 24; niattribs++; // We require a minimum of 8-bits for each R, G, B, and A. iattributes[2*niattribs ] = WGL_RED_BITS_ARB; iattributes[2*niattribs+1] = 8; niattribs++; iattributes[2*niattribs ] = WGL_GREEN_BITS_ARB; iattributes[2*niattribs+1] = 8; niattribs++; iattributes[2*niattribs ] = WGL_BLUE_BITS_ARB; iattributes[2*niattribs+1] = 8; niattribs++; iattributes[2*niattribs ] = WGL_ALPHA_BITS_ARB; iattributes[2*niattribs+1] = 8; niattribs++; // Now obtain a list of pixel formats that meet these minimum // requirements. int pformat[20]; unsigned int nformats; if ( !nwglChoosePixelFormatARB ( hdc, iattributes, fattributes, 20, pformat, &nformats ) ) { nlwarning ( "pbuffer creation error: Couldn't find a suitable pixel format." ); wglDeleteContext (tempGLRC); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); return false; } /* After determining a compatible pixel format, the next step is to create a pbuffer of the chosen format. Fortunately this step is fairly easy, as you merely select one of the formats returned in the list in step #2 and call the function: */ int iattributes2[1] = {0}; // int iattributes2[] = {WGL_PBUFFER_LARGEST_ARB, 1, 0}; _PBuffer = nwglCreatePbufferARB( hdc, pformat[0], width, height, iattributes2 ); if (_PBuffer == NULL) { DWORD error = GetLastError (); nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: wglCreatePbufferARB failed: 0x%x", error); wglDeleteContext (tempGLRC); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; return false; } /* After creating a pbuffer, you may use this functions to determine the dimensions of the pbuffer actually created. */ if ( !nwglQueryPbufferARB( _PBuffer, WGL_PBUFFER_WIDTH_ARB, (int*)&width ) ) { DWORD error = GetLastError (); nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: wglQueryPbufferARB failed: 0x%x", error); wglDeleteContext (tempGLRC); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; return false; } if ( !nwglQueryPbufferARB( _PBuffer, WGL_PBUFFER_HEIGHT_ARB, (int*)&height ) ) { DWORD error = GetLastError (); nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: wglQueryPbufferARB failed: 0x%x", error); wglDeleteContext (tempGLRC); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; return false; } _WindowWidth = width; _WindowHeight = height; /* The next step is to create a device context for the newly created pbuffer. To do this, call the the function: */ _hDC = nwglGetPbufferDCARB( _PBuffer ); if (_hDC == NULL) { DWORD error = GetLastError (); nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: wglGetPbufferDCARB failed: 0x%x", error); nwglDestroyPbufferARB( _PBuffer ); wglDeleteContext (tempGLRC); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; return false; } /* The final step of pbuffer creation is to create an OpenGL rendering context and associate it with the handle for the pbuffer's device context created in step #4. This is done as follows */ _hRC = wglCreateContext( _hDC ); if (_hRC == NULL) { DWORD error = GetLastError (); nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: wglCreateContext failed: 0x%x", error); nwglReleasePbufferDCARB( _PBuffer, _hDC ); nwglDestroyPbufferARB( _PBuffer ); wglDeleteContext (tempGLRC); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; return false; } // Get the depth _Depth = uint8(GetDeviceCaps (_hDC, BITSPIXEL)); // Destroy the temp gl context if (!wglDeleteContext (tempGLRC)) { DWORD error = GetLastError (); nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: wglDeleteContext failed: 0x%x", error); } // Destroy the temp windows if (!DestroyWindow (tmpHWND)) nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: DestroyWindow failed"); /* After a pbuffer has been successfully created you can use it for off-screen rendering. To do so, you'll first need to bind the pbuffer, or more precisely, make its GL rendering context the current context that will interpret all OpenGL commands and state changes. */ if (!wglMakeCurrent(_hDC,_hRC)) { DWORD error = GetLastError (); nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setDisplay: wglMakeCurrent failed: 0x%x", error); wglDeleteContext (_hRC); nwglReleasePbufferDCARB( _PBuffer, _hDC ); nwglDestroyPbufferARB( _PBuffer ); DestroyWindow (tmpHWND); _PBuffer = NULL; _hWnd = NULL; _hRC = NULL; _hDC = NULL; return false; } } else { _FullScreen= false; if (wnd) { _hWnd=wnd; _DestroyWindow=false; } else { ULONG WndFlags; RECT WndRect; // Must destroy this window _DestroyWindow=true; if(mode.Windowed) if(resizeable) WndFlags=WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_CLIPCHILDREN+WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; else WndFlags=WS_SYSMENU+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_CLIPCHILDREN+WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; else { WndFlags=WS_POPUP; _FullScreen= true; DEVMODE devMode; _OldScreenMode.dmSize= sizeof(DEVMODE); _OldScreenMode.dmDriverExtra= 0; EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &_OldScreenMode); _OldScreenMode.dmFields= DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT | DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY ; devMode.dmSize= sizeof(DEVMODE); devMode.dmDriverExtra= 0; devMode.dmFields= DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT; devMode.dmPelsWidth= width; devMode.dmPelsHeight= height; if(mode.Depth > 0) { devMode.dmBitsPerPel= mode.Depth; devMode.dmFields |= DM_BITSPERPEL; } if(mode.Frequency > 0) { devMode.dmDisplayFrequency= mode.Frequency; devMode.dmFields |= DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY; } if (ChangeDisplaySettings(&devMode, CDS_FULLSCREEN) != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) return false; } WndRect.left=0; WndRect.top=0; WndRect.right=width; WndRect.bottom=height; AdjustWindowRect(&WndRect,WndFlags,FALSE); _hWnd = CreateWindowW( L"NLClass", L"", WndFlags, CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, WndRect.right,WndRect.bottom, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandleW(NULL), NULL); if (_hWnd == NULL) { DWORD res = GetLastError(); nlwarning("CreateWindow failed: %u", res); return false; } SetWindowLongPtr (_hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); // resize the window RECT rc; SetRect (&rc, 0, 0, width, height); AdjustWindowRectEx (&rc, GetWindowStyle (_hWnd), GetMenu (_hWnd) != NULL, GetWindowExStyle (_hWnd)); UINT flags = SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE; if (mode.Windowed) flags |= SWP_NOMOVE; SetWindowPos (_hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, flags); if (show || _FullScreen) showWindow(true); } // Init Window Width and Height RECT clientRect; GetClientRect (_hWnd, &clientRect); _WindowWidth = clientRect.right-clientRect.left; _WindowHeight = clientRect.bottom-clientRect.top; GetWindowRect (_hWnd, &clientRect); _WindowX = clientRect.left; _WindowY = clientRect.top; _hDC=GetDC(_hWnd); wglMakeCurrent(_hDC,NULL); _Depth=uint8(GetDeviceCaps(_hDC,BITSPIXEL)); // --- memset(&_pfd,0,sizeof(_pfd)); _pfd.nSize = sizeof(_pfd); _pfd.nVersion = 1; _pfd.dwFlags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; _pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; _pfd.cColorBits = (char)_Depth; // Choose best suited Depth Buffer. if(_Depth<=16) { _pfd.cDepthBits = 16; } else { _pfd.cDepthBits = 24; _pfd.cAlphaBits = 8; _pfd.cStencilBits = 8; } _pfd.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; pf=ChoosePixelFormat(_hDC,&_pfd); if (!pf) { return false; } if ( !SetPixelFormat(_hDC,pf,&_pfd) ) { return false; } _hRC=wglCreateContext(_hDC); wglMakeCurrent(_hDC,_hRC); } /// release old emitter while (_EventEmitter.getNumEmitters() != 0) { _EventEmitter.removeEmitter(_EventEmitter.getEmitter(_EventEmitter.getNumEmitters() - 1)); } NLMISC::CWinEventEmitter *we = new NLMISC::CWinEventEmitter; // setup the event emitter, and try to retrieve a direct input interface _EventEmitter.addEmitter(we, true /*must delete*/); // the main emitter /// try to get direct input try { NLMISC::CDIEventEmitter *diee = NLMISC::CDIEventEmitter::create(GetModuleHandle(NULL), _hWnd, we); if (diee) { _EventEmitter.addEmitter(diee, true); } } catch(EDirectInput &e) { nlinfo(e.what()); } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) NL3D::MAC::setDisplay(wnd, mode, show, resizeable); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) static int sAttribList16bpp[] = { GLX_RGBA, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, //GLX_BUFFER_SIZE, 16, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 16, GLX_RED_SIZE, 4, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 4, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 4, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, 8, None }; static int sAttribList24bpp[] = { GLX_RGBA, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, //GLX_BUFFER_SIZE, 16, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 24, GLX_RED_SIZE, 8, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 8, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 8, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, 8, None }; static int sAttribList32bpp[] = { GLX_RGBA, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, //GLX_BUFFER_SIZE, 32, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 32, GLX_RED_SIZE, 8, GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 8, GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 8, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE, 8, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, 8, None }; // first try 32bpp and if that fails 24bpp or 16bpp XVisualInfo *visual_info = glXChooseVisual (dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), sAttribList32bpp); if (visual_info == NULL) visual_info = glXChooseVisual(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), sAttribList24bpp); if (visual_info == NULL) visual_info = glXChooseVisual(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), sAttribList16bpp); if(visual_info == NULL) { nlerror("glXChooseVisual() failed"); } else { nldebug("3D: glXChooseVisual OK"); } ctx = glXCreateContext (dpy, visual_info, None, GL_TRUE); if(ctx == NULL) { nlerror("glXCreateContext() failed"); } else { nldebug("3D: glXCreateContext() OK"); } XSetWindowAttributes attr; attr.background_pixel = BlackPixel(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)); attr.override_redirect = False; int attr_flags = CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixel; if(wnd == EmptyWindow) { nlWindow root = RootWindow(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)); attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy, root, visual_info->visual, AllocNone); attr_flags |= CWColormap; win = XCreateWindow (dpy, root, 0, 0, width, height, 0, visual_info->depth, InputOutput, visual_info->visual, attr_flags, &attr); if (win == EmptyWindow) { nlerror("3D: XCreateWindow() failed"); } else { nldebug("3D: XCreateWindow() OK"); } } else { win = wnd; XChangeWindowAttributes(dpy, win, attr_flags, &attr); } const char *title="NeL window"; XSizeHints size_hints; size_hints.x = 0; size_hints.y = 0; size_hints.width = width; size_hints.height = height; size_hints.flags = PSize | PMinSize | PMaxSize; size_hints.min_width = width; size_hints.min_height = height; size_hints.max_width = width; size_hints.max_height = height; #ifdef X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING Xutf8SetWMProperties (dpy, win, (char*)title, (char*)title, NULL, 0, &size_hints, NULL, NULL); #else XTextProperty text_property; XStringListToTextProperty((char**)&title, 1, &text_property); XSetWMProperties (dpy, win, &text_property, &text_property, 0, 0, &size_hints, 0, 0); #endif glXMakeCurrent (dpy, win, ctx); XMapRaised (dpy, win); XSelectInput (dpy, win, KeyPressMask|KeyReleaseMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|PointerMotionMask); XMapWindow(dpy, win); _EventEmitter.init (dpy, win); // XEvent event; // XIfEvent(dpy, &event, WaitForNotify, (char *)this); setMode(mode); #endif // NL_OS_UNIX // Driver caps. //============= // Retrieve the extensions for the current context. NL3D::registerGlExtensions (_Extensions); vector lines; explode(_Extensions.toString(), string("\n"), lines); for(uint i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) nlinfo("3D: %s", lines[i].c_str()); // #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS NL3D::registerWGlExtensions (_Extensions, _hDC); #endif // ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // Check required extensions!! // ARBMultiTexture is a OpenGL 1.2 required extension. if(!_Extensions.ARBMultiTexture) { nlwarning("Missing Required GL extension: GL_ARB_multitexture. Update your driver"); throw EBadDisplay("Missing Required GL extension: GL_ARB_multitexture. Update your driver"); } if(!_Extensions.EXTTextureEnvCombine) { nlwarning("Missing Important GL extension: GL_EXT_texture_env_combine => All envcombine are setup to GL_MODULATE!!!"); } // Get num of light for this driver int numLight; glGetIntegerv (GL_MAX_LIGHTS, &numLight); _MaxDriverLight=(uint)numLight; if (_MaxDriverLight>MaxLight) _MaxDriverLight=MaxLight; // All User Light are disabled by Default uint i; for(i=0;i slow unlock) // on Radeon 9500 and above : ARB_vertex_buffer_object is better if (!_Extensions.ATIMapObjectBuffer) { _AGPVertexArrayRange= new CVertexArrayRangeATI(this); _VRAMVertexArrayRange= new CVertexArrayRangeATI(this); // BAD ATI extension scheme. _SlowUnlockVBHard= true; } else { _AGPVertexArrayRange= new CVertexArrayRangeMapObjectATI(this); _VRAMVertexArrayRange= new CVertexArrayRangeMapObjectATI(this); } _SupportVBHard= true; // _MaxVerticesByVBHard= 65535; // should always work with recent drivers. // tmp fix for ati _MaxVerticesByVBHard= 16777216; } // Else, try with ARB ext else if (_Extensions.ARBVertexBufferObject) { _AGPVertexArrayRange= new CVertexArrayRangeARB(this); _VRAMVertexArrayRange= new CVertexArrayRangeARB(this); _SupportVBHard= true; _MaxVerticesByVBHard = ~0; // cant' know the value.. } // Reset VertexArrayRange. _CurrentVertexArrayRange= NULL; _CurrentVertexBufferHard= NULL; _NVCurrentVARPtr= NULL; _NVCurrentVARSize= 0; if(_SupportVBHard) { // try to allocate 16Mo by default of AGP Ram. initVertexBufferHard(NL3D_DRV_VERTEXARRAY_AGP_INIT_SIZE, 0); // If not success to allocate at least a minimum space in AGP, then disable completely VBHard feature if( _AGPVertexArrayRange->sizeAllocated()==0 ) { // reset any allocated VRAM space. resetVertexArrayRange(); // delete containers delete _AGPVertexArrayRange; delete _VRAMVertexArrayRange; _AGPVertexArrayRange= NULL; _VRAMVertexArrayRange= NULL; // disable. _SupportVBHard= false; _SlowUnlockVBHard= false; _MaxVerticesByVBHard= 0; } } // Init embm if present //=========================================================== initEMBM(); // Init fragment shaders if present //=========================================================== initFragmentShaders(); // Activate the default texture environnments for all stages. //=========================================================== for(uint stage=0;stage 0) { newDevMode.dmBitsPerPel= mode.Depth; newDevMode.dmFields |= DM_BITSPERPEL; } if(mode.Frequency > 0) { newDevMode.dmDisplayFrequency= mode.Frequency; newDevMode.dmFields |= DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY; } // try to really change the display mode if (ChangeDisplaySettings(&newDevMode, CDS_FULLSCREEN) != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) return false; // mode ok => copy changes _WindowWidth = mode.Width; _WindowHeight = mode.Height; _Depth= mode.Depth; // bkup user mode if (!_FullScreen) _OldScreenMode= oldDevMode; // if old mode was not fullscreen if (!_FullScreen) { // Under the XP theme desktop, this function call the winproc WM_SIZE and change _WindowWidth and _WindowHeight sint32 windowWidth = _WindowWidth; sint32 windowHeight = _WindowHeight; modifyStyle(_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_CLIPCHILDREN+WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_POPUP); _WindowWidth = windowWidth; _WindowHeight = windowHeight; } } // Resize the window RECT rc; SetRect (&rc, 0, 0, _WindowWidth, _WindowHeight); AdjustWindowRectEx (&rc, GetWindowStyle (_hWnd), false, GetWindowExStyle (_hWnd)); UINT flags = SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE; if (mode.Windowed) flags |= SWP_NOMOVE; SetWindowPos (_hWnd, NULL, 0, 0, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, flags); showWindow(true); // Init Window Width and Height RECT clientRect; GetClientRect (_hWnd, &clientRect); _WindowWidth = clientRect.right-clientRect.left; _WindowHeight = clientRect.bottom-clientRect.top; GetWindowRect (_hWnd, &clientRect); _WindowX = clientRect.left; _WindowY = clientRect.top; _FullScreen = !mode.Windowed; #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined(NL_OS_UNIX) #ifdef XF86VIDMODE if (!mode.Windowed) { // Store old mdoe in order to restore it when leaving fullscreen if (mode.Windowed == _FullScreen) { memset(&_OldScreenMode, 0, sizeof(_OldScreenMode)); XF86VidModeGetModeLine(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), &_OldDotClock, &_OldScreenMode); XF86VidModeGetViewPort(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), &_OldX, &_OldY); } // Find the requested mode and use it XF86VidModeModeInfo **modes; int nmodes; if (XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), &nmodes, &modes)) { for (int i = 0; i < nmodes; i++) { nldebug("3D: Available mode - %dx%d", modes[i]->hdisplay, modes[i]->vdisplay); if(modes[i]->hdisplay == mode.Width && modes[i]->vdisplay == mode.Height) { if(XF86VidModeSwitchToMode(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), modes[i])) { nlinfo("3D: Switching to mode %dx%d", modes[i]->hdisplay, modes[i]->vdisplay); XF86VidModeSetViewPort(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), 0, 0); } break; } } } } else if (mode.Windowed == _FullScreen) switchBackToOldMode(); #endif // XF86VIDMODE // Update WM hints (update size and disallow resizing) XSizeHints size_hints; size_hints.x = 0; size_hints.y = 0; size_hints.width = mode.Width; size_hints.height = mode.Height; size_hints.flags = PSize; if (!mode.Windowed) { size_hints.flags = PSize | PMinSize | PMaxSize; size_hints.min_width = mode.Width; size_hints.min_height = mode.Height; size_hints.max_width = mode.Width; size_hints.max_height = mode.Height; } XSetWMNormalHints(dpy, win, &size_hints); // Toggle fullscreen if (mode.Windowed == _FullScreen) { XEvent xev; memset(&xev, 0, sizeof(xev)); xev.type = ClientMessage; xev.xclient.window = win; xev.xclient.message_type = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE", false); xev.xclient.format = 32; xev.xclient.data.l[0] = !mode.Windowed; xev.xclient.data.l[1] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", false); xev.xclient.data.l[2] = 0; XSendEvent(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), false, SubstructureNotifyMask, &xev); } _FullScreen = !mode.Windowed; // Resize and update the window XResizeWindow(dpy, win, mode.Width, mode.Height); XMapWindow(dpy, win); #endif // NL_OS_UNIX return true; } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::getModes(std::vector &modes) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getModes) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS sint modeIndex = 0; DEVMODE devMode; while (EnumDisplaySettings (NULL, modeIndex, &devMode)) { // Keep only 16 and 32 bits if ((devMode.dmBitsPerPel == 16 ) || (devMode.dmBitsPerPel == 32)) { // Add this mode GfxMode mode; mode.Width = (uint16)devMode.dmPelsWidth; mode.Height = (uint16)devMode.dmPelsHeight; mode.Depth = (uint8)devMode.dmBitsPerPel; mode.Frequency = devMode.dmDisplayFrequency; modes.push_back (mode); } // Mode index modeIndex++; } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) getMacModes(modes); #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) # ifdef XF86VIDMODE int nmodes; XF86VidModeModeInfo **ms; Bool ok = XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), &nmodes, &ms); if(ok) { nldebug("3D: %d available modes:", nmodes); for (int j = 0; j < nmodes; j++) { // Add this mode GfxMode mode; mode.Width = (uint16)ms[j]->hdisplay; mode.Height = (uint16)ms[j]->vdisplay; mode.Frequency = 1000 * ms[j]->dotclock / (ms[j]->htotal * ms[j]->vtotal); nldebug("3D: Mode %d: %dx%d, %d Hz", j, ms[j]->hdisplay,ms[j]->vdisplay, 1000 * ms[j]->dotclock / (ms[j]->htotal * ms[j]->vtotal)); modes.push_back (mode); } XFree(ms); } else { nlwarning("XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines returns 0, cannot get available video mode"); return false; } # endif #endif return true; } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::getCurrentScreenMode(GfxMode &mode) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getCurrentScreenMode) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS DEVMODE devmode; devmode.dmSize= sizeof(DEVMODE); devmode.dmDriverExtra= 0; EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &devmode); mode.Windowed= !_FullScreen; mode.OffScreen= false; mode.Depth= (uint8)devmode.dmBitsPerPel; mode.Frequency= devmode.dmDisplayFrequency, mode.Width= (uint16)devmode.dmPelsWidth; mode.Height= (uint16)devmode.dmPelsHeight; #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Temporary Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Temporary Mac Implementation"); mode.Depth = 24; #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) /* TODO this is just a hack to get the ryzom client running on mac os x x11. the implementation below relies on the vidmode extension which is not availeble on mac os x's x11. for that reason the color depth value is hard coded here. FIXME replace this hack by native cocoa color depth retrieval */ nlwarning("FIXME: returning hardcoded color depth of 24bit"); mode.Depth= 24; #elif defined(NL_OS_UNIX) # ifdef XF86VIDMODE sint pixelClock; XF86VidModeModeLine xmode; if (!XF86VidModeGetModeLine(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), &pixelClock, &xmode)) { nlwarning("XF86VidModeGetModeLine returns 0, cannot get current video mode"); return false; } mode.Windowed = !_FullScreen; mode.OffScreen = false; mode.Depth = (uint) DefaultDepth(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)); mode.Frequency = 1000 * pixelClock / (xmode.htotal * xmode.vtotal) ; mode.Width = xmode.hdisplay; mode.Height = xmode.vdisplay; nldebug("Current mode : %dx%d, %d Hz, %dbit", mode.Width, mode.Height, mode.Frequency, mode.Depth); # endif #endif return true; } // -------------------------------------------------- void CDriverGL::setWindowTitle(const ucstring &title) { #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS SetWindowTextW(_hWnd,(WCHAR*)title.c_str()); #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) NL3D::MAC::setWindowTitle(title); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) XTextProperty text_property; char *t = (char*)title.toUtf8().c_str(); XStringListToTextProperty(&t, 1, &text_property); XSetWMName(dpy, win, &text_property); #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::setWindowPos(uint32 x, uint32 y) { _WindowX = (sint32)x; _WindowY = (sint32)y; #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS SetWindowPos(_hWnd, NULL, _WindowX, _WindowY, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE); #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) NL3D::MAC::setWindowPos(x, y); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) XMoveWindow(dpy, win, _WindowX, _WindowY); #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::showWindow(bool show) { #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS ShowWindow (_hWnd, show ? SW_SHOW:SW_HIDE); #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) if (show) XMapWindow(dpy, win); else XUnmapWindow(dpy, win); #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS } // -------------------------------------------------- void CDriverGL::resetTextureShaders() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_resetTextureShaders) if (_Extensions.NVTextureShader) { glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV); for (uint stage = 0; stage < inlGetNumTextStages(); ++stage) { _DriverGLStates.activeTextureARB(stage); if (stage != 0) { glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV, GL_PREVIOUS_TEXTURE_INPUT_NV, GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + stage - 1); } glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV, GL_SHADER_OPERATION_NV, GL_NONE); _CurrentTexAddrMode[stage] = GL_NONE; } glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV); _NVTextureShaderEnabled = false; } } // -------------------------------------------------- emptyProc CDriverGL::getWindowProc() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getWindowProc) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS return (emptyProc)GlWndProc; #else // NL_OS_WINDOWS return NULL; #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::activate() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_activate) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS HGLRC hglrc=wglGetCurrentContext(); if (hglrc!=_hRC) { wglMakeCurrent(_hDC,_hRC); } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Temporary Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Temporary Mac Implementation"); // already done in setDisplay, not needed here - unclean! FIXME #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) GLXContext nctx=glXGetCurrentContext(); if (nctx != NULL && nctx!=ctx) { glXMakeCurrent(dpy, win,ctx); } #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS return true; } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::isTextureExist(const ITexture&tex) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_isTextureExist) bool result; // Create the shared Name. std::string name; getTextureShareName (tex, name); { CSynchronized::CAccessor access(&_SyncTexDrvInfos); TTexDrvInfoPtrMap &rTexDrvInfos = access.value(); result = (rTexDrvInfos.find(name) != rTexDrvInfos.end()); } return result; } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::clear2D(CRGBA rgba) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_clear2D) glClearColor((float)rgba.R/255.0f,(float)rgba.G/255.0f,(float)rgba.B/255.0f,(float)rgba.A/255.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::clearZBuffer(float zval) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_clearZBuffer) glClearDepth(zval); _DriverGLStates.enableZWrite(true); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::clearStencilBuffer(float stencilval) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_clearStencilBuffer) glClearStencil((int)stencilval); glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------- void CDriverGL::setColorMask (bool bRed, bool bGreen, bool bBlue, bool bAlpha) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setColorMask ) glColorMask (bRed, bGreen, bBlue, bAlpha); } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::swapBuffers() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_swapBuffers) ++ _SwapBufferCounter; // Reset texture shaders //resetTextureShaders(); activeVertexProgram(NULL); /* Yoyo: must do this (GeForce bug ??) esle weird results if end render with a VBHard. Setup a std vertex buffer to ensure NVidia synchronisation. */ if (_Extensions.NVVertexArrayRange) { static CVertexBuffer dummyVB; static bool dummyVBinit= false; if(!dummyVBinit) { dummyVBinit= true; // setup a full feature VB (maybe not useful ... :( ). dummyVB.setVertexFormat(CVertexBuffer::PositionFlag|CVertexBuffer::NormalFlag| CVertexBuffer::PrimaryColorFlag|CVertexBuffer::SecondaryColorFlag| CVertexBuffer::TexCoord0Flag|CVertexBuffer::TexCoord1Flag| CVertexBuffer::TexCoord2Flag|CVertexBuffer::TexCoord3Flag ); // some vertices. dummyVB.setNumVertices(10); } // activate each frame to close VBHard rendering. // NVidia: This also force a SetFence on if last VB was a VBHard, "closing" it before swap. // activeVertexBuffer(dummyVB); nlassert(_CurrentVertexBufferHard==NULL); } /* PATCH For Possible NVidia Synchronisation. /*/ // Because of Bug with GeForce, must finishFence() for all VBHard. /*set::iterator itVBHard= _VertexBufferHardSet.Set.begin(); while(itVBHard != _VertexBufferHardSet.Set.end() ) { // Need only to do it for NVidia VB ones. if((*itVBHard)->NVidiaVertexBufferHard) { CVertexBufferHardGLNVidia *vbHardNV= static_cast(*itVBHard); // If needed, "flush" these VB. vbHardNV->finishFence(); } itVBHard++; }*/ /* Need to Do this code only if Synchronisation PATCH before not done! AS NV_Fence GeForce Implementation says. Test each frame the NVFence, until completion. NB: finish is not required here. Just test. This is like a "non block synchronisation" */ if (_Extensions.NVVertexArrayRange) { set::iterator itVBHard= _VertexBufferHardSet.Set.begin(); while(itVBHard != _VertexBufferHardSet.Set.end() ) { if((*itVBHard)->VBType == IVertexBufferHardGL::NVidiaVB) { CVertexBufferHardGLNVidia *vbHardNV= static_cast(*itVBHard); if(vbHardNV->isFenceSet()) { // update Fence Cache. vbHardNV->testFence(); } } itVBHard++; } } #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (_EventEmitter.getNumEmitters() > 1) // is direct input running ? { // flush direct input messages if any NLMISC::safe_cast(_EventEmitter.getEmitter(1))->poll(); } #endif if (!_WndActive) { if (_AGPVertexArrayRange) _AGPVertexArrayRange->updateLostBuffers(); if (_VRAMVertexArrayRange) _VRAMVertexArrayRange->updateLostBuffers(); } #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS SwapBuffers(_hDC); #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) NL3D::MAC::swapBuffers(); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) glXSwapBuffers(dpy, win); #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS // Activate the default texture environnments for all stages. //=========================================================== // This is not a requirement, but it ensure a more stable state each frame. // (well, maybe the good reason is "it hides much more the bugs" :o) ). for(uint stage=0;stageupdateLostBuffers(); if (_VRAMVertexArrayRange) _VRAMVertexArrayRange->updateLostBuffers(); return true; } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::release() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_release) // release only if the driver was initialized if (!_Initialized) return true; // Call IDriver::release() before, to destroy textures, shaders and VBs... IDriver::release(); _SwapBufferCounter = 0; // delete querries while (!_OcclusionQueryList.empty()) { deleteOcclusionQuery(_OcclusionQueryList.front()); } deleteFragmentShaders(); // release caustic cube map // _CauticCubeMap = NULL; // Reset VertexArrayRange. resetVertexArrayRange(); // delete containers delete _AGPVertexArrayRange; delete _VRAMVertexArrayRange; _AGPVertexArrayRange= NULL; _VRAMVertexArrayRange= NULL; #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // Then delete. // wglMakeCurrent(NULL,NULL); // Off-screen rendering ? if (_OffScreen) { if (_PBuffer) { wglDeleteContext( _hRC ); nwglReleasePbufferDCARB( _PBuffer, _hDC ); nwglDestroyPbufferARB( _PBuffer ); } } else { if (_hRC) wglDeleteContext(_hRC); if (_hWnd&&_hDC) { ReleaseDC(_hWnd,_hDC); if (_DestroyWindow) DestroyWindow (_hWnd); } if(_FullScreen) { switchBackToOldMode(); _FullScreen= false; } } _hRC=NULL; _hDC=NULL; _hWnd=NULL; _PBuffer = NULL; // Restaure monitor color parameters if (_NeedToRestaureGammaRamp) { HDC dc = CreateDC ("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dc) { if (!SetDeviceGammaRamp (dc, _GammaRampBackuped)) nlwarning ("(CDriverGL::release): SetDeviceGammaRamp failed"); // Release the DC ReleaseDC (NULL, dc); } else { nlwarning ("(CDriverGL::release): can't create DC"); } } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) if(_FullScreen) { switchBackToOldMode(); // Ungrab the keyboard (probably not necessary); XUnmapWindow(dpy, win); XSync(dpy, True); XUngrabKeyboard(dpy, CurrentTime); } if (ctx) { glXDestroyContext(dpy, ctx); ctx = NULL; } XCloseDisplay(dpy); dpy = NULL; #endif // NL_OS_UNIX // released _Initialized= false; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------- IDriver::TMessageBoxId CDriverGL::systemMessageBox (const char* message, const char* title, IDriver::TMessageBoxType type, TMessageBoxIcon icon) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_systemMessageBox) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS switch (::MessageBox (NULL, message, title, ((type==retryCancelType)?MB_RETRYCANCEL: (type==yesNoCancelType)?MB_YESNOCANCEL: (type==okCancelType)?MB_OKCANCEL: (type==abortRetryIgnoreType)?MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE: (type==yesNoType)?MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION:MB_OK)| ((icon==handIcon)?MB_ICONHAND: (icon==questionIcon)?MB_ICONQUESTION: (icon==exclamationIcon)?MB_ICONEXCLAMATION: (icon==asteriskIcon)?MB_ICONASTERISK: (icon==warningIcon)?MB_ICONWARNING: (icon==errorIcon)?MB_ICONERROR: (icon==informationIcon)?MB_ICONINFORMATION: (icon==stopIcon)?MB_ICONSTOP:0))) { case IDOK: return okId; case IDCANCEL: return cancelId; case IDABORT: return abortId; case IDRETRY: return retryId; case IDIGNORE: return ignoreId; case IDYES: return yesId; case IDNO: return noId; } nlstop; #else // NL_OS_WINDOWS // Call the console version! IDriver::systemMessageBox (message, title, type, icon); #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS return okId; } // -------------------------------------------------- void CDriverGL::setupViewport (const class CViewport& viewport) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setupViewport ) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (_hWnd == NULL) return; // Setup gl viewport int clientWidth = _WindowWidth; int clientHeight = _WindowHeight; #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) uint32 clientWidth, clientHeight; NL3D::MAC::getWindowSize(clientWidth, clientHeight); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) XWindowAttributes win_attributes; if (!XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, win, &win_attributes)) throw EBadDisplay("Can't get window attributes."); // Setup gl viewport int clientWidth=win_attributes.width; int clientHeight=win_attributes.height; #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS // Backup the viewport _CurrViewport = viewport; // Get viewport float x; float y; float width; float height; viewport.getValues (x, y, width, height); // Render to texture : adjuste the viewport if (_TextureTarget) { float factorX = 1; float factorY = 1; if(clientWidth) factorX = (float)_TextureTarget->getWidth() / (float)clientWidth; if(clientHeight) factorY = (float)_TextureTarget->getHeight() / (float)clientHeight; x *= factorX; y *= factorY; width *= factorX; height *= factorY; } // Setup gl viewport int ix=(int)((float)clientWidth*x+0.5f); clamp (ix, 0, clientWidth); int iy=(int)((float)clientHeight*y+0.5f); clamp (iy, 0, clientHeight); int iwidth=(int)((float)clientWidth*width+0.5f); clamp (iwidth, 0, clientWidth-ix); int iheight=(int)((float)clientHeight*height+0.5f); clamp (iheight, 0, clientHeight-iy); glViewport (ix, iy, iwidth, iheight); } // -------------------------------------------------- void CDriverGL::getViewport(CViewport &viewport) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getViewport) viewport = _CurrViewport; } // -------------------------------------------------- void CDriverGL::setupScissor (const class CScissor& scissor) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setupScissor ) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (_hWnd == NULL) return; // Setup gl viewport int clientWidth = _WindowWidth; int clientHeight = _WindowHeight; #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" // nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Temporary Mac Implementation"); int clientWidth = 1024; int clientHeight = 768; #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) XWindowAttributes win_attributes; if (!XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, win, &win_attributes)) throw EBadDisplay("Can't get window attributes."); // Setup gl viewport int clientWidth=win_attributes.width; int clientHeight=win_attributes.height; #endif // NL_OS_WINDOWS // Backup the scissor _CurrScissor= scissor; // Get scissor float x= scissor.X; float y= scissor.Y; float width= scissor.Width; float height= scissor.Height; // Render to texture : adjuste the scissor if (_TextureTarget) { float factorX = 1; float factorY = 1; if(clientWidth) factorX = (float) _TextureTarget->getWidth() / (float)clientWidth; if(clientHeight) factorY = (float) _TextureTarget->getHeight() / (float)clientHeight; x *= factorX; y *= factorY; width *= factorX; height *= factorY; } // enable or disable Scissor, but AFTER textureTarget adjust if(x==0 && x==0 && width>=1 && height>=1) { glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } else { // Setup gl scissor int ix0=(int)floor((float)clientWidth * x + 0.5f); clamp (ix0, 0, clientWidth); int iy0=(int)floor((float)clientHeight* y + 0.5f); clamp (iy0, 0, clientHeight); int ix1=(int)floor((float)clientWidth * (x+width) + 0.5f ); clamp (ix1, 0, clientWidth); int iy1=(int)floor((float)clientHeight* (y+height) + 0.5f ); clamp (iy1, 0, clientHeight); int iwidth= ix1 - ix0; clamp (iwidth, 0, clientWidth); int iheight= iy1 - iy0; clamp (iheight, 0, clientHeight); glScissor (ix0, iy0, iwidth, iheight); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } } // -------------------------------------------------- void CDriverGL::showCursor(bool b) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_showCursor) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (b) { while (ShowCursor(b) < 0) ; } else { while (ShowCursor(b) >= 0) ; } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) if (b) { if (cursor != None) { XFreeCursor(dpy, cursor); cursor = None; } XUndefineCursor(dpy, win); } else { if (cursor == None) { char bm_no_data[] = { 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0 }; Pixmap pixmap_no_data = XCreateBitmapFromData (dpy, win, bm_no_data, 8, 8); XColor black; memset(&black, 0, sizeof (XColor)); black.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor (dpy, pixmap_no_data, pixmap_no_data, &black, &black, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(dpy, pixmap_no_data); } XDefineCursor(dpy, win, cursor); } #endif // NL_OS_UNIX } // -------------------------------------------------- void CDriverGL::setMousePos(float x, float y) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setMousePos) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (_hWnd) { // NeL window coordinate to MSWindows coordinates POINT pt; pt.x = (int)((float)(_WindowWidth)*x); pt.y = (int)((float)(_WindowHeight)*(1.0f-y)); ClientToScreen (_hWnd, &pt); SetCursorPos(pt.x, pt.y); } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) XWindowAttributes xwa; XGetWindowAttributes (dpy, win, &xwa); int x1 = (int)(x * (float) xwa.width); int y1 = (int)((1.0f - y) * (float) xwa.height); XWarpPointer (dpy, None, win, None, None, None, None, x1, y1); #endif // NL_OS_UNIX } void CDriverGL::getWindowSize(uint32 &width, uint32 &height) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getWindowSize) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // Off-srceen rendering ? if (_OffScreen) { if (_PBuffer) { nwglQueryPbufferARB( _PBuffer, WGL_PBUFFER_WIDTH_ARB, (int*)&width ); nwglQueryPbufferARB( _PBuffer, WGL_PBUFFER_HEIGHT_ARB, (int*)&height ); } } else { if (_hWnd) { width = (uint32)(_WindowWidth); height = (uint32)(_WindowHeight); } } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) NL3D::MAC::getWindowSize(width, height); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) XWindowAttributes xwa; XGetWindowAttributes (dpy, win, &xwa); width = (uint32) xwa.width; height = (uint32) xwa.height; #endif // NL_OS_UNIX } void CDriverGL::getWindowPos(uint32 &x, uint32 &y) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getWindowPos) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // Off-srceen rendering ? if (_OffScreen) { if (_PBuffer) { x = y = 0; } } else { if (_hWnd) { x = (uint32)(_WindowX); y = (uint32)(_WindowY); } } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) NL3D::MAC::getWindowPos(x, y); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) x = y = 0; #endif // NL_OS_UNIX } // -------------------------------------------------- bool CDriverGL::isActive() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_isActive) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS return (IsWindow(_hWnd) != 0); #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" // nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) #endif // NL_OS_UNIX return true; } uint8 CDriverGL::getBitPerPixel () { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getBitPerPixel ) return _Depth; } const char *CDriverGL::getVideocardInformation () { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getVideocardInformation) static char name[1024]; if (!_Initialized) return "OpenGL isn't initialized"; const char *vendor = (const char *) glGetString (GL_VENDOR); const char *renderer = (const char *) glGetString (GL_RENDERER); const char *version = (const char *) glGetString (GL_VERSION); smprintf(name, 1024, "OpenGL / %s / %s / %s", vendor, renderer, version); return name; } void CDriverGL::setCapture (bool b) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setCapture ) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (b) { RECT client; GetClientRect (_hWnd, &client); POINT pt1,pt2; pt1.x = client.left; pt1.y = client.top; ClientToScreen (_hWnd, &pt1); pt2.x = client.right; pt2.y = client.bottom; ClientToScreen (_hWnd, &pt2); client.bottom = pt2.y; client.top = pt1.y; client.left = pt1.x; client.right = pt2.x; ClipCursor (&client); } else ClipCursor (NULL); /* if (b) SetCapture (_hWnd); else ReleaseCapture (); */ #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) /* TODO x11 funtion: setCapture */ if(b) // capture the cursor. { XGrabPointer(dpy, win, True, 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, win, None, CurrentTime); } else // release the cursor. { XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime); } #endif // NL_OS_UNIX } bool CDriverGL::clipRect(NLMISC::CRect &rect) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_clipRect) // Clip the wanted rectangle with window. uint32 width, height; getWindowSize(width, height); sint32 xr=rect.right() ,yr=rect.bottom(); clamp((sint32&)rect.X, (sint32)0, (sint32)width); clamp((sint32&)rect.Y, (sint32)0, (sint32)height); clamp((sint32&)xr, (sint32)rect.X, (sint32)width); clamp((sint32&)yr, (sint32)rect.Y, (sint32)height); rect.Width= xr-rect.X; rect.Height= yr-rect.Y; return rect.Width>0 && rect.Height>0; } void CDriverGL::getBufferPart (CBitmap &bitmap, NLMISC::CRect &rect) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getBufferPart ) bitmap.reset(); if(clipRect(rect)) { bitmap.resize(rect.Width, rect.Height, CBitmap::RGBA); glReadPixels (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bitmap.getPixels ().getPtr()); } } void CDriverGL::getZBufferPart (std::vector &zbuffer, NLMISC::CRect &rect) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getZBufferPart ) zbuffer.clear(); if(clipRect(rect)) { zbuffer.resize(rect.Width*rect.Height); glPixelTransferf(GL_DEPTH_SCALE, 1.0f) ; glPixelTransferf(GL_DEPTH_BIAS, 0.f) ; glReadPixels (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT , GL_FLOAT, &(zbuffer[0])); } } void CDriverGL::getZBuffer (std::vector &zbuffer) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getZBuffer ) CRect rect(0,0); getWindowSize(rect.Width, rect.Height); getZBufferPart(zbuffer, rect); } void CDriverGL::getBuffer (CBitmap &bitmap) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getBuffer ) CRect rect(0,0); getWindowSize(rect.Width, rect.Height); getBufferPart(bitmap, rect); bitmap.flipV(); } bool CDriverGL::fillBuffer (CBitmap &bitmap) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_fillBuffer ) CRect rect(0,0); getWindowSize(rect.Width, rect.Height); if( rect.Width!=bitmap.getWidth() || rect.Height!=bitmap.getHeight() || bitmap.getPixelFormat()!=CBitmap::RGBA ) return false; glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,1); glDrawPixels (rect.Width, rect.Height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &(bitmap.getPixels()[0]) ); return true; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::copyFrameBufferToTexture(ITexture *tex, uint32 level, uint32 offsetx, uint32 offsety, uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint cubeFace /*= 0*/ ) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_copyFrameBufferToTexture) bool compressed = false; getGlTextureFormat(*tex, compressed); nlassert(!compressed); // first, mark the texture as valid, and make sure there is a corresponding texture in the device memory setupTexture(*tex); CTextureDrvInfosGL* gltext = (CTextureDrvInfosGL*)(ITextureDrvInfos*)(tex->TextureDrvShare->DrvTexture); //if (_RenderTargetFBO) // gltext->activeFrameBufferObject(NULL); _DriverGLStates.activeTextureARB(0); // setup texture mode, after activeTextureARB() CDriverGLStates::TTextureMode textureMode= CDriverGLStates::Texture2D; if(gltext->TextureMode == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV) textureMode = CDriverGLStates::TextureRect; _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode(textureMode); if (tex->isTextureCube()) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, gltext->ID); glCopyTexSubImage2D(NLCubeFaceToGLCubeFace[cubeFace], level, offsetx, offsety, x, y, width, height); } else { glBindTexture(gltext->TextureMode, gltext->ID); glCopyTexSubImage2D(gltext->TextureMode, level, offsetx, offsety, x, y, width, height); } // disable texturing. _DriverGLStates.setTextureMode(CDriverGLStates::TextureDisabled); _CurrentTexture[0] = NULL; _CurrentTextureInfoGL[0] = NULL; //if (_RenderTargetFBO) // gltext->activeFrameBufferObject(tex); } void CDriverGL::setPolygonMode (TPolygonMode mode) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setPolygonMode ) IDriver::setPolygonMode (mode); // Set the polygon mode switch (_PolygonMode) { case Filled: glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); break; case Line: glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); break; case Point: glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT); break; } } bool CDriverGL::fogEnabled() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_fogEnabled) return _FogEnabled; } void CDriverGL::enableFog(bool enable) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_enableFog) _DriverGLStates.enableFog(enable); _FogEnabled= enable; } void CDriverGL::setupFog(float start, float end, CRGBA color) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setupFog) glFogf(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR); glFogf(GL_FOG_START, start); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, end); _CurrentFogColor[0]= color.R/255.0f; _CurrentFogColor[1]= color.G/255.0f; _CurrentFogColor[2]= color.B/255.0f; _CurrentFogColor[3]= color.A/255.0f; glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, _CurrentFogColor); /** Special : with vertex program, using the extension EXT_vertex_shader, fog is emulated using 1 more constant to scale result to [0, 1] */ if (_Extensions.EXTVertexShader && !_Extensions.NVVertexProgram && !_Extensions.ARBVertexProgram) { if (!_ATIFogRangeFixed) { // last constant is used to store fog informations (fog must be rescaled to [0, 1], because of a driver bug) if (start != end) { setConstant(_EVSNumConstant, 1.f / (start - end), - end / (start - end), 0, 0); } else { setConstant(_EVSNumConstant, 0.f, 0, 0, 0); } } } _FogStart = start; _FogEnd = end; } // *************************************************************************** float CDriverGL::getFogStart() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getFogStart) return _FogStart; } // *************************************************************************** float CDriverGL::getFogEnd() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getFogEnd) return _FogEnd; } // *************************************************************************** CRGBA CDriverGL::getFogColor() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getFogColor) CRGBA ret; ret.R= (uint8)(_CurrentFogColor[0]*255); ret.G= (uint8)(_CurrentFogColor[1]*255); ret.B= (uint8)(_CurrentFogColor[2]*255); ret.A= (uint8)(_CurrentFogColor[3]*255); return ret; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::profileRenderedPrimitives(CPrimitiveProfile &pIn, CPrimitiveProfile &pOut) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_profileRenderedPrimitives) pIn= _PrimitiveProfileIn; pOut= _PrimitiveProfileOut; } // *************************************************************************** uint32 CDriverGL::profileAllocatedTextureMemory() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_profileAllocatedTextureMemory) return _AllocatedTextureMemory; } // *************************************************************************** uint32 CDriverGL::profileSetupedMaterials() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_profileSetupedMaterials) return _NbSetupMaterialCall; } // *************************************************************************** uint32 CDriverGL::profileSetupedModelMatrix() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_profileSetupedModelMatrix) return _NbSetupModelMatrixCall; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::enableUsedTextureMemorySum (bool enable) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_enableUsedTextureMemorySum ) if (enable) nlinfo ("3D: PERFORMANCE INFO: enableUsedTextureMemorySum has been set to true in CDriverGL"); _SumTextureMemoryUsed=enable; } // *************************************************************************** uint32 CDriverGL::getUsedTextureMemory() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getUsedTextureMemory) // Sum memory used uint32 memory=0; // For each texture used set::const_iterator ite=_TextureUsed.begin(); while (ite!=_TextureUsed.end()) { // Get the gl texture CTextureDrvInfosGL* gltext; gltext= (*ite); // Sum the memory used by this texture memory+=gltext->TextureMemory; // Next texture ite++; } // Return the count return memory; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::supportTextureShaders() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_supportTextureShaders) // fully supported by NV_TEXTURE_SHADER return _Extensions.NVTextureShader; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::isWaterShaderSupported() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_isWaterShaderSupported); if(_Extensions.ARBFragmentProgram && ARBWaterShader[0] != 0) return true; if (!_Extensions.EXTVertexShader && !_Extensions.NVVertexProgram && !_Extensions.ARBVertexProgram) return false; // should support vertex programs if (!_Extensions.NVTextureShader && !_Extensions.ATIFragmentShader && !_Extensions.ARBFragmentProgram) return false; return true; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::isTextureAddrModeSupported(CMaterial::TTexAddressingMode /* mode */) const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_isTextureAddrModeSupported) if (_Extensions.NVTextureShader) { // all the given addessing mode are supported with this extension return true; } else { return false; } } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::setMatrix2DForTextureOffsetAddrMode(const uint stage, const float mat[4]) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setMatrix2DForTextureOffsetAddrMode) if (!supportTextureShaders()) return; //nlassert(supportTextureShaders()); nlassert(stage < inlGetNumTextStages() ); _DriverGLStates.activeTextureARB(stage); glTexEnvfv(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV, GL_OFFSET_TEXTURE_MATRIX_NV, mat); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::enableNVTextureShader(bool enabled) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_enableNVTextureShader) if (enabled != _NVTextureShaderEnabled) { if (enabled) { glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV); } else { glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_SHADER_NV); } _NVTextureShaderEnabled = enabled; } } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::checkForPerPixelLightingSupport() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_checkForPerPixelLightingSupport) // we need at least 3 texture stages and cube map support + EnvCombine4 or 3 support // TODO : support for EnvCombine3 // TODO : support for less than 3 stages _SupportPerPixelShaderNoSpec = (_Extensions.NVTextureEnvCombine4 || _Extensions.ATITextureEnvCombine3) && _Extensions.ARBTextureCubeMap && _Extensions.NbTextureStages >= 3 && (_Extensions.NVVertexProgram || _Extensions.ARBVertexProgram || _Extensions.EXTVertexShader); _SupportPerPixelShader = (_Extensions.NVTextureEnvCombine4 || _Extensions.ATITextureEnvCombine3) && _Extensions.ARBTextureCubeMap && _Extensions.NbTextureStages >= 2 && (_Extensions.NVVertexProgram || _Extensions.ARBVertexProgram || _Extensions.EXTVertexShader); } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::supportPerPixelLighting(bool specular) const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_supportPerPixelLighting) return specular ? _SupportPerPixelShader : _SupportPerPixelShaderNoSpec; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::setPerPixelLightingLight(CRGBA diffuse, CRGBA specular, float shininess) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setPerPixelLightingLight) _PPLExponent = shininess; _PPLightDiffuseColor = diffuse; _PPLightSpecularColor = specular; } // *************************************************************************** NLMISC::IMouseDevice *CDriverGL::enableLowLevelMouse(bool enable, bool exclusive) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_enableLowLevelMouse) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (_EventEmitter.getNumEmitters() < 2) return NULL; NLMISC::CDIEventEmitter *diee = NLMISC::safe_cast(_EventEmitter.getEmitter(1)); if (enable) { try { NLMISC::IMouseDevice *md = diee->getMouseDevice(exclusive); return md; } catch (EDirectInput &) { return NULL; } } else { diee->releaseMouse(); return NULL; } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) #endif return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** NLMISC::IKeyboardDevice *CDriverGL::enableLowLevelKeyboard(bool enable) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_enableLowLevelKeyboard) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (_EventEmitter.getNumEmitters() < 2) return NULL; NLMISC::CDIEventEmitter *diee = NLMISC::safe_cast(_EventEmitter.getEmitter(1)); if (enable) { try { NLMISC::IKeyboardDevice *md = diee->getKeyboardDevice(); return md; } catch (EDirectInput &) { return NULL; } } else { diee->releaseKeyboard(); return NULL; } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) #endif return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** NLMISC::IInputDeviceManager *CDriverGL::getLowLevelInputDeviceManager() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getLowLevelInputDeviceManager) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if (_EventEmitter.getNumEmitters() < 2) return NULL; NLMISC::CDIEventEmitter *diee = NLMISC::safe_cast(_EventEmitter.getEmitter(1)); return diee; #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) #endif return NULL; } // *************************************************************************** uint CDriverGL::getDoubleClickDelay(bool hardwareMouse) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getDoubleClickDelay) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS NLMISC::IMouseDevice *md = NULL; if (_EventEmitter.getNumEmitters() >= 2) { NLMISC::CDIEventEmitter *diee = NLMISC::safe_cast(_EventEmitter.getEmitter(1)); if (diee->isMouseCreated()) { try { md = diee->getMouseDevice(hardwareMouse); } catch (EDirectInput &) { // could not get device .. } } } if (md) { return md->getDoubleClickDelay(); } // try to read the good value from windows return ::GetDoubleClickTime(); #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) // TODO for Linux FIXME: FAKE FIX return 250; #endif } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::supportBlendConstantColor() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_supportBlendConstantColor) return _Extensions.EXTBlendColor; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::setBlendConstantColor(NLMISC::CRGBA col) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setBlendConstantColor) // bkup _CurrentBlendConstantColor= col; // update GL if(!_Extensions.EXTBlendColor) return; static const float OO255= 1.0f/255; nglBlendColorEXT(col.R*OO255, col.G*OO255, col.B*OO255, col.A*OO255); } // *************************************************************************** NLMISC::CRGBA CDriverGL::getBlendConstantColor() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_CDriverGL) return _CurrentBlendConstantColor; } // *************************************************************************** uint CDriverGL::getNbTextureStages() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getNbTextureStages) return inlGetNumTextStages(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::refreshProjMatrixFromGL() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_refreshProjMatrixFromGL) if (!_ProjMatDirty) return; float mat[16]; glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, mat); _GLProjMat.set(mat); _ProjMatDirty = false; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties (const CMonitorColorProperties &properties) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setMonitorColorProperties ) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // Get a DC HDC dc = CreateDC ("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dc) { // The ramp WORD ramp[256*3]; // For each composant uint c; for( c=0; c<3; c++ ) { uint i; for( i=0; i<256; i++ ) { // Floating value float value = (float)i / 256; // Contrast value = (float) max (0.0f, (value-0.5f) * (float) pow (3.f, properties.Contrast[c]) + 0.5f ); // Gamma value = (float) pow (value, (properties.Gamma[c]>0) ? 1 - 3 * properties.Gamma[c] / 4 : 1 - properties.Gamma[c] ); // Luminosity value = value + properties.Luminosity[c] / 2.f; ramp[i+(c<<8)] = (WORD)min ((int)65535, max (0, (int)(value * 65535))); } } // Set the ramp bool result = SetDeviceGammaRamp (dc, ramp) != FALSE; // Release the DC ReleaseDC (NULL, dc); // Returns result return result; } else { nlwarning ("(CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties): can't create DC"); return false; } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) // TODO for Linux: implement CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties nlwarning ("CDriverGL::setMonitorColorProperties not implemented"); return false; #endif } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::supportEMBM() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_supportEMBM); // For now, supported via ATI extension return _Extensions.ATIEnvMapBumpMap; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::isEMBMSupportedAtStage(uint stage) const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_isEMBMSupportedAtStage) nlassert(supportEMBM()); nlassert(stage < IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES); return _StageSupportEMBM[stage]; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::setEMBMMatrix(const uint stage,const float mat[4]) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setEMBMMatrix) nlassert(supportEMBM()); nlassert(stage < IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES); // if (_Extensions.ATIEnvMapBumpMap) { _DriverGLStates.activeTextureARB(stage); nglTexBumpParameterfvATI(GL_BUMP_ROT_MATRIX_ATI, const_cast(mat)); } } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::initEMBM() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_initEMBM) if (supportEMBM()) { std::fill(_StageSupportEMBM, _StageSupportEMBM + IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES, false); if (_Extensions.ATIEnvMapBumpMap) { // Test which stage support EMBM GLint numEMBMUnits; nglGetTexBumpParameterivATI(GL_BUMP_NUM_TEX_UNITS_ATI, &numEMBMUnits); std::vector EMBMUnits(numEMBMUnits); // get array of units that supports EMBM nglGetTexBumpParameterivATI(GL_BUMP_TEX_UNITS_ATI, &EMBMUnits[0]); numEMBMUnits = std::min(numEMBMUnits, (GLint) _Extensions.NbTextureStages); EMBMUnits.resize(numEMBMUnits); uint k; for(k = 0; k < EMBMUnits.size(); ++k) { uint stage = EMBMUnits[k] - GL_TEXTURE0_ARB; if (stage < (IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES - 1)) { _StageSupportEMBM[stage] = true; } } // setup each stage to apply the bump map to the next stage (or previous if there's an unit at the last stage) for(k = 0; k < (uint) _Extensions.NbTextureStages; ++k) { if (_StageSupportEMBM[k]) { // setup each stage so that it apply EMBM on the next stage _DriverGLStates.activeTextureARB(k); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_COMBINE_EXT); if (k != (uint) (_Extensions.NbTextureStages - 1)) { glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_BUMP_TARGET_ATI, GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + k + 1); } else { glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_BUMP_TARGET_ATI, GL_TEXTURE0_ARB); } } } _DriverGLStates.activeTextureARB(0); } } } // *************************************************************************** /** Water fragment program with extension ARB_fragment_program */ static const char *WaterCodeNoDiffuseForARBFragmentProgram = "!!ARBfp1.0 \n\ OPTION ARB_precision_hint_nicest; \n\ PARAM bump0ScaleBias = program.env[0]; \n\ PARAM bump1ScaleBias = program.env[1]; \n\ ATTRIB bump0TexCoord = fragment.texcoord[0]; \n\ ATTRIB bump1TexCoord = fragment.texcoord[1]; \n\ ATTRIB envMapTexCoord = fragment.texcoord[2]; \n\ OUTPUT oCol = result.color; \n\ TEMP bmValue; \n\ #read bump map 0 \n\ TEX bmValue, bump0TexCoord, texture[0], 2D; \n\ #bias result (include scaling) \n\ MAD bmValue, bmValue, bump0ScaleBias.xxxx, bump0ScaleBias.yyzz; \n\ ADD bmValue, bmValue, bump1TexCoord; \n\ #read bump map 1 \n\ TEX bmValue, bmValue, texture[1], 2D; \n\ #bias result (include scaling) \n\ MAD bmValue, bmValue, bump1ScaleBias.xxxx, bump1ScaleBias.yyzz; \n\ #add envmap coord \n\ ADD bmValue, bmValue, envMapTexCoord; \n\ #read envmap \n\ TEX oCol, bmValue, texture[2], 2D; \n\ END "; static const char *WaterCodeNoDiffuseWithFogForARBFragmentProgram = "!!ARBfp1.0 \n\ OPTION ARB_precision_hint_nicest; \n\ PARAM bump0ScaleBias = program.env[0]; \n\ PARAM bump1ScaleBias = program.env[1]; \n\ PARAM fogColor = state.fog.color; \n\ PARAM fogFactor = program.env[2]; \n\ ATTRIB bump0TexCoord = fragment.texcoord[0]; \n\ ATTRIB bump1TexCoord = fragment.texcoord[1]; \n\ ATTRIB envMapTexCoord = fragment.texcoord[2]; \n\ ATTRIB fogValue = fragment.fogcoord; \n\ OUTPUT oCol = result.color; \n\ TEMP bmValue; \n\ TEMP envMap; \n\ TEMP tmpFog; \n\ #read bump map 0 \n\ TEX bmValue, bump0TexCoord, texture[0], 2D; \n\ #bias result (include scaling) \n\ MAD bmValue, bmValue, bump0ScaleBias.xxxx, bump0ScaleBias.yyzz; \n\ ADD bmValue, bmValue, bump1TexCoord; \n\ #read bump map 1 \n\ TEX bmValue, bmValue, texture[1], 2D; \n\ #bias result (include scaling) \n\ MAD bmValue, bmValue, bump1ScaleBias.xxxx, bump1ScaleBias.yyzz; \n\ #add envmap coord \n\ ADD bmValue, bmValue, envMapTexCoord; \n\ #read envmap \n\ TEX envMap, bmValue, texture[2], 2D; \n\ #compute fog \n\ MAD_SAT tmpFog, fogValue.x, fogFactor.x, fogFactor.y; \n\ LRP oCol, tmpFog.x, envMap, fogColor; \n\ END "; // ************************************************************************************** /** Water fragment program with extension ARB_fragment_program and a diffuse map applied */ static const char *WaterCodeForARBFragmentProgram = "!!ARBfp1.0 \n\ OPTION ARB_precision_hint_nicest; \n\ PARAM bump0ScaleBias = program.env[0]; \n\ PARAM bump1ScaleBias = program.env[1]; \n\ ATTRIB bump0TexCoord = fragment.texcoord[0]; \n\ ATTRIB bump1TexCoord = fragment.texcoord[1]; \n\ ATTRIB envMapTexCoord = fragment.texcoord[2]; \n\ ATTRIB diffuseTexCoord = fragment.texcoord[3]; \n\ OUTPUT oCol = result.color; \n\ TEMP bmValue; \n\ TEMP diffuse; \n\ TEMP envMap; \n\ #read bump map 0 \n\ TEX bmValue, bump0TexCoord, texture[0], 2D; \n\ #bias result (include scaling) \n\ MAD bmValue, bmValue, bump0ScaleBias.xxxx, bump0ScaleBias.yyzz; \n\ ADD bmValue, bmValue, bump1TexCoord; \n\ #read bump map 1 \n\ TEX bmValue, bmValue, texture[1], 2D; \n\ #bias result (include scaling) \n\ MAD bmValue, bmValue, bump1ScaleBias.xxxx, bump1ScaleBias.yyzz; \n\ #add envmap coord \n\ ADD bmValue, bmValue, envMapTexCoord; \n\ #read envmap \n\ TEX envMap, bmValue, texture[2], 2D; \n\ #read diffuse \n\ TEX diffuse, diffuseTexCoord, texture[3], 2D; \n\ #modulate diffuse and envmap to get result \n\ MUL oCol, diffuse, envMap; \n\ END "; static const char *WaterCodeWithFogForARBFragmentProgram = "!!ARBfp1.0 \n\ OPTION ARB_precision_hint_nicest; \n\ PARAM bump0ScaleBias = program.env[0]; \n\ PARAM bump1ScaleBias = program.env[1]; \n\ PARAM fogColor = state.fog.color; \n\ PARAM fogFactor = program.env[2]; \n\ ATTRIB bump0TexCoord = fragment.texcoord[0]; \n\ ATTRIB bump1TexCoord = fragment.texcoord[1]; \n\ ATTRIB envMapTexCoord = fragment.texcoord[2]; \n\ ATTRIB diffuseTexCoord = fragment.texcoord[3]; \n\ ATTRIB fogValue = fragment.fogcoord; \n\ OUTPUT oCol = result.color; \n\ TEMP bmValue; \n\ TEMP diffuse; \n\ TEMP envMap; \n\ TEMP tmpFog; \n\ #read bump map 0 \n\ TEX bmValue, bump0TexCoord, texture[0], 2D; \n\ #bias result (include scaling) \n\ MAD bmValue, bmValue, bump0ScaleBias.xxxx, bump0ScaleBias.yyzz; \n\ ADD bmValue, bmValue, bump1TexCoord; \n\ #read bump map 1 \n\ TEX bmValue, bmValue, texture[1], 2D; \n\ #bias result (include scaling) \n\ MAD bmValue, bmValue, bump1ScaleBias.xxxx, bump1ScaleBias.yyzz; \n\ #add envmap coord \n\ ADD bmValue, bmValue, envMapTexCoord; \n\ TEX envMap, bmValue, texture[2], 2D; \n\ TEX diffuse, diffuseTexCoord, texture[3], 2D; \n\ MAD_SAT tmpFog, fogValue.x, fogFactor.x, fogFactor.y; \n\ #modulate diffuse and envmap to get result \n\ MUL diffuse, diffuse, envMap; \n\ LRP oCol, tmpFog.x, diffuse, fogColor; \n\ END "; // *************************************************************************** /** Load a ARB_fragment_program_code, and ensure it is loaded natively */ uint loadARBFragmentProgramStringNative(const char *prog, bool forceNativePrograms) { H_AUTO_OGL(loadARBFragmentProgramStringNative); if (!prog) { nlwarning("The param 'prog' is null, cannot load"); return 0; } GLuint progID; nglGenProgramsARB(1, &progID); if (!progID) { nlwarning("glGenProgramsARB returns a progID NULL"); return 0; } nglBindProgramARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, progID); GLint errorPos, isNative; nglProgramStringARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB, (GLsizei)strlen(prog), prog); nglBindProgramARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, 0); glGetIntegerv(GL_PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB, &errorPos); nglGetProgramivARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, GL_PROGRAM_UNDER_NATIVE_LIMITS_ARB, &isNative); if (errorPos == -1) { if (!isNative && forceNativePrograms) { nlwarning("Fragment program isn't supported natively; purging program"); nglDeleteProgramsARB(1, &progID); return 0; } return progID; } else { nlwarning("init fragment program failed: errorPos: %d isNative: %d", errorPos, isNative); } return 0; } // *************************************************************************** /** R200 Fragment Shader : * Send fragment shader to fetch a perturbed envmap from the addition of 2 bumpmap * The result is in R2 after the 2nd pass */ static void fetchPerturbedEnvMapR200() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_fetchPerturbedEnvMapR200) //////////// // PASS 1 // //////////// nglSampleMapATI(GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, GL_SWIZZLE_STR_ATI); // sample bump map 0 nglSampleMapATI(GL_REG_1_ATI, GL_TEXTURE1_ARB, GL_SWIZZLE_STR_ATI); // sample bump map 1 nglPassTexCoordATI(GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_TEXTURE2_ARB, GL_SWIZZLE_STR_ATI); // get texcoord for envmap nglColorFragmentOp3ATI(GL_MAD_ATI, GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_BIAS_BIT_ATI|GL_2X_BIT_ATI, GL_CON_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE); // scale bumpmap 1 & add envmap coords nglColorFragmentOp3ATI(GL_MAD_ATI, GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_REG_1_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_BIAS_BIT_ATI|GL_2X_BIT_ATI, GL_CON_1_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE); // scale bumpmap 2 & add to bump map 1 //////////// // PASS 2 // //////////// nglSampleMapATI(GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_SWIZZLE_STR_ATI); // fetch envmap at perturbed texcoords } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::forceNativeFragmentPrograms(bool nativeOnly) { _ForceNativeFragmentPrograms = nativeOnly; } void CDriverGL::initFragmentShaders() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_initFragmentShaders) /////////////////// // WATER SHADERS // /////////////////// // the ARB_fragment_program is prioritary over other extensions when present if (_Extensions.ARBFragmentProgram) { nlinfo("WATER: Try ARB_fragment_program"); ARBWaterShader[0] = loadARBFragmentProgramStringNative(WaterCodeNoDiffuseForARBFragmentProgram, _ForceNativeFragmentPrograms); ARBWaterShader[1] = loadARBFragmentProgramStringNative(WaterCodeNoDiffuseWithFogForARBFragmentProgram, _ForceNativeFragmentPrograms); ARBWaterShader[2] = loadARBFragmentProgramStringNative(WaterCodeForARBFragmentProgram, _ForceNativeFragmentPrograms); ARBWaterShader[3] = loadARBFragmentProgramStringNative(WaterCodeWithFogForARBFragmentProgram, _ForceNativeFragmentPrograms); bool ok = true; for(uint k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { if (!ARBWaterShader[k]) { ok = false; deleteARBFragmentPrograms(); nlwarning("WATER: fragment %d is not loaded, not using ARB_fragment_program at all", k); break; } } if (ok) { nlinfo("WATER: ARB_fragment_program OK, Use it"); return; } } if (_Extensions.ATIFragmentShader) { nlinfo("WATER: Try ATI_fragment_program"); /////////// // WATER // /////////// ATIWaterShaderHandleNoDiffuseMap = nglGenFragmentShadersATI(1); ATIWaterShaderHandle = nglGenFragmentShadersATI(1); if (!ATIWaterShaderHandle || !ATIWaterShaderHandleNoDiffuseMap) { ATIWaterShaderHandleNoDiffuseMap = ATIWaterShaderHandle = 0; nlwarning("Couldn't generate water shader using ATI_fragment_shader !"); } else { glGetError(); // Water shader for R200 : we just add the 2 bump map contributions (du, dv). We then use this contribution to perturbate the envmap nglBindFragmentShaderATI(ATIWaterShaderHandleNoDiffuseMap); nglBeginFragmentShaderATI(); // fetchPerturbedEnvMapR200(); nglColorFragmentOp1ATI(GL_MOV_ATI, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE); nglAlphaFragmentOp1ATI(GL_MOV_ATI, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE); // nglEndFragmentShaderATI(); GLenum error = glGetError(); nlassert(error == GL_NONE); // The same but with a diffuse map added nglBindFragmentShaderATI(ATIWaterShaderHandle); nglBeginFragmentShaderATI(); // fetchPerturbedEnvMapR200(); nglSampleMapATI(GL_REG_3_ATI, GL_TEXTURE3_ARB, GL_SWIZZLE_STR_ATI); // fetch envmap at perturbed texcoords nglColorFragmentOp2ATI(GL_MUL_ATI, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_REG_3_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE); // scale bumpmap 1 & add envmap coords nglAlphaFragmentOp2ATI(GL_MUL_ATI, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_REG_3_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_REG_2_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE); nglEndFragmentShaderATI(); error = glGetError(); nlassert(error == GL_NONE); nglBindFragmentShaderATI(0); } //////////// // CLOUDS // //////////// ATICloudShaderHandle = nglGenFragmentShadersATI(1); if (!ATICloudShaderHandle) { nlwarning("Couldn't generate cloud shader using ATI_fragment_shader !"); } else { glGetError(); nglBindFragmentShaderATI(ATICloudShaderHandle); nglBeginFragmentShaderATI(); // nglSampleMapATI(GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, GL_SWIZZLE_STR_ATI); // sample texture 0 nglSampleMapATI(GL_REG_1_ATI, GL_TEXTURE1_ARB, GL_SWIZZLE_STR_ATI); // sample texture 1 // lerp between tex 0 & tex 1 using diffuse alpha nglAlphaFragmentOp3ATI(GL_LERP_ATI, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_PRIMARY_COLOR_ARB, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_REG_1_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE); //nglAlphaFragmentOp1ATI(GL_MOV_ATI, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE); // output 0 as RGB //nglColorFragmentOp1ATI(GL_MOV_ATI, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_ZERO, GL_NONE, GL_NONE); // output alpha multiplied by constant 0 nglAlphaFragmentOp2ATI(GL_MUL_ATI, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_REG_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_CON_0_ATI, GL_NONE, GL_NONE); nglEndFragmentShaderATI(); GLenum error = glGetError(); nlassert(error == GL_NONE); nglBindFragmentShaderATI(0); } } // if none of the previous programs worked, fallback on NV_texture_shader, or (todo) simpler shader } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::deleteARBFragmentPrograms() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_deleteARBFragmentPrograms) for(uint k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { if (ARBWaterShader[k]) { GLuint progId = (GLuint) ARBWaterShader[k]; nglDeleteProgramsARB(1, &progId); ARBWaterShader[k] = 0; } } } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::deleteFragmentShaders() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_deleteFragmentShaders) deleteARBFragmentPrograms(); if (ATIWaterShaderHandleNoDiffuseMap) { nglDeleteFragmentShaderATI((GLuint) ATIWaterShaderHandleNoDiffuseMap); ATIWaterShaderHandleNoDiffuseMap = 0; } if (ATIWaterShaderHandle) { nglDeleteFragmentShaderATI((GLuint) ATIWaterShaderHandle); ATIWaterShaderHandle = 0; } if (ATICloudShaderHandle) { nglDeleteFragmentShaderATI((GLuint) ATICloudShaderHandle); ATICloudShaderHandle = 0; } } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::finish() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_finish) glFinish(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::flush() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_flush) glFlush(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::setSwapVBLInterval(uint interval) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setSwapVBLInterval) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS _Interval = interval; if(_Extensions.WGLEXTSwapControl && _Initialized) { nwglSwapIntervalEXT(_Interval); } #endif } // *************************************************************************** uint CDriverGL::getSwapVBLInterval() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getSwapVBLInterval) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS if(_Extensions.WGLEXTSwapControl) { return _Interval; } else return 1; #else return 1; #endif } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::enablePolygonSmoothing(bool smooth) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_enablePolygonSmoothing) if(smooth) glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); else glDisable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); _PolygonSmooth= smooth; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::isPolygonSmoothingEnabled() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_isPolygonSmoothingEnabled) return _PolygonSmooth; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::startProfileVBHardLock() { if(_VBHardProfiling) return; // start _VBHardProfiles.clear(); _VBHardProfiles.reserve(50); _VBHardProfiling= true; _CurVBHardLockCount= 0; _NumVBHardProfileFrame= 0; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::endProfileVBHardLock(vector &result) { if(!_VBHardProfiling) return; // Fill infos. result.clear(); result.resize(_VBHardProfiles.size() + 1); float total= 0; for(uint i=0;i<_VBHardProfiles.size();i++) { const uint tmpSize= 256; char tmp[tmpSize]; CVBHardProfile &vbProf= _VBHardProfiles[i]; const char *vbName; if(vbProf.VBHard && !vbProf.VBHard->getName().empty()) { vbName= vbProf.VBHard->getName().c_str(); } else { vbName= "????"; } // Display in ms. float timeLock= (float)CTime::ticksToSecond(vbProf.AccumTime)*1000 / max(_NumVBHardProfileFrame,1U); smprintf(tmp, tmpSize, "%16s%c: %2.3f ms", vbName, vbProf.Change?'*':' ', timeLock ); total+= timeLock; result[i]= tmp; } result[_VBHardProfiles.size()]= toString("Total: %2.3f", total); // clear. _VBHardProfiling= false; contReset(_VBHardProfiles); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::appendVBHardLockProfile(NLMISC::TTicks time, CVertexBuffer *vb) { // must allocate a new place? if(_CurVBHardLockCount>=_VBHardProfiles.size()) { _VBHardProfiles.resize(_VBHardProfiles.size()+1); // set the original VBHard _VBHardProfiles[_CurVBHardLockCount].VBHard= vb; } // Accumulate. _VBHardProfiles[_CurVBHardLockCount].AccumTime+= time; // if change of VBHard for this chrono place if(_VBHardProfiles[_CurVBHardLockCount].VBHard != vb) { // flag, and set new _VBHardProfiles[_CurVBHardLockCount].VBHard= vb; _VBHardProfiles[_CurVBHardLockCount].Change= true; } // next! _CurVBHardLockCount++; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::startProfileIBLock() { // not implemented } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::endProfileIBLock(std::vector &/* result */) { // not implemented } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::profileIBAllocation(std::vector &/* result */) { // not implemented } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::profileVBHardAllocation(std::vector &result) { result.clear(); result.reserve(1000); result.push_back(toString("Memory Allocated: %4d Ko in AGP / %4d Ko in VRAM", getAvailableVertexAGPMemory()/1000, getAvailableVertexVRAMMemory()/1000 )); result.push_back(toString("Num VBHard: %d", _VertexBufferHardSet.Set.size())); uint totalMemUsed= 0; set::iterator it; for(it= _VertexBufferHardSet.Set.begin(); it!=_VertexBufferHardSet.Set.end(); it++) { IVertexBufferHardGL *vbHard= *it; if(vbHard) { uint vSize= vbHard->VB->getVertexSize(); uint numVerts= vbHard->VB->getNumVertices(); totalMemUsed+= vSize*numVerts; } } result.push_back(toString("Mem Used: %4d Ko", totalMemUsed/1000) ); for(it= _VertexBufferHardSet.Set.begin(); it!=_VertexBufferHardSet.Set.end(); it++) { IVertexBufferHardGL *vbHard= *it; if(vbHard) { uint vSize= vbHard->VB->getVertexSize(); uint numVerts= vbHard->VB->getNumVertices(); result.push_back(toString(" %16s: %4d ko (format: %d / numVerts: %d)", vbHard->VB->getName().c_str(), vSize*numVerts/1000, vSize, numVerts )); } } } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::supportCloudRenderSinglePass() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_supportCloudRenderSinglePass) //return _Extensions.NVTextureEnvCombine4 || (_Extensions.ATIXTextureEnvRoute && _Extensions.EXTTextureEnvCombine); // there are slowdown for now with ati fragment shader... don't know why return _Extensions.NVTextureEnvCombine4 || _Extensions.ATIFragmentShader; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::retrieveATIDriverVersion() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_retrieveATIDriverVersion) _ATIDriverVersion = 0; // we may need this driver version to fix flaws of previous ati drivers version (fog issue with V.P) #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS // get from the registry HKEY parentKey; // open key about current video card LONG result = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}", 0, KEY_READ, &parentKey); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // find last config DWORD keyIndex = 0; uint latestConfigVersion = 0; char subKeyName[256]; char latestSubKeyName[256] = ""; DWORD nameBufferSize = sizeof(subKeyName) / sizeof(subKeyName[0]); FILETIME lastWriteTime; bool configFound = false; for(;;) { nameBufferSize = sizeof(subKeyName) / sizeof(subKeyName[0]); result = RegEnumKeyEx(parentKey, keyIndex, subKeyName, &nameBufferSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &lastWriteTime); if (result == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break; if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // see if the name is numerical. bool isNumerical = true; for(uint k = 0; k < nameBufferSize; ++k) { if (!isdigit(subKeyName[k])) { isNumerical = false; break; } } if (isNumerical) { uint configVersion; fromString((const char*)subKeyName, configVersion); if (configVersion >= latestConfigVersion) { configFound = true; latestConfigVersion = configVersion; strcpy(latestSubKeyName, subKeyName); } } ++ keyIndex; } else { RegCloseKey(parentKey); return; } } if (configFound) { HKEY subKey; result = RegOpenKeyEx(parentKey, latestSubKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &subKey); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // see if it is a radeon card DWORD valueType; char driverDesc[256]; DWORD driverDescBufSize = sizeof(driverDesc) / sizeof(driverDesc[0]); result = RegQueryValueEx(subKey, "DriverDesc", NULL, &valueType, (unsigned char *) driverDesc, &driverDescBufSize); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && valueType == REG_SZ) { toLower(driverDesc); if (strstr(driverDesc, "radeon")) // is it a radeon card ? { char driverVersion[256]; DWORD driverVersionBufSize = sizeof(driverVersion) / sizeof(driverVersion[0]); result = RegQueryValueEx(subKey, "DriverVersion", NULL, &valueType, (unsigned char *) driverVersion, &driverVersionBufSize); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && valueType == REG_SZ) { int subVersionNumber[4]; if (sscanf(driverVersion, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &subVersionNumber[0], &subVersionNumber[1], &subVersionNumber[2], &subVersionNumber[3]) == 4) { _ATIDriverVersion = (uint) subVersionNumber[3]; /** see if fog range for V.P is bad in that driver version (is so, do a fix during vertex program conversion to EXT_vertex_shader * In earlier versions of the driver, fog coordinates had to be output in the [0, 1] range * From the driver, fog output must be in world units */ if (_ATIDriverVersion < 6343) { _ATIFogRangeFixed = false; } } } } } } RegCloseKey(subKey); } RegCloseKey(parentKey); } #elif defined(NL_OS_MAC) && defined(NL_MAC_NATIVE) # warning "OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation" nlwarning("OpenGL Driver: Missing Mac Implementation"); #elif defined (NL_OS_UNIX) // TODO for Linux: implement retrieveATIDriverVersion... assuming versions under linux are probably different #endif } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::supportMADOperator() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_supportMADOperator) return _Extensions.NVTextureEnvCombine4 || _Extensions.ATITextureEnvCombine3; } // *************************************************************************** uint CDriverGL::getNumAdapter() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getNumAdapter) return 1; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::getAdapter(uint adapter, CAdapter &desc) const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getAdapter) if (adapter == 0) { desc.DeviceName = (const char *) glGetString (GL_RENDERER); desc.Driver = (const char *) glGetString (GL_VERSION); desc.Vendor= (const char *) glGetString (GL_VENDOR); desc.Description = "Default openGL adapter"; desc.DeviceId = 0; desc.DriverVersion = 0; desc.Revision = 0; desc.SubSysId = 0; desc.VendorId = 0; return true; } return false; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::setAdapter(uint adapter) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setAdapter) return adapter == 0; } // *************************************************************************** CVertexBuffer::TVertexColorType CDriverGL::getVertexColorFormat() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_CDriverGL) return CVertexBuffer::TRGBA; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::activeShader(CShader * /* shd */) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_activeShader) return false; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::startBench (bool wantStandardDeviation, bool quick, bool reset) { CHTimer::startBench (wantStandardDeviation, quick, reset); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::endBench () { CHTimer::endBench (); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::displayBench (class NLMISC::CLog *log) { // diplay CHTimer::displayHierarchicalByExecutionPathSorted(log, CHTimer::TotalTime, true, 48, 2); CHTimer::displayHierarchical(log, true, 48, 2); CHTimer::displayByExecutionPath(log, CHTimer::TotalTime); CHTimer::display(log, CHTimer::TotalTime); CHTimer::display(log, CHTimer::TotalTimeWithoutSons); } #ifdef NL_DEBUG void CDriverGL::dumpMappedBuffers() { _AGPVertexArrayRange->dumpMappedBuffers(); } #endif // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::checkTextureOn() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_checkTextureOn) // tmp for debug CDriverGLStates &dgs = const_cast(_DriverGLStates); uint currTexStage = dgs.getActiveTextureARB(); for(uint k = 0; k < this->getNbTextureStages(); ++k) { dgs.activeTextureARB(k); GLboolean flag2D; GLboolean flagCM; GLboolean flagTR; glGetBooleanv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, &flag2D); glGetBooleanv(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, &flagCM); glGetBooleanv(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, &flagTR); switch(dgs.getTextureMode()) { case CDriverGLStates::TextureDisabled: nlassert(!flag2D); nlassert(!flagCM); break; case CDriverGLStates::Texture2D: nlassert(flag2D); nlassert(!flagCM); break; case CDriverGLStates::TextureRect: nlassert(flagTR); nlassert(!flagCM); break; case CDriverGLStates::TextureCubeMap: nlassert(!flag2D); nlassert(flagCM); break; default: break; } } dgs.activeTextureARB(currTexStage); } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::supportOcclusionQuery() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_supportOcclusionQuery) return _Extensions.NVOcclusionQuery; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::supportTextureRectangle() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_supportTextureRectangle) return (_Extensions.NVTextureRectangle || _Extensions.EXTTextureRectangle || _Extensions.ARBTextureRectangle); } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::supportPackedDepthStencil() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_supportPackedDepthStencil) return _Extensions.PackedDepthStencil; } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::supportFrameBufferObject() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_supportFrameBufferObject) return _Extensions.FrameBufferObject; } // *************************************************************************** IOcclusionQuery *CDriverGL::createOcclusionQuery() { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_createOcclusionQuery) nlassert(_Extensions.NVOcclusionQuery); GLuint id; nglGenOcclusionQueriesNV(1, &id); if (id == 0) return NULL; COcclusionQueryGL *oqgl = new COcclusionQueryGL; oqgl->Driver = this; oqgl->ID = id; oqgl->OcclusionType = IOcclusionQuery::NotAvailable; _OcclusionQueryList.push_front(oqgl); oqgl->Iterator = _OcclusionQueryList.begin(); oqgl->VisibleCount = 0; return oqgl; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::deleteOcclusionQuery(IOcclusionQuery *oq) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_deleteOcclusionQuery) if (!oq) return; COcclusionQueryGL *oqgl = NLMISC::safe_cast(oq); nlassert((CDriverGL *) oqgl->Driver == this); // should come from the same driver oqgl->Driver = NULL; nlassert(oqgl->ID != 0); GLuint id = oqgl->ID; nglDeleteOcclusionQueriesNV(1, &id); _OcclusionQueryList.erase(oqgl->Iterator); if (oqgl == _CurrentOcclusionQuery) { _CurrentOcclusionQuery = NULL; } delete oqgl; } // *************************************************************************** void COcclusionQueryGL::begin() { H_AUTO_OGL(COcclusionQueryGL_begin) nlassert(Driver); nlassert(Driver->_CurrentOcclusionQuery == NULL); // only one query at a time nlassert(ID); nglBeginOcclusionQueryNV(ID); Driver->_CurrentOcclusionQuery = this; OcclusionType = NotAvailable; VisibleCount = 0; } // *************************************************************************** void COcclusionQueryGL::end() { H_AUTO_OGL(COcclusionQueryGL_end) nlassert(Driver); nlassert(Driver->_CurrentOcclusionQuery == this); // only one query at a time nlassert(ID); nglEndOcclusionQueryNV(); Driver->_CurrentOcclusionQuery = NULL; } // *************************************************************************** IOcclusionQuery::TOcclusionType COcclusionQueryGL::getOcclusionType() { H_AUTO_OGL(COcclusionQueryGL_getOcclusionType) nlassert(Driver); nlassert(ID); nlassert(Driver->_CurrentOcclusionQuery != this); // can't query result between a begin/end pair! if (OcclusionType == NotAvailable) { GLuint result; // retrieve result nglGetOcclusionQueryuivNV(ID, GL_PIXEL_COUNT_AVAILABLE_NV, &result); if (result != GL_FALSE) { nglGetOcclusionQueryuivNV(ID, GL_PIXEL_COUNT_NV, &result); OcclusionType = result != 0 ? NotOccluded : Occluded; VisibleCount = (uint) result; // Note : we could return the exact number of pixels that passed the z-test, but this value is not supported by all implementation (Direct3D ...) } } return OcclusionType; } // *************************************************************************** uint COcclusionQueryGL::getVisibleCount() { H_AUTO_OGL(COcclusionQueryGL_getVisibleCount) nlassert(Driver); nlassert(ID); nlassert(Driver->_CurrentOcclusionQuery != this); // can't query result between a begin/end pair! if (getOcclusionType() == NotAvailable) return 0; return VisibleCount; } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::setDepthRange(float znear, float zfar) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setDepthRange) _DriverGLStates.setDepthRange(znear, zfar); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::getDepthRange(float &znear, float &zfar) const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_getDepthRange) _DriverGLStates.getDepthRange(znear, zfar); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::setCullMode(TCullMode cullMode) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_setCullMode) _DriverGLStates.setCullMode((CDriverGLStates::TCullMode) cullMode); } // *************************************************************************** CDriverGL::TCullMode CDriverGL::getCullMode() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_CDriverGL) return (CDriverGL::TCullMode) _DriverGLStates.getCullMode(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::enableStencilTest(bool enable) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_CDriverGL) _DriverGLStates.enableStencilTest(enable); } // *************************************************************************** bool CDriverGL::isStencilTestEnabled() const { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_CDriverGL) return _DriverGLStates.isStencilTestEnabled(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::stencilFunc(TStencilFunc stencilFunc, int ref, uint mask) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_CDriverGL) GLenum glstencilFunc; switch(stencilFunc) { case IDriver::never: glstencilFunc=GL_NEVER; break; case IDriver::less: glstencilFunc=GL_LESS; break; case IDriver::lessequal: glstencilFunc=GL_LEQUAL; break; case IDriver::equal: glstencilFunc=GL_EQUAL; break; case IDriver::notequal: glstencilFunc=GL_NOTEQUAL; break; case IDriver::greaterequal: glstencilFunc=GL_GEQUAL; break; case IDriver::greater: glstencilFunc=GL_GREATER; break; case IDriver::always: glstencilFunc=GL_ALWAYS; break; default: nlstop; } _DriverGLStates.stencilFunc(glstencilFunc, (GLint)ref, (GLuint)mask); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::stencilOp(TStencilOp fail, TStencilOp zfail, TStencilOp zpass) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_CDriverGL) GLenum glFail, glZFail, glZPass; switch(fail) { case IDriver::keep: glFail=GL_KEEP; break; case IDriver::zero: glFail=GL_ZERO; break; case IDriver::replace: glFail=GL_REPLACE; break; case IDriver::incr: glFail=GL_INCR; break; case IDriver::decr: glFail=GL_DECR; break; case IDriver::invert: glFail=GL_INVERT; break; default: nlstop; } switch(zfail) { case IDriver::keep: glZFail=GL_KEEP; break; case IDriver::zero: glZFail=GL_ZERO; break; case IDriver::replace: glZFail=GL_REPLACE; break; case IDriver::incr: glZFail=GL_INCR; break; case IDriver::decr: glZFail=GL_DECR; break; case IDriver::invert: glZFail=GL_INVERT; break; default: nlstop; } switch(zpass) { case IDriver::keep: glZPass=GL_KEEP; break; case IDriver::zero: glZPass=GL_ZERO; break; case IDriver::replace: glZPass=GL_REPLACE; break; case IDriver::incr: glZPass=GL_INCR; break; case IDriver::decr: glZPass=GL_DECR; break; case IDriver::invert: glZPass=GL_INVERT; break; default: nlstop; } _DriverGLStates.stencilOp(glFail, glZFail, glZPass); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::stencilMask(uint mask) { H_AUTO_OGL(CDriverGL_CDriverGL) _DriverGLStates.stencilMask((GLuint)mask); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::getNumPerStageConstant(uint &lightedMaterial, uint &unlightedMaterial) const { lightedMaterial = inlGetNumTextStages(); unlightedMaterial = inlGetNumTextStages(); } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::beginDialogMode() { } // *************************************************************************** void CDriverGL::endDialogMode() { } } // NL3D void displayGLError(GLenum error) { switch(error) { case GL_NO_ERROR: nlwarning("GL_NO_ERROR"); break; case GL_INVALID_ENUM: nlwarning("GL_INVALID_ENUM"); break; case GL_INVALID_VALUE: nlwarning("GL_INVALID_VALUE"); break; case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: nlwarning("GL_INVALID_OPERATION"); break; case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: nlwarning("GL_STACK_OVERFLOW"); break; case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: nlwarning("GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW"); break; case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: nlwarning("GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY"); break; default: nlwarning("GL_ERROR"); break; } }