// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "npc_description_msg.h"
#include "ai.h"
#include "ai_instance.h"
#include "ai_mgr.h"
#include "game_share/pvp_clan.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
CNpcChatProfileImp::CNpcChatProfileImp(const CNpcChatProfileImp &other0,const CNpcChatProfileImp &other1)
: CNpcChatProfile(static_cast(other0), static_cast(other1))
CNpcChatProfileImp CNpcChatProfileImp::combineChatProfile(const CNpcChatProfileImp &referenceChat, const CNpcChatProfileImp ¤tChat)
CNpcChatProfileImp newProfile;
newProfile._ExplicitSales = referenceChat._ExplicitSales;
// vector< RYMSG::TExplicitSale >::const_iterator first(referenceChat._ExplicitSales.begin()), last(referenceChat._ExplicitSales.end());
// for (; first != last; ++first)
// {
//// if (find(currentChat._shopItemTypesNegators.begin(), currentChat._shopItemTypesNegators.end(), *first) == currentChat._shopItemTypesNegators.end())
//// {
// // also check quality
//// uint index = first - referenceChat._shopItemTypes.begin();
//// uint32 quality = referenceChat._shopItemQualities[index];
//// if (find(currentChat._shopItemQualitiesNegators.begin(), currentChat._shopItemQualitiesNegators.end(), quality) == currentChat._shopItemQualitiesNegators.end())
//// {
// newProfile._ExplicitSales.push_back(first);
// newProfile._shopItemTypes.push_back(*first);
// newProfile._shopItemQualities.push_back(currentChat._shopItemQualities[index]);
// newProfile._shopItemPrices.push_back(currentChat._shopItemPrices[index]);
// newProfile._shopItemFactionTypes.push_back(currentChat._shopItemFactionTypes[index]);
// newProfile._shopItemFactionPointPrices.push_back(currentChat._shopItemFactionPointPrices[index]);
//// }
//// }
// }
newProfile._ShopTypes = referenceChat._ShopTypes;
// std::vector::const_iterator first(referenceChat._shopTypes.begin()), last(referenceChat._shopTypes.end());
// for (; first != last; ++first)
// {
//// if (find(currentChat._shopTypesNegators.begin(), currentChat._shopTypesNegators.end(), *first) == currentChat._shopTypesNegators.end())
//// {
// newProfile._shopTypes.push_back(*first);
//// }
// }
newProfile._Missions = referenceChat._Missions;
// std::vector::const_iterator first(referenceChat._missions.begin()), last(referenceChat._missions.end());
// for (; first != last; ++first)
// {
//// if (find(currentChat._missionsNegators.begin(), currentChat._missionsNegators.end(), *first) == currentChat._missionsNegators.end())
//// {
// newProfile._missions.push_back(*first);
//// }
// }
// this properties are read from current chat profile...
newProfile._CellZones = currentChat._CellZones;
newProfile._NewsChannels = currentChat._NewsChannels;
// newProfile._GuildCreator = currentChat._GuildCreator;
newProfile._WelcomePhrase = currentChat._WelcomePhrase;
newProfile._WebPage = currentChat._WebPage;
newProfile._WebPageName = currentChat._WebPageName;
// newProfile._ExplicitActionTradeList = currentChat._ExplicitActionTradeList;
newProfile._FilterExplicitActionTradeByPlayerRace = currentChat._FilterExplicitActionTradeByPlayerRace;
newProfile._ExplicitActionSPType = currentChat._ExplicitActionSPType;
newProfile._FilterExplicitActionTradeByBotRace = currentChat._FilterExplicitActionTradeByBotRace;
// this properties are directly merged
newProfile._OptionalProperties = referenceChat._OptionalProperties;
newProfile._OptionalProperties.insert(newProfile._OptionalProperties.end(), currentChat._OptionalProperties.begin(), currentChat._OptionalProperties.end());
return newProfile;
// Management of shop type names
static std::vector ShopTypeNames;
static std::map ShopNameAliases;
// try to add an entry corresponding to shop name 'name' to vector 'shopList'
static bool LookupShopType(std::string name,std::vector &shopList)
static bool init=false;
// if this is the first call to the routine go and read the config file that contains the shop list
if (!init)
NLMISC::CConfigFile ShopConfigFile;
const string path = NLMISC::CPath::lookup( "shop_category.cfg", false, true, true );
if (path.empty())
return false;
ShopConfigFile.load( path );
// read the vector of shop names (in their long hand format)
CConfigFile::CVar& cvShopType = ShopConfigFile.getVar("ShopCategory");
uint i;
for ( i=0; i < cvShopType.size(); ++i )
if ( cvShopType.asString(i) != "" )
// make sure the string doesn't turn up more than once in input data
for (uint j=0;j shop_category.cfg or ShopCategory not found, no shop base type intialized...");
// deal with multi-part strings
std::string clause,tail;
if (!tail.empty())
bool result=true;
result = LookupShopType(clause,shopList) && result;
while (result && AI_SHARE::stringToKeywordAndTail(tail,clause,tail));
return result;
// lookup the name in the alias map - if found use the alias (may be multi-part)
if (ShopNameAliases.find(name)!=ShopNameAliases.end())
return LookupShopType(ShopNameAliases[name],shopList);
// look through the names vector for a name match
for (uint i=0;i &ShopCategories,
const std::vector &ItemTypesForSale,
const std::vector &MissionIds)
std::string s;
if (!ShopCategories.empty())
if (ShopCategories[0]>=ShopTypeNames.size())
s+=NLMISC::toString(" shopTypes(%s",ShopTypeNames[ShopCategories[0]].c_str());
for (uint i=1;i=ShopTypeNames.size())
if (!ItemTypesForSale.empty())
s+=NLMISC::toString(" shopTypes(%u",ItemTypesForSale[0].toString().c_str());
for (uint i=1;i priceInfos;
CVectorSString parts;
tail.splitBySeparator(';', parts);
RYMSG::TExplicitSale sale;
// read the parts
for (uint i=0; ifindMissionAlias(_missionsNegators, tail);
// if (_missionsNegators.empty())
// nlwarning("Can't found alias for mission '%s' !", tail.c_str());
// return true;
// }
// welcome message
if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(keyword, "welcome")==0)
if (!_WelcomePhrase.empty())
nlwarning("Welcome phrase ('%s') already set in chat ! Overwriting with '%s'", _WelcomePhrase.c_str(), tail.c_str());
_WelcomePhrase = tail;
// web page
if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(keyword, "web")==0)
if (!_WebPage.empty())
nlwarning("Web Page ('%s') already set in chat ! Overwriting with '%s'", _WebPage.c_str(), tail.c_str());
// split to webpage name and the true webpage
AI_SHARE::stringToWordAndTail(tail, _WebPageName, tail);
_WebPage = tail;
// guild creator
if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(keyword, "guild")==0)
BOMB("No more supported option", return false);
// _GuildCreator = tail == "true" || tail == "1" || tail =="on";
// return true;
// dynamic mission cell zones names
if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(keyword, "dyn_mis") == 0)
string word;
while (AI_SHARE::stringToWordAndTail(tail, word, tail))
_DynamicMissionGiver = true;
return true;
// news channel names
if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(keyword, "news") == 0)
string word;
while (AI_SHARE::stringToWordAndTail(tail, word, tail))
if (_NewsChannels.empty())
// no channels name, push an empty string to tag that we must use the local info channel (ie outpost or sector)
return true;
// context menu entry
if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(keyword, "menu") == 0)
string title;
while (AI_SHARE::stringToWordAndTail(tail, title, tail))
string detail;
if (!AI_SHARE::stringToWordAndTail(tail, detail, tail))
nlwarning("Mission detail string ID in 'menu' entry for title '%s'", title.c_str());
return false;
RYMSG::TContextOption co;
return true;
// outpost entry
if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(keyword, "outpost") == 0)
string word;
while (AI_SHARE::stringToWordAndTail(tail, word, tail))
_Outpost = NLMISC::CSheetId(word+".outpost");
return true;
// organization entry
if (NLMISC::nlstricmp(keyword, "organization") == 0)
NLMISC::fromString(tail, _Organization);
return true;
// if no match found throw an error
return false;
void TGenNpcDescMsgImp::setChat(const CNpcChatProfileImp& chatProfile)
_MissionIds = chatProfile.getMissions();
_ExplicitSales = chatProfile.getExplicitSales();
// ItemTypesForSale = chatProfile.getShopItemTypes();
// ItemQualitiesForSale = chatProfile.getShopItemQualities();
// ItemPrices = chatProfile.getShopItemPrices();
// ItemFactionType = chatProfile.getShopItemFactionTypes();
// ItemFactionPointPrice = chatProfile.getShopItemFactionPointPrices();
_ShopCategories = chatProfile.getShopTypes();
// NamedItemName = chatProfile.getShopNamedItemNames();
// NamedItemPrice = chatProfile.getShopNamedItemPrices();
// NamedItemFactionType = chatProfile.getShopNamedItemFactionTypes();
// NamedItemFactionPointPrice = chatProfile.getShopNamedItemFactionPointPrices();
// ExplicitActionTradeList = chatProfile.getExplicitActionTradeList();
_FilterExplicitActionTradeByPlayerRace = chatProfile.getFilterExplicitActionTradeByPlayerRace();
_ExplicitActionSPType = chatProfile.getExplicitActionSPType();
_FilterExplicitActionTradeByBotRace = chatProfile.getFilterExplicitActionTradeByBotRace();
_WelcomePhrase = chatProfile.getWelcomePhrase();
_WebPage = chatProfile.getWebPage();
_WebPageName = chatProfile.getWebPageName();
// _GuildCreator = chatProfile.getGuildCreator() ();
_DynamicMissionGiver = chatProfile.getDynamicMissionGiver(); //!chatProfile.getCellZones().empty();
_NewsChannels = chatProfile.getNewsChannels();
_ContextOptions = chatProfile.getContextOptions();
// ContextOptionsTitles = chatProfile.getContextOptionsTitles();
// ContextOptionsDetails = chatProfile.getContextOptionsDetails();
// As I don't remembre why I did an insert instead of an affectation I let it commented here.
// vector const& chatOptionalProperties = chatProfile.getOptionalProperties();
// OptionalProperties.insert(OptionalProperties.end(), chatOptionalProperties.begin(), chatOptionalProperties.end());
_OptionalProperties = chatProfile.getOptionalProperties();
_Outpost = chatProfile.getOutpost();
_Organization = chatProfile.getOrganization();