Ryzom Account Management System
Todo List
Member Helpers ()
for the drupal module it might be possible that drupal_mkdir needs to be used instead of mkdir, also this should be in the install.php instead.
Member Mail_Handler (&$structure)
take care of the HTML part of incoming emails.
Class Querycache
make sure that the querycache class is being used by the sync class and also for inserting the queries themselfs into it. Atm this class isn't used yet if I remember correctly
Member Ticket ($ticket_id, $newStatus, $newPriority, $author)
break this function up into a updateStatus (already exists) and updatePriority function and perhaps write a wrapper function for the combo.
Member Ticket_Log ($ticket_id)
only use one of the 2 comparable functions in the future and make the other depricated.
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