* noty - jQuery Notification Plugin v1.2.1
* Contributors: https://github.com/needim/noty/graphs/contributors
* Examples and Documentation - http://needim.github.com/noty/
* Licensed under the MIT licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
(function($) {
	$.noty = function(options, customContainer) {

		var base = {};
		var $noty = null;
		var isCustom = false;

		base.init = function(options) {
			base.options = $.extend({}, $.noty.defaultOptions, options);
			base.options.type = base.options.cssPrefix+base.options.type;
			base.options.id = base.options.type+'_'+new Date().getTime();
			base.options.layout = base.options.cssPrefix+'layout_'+base.options.layout;

			if (base.options.custom.container) customContainer = base.options.custom.container;
			isCustom = ($.type(customContainer) === 'object') ? true : false;

			return base.addQueue();

		// Push notification to queue
		base.addQueue = function() {
			var isGrowl = ($.inArray(base.options.layout, $.noty.growls) == -1) ? false : true;
	  	if (!isGrowl) (base.options.force) ? $.noty.queue.unshift({options: base.options}) : $.noty.queue.push({options: base.options});
	  	return base.render(isGrowl);

		// Render the noty
		base.render = function(isGrowl) {

			// Layout spesific container settings
			var container = (isCustom) ? customContainer.addClass(base.options.theme+' '+base.options.layout+' noty_custom_container') : $('body');
	  	if (isGrowl) {
	  		if ($('ul.noty_cont.' + base.options.layout).length == 0)
	  			container.prepend($('<ul/>').addClass('noty_cont ' + base.options.layout));
	  		container = $('ul.noty_cont.' + base.options.layout);
	  	} else {
	  		if ($.noty.available) {
					var fromQueue = $.noty.queue.shift(); // Get noty from queue
					if ($.type(fromQueue) === 'object') {
						$.noty.available = false;
						base.options = fromQueue.options;
					} else {
						$.noty.available = true; // Queue is over
						return base.options.id;
	  		} else {
	  			return base.options.id;
	  	base.container = container;

	  	// Generating noty bar
	  	base.bar = $('<div class="noty_bar"/>').attr('id', base.options.id).addClass(base.options.theme+' '+base.options.layout+' '+base.options.type);
	  	$noty = base.bar;
	  	$noty.data('noty_options', base.options);

	  	// Close button display
	  	(base.options.closeButton) ? $noty.addClass('noty_closable').find('.noty_close').show() : $noty.find('.noty_close').remove();

	  	// Bind close event to button
	  	$noty.find('.noty_close').bind('click', function() { $noty.trigger('noty.close'); });

	  	// If we have a button we must disable closeOnSelfClick and closeOnSelfOver option
	  	if (base.options.buttons) base.options.closeOnSelfClick = base.options.closeOnSelfOver = false;
	  	// Close on self click
	  	if (base.options.closeOnSelfClick) $noty.bind('click', function() { $noty.trigger('noty.close'); }).css('cursor', 'pointer');
	  	// Close on self mouseover
	  	if (base.options.closeOnSelfOver) $noty.bind('mouseover', function() { $noty.trigger('noty.close'); }).css('cursor', 'pointer');

	  	// Set buttons if available
	  	if (base.options.buttons) {
				$buttons = $('<div/>').addClass('noty_buttons');
				$.each(base.options.buttons, function(i, button) {
					bclass = (button.type) ? button.type : 'gray';
					$button = $('<button/>').addClass(bclass).html(button.text).appendTo($noty.find('.noty_buttons'))
					.bind('click', function() {
						if ($.isFunction(button.click)) {
							button.click.call($button, $noty);

	  	return base.show(isGrowl);

		base.show = function(isGrowl) {

			// is Modal?
			if (base.options.modal) $('<div/>').addClass('noty_modal').addClass(base.options.theme).prependTo($('body')).fadeIn('fast');

			$noty.close = function() { return this.trigger('noty.close'); };

			// Prepend noty to container
			(isGrowl) ? base.container.prepend($('<li/>').append($noty)) : base.container.prepend($noty);

	  	// topCenter and center specific options
	  	if (base.options.layout == 'noty_layout_topCenter' || base.options.layout == 'noty_layout_center') {

	  	$noty.bind('noty.setText', function(event, text) {
	  		if (base.options.layout == 'noty_layout_topCenter' || base.options.layout == 'noty_layout_center') {

	  	$noty.bind('noty.setType', function(event, type) {

			type = $noty.data('noty_options').cssPrefix+type;

			$noty.data('noty_options').type = type;

	  		if (base.options.layout == 'noty_layout_topCenter' || base.options.layout == 'noty_layout_center') {

	  	$noty.bind('noty.getId', function(event) {
	  		return $noty.data('noty_options').id;

	  	// Bind close event
	  	$noty.one('noty.close', function(event) {
				var options = $noty.data('noty_options');

				// Modal Cleaning
				if (options.modal) $('.noty_modal').fadeOut('fast', function() { $(this).remove(); });

				.promise().done(function() {

					// Layout spesific cleaning
					if ($.inArray($noty.data('noty_options').layout, $.noty.growls) > -1) {
					} else {

						// queue render
						$.noty.available = true;


	  	// Start the show
	  	$noty.animate(base.options.animateOpen, base.options.speed, base.options.easing, base.options.onShown);

	  	// If noty is have a timeout option
	  	if (base.options.timeout) $noty.delay(base.options.timeout).promise().done(function() { $noty.trigger('noty.close'); });
			return base.options.id;

		// Run initializer
		return base.init(options);

	// API
	$.noty.get = function(id) { return $('#'+id); };
	$.noty.close = function(id) {
		//remove from queue if not already visible
		for(var i=0;i<$.noty.queue.length;) {
		//close if already visible
	$.noty.setText = function(id, text) {
		$.noty.get(id).trigger('noty.setText', text);
	$.noty.setType = function(id, type) {
		$.noty.get(id).trigger('noty.setType', type);
	$.noty.closeAll = function() {
	$.noty.reCenter = function(noty) {
		noty.css({'left': ($(window).width() - noty.outerWidth()) / 2 + 'px'});
	$.noty.clearQueue = function() {
		$.noty.queue = [];
  var windowAlert = window.alert;
  $.noty.consumeAlert = function(options){
    window.alert = function(text){
      if(options){options.text = text;}
      else{options = {text:text};}
  $.noty.stopConsumeAlert = function(){
    window.alert = windowAlert;

	$.noty.queue = [];
	$.noty.growls = ['noty_layout_topLeft', 'noty_layout_topRight', 'noty_layout_bottomLeft', 'noty_layout_bottomRight'];
	$.noty.available = true;
	$.noty.defaultOptions = {
		layout: 'top',
		theme: 'noty_theme_default',
		animateOpen: {height: 'toggle'},
		animateClose: {height: 'toggle'},
		easing: 'swing',
		text: '',
		type: 'alert',
		speed: 500,
		timeout: 5000,
		closeButton: false,
		closeOnSelfClick: true,
		closeOnSelfOver: false,
		force: false,
		onShow: false,
		onShown: false,
		onClose: false,
		onClosed: false,
		buttons: false,
		modal: false,
		template: '<div class="noty_message"><span class="noty_text"></span><div class="noty_close"></div></div>',
		cssPrefix: 'noty_',
		custom: {
			container: null

	$.fn.noty = function(options) {
		return this.each(function() {
			 (new $.noty(options, $(this)));


function noty(options) {
	return jQuery.noty(options); // returns an id