
392 lines
11 KiB

// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdnet.h"
#include "nel/net/callback_client.h"
#include "nel/net/callback_server.h"
#include "nel/net/naming_client.h"
#include "nel/net/message.h"
#include "nel/net/unitime.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace std;
namespace NLNET
TTime _CUniTime::_SyncUniTime = 0;
TTime _CUniTime::_SyncLocalTime = 0;
bool _CUniTime::_Simulate = false;
bool _CUniTime::Sync = false;
void _CUniTime::setUniTime (NLMISC::TTime /* uTime */, NLMISC::TTime /* lTime */)
/* if (Sync)
TTime lt = getLocalTime ();
TTime delta = uTime - lTime + _SyncLocalTime - _SyncUniTime;
nlinfo ("_CUniTime::setUniTime(%"NL_I64"d, %"NL_I64"d): Resyncing delta %"NL_I64"dms",uTime,lTime,delta);
nlinfo ("_CUniTime::setUniTime(%"NL_I64"d, %"NL_I64"d)",uTime,lTime);
Sync = true;
_SyncUniTime = uTime;
_SyncLocalTime = lTime;
void _CUniTime::setUniTime (NLMISC::TTime /* uTime */)
// setUniTime (uTime, getLocalTime ());
TTime _CUniTime::getUniTime ()
return 0;
/* if (!Sync)
nlerror ("called getUniTime before calling syncUniTimeFromServer");
return getLocalTime () - (_SyncLocalTime - _SyncUniTime);
const char *_CUniTime::getStringUniTime ()
return getStringUniTime(_CUniTime::getUniTime());
const char *_CUniTime::getStringUniTime (TTime ut)
static char str[512];
uint32 ms = (uint32) (ut % 1000); // time in ms 1000ms dans 1s
ut /= 1000;
uint32 s = (uint32) (ut % 60); // time in seconds 60s dans 1mn
ut /= 60;
uint32 m = (uint32) (ut % 60); // time in minutes 60m dans 1h
ut /= 60;
uint32 h = (uint32) (ut % 9); // time in hours 9h dans 1j
ut /= 9;
uint32 day = (uint32) (ut % (8*4)); // time in days 8day dans 1month
ut /= 8;
uint32 week = (uint32) (ut % 4); // time in weeks 4week dans 1month
ut /= 4;
uint32 month = (uint32) (ut % 12); // time in months 12month dans 1year
ut /= 12;
uint year = (uint32) ut; // time in years
smprintf (str, 512, "%02d/%02d/%04d (week %d) %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", day+1, month+1, year+1, week+1, h, m, s, ms);
return str;
/////////////// SYNCHRONISATION BETWEEN TIME SERVICE AND OTHER SERVICES ////////////////////////////
static bool GetUniversalTime;
static uint32 GetUniversalTimeSecondsSince1970;
static TTime GetUniversalTimeUniTime;
static void cbGetUniversalTime (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase)
// get the association between a date and unitime
msgin.serial (GetUniversalTimeSecondsSince1970);
msgin.serial (GetUniversalTimeUniTime);
GetUniversalTime = true;
/******************* THE FOLLOWING CODE IS COMMENTED OUT *******/
static TCallbackItem UniTimeCallbackArray[] =
{ "GUT", cbGetUniversalTime }
void _CUniTime::syncUniTimeFromService (CCallbackNetBase::TRecordingState /* rec */, const CInetAddress * /* addr */)
/******************* THE FOLLOWING CODE IS COMMENTED OUT *******/
TTime deltaAdjust, lt;
uint32 firstsecond, nextsecond;
TTime before, after, delta;
// create a message with type in the full text format
CMessage msgout ("AUT");
CCallbackClient server( rec, "TS.nmr" );
server.addCallbackArray (UniTimeCallbackArray, sizeof (UniTimeCallbackArray) / sizeof (UniTimeCallbackArray[0]));
if (addr == NULL)
CNamingClient::lookupAndConnect ("TS", server);
server.connect (*addr);
if (!server.connected()) goto error;
server.send (msgout);
// before time
before = CTime::getLocalTime ();
// receive the answer
GetUniversalTime = false;
while (!GetUniversalTime)
if (!server.connected()) goto error;
server.update ();
nlSleep( 0 );
// after, before and delta is not used. It's only for information purpose.
after = CTime::getLocalTime ();
delta = after - before;
nlinfo ("_CUniTime::syncUniTimeFromService(): ping:%"NL_I64"dms, time:%ds, unitime:%"NL_I64"dms", delta, GetUniversalTimeSecondsSince1970, GetUniversalTimeUniTime);
// <-- from here to the "-->" comment, the block must be executed in less than one second or an infinite loop occurs
// get the second
firstsecond = CTime::getSecondsSince1970 ();
nextsecond = firstsecond+1;
// wait the next start of the second (take 100% of CPU to be more accurate)
while (nextsecond != CTime::getSecondsSince1970 ())
nlassert (CTime::getSecondsSince1970 () <= nextsecond);
// -->
// get the local time of the beginning of the next second
lt = CTime::getLocalTime ();
if ( ! _Simulate )
if (abs((sint32)((TTime)nextsecond - (TTime)GetUniversalTimeSecondsSince1970)) > 10)
nlerror ("the time delta (between me and the Time Service) is too big (more than 10s), servers aren't NTP synchronized");
goto error;
// compute the delta between the other side and our side number of second since 1970
deltaAdjust = ((TTime) nextsecond - (TTime) GetUniversalTimeSecondsSince1970) * 1000;
// adjust the unitime to the current localtime
GetUniversalTimeUniTime += deltaAdjust;
nlinfo ("_CUniTime::syncUniTimeFromService(): rtime:%ds, runitime:%"NL_I64"ds, rlocaltime:%"NL_I64"d, deltaAjust:%"NL_I64"dms", nextsecond, GetUniversalTimeUniTime, lt, deltaAdjust);
nlinfo ("_CUniTime::syncUniTimeFromService(): runitime:%"NL_I64"ds, rlocaltime:%"NL_I64"d", GetUniversalTimeUniTime, lt);
_CUniTime::setUniTime (GetUniversalTimeUniTime, lt);
server.disconnect ();
nlerror ("Time Service is not found, lost or can't synchronize universal time");
/////////////// SYNCHRONISATION BETWEEN CLIENT AND SHARD ///////////////////////////////////////////
// Server part
static void cbServerAskUniversalTime (CMessage& /* msgin */, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase)
TTime ut = _CUniTime::getUniTime ();
// afficher l adresse de celui qui demande
nlinfo("UT: Send the universal time %"NL_I64"d to '%s'", ut, netbase.hostAddress(from).asString().c_str());
CMessage msgout ("GUT");
msgout.serial (ut);
netbase.send (msgout, from);
TCallbackItem ServerTimeServiceCallbackArray[] =
{ "AUT", cbServerAskUniversalTime },
void _CUniTime::installServer (CCallbackServer *server)
static bool alreadyAddedCallback = false;
nlassert (server != NULL);
nlassert (!alreadyAddedCallback);
server->addCallbackArray (ServerTimeServiceCallbackArray, sizeof (ServerTimeServiceCallbackArray) / sizeof (ServerTimeServiceCallbackArray[0]));
alreadyAddedCallback = true;
// Client part
static bool GetClientUniversalTime;
static TTime GetClientUniversalTimeUniTime;
static void cbClientGetUniversalTime (CMessage &msgin, TSockId from, CCallbackNetBase &netbase)
// get the association between a date and unitime
msgin.serial (GetClientUniversalTimeUniTime);
GetClientUniversalTime = true;
/******************* THE FOLLOWING CODE IS COMMENTED OUT *******/
static TCallbackItem ClientUniTimeCallbackArray[] =
{ "GUT", cbClientGetUniversalTime }
void _CUniTime::syncUniTimeFromServer (CCallbackClient * /* client */)
/******************* THE FOLLOWING CODE IS COMMENTED OUT *******/
static bool alreadyAddedCallback = false;
nlassert (client != NULL);
if (!alreadyAddedCallback)
client->addCallbackArray (ClientUniTimeCallbackArray, sizeof (ClientUniTimeCallbackArray) / sizeof (ClientUniTimeCallbackArray[0]));
alreadyAddedCallback = true;
sint attempt = 0;
TTime bestdelta = 60000; // 1 minute
if (!client->connected ()) goto error;
while (attempt < 10)
CMessage msgout ("AUT");
if (!client->connected()) goto error;
// send the message
client->send (msgout);
// before time
TTime before = CTime::getLocalTime ();
// receive the answer
GetClientUniversalTime = false;
while (!GetClientUniversalTime)
if (!client->connected()) goto error;
client->update ();
TTime after = CTime::getLocalTime (), delta = after - before;
if (delta < 10 || delta < bestdelta)
bestdelta = delta;
_CUniTime::setUniTime (GetClientUniversalTimeUniTime, (before+after)/2);
if (delta < 10) break;
client->disconnect ();
nlinfo ("Universal time is %"NL_I64"dms with a mean error of %"NL_I64"dms", _CUniTime::getUniTime(), bestdelta/2);
nlwarning ("there's no connection or lost or can't synchronize universal time");
// Commands
NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(nel, time, "displays the universal time", "")
if(args.size() != 0) return false;
if ( _CUniTime::Sync )
log.displayNL ("CTime::getLocalTime(): %"NL_I64"dms, _CUniTime::getUniTime(): %"NL_I64"dms", CTime::getLocalTime (), _CUniTime::getUniTime ());
log.displayNL ("_CUniTime::getStringUniTime(): '%s'", _CUniTime::getStringUniTime());
log.displayNL ("CTime::getLocalTime(): %"NL_I64"dms <Universal time not sync>", CTime::getLocalTime ());
return true;
} // NLNET