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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef NL_ZONE_H
#define NL_ZONE_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h"
#include "nel/misc/stream.h"
#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
#include "nel/misc/bit_set.h"
#include "nel/3d/tessellation.h"
#include "nel/3d/patch.h"
#include "nel/3d/bezier_patch.h"
#include "nel/3d/point_light_named.h"
#include "nel/3d/point_light_named_array.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
namespace NL3D
class CZone;
class CLandscape;
class CZoneSymmetrisation;
class CTileBank;
using NLMISC::CAABBoxExt;
// ***************************************************************************
typedef std::map<uint16, CZone*> TZoneMap;
typedef std::map<uint16, CZone*>::iterator ItZoneMap;
// ***************************************************************************
* The struct for connectivity of zone vertices.
struct CBorderVertex
/* ***********************************************
* WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance
* It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance
* ***********************************************/
// The index of vertex in the current zone to bind.
uint16 CurrentVertex;
// The neighbor zone Id.
uint16 NeighborZoneId;
// The index of vertex in the neighbor zone to bind to CurrentVertex.
uint16 NeighborVertex;
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
// ***************************************************************************
* The struct for building a patch.
* NB: Different from the one which is stored.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
struct CPatchInfo
/* ***********************************************
* WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance
* It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance
* ***********************************************/
/** A bind Info on a edge of a patch.
* Entry 0 is only useful for Bind One/One+
* Entry 1 is only useful for Bind One/Two+
* Entry 2/3 is only useful for Bind One/Four.
struct CBindInfo
/** The number of patchs on this edge. 0,1, 2 or 4. 0 means no neigbor on this edge. \b 5 is a special code,
* which means the same thing than NPatchs==1, but "I am one of the little patch connected to the bigger neigbor".
* Like when NPatchs==1, ZoneId, Next[0] and Edge[0] must be valid.
uint8 NPatchs;
/// The neighbor zone of all neigbor patch. Often the same zone as the patch (but on zone border).
uint16 ZoneId;
/// The neighbor patch i.
uint16 Next[4];
/// On which edge of Nexti we are binded.
uint8 Edge[4];
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
CBindInfo() {NPatchs=0;}
/// \name Patch geometry.
// @{
/// The patch coordinates.
CBezierPatch Patch;
/// Tile Order for the patch.
uint8 OrderS, OrderT;
/// The Base Size*bumpiness of the patch (/2 at each subdivide). Set to 0, if you want CZone to compute it for you.
float ErrorSize;
/// The base corner vertices indices in the current zone. Used for patch connectivity.
uint16 BaseVertices[4];
/** "The don't smooth" flags. For each edge of the patch (0~3), the flag means that this patch mustn't be smoothed
with its neightbor. The n-th edge links the vertices "n" and "(n+1)%4". The flag for the n-th edge is (1<<n). */
uint8 Flags;
/// The orientation of the NoiseMap. 0,1,2,3. This represent a CCW rotation of the NoiseMap.
uint8 NoiseRotation;
/// setup NoiseSmooth flags: used for Noise geometry and lighting. NB: convention: corner0==A, corner1==B ...
void setCornerSmoothFlag(uint corner, bool smooth);
bool getCornerSmoothFlag(uint corner) const;
// @}
/// \name Patch texture.
// @{
/** The Tiles for this patch. There must be OrderS*OrderT tiles.
* They are stored in line first order, from S=0 to 1, and T=0 to 1.
std::vector<CTileElement> Tiles;
/** The Tile colors for this patch. There must be (OrderS+1)*(OrderT+1) tile colors. Those are the colors at
* the corners of the tiles.
* They are stored in line first order, from S=0 to 1, and T=0 to 1.
std::vector<CTileColor> TileColors;
/** The Tile lumels for this patch. There must be (OrderS*4+1)*(OrderT*4+1) tile lumels. Those are lumel value
* in tiles. There is 4x4 lumels by tiles plus last lumels.
* They are stored in line first order, from S=0 to 1, and T=0 to 1.
std::vector<uint8> Lumels;
/** There is (OrderS/2+1) * (OrderT/2+1) tiles light influence.
* It indicates which static pointLight influence each corner of a TessBlock (block of 2*2 tiles).
* If size()==0, suppose no light influence. but CZone::retrieve() always return a
* size() == (OrderS/2+1) * (OrderT/2+1).
* They are stored in line first order, from S=0 to 1, and T=0 to 1.
std::vector<CTileLightInfluence> TileLightInfluences;
// @}
/// \name Smooth flags methods
* Set the smooth flag for the n-th edge. flag is false if this edge must by smoothed, true else.
void setSmoothFlag (uint edge, bool flag)
// Erase it
// Set it
* Get the smooth flag for the n-th edge. Return true if this edge must by smoothed, false else.
bool getSmoothFlag (uint edge)
// Test it
return ((Flags&(1<<edge))!=0);
/** Get neighbor tile across a edge
* \param patchid is the id of this patch
* \param edge is the edge shared with the neigbor
* \param position is the position over the edge in CCW across the patch.
* So if edge == 0, position is oriented like OT
* So if edge == 1, position is oriented like OS
* So if edge == 2, position is oriented like -OT
* So if edge == 3, position is oriented like -OS
* \param patchOut will be filled with the output patch id
* \param sOut will be filled with the output patch s coordinate
* \param tOut will be filled with the output patch t coordinate
* \param patchInfos is the vector of all patch info
* \return false if no neighbor has been found or tile ratio is not the same than in this patch.
bool getNeighborTile (uint patchId, uint edge, sint position, uint &patchOut, sint &sOut, sint &tOut, const std::vector<CPatchInfo> &patchInfos) const;
/** Adjusts a CPatchInfo array to get a symmetrized / rotated zone with matching oriented tiles.
* This method only adjuste tile and vertex color array, does'nt transform vertices.
* Transform an array of patchInfo by a symmetry on OY axis followed by a 90deg CCW rotation (0, 1, 2, 3).
* The method doesn't transform vertices.
* If symmetry, the method invert 0-3 and 1-2 vertices indexes to get CCW oriented patches. It will fix bind information.
* The method fixes tile and color vertex arrays.
* The method fixes tile rotation, 256 cases and tile transistions.
* Return false if something wrong.
static bool transform (std::vector<CPatchInfo> &patchInfo, NL3D::CZoneSymmetrisation &zoneSymmetry, const NL3D::CTileBank &bank, bool symmetry, uint rotate, float snapCell, float weldThreshold, const NLMISC::CMatrix &toOriginalSpace);
// Transform tile and 256 case with rotation and symmetry parameters
static bool getTileSymmetryRotate (const NL3D::CTileBank &bank, uint tile, bool &symmetry, uint &rotate);
static bool transformTile (const NL3D::CTileBank &bank, uint &tile, uint &tileRotation, bool symmetry, uint rotate, bool goofy);
static void transform256Case (const NL3D::CTileBank &bank, uint8 &case256, uint tileRotation, bool symmetry, uint rotate, bool goofy);
/// \name Patch Binding.
// @{
CBindInfo BindEdges[4];
// @}
ErrorSize= 0;
// No Rotation / not smooth by default.
NoiseRotation= 0;
_CornerSmoothFlag= 0;
// Noise Smooth flags.
uint8 _CornerSmoothFlag;
// ***************************************************************************
* The struct for building a zone.
* NB: Different from the one which is stored.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
struct CZoneInfo
/// zoneId the Unique ID of this zone.
uint16 ZoneId;
/// patchs the PatchInfo of this zone.
std::vector<CPatchInfo> Patchs;
/** borderVertices vertices connectivity for this zone. NB: borderVertices must contains the connectivity
* across zones. It is VERY IMPORTANT to setup zone corner connectivity too. A "corner borderVertex" may appear
* 3 times here. One for each other zone of the corner.
std::vector<CBorderVertex> BorderVertices;
/** List of PointLights that may influences Patchs and objects walking on them.
* Must be of good size regarding to Patchs[i].TileLightInfluences data
std::vector<CPointLightNamed> PointLights;
// ***************************************************************************
* A landscape zone.
* There is 2 ways for building a zone:
* - use build(). (then you can use serial to save the zone, don't need to compile() the zone).
* - use serial() for loading this zone.
* Before a zone may be rendered, it must be compile()-ed, to compile and bind patch, to make vertices etc...
* NB: you must call release() before deleting a compiled zone. (else assert in destruction).
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2000
class CZone
// The stored patch structure for compile() - ation.
struct CPatchConnect
// NB: same meanings than in CPatchInfo.
uint8 OldOrderS, OldOrderT;
float ErrorSize;
uint16 BaseVertices[4];
CPatchInfo::CBindInfo BindEdges[4];
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
/* ***********************************************
* WARNING: This Class/Method must be thread-safe (ctor/dtor/serial): no static access for instance
* It can be loaded/called through CAsyncFileManager for instance
* ***********************************************/
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
/** Build a zone.
* This method do:
* - compress the patchs coordinates.
* - build the patchs of the zone, but doesn't compile() them.
* - compress Lumels.
* - sort PointLights by name, and hence remap TileLightInfluences coordinates.
* NB: cannot build on a compiled zone. must release the zone before....
* \param numVertices maximize the numgber of vertices used by this zone with this value.
void build(const CZoneInfo &zoneInfo, uint32 numVertices=0);
/** Build a zone. Deprecated.
* Should use build(CZoneInfo &) instead. see this method
void build(uint16 zoneId, const std::vector<CPatchInfo> &patchs, const std::vector<CBorderVertex> &borderVertices, uint32 numVertices=0);
/** Build a copy of a zone.
* This method do a copy of zone (should be builded but maybe not compiled).
* NB: cannot build on a compiled zone. must release the zone before....
void build(const CZone &zone);
/** Retrieve zone patchinfo.
* This method uncompress the patchs coordinates and all info into the patch info/borderVertices.
* Warning!!! Due to compression, data won't be the same as those given in build().
* Same remark for TileLightInfluences, due to light sorting.
void retrieve(CZoneInfo &zoneInfo);
/** Retrieve zone patchinfo. Deprecated.
* Should use retrieve(CZoneInfo &) instead. see this method.
void retrieve(std::vector<CPatchInfo> &patchs, std::vector<CBorderVertex> &borderVertices);
/** Debug a zone, print binds in display.
void debugBinds(FILE *f= stdout);
/** Compile a zone. Make it usable for clip()/refine()/render().
* This method do:
* - attach this to loadedZones.
* - create/link the base vertices (internal..), according to present neigbor zones.
* - compile() the patchs.
* - bind() the patchs.
* - rebindBorder() on neighbor zones.
* A zone must keep a pointer on a landscape, for texture management.
* NB: assert if already compiled.
* assert if zone already exist in loadedZones.
void compile(CLandscape *landscape, TZoneMap &loadedZones);
/** Release a zone.
* This method do:
* - detach this zone to loadedZones.
* - destroy/unlink the base vertices (internal..), according to present neigbor zones.
* - unbind() the patchs.
* - release() the patchs.
* - rebindBorder() on neighbor zones.
* NB: no-op if not compiled.
void release(TZoneMap &loadedZones);
/** Load/save a zone.
* Save work even if zone is not compiled, but load must be done on a not compiled zone...
void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f);
* Update and refresh a patch texture.
* Useful for Tile edition. Even if patch is in tile mode, it is refreshed...
* \param numPatch the index of patch in this zone which will receive his new texture. assert if bad id.
* \param tiles the patch texture. assert if not of good size (OrderS*OrderT). Can be NULL if you don't want to change the patch texture.
* \param colors the patch texture. assert if not of good size ((OrderS+1)*(OrderT+1)). Can be NULL if you don't want to change the patch colors.
void changePatchTextureAndColor (sint numPatch, const std::vector<CTileElement> *tiles, const std::vector<CTileColor> *colors);
* refresh the geometry (re-compute vertices).
* Useful for Tile Noise edition. Do it after calling changePatchTextureAndColor().
* NB: a refreshTesselationGeometry() should be done on All patchs, and all direct neighbors of this patch (including
* patchs on corners).
* WARNING: specially coded for Tile edition. Result is not perfect:
* - only EndPos of tesselation is modified. because Tile edition always subdivide at max.
* - Pos=EndPos. because TileEdition always subdivide at max, and don't refine...
* - TessBlocks BSphere may be too big. Clip is worse (too big), but doesn't matter.
* \param numPatch the index of patch in this zone. assert if bad id.
void refreshTesselationGeometry(sint numPatch);
* Get a patch texture.
* Return the tile array.
* \param numPatch the index of patch in this zone which will get his texture. assert if bad id.
* \param
* \return The tiles the patch texture. The size should be OrderS*OrderT.
* \see getPatch()
const std::vector<CTileElement> &getPatchTexture(sint numPatch) const;
* Get a patch colors
* Return the color array.
* \param numPatch the index of patch in this zone which will get his colors. assert if bad id.
* \param
* \return The tiles the patch colors. The size should be (OrderS+1)*(OrderT+1).
* \see getPatch()
const std::vector<CTileColor> &getPatchColor(sint numPatch) const;
* Set the zone tile color to monochrome or not and apply multiplier factor
* Set all tile colors of all patch of this zone to monochrome or not and apply a multiplier factor
* convertion to monochrome is done by that formula : newR = newG = newB = 0.28 * R + 0.59 * G + 0.13 * B;
* for monochrome the factor is applied like for the color mode
void setTileColor(bool monochrome, float factor);
* Get the landscape in which is placed this zone. If no landscape, return NULL.
* \return the pointer of the landscape of the zone or NULL if the zone hasn't be compiled.
CLandscape* getLandscape () const
return Landscape;
// NB: for all those function, CTessFace static rendering context must be setup.
/// Clip a zone. To know if must be rendered etc... A zone is IN if in BACK of at least one plane of the pyramid.
void clip(const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid);
/// PreRender a zone (if needed).
void preRender();
// release Far render pass/reset Tile/Far render. Delete also VB, and FaceVectors
void resetRenderFarAndDeleteVBFV();
/// For changing TileMaxSubdivision. force tesselation to be under tile.
void forceMergeAtTileLevel();
/// force Refine a zone.
void refineAll();
/// This is especially for Pacs. exlude a patch to be refineAll()ed.
void excludePatchFromRefineAll(uint patch, bool exclude);
/** This is especially for Pacs. see CLandscape desc.
void averageTesselationVertices();
// Accessors.
const CVector &getPatchBias() const {return PatchBias;}
float getPatchScale() const {return PatchScale;}
bool compiled() const {return Compiled;}
uint16 getZoneId() const {return ZoneId;}
sint getNumPatchs() const {return (sint)Patchs.size();}
// Return the Bounding Box of the zone.
const CAABBoxExt &getZoneBB() const {return ZoneBB;}
* Get a read only patch pointer.
* \param patch the index of patch to get.
* \return A patch pointer in read only.
const CPatch *getPatch(sint patch) const {nlassert(patch>=0 && patch<(sint)Patchs.size()); return &(Patchs[patch]);}
* Get a read only patch connect pointer.
* \param patch the index of patch to get.
* \return A patch pointer in read only.
const CPatchConnect *getPatchConnect(sint patch) const
{nlassert(patch>=0 && patch<(sint)Patchs.size()); return &(PatchConnects[patch]);}
/** apply a landscape heightfield on a zone (modification of Z control points values).
* NB: this is done in Landscape addZone(), before compile().
* \param landScape the landscape which gives Z delta values, for a x,y point.
void applyHeightField(const CLandscape &landScape);
/** Debug purpose only : setup the colors of the patch of this zone so that it shows which tiles
* have vegetable disabled, or are above, below water.
* User provides a table with 4 colors for each state :
* color 0 = above water
* color 1 = underwater
* color 2 = intersect water
* color 3 = vegetable disabled
void setupColorsFromTileFlags(const NLMISC::CRGBA colors[4]);
/** Copy the tiles flags from a src patch to a patch of this zone.
* the patch must match of course...
void copyTilesFlags(sint destPatchId, const CPatch *srcPatch);
/** Get the Bounding spehere of a patch. Stored in Zone as an array and not in CPatch for Fast Memory access
consideration during clipping.
Work only when zone compiled.
const CBSphere &getPatchBSphere(uint patch) const;
/// Is the patch clipped (ie not visible). crash if bad Id.
bool isPatchRenderClipped(uint patch) const {return _PatchRenderClipped.get(patch);}
// Private part.
// A smartptrisable vertex.
struct CTessBaseVertex : public NLMISC::CRefCount
CTessVertex Vert;
// Zone vertices.
typedef NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CTessBaseVertex> PBaseVertex;
typedef std::vector<PBaseVertex> TBaseVerticesVec;
// The lanscape which own this zone. Useful for texture management.
// Filled at compilation only.
CLandscape *Landscape;
// Misc.
uint16 ZoneId;
bool Compiled;
CAABBoxExt ZoneBB;
CVector PatchBias;
float PatchScale;
// The number of vertices she access (maybe on border).
sint32 NumVertices;
// The smartptr on zone vertices.
TBaseVerticesVec BaseVertices;
// The list of border vertices.
std::vector<CBorderVertex> BorderVertices;
// NB: No problem on corners, since zones are compile()-ed with knowledge of neighbors.
// The patchs.
std::vector<CPatch> Patchs;
std::vector<CPatchConnect> PatchConnects;
// Clipped States and BSphere stored here and not in CPatch for faster memory access during clip
std::vector<CBSphere> _PatchBSpheres;
NLMISC::CBitSet _PatchRenderClipped;
NLMISC::CBitSet _PatchOldRenderClipped;
/** List of PointLights that may influences Patchs and objects walking on them.
CPointLightNamedArray _PointLightArray;
friend class CLandscape;
friend class CTessFace;
// Should do this, for texture mgt.
friend class CPatch;
sint ClipResult;
enum TClipResult {ClipIn= 0, ClipOut= 1, ClipSide= 2};
* Force border patchs (those who don't bind to current zone) to re bind() them, using new neighborood.
* no-op if zone is not compiled.
void rebindBorder(TZoneMap &loadedZones);
PBaseVertex getBaseVertex(sint vert) const {return BaseVertices[vert];}
CPatch *getPatch(sint patch) {nlassert(patch>=0 && patch<(sint)Patchs.size()); return &(Patchs[patch]);}
static CPatch *getZonePatch(TZoneMap &loadedZones, sint zoneId, sint patch);
// Bind the patch with ones which are loaded...
static void unbindPatch(CPatch &pa);
static void bindPatch(TZoneMap &loadedZones, CPatch &pa, CPatchConnect &pc, bool rebind);
// Is the patch on a border of this zone???
bool patchOnBorder(const CPatchConnect &pc) const;
// compute AABBox, PatchBias and PatchScale, from a bbox.
void computeBBScaleBias(const CAABBox &bb);
// For CPatch: build a bindInfo.
void buildBindInfo(uint patchId, uint edge, CZone *neighborZone, CPatch::CBindInfo &paBind);
// Patch Array Clip
void clipPatchs(const std::vector<CPlane> &pyramid);
} // NL3D
#endif // NL_ZONE_H
/* End of zone.h */