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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef NL_LUA_IHM_H
#define NL_LUA_IHM_H
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/gui/lua_helper.h"
#include "nel/gui/interface_element.h"
#define IHM_LUA_METATABLE "__ui_metatable"
#define IHM_LUA_ENVTABLE "__ui_envtable"
namespace NLMISC
class CPolygon2D;
class CVector2f;
class CRGBA;
namespace NLGUI
class CReflectable;
class CReflectedProperty;
// ***************************************************************************
/* Use this Exception for all LUA Error (eg: scripted passes bad number of paramters).
* Does not herit from Exception because avoid nlinfo, because sent twice (catch then resent)
* This is special to lua and IHM since it works with CLuaStackChecker, and also append to the error msg
* the FileName/LineNumber
class ELuaIHMException : public ELuaWrappedFunctionException
static CLuaState *getLuaState();
ELuaIHMException() : ELuaWrappedFunctionException(getLuaState())
ELuaIHMException(const std::string &reason) : ELuaWrappedFunctionException(getLuaState(), reason)
ELuaIHMException(const char *format, ...) : ELuaWrappedFunctionException(getLuaState())
std::string reason;
NLMISC_CONVERT_VARGS (reason, format, NLMISC::MaxCStringSize);
init(getLuaState(), reason);
// ***************************************************************************
* Define Functions to export from C to LUA
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2004
class CLuaIHM
static void registerAll(CLuaState &ls);
/** CReflectableInterfaceElement management on stack, stored by a CRefPtr.
* May be called as well for ui element, because they derive from CReflectableRefPtrTarget
static void pushReflectableOnStack(CLuaState &ls, class CReflectableRefPtrTarget *pRPT);
static bool isReflectableOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index);
static CReflectableRefPtrTarget *getReflectableOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index);
// ucstring
static bool pop(CLuaState &ls, ucstring &dest);
static void push(CLuaState &ls, const ucstring &value);
static bool isUCStringOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index);
static bool getUCStringOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index, ucstring &dest);
static bool pop(CLuaState &ls, NLMISC::CRGBA &dest);
// CVector2f
static bool pop(CLuaState &ls, NLMISC::CVector2f &dest);
// helper : get a 2D poly (a table of cvector2f) from a lua table (throw on fail)
static void getPoly2DOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index, NLMISC::CPolygon2D &dest);
// argument checkin helpers
static void checkArgCount(CLuaState &ls, const char* funcName, uint nArgs); // check that number of argument is exactly the one required
static void checkArgMin(CLuaState &ls, const char* funcName, uint nArgs); // check that number of argument is at least the one required
static void checkArgMax(CLuaState &ls, const char* funcName, uint nArgs); // check that number of argument is at most the one required
static void check(CLuaState &ls, bool ok, const std::string &failReason);
static void checkArgType(CLuaState &ls, const char *funcName, uint index, int argType);
static void checkArgTypeRGBA(CLuaState &ls, const char *funcName, uint index);
static void checkArgTypeUCString(CLuaState &ls, const char *funcName, uint index);
/** throw a lua expection (inside a C function called from lua) with the given reason, and the current call stack
* The various check... function call this function when their test fails
static void fails(CLuaState &ls, const char *format, ...);
// pop a sint32 from a lua stack, throw an exception on fail
static bool popSINT32(CLuaState &ls, sint32 & dest);
bool popString(CLuaState &ls, std::string & dest);
/** read/write between values on a lua stack & a property exported from a 'CReflectable' derived object
* (throws on error)
static void luaValueToReflectedProperty(CLuaState &ls, int stackIndex, CReflectable &target, const CReflectedProperty &property) throw(ELuaIHMException);
// push a reflected property on the stack
// NB : no check is done that 'property' is part of the class info of 'reflectedObject'
static void luaValueFromReflectedProperty(CLuaState &ls, CReflectable &reflectedObject, const CReflectedProperty &property);
// Functions for the ui metatable
static class CInterfaceElement* getUIRelative( CInterfaceElement *pIE, const std::string &propName );
static int luaUIIndex( CLuaState &ls );
static int luaUINewIndex( CLuaState &ls );
static int luaUIEq( CLuaState &ls );
static int luaUINext( CLuaState &ls );
static int luaUIDtor( CLuaState &ls );
static void registerBasics(CLuaState &ls);
static void registerIHM(CLuaState &ls);
static void createLuaEnumTable(CLuaState &ls, const std::string &str);
static void pushUIOnStack(CLuaState &ls, CInterfaceElement *pIE);
static bool isUIOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index);
static CInterfaceElement *getUIOnStack(CLuaState &ls, sint index);
static void checkArgTypeUIElement(CLuaState &ls, const char *funcName, uint index);
//////////////////////////////////////////// Exported functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static uint32 getLocalTime();
static double getPreciseLocalTime();
static std::string findReplaceAll(const std::string &str, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace);
static ucstring findReplaceAll(const ucstring &str, const ucstring &search, const ucstring &replace);
static ucstring findReplaceAll(const ucstring &str, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace);
static ucstring findReplaceAll(const ucstring &str, const std::string &search, const ucstring &replace);
static ucstring findReplaceAll(const ucstring &str, const ucstring &search, const std::string &replace);
static int luaMethodCall(lua_State *ls);
static int setOnDraw(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceGroup*, "script". return: none
static int addOnDbChange(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceGroup*, "dblist", "script". return: none
static int removeOnDbChange(CLuaState &ls);// params: CInterfaceGroup*. return: none
static int setCaptureKeyboard(CLuaState &ls);
static int resetCaptureKeyboard(CLuaState &ls);
static int getUIId(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceElement*. return: ui id (empty if error)
static int runAH(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceElement *, "ah", "params". return: none
static int getWindowSize(CLuaState &ls);
static int setTopWindow(CLuaState &ls); // set the top window
static int getTextureSize(CLuaState &ls);
static int disableModalWindow(CLuaState &ls);
static int deleteUI(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceElement*.... return: none
static int deleteReflectable(CLuaState &ls); // params: CInterfaceElement*.... return: none
static int getCurrentWindowUnder(CLuaState &ls); // params: none. return: CInterfaceElement* (nil if none)
static bool fileExists(const std::string &fileName);
static int runExprAndPushResult(CLuaState &ls, const std::string &expr); // Used by runExpr and runFct
static int runExpr(CLuaState &ls); // params: "expr". return: any of: nil,bool,string,number, RGBA, UCString
static int runFct(CLuaState &ls); // params: "expr", param1, param2.... return: any of: nil,bool,string,number, RGBA, UCString
static int runCommand(CLuaState &ls); // params: "command name", param1, param2 ... return true or false
static int isUCString(CLuaState &ls);
static int concatUCString(CLuaState &ls); // workaround for + operator that don't work in luabind for ucstrings ...
static int concatString(CLuaState &ls); // speedup concatenation of several strings
static int tableToString(CLuaState &ls); // concat element of a table to build a string
static int getPathContent(CLuaState &ls);
#endif // NL_LUA_IHM_H
/* End of lua_ihm.h */