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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/3d/ps_particle_basic.h"
#include "nel/misc/object_vector.h"
namespace NL3D
/** Base class for ribbons. If can be used to compute ribbons trajectory.
* It can perform hermitte or linear interpolation.
* to get the ribbon shape. It can also be used to have fixed size ribbons.
* NB : Ribbons that don't herit from this are deprecated but may be kept for compatibility.
* \author Nicolas Vizerie
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class CPSRibbonBase : public CPSParticle, public CPSTailParticle
// Coord. system in which trail will reside
enum TMatrixMode
FXWorldMatrix = 0,
FatherMatrix, // father located matrix (introduced for backward compatibility)
enum TRibbonMode { VariableSize = 0, FixedSize, RibbonModeLast };
enum TInterpolationMode { Linear = 0, Hermitte, InterpModeLast };
///\name Object
/// serialisation. Derivers must override this, and call their parent version
virtual void serial(NLMISC::IStream &f) throw(NLMISC::EStream);
///\name Behaviour
/// NB : a fixed size isn't applied with parametric motion.
void setRibbonMode(TRibbonMode mode);
TRibbonMode getRibbonMode() const { return _RibbonMode; }
void setInterpolationMode(TInterpolationMode mode);
TInterpolationMode getInterpolationMode() const { return _InterpolationMode; }
// Set the the coordinate system in which the trail will be created
void setMatrixMode(TMatrixMode matrixMode);
TMatrixMode getMatrixMode() const { return _MatrixMode; }
///\name Geometry
/// set the number of segments used with this particle. In this case, it can't be lower than 2
void setTailNbSeg(uint32 nbSegs);
/// get the number of segments used with this particle
uint32 getTailNbSeg(void) const { return _NbSegs; }
/** Set how many seconds need a seg to be traversed. Long times will create longer ribbons. Default is 0.02.
* It gives the sampling rate for each type of ribbon
void setSegDuration(TAnimationTime ellapsedTime);
TAnimationTime getSegDuration(void) const { return _SegDuration; }
/** The the length in meter of the ribbon. This is used only if the ribbon mode is set to FixedSize.
* These kind of ribbon are usually slower than variable size ribbons.
* The default is one metter.
void setRibbonLength(float length);
float getRibbonLength() const { return _RibbonLength; }
/** Allow degradation of ribbons with distance of the system (may not be suited when theit paths have wicked angles)
* \param percent 1 mean no degradation, 0 mean nothing will be draw when the system is at its max dist. 1 is the default
void setLODDegradation(float percent)
nlassert(percent >= 0 && percent <= 1);
_LODDegradation = percent;
float getLODDegradation() const { return _LODDegradation; }
typedef CPSVector<NLMISC::CVector>::V TPosVect;
typedef CPSVector<float>::V TFloatVect; // all positions for each ribbons packed in a single vector
uint32 _NbSegs;
TAnimationTime _SegDuration;
bool _Parametric; // if this is set to true, then the owner has activated parametric motion.
/// inherited from CPSLocatedBindable
virtual void newElement(const CPSEmitterInfo &info);
/// inherited from CPSLocatedBindable
virtual void deleteElement(uint32 index);
/// inherited from CPSLocatedBindable
virtual void resize(uint32 size);
/// called when the motion type has changed, this allow us to draw smoother ribbons when parametric anim is used
virtual void motionTypeChanged(bool parametric);
/** Get position of the i-th ribbon and store them in a table of vector.
* It uses the interpolation setting of this object.
* The dest tab must have at least nbSegs + 1 entries.
void computeRibbon( uint index,
NLMISC::CVector *dest,
uint stride = sizeof(NLMISC::CVector)
/// Called each time the time of the system change in order to update the ribbons positions
void updateGlobals();
/// must be called for the lod to apply (updates UsedNbSegs)
void updateLOD();
// get index of the ribbons head in the sampling vect
uint32 getRibbonIndex() const { return _RibbonIndex; }
// get sampling date for each pos of the ribbon
const TFloatVect &getSamplingDate() const { return _SamplingDate; }
/// value to use after lod computation
uint32 _UsedNbSegs;
TAnimationTime _UsedSegDuration;
float _UsedSegLength;
TFloatVect _SamplingDate;
uint _RibbonIndex; // indicate which is the first index for the ribbons head
TMatrixMode _MatrixMode;
TPosVect _Ribbons;
TAnimationTime _LastUpdateDate;
TRibbonMode _RibbonMode;
TInterpolationMode _InterpolationMode;
float _RibbonLength; // used if _RibbonMode == FixedSize
float _SegLength;
float _LODDegradation;
protected: // should be call by derivers for backward compatibility only
void initDateVect();
void resetFromOwner();
inline const NLMISC::CMatrix &getLocalToWorldTrailMatrix() const;
// Convert matrix mode to the TPSMatrixMode enum.
inline TPSMatrixMode convertMatrixMode() const;
void resetSingleRibbon(uint index, const NLMISC::CVector &pos);
/// copy datas from one ribbon to another
void dupRibbon(uint dest, uint src);
/// Compute the ribbon points using linear interpolation between each sampling point.
void computeLinearRibbon( uint index,
NLMISC::CVector *dest,
uint stride = sizeof(NLMISC::CVector)
/// The same as compute linear ribbon but try to make its length constant
void computeLinearCstSizeRibbon( uint index,
NLMISC::CVector *dest,
uint stride = sizeof(NLMISC::CVector)
/// Compute the ribbon points using hermitte splines between each sampling point.
void computeHermitteRibbon( uint index,
NLMISC::CVector *dest,
uint stride = sizeof(NLMISC::CVector)
/** Compute the ribbon points using hermitte splines between each sampling point,
* and make a rough approximation to get a constant lenght
void computeHermitteCstSizeRibbon( uint index,
NLMISC::CVector *dest,
uint stride = sizeof(NLMISC::CVector)
// called by the system when its date has been manually changed
virtual void systemDateChanged();
inline const NLMISC::CMatrix &CPSRibbonBase::getLocalToWorldTrailMatrix() const
#ifdef NL_DEBUG
return CPSLocated::getConversionMatrix(*_Owner->getOwner(), PSIdentityMatrix, convertMatrixMode());
// Convert matrix mode to the TPSMatrixMode enum.
inline TPSMatrixMode CPSRibbonBase::convertMatrixMode() const
if (_MatrixMode == FatherMatrix)
#ifdef NL_DEBUG
return _Owner->getMatrixMode();
return (TPSMatrixMode) _MatrixMode;
} // NL3D
/* End of ps_ribbon_base.h */