2013-07-27 04:03:05 +02:00

521 lines
17 KiB

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "nel/net/module.h"
#include "nel/net/module_builder_parts.h"
#include "nel/net/login_cookie.h"
#include "game_share/welcome_service_itf.h"
#include "game_share/utils.h"
#include "server_share/mysql_wrapper.h"
#include "server_share/login_service_itf.h"
#include "database_mapping.h"
#include "nel_database_mapping.h"
#include "entity_locator.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLNET;
using namespace MSW;
using namespace RSMGR;
using namespace ENTITYLOC;
namespace LS
class CLoginService :
public CEmptyModuleCommBehav<CEmptyModuleServiceBehav<CEmptySocketBehav<CModuleBase> > >,
public WS::CLoginServiceSkel,
// public LS::CLoginServiceSkel,
public CLoginServiceWebItf,
public ICharacterEventCb
/// Mysql ring database connection
MSW::CConnection _RingDb;
/// Mysql nel database connection
MSW::CConnection _NelDb;
typedef std::set<NLNET::TModuleProxyPtr> TLSCLients;
/// Login service client (mostly frontend)
TLSCLients _LSClients;
typedef uint32 TUserId;
typedef map<TUserId, time_t> TLoggedUsers;
/// list of user that are only logged (not online) and checked for timeout
/// If the timeout occur, the users are put back to offline (and their cookie
/// erased)
TLoggedUsers _LoggedUsers;
/// Default logged user timout (in second)
DEFAULT_LOGGED_USER_TIMEOUT = 15*60, // 15 mn (as in FE timeout for awaited users)
uint32 _LoggedUserTimeout;
static const std::string &getInitStringHelp()
static std::string help(CModuleBase::getInitStringHelp()+"db(host=<hostname> [port=<port>] user=<user> password=<password> base=<baseName>) web(port=<listenPort>) ");
return help;
bool initModule(const TParsedCommandLine &pcl)
// recall base class
if (!CModuleBase::initModule(pcl))
return false;
const TParsedCommandLine *initRingDb = pcl.getParam("ring_db");
if (initRingDb == NULL)
nlwarning("LS : missing ring database connection information");
return false;
const TParsedCommandLine *initNelDb = pcl.getParam("nel_db");
if (initNelDb == NULL)
nlwarning("LS : missing nel database connection information");
return false;
// connect to the databases
if (!_RingDb.connect(*initRingDb))
nlwarning("Failed to connect to database using %s", initRingDb->toString().c_str());
return false;
if (!_NelDb.connect(*initNelDb))
nlwarning("Failed to connect to database using %s", initNelDb->toString().c_str());
return false;
const TParsedCommandLine *initWeb = pcl.getParam("web");
if (initWeb == NULL)
nlwarning("LS : missing web connection information");
return false;
const TParsedCommandLine *webPort = initWeb->getParam("port");
if (webPort == NULL)
nlwarning("LS : missing web.port connection information");
return false;
// open the web interface
uint16 port = 0;
NLMISC::fromString(webPort->ParamValue, port);
return true;
void onModuleUpdate()
// check that we are registered in the entity locator
if (getSpeaker() == NULL && IEntityLocator::getInstance() != NULL)
catch (...)
nlwarning( "Recovered from exception in CLoginServiceWebItf::update()" );
// check for logged user to put back to offline
uint32 now = NLMISC::CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
TLoggedUsers::iterator first(_LoggedUsers.begin()), last(_LoggedUsers.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
if (first->second+_LoggedUserTimeout < now)
uint32 userId = first->first;
nldebug("LS : update : user %u is inactive since %u second, setting it to offline", userId, _LoggedUserTimeout);
// set this user offline !
CRingUserPtr ru = CRingUser::load(_RingDb, userId, __FILE__, __LINE__);
BOMB_IF(ru == NULL, "LS : updateModule : failed to load ring user "<<userId<<" that need to be set offline.", _LoggedUsers.erase(first); break);
// set the status
// clear the cookie
// update the database
// clear the logged user entry
// stop the check for this update
// bool onProcessModuleMessage(IModuleProxy *senderModuleProxy, const CMessage &message)
// {
// if (CLoginServiceSkel::onDispatchMessage(senderModuleProxy, message))
// return true;
// // manual dispatching
// return false;
// }
virtual void onModuleUp(IModuleProxy *proxy)
if (proxy->getModuleClassName() == "WelcomeService")
nlinfo("LS : adding WS '%s'", proxy->getModuleName().c_str());
// this is one of our clients, store it
virtual void onModuleDown(IModuleProxy *proxy)
TLSCLients::iterator it(_LSClients.find(proxy));
if (it != _LSClients.end())
nlinfo("LS : removing WS '%s'", proxy->getModuleName().c_str());
// we just lost a client
///// login service from WS module interface callbacks
virtual void pendingUserLost(NLNET::IModuleProxy *sender, const NLNET::CLoginCookie &cookie)
nldebug("LS:pendingUserLost : WS '%s' report that user %u with cookie %s did not connect in the allowed time",
uint32 userId = cookie.getUserId();
CRingUserPtr ru = CRingUser::load(_RingDb, userId, __FILE__, __LINE__);
BOMB_IF(ru == NULL, "LS:pendingUserLost : failed to load user "<<userId<<" from the database", return);
// check user, it should be 'logged', and set it to offline.
BOMB_IF(ru->getCurrentStatus() != TCurrentStatus::cs_logged, "LS:pendingUserLost : the user "<<userId<<" should be logged, but he is "<<ru->getCurrentStatus().toString(), return);
if (ru->getCookie() != cookie.setToString())
// ignore this message because the user have relogged and obtained another cookie
nldebug("LS:pendingUserLost : message ignored because user has obtained another cookie");
// remove it from the list of logged user
///// entity locator callbacks
virtual void onUserConnection(NLNET::IModuleProxy *locatorHost, uint32 userId)
nldebug("LS: entity locator report user %u connection", userId);
// set the user in 'online state' and remove it from the 'user to check for time out' list
CRingUserPtr ru = CRingUser::load(_RingDb, userId, __FILE__, __LINE__);
BOMB_IF(ru == NULL, "LS : onUserConnection : failed to load ring user "<<userId, return);
// remove it of the logged checked user list
virtual void onUserDisconnection(NLNET::IModuleProxy *locatorHost, uint32 userId)
nldebug("LS: entity locator report user %u disconnection", userId);
// set the user in ':logged state' and put it in the 'user to check for time out' list
CRingUserPtr ru = CRingUser::load(_RingDb, userId, __FILE__, __LINE__);
BOMB_IF(ru == NULL, "LS : onUserConnection : failed to load ring user "<<userId, return);
// erase existing record if any
// insert the user in the logged user list
_LoggedUsers.insert(make_pair(userId, NLMISC::CTime::getSecondsSince1970()));
virtual void onCharacterConnection(NLNET::IModuleProxy *locatorHost, uint32 charId, uint32 lastDisconnectionDate)
{ /* nothing */ }
virtual void onCharacterDisconnection(NLNET::IModuleProxy *locatorHost, uint32 charId)
{ /* nothing */ }
///// Web interface callbacks
/// Connection callback : a new interface client connect
virtual void on_CLoginServiceWeb_Connection(NLNET::TSockId from)
virtual void on_CLoginServiceWeb_Disconnection(NLNET::TSockId from)
// nothing to do right now
/// A user has passed the auth, web sets the user online and asks for a cookie
virtual void on_login(NLNET::TSockId from, uint32 userId, const std::string &ipAddress, uint32 domainId)
nldebug("CLoginService : receive login request from %s with user %u, address %s",
//1 check is user already online, if so, disconnect it
CRingUserPtr ru = CRingUser::load(_RingDb, userId, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (ru == NULL)
// invalid user !
nldebug("on_login : invalid ring user %u", userId);
loginResult(from, userId, "", 1, "Invalid user");
if (ru->getCurrentStatus() == TCurrentStatus::cs_online)
// this user seams online, we need to disconnect it from the shard
// send a disconnect message to all LS client
TLSCLients::iterator first(_LSClients.begin()), last(_LSClients.end());
for (; first != last; ++first)
WS::CWelcomeServiceProxy ws(*first);
ws.disconnectUser(this, userId);
// check in the entity locator that the player is really online
if (IEntityLocator::getInstance() && IEntityLocator::getInstance()->isUserOnline(userId))
nldebug("LS : on_login : user %u already connected, disconnecting him and reject login", userId);
loginResult(from, userId, "", 2, "User already online, please relog");
// in fact, perhaps not really online, allow him to connect.
// a worst, the user is online but we have asked to the WS to
// disconnect him.
// In fact, most of the time, this case is when the SU is stopped
// with online user, so the database is not sync with the
// real user status.
// Now prevent from logging-in at the same time with a free GM's player account and a GM CS account
CNelUserPtr nelUser = CNelUser::load(_NelDb, userId, __FILE__, __LINE__);
BOMB_IF(nelUser == NULL, "on_login : invalid nel user %u" << userId, loginResult(from, userId, "", 5, "Invalid user"); return);
if (nelUser->getGMId() != 0)
uint32 otherUserId = nelUser->getGMId();
CRingUserPtr otherRu = CRingUser::load(_RingDb, otherUserId, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (otherRu == NULL)
nlwarning("on_login : Can't find ring user %u from account %u with GMId", otherUserId, userId);
//else if (otherRu->getCurrentStatus() != TCurrentStatus::cs_offline) // cs_logged and cs_online
else if (otherRu->getCurrentStatus() == TCurrentStatus::cs_online) // less strict check, only avoid csr/player account logged on the same time
// DON'T check in the entity locator that the player is really online
//if (IEntityLocator::getInstance() && IEntityLocator::getInstance()->isUserOnline(otherUserId))
if (IEntityLocator::getInstance() && IEntityLocator::getInstance()->isUserOnline(otherUserId))
nldebug("LS : on_login : user %u already connected, rejecting login of %u with GMId", otherUserId, userId);
loginResult(from, userId, "", 3, toString("User %u (%u's GMId) already online", otherUserId, userId));
CSString query;
query << "SELECT UId FROM user WHERE GMId = "<<userId<<"";
BOMB_IF(!_NelDb.query(query), "on_login : Failed to request in database", loginResult(from, userId, "", 6, "Failed request"); return);
auto_ptr<CStoreResult> result = auto_ptr<CStoreResult>(_NelDb.storeResult());
for (uint32 i=0; i!=result->getNumRows(); ++i)
uint32 otherUserId;
result->getField(0, otherUserId);
CRingUserPtr otherRu = CRingUser::load(_RingDb, otherUserId, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (otherRu == NULL)
nlwarning("on_login : Can't find ring user %u which GMID is account %u", otherUserId, userId);
//else if (otherRu->getCurrentStatus() != TCurrentStatus::cs_offline) // cs_logged and cs_online
else if (otherRu->getCurrentStatus() == TCurrentStatus::cs_online) // less strict check, only avoid csr/player account logged on the same time
// DON'T check in the entity locator that the player is really online
//if (IEntityLocator::getInstance() && IEntityLocator::getInstance()->isUserOnline(otherUserId))
if (IEntityLocator::getInstance() && IEntityLocator::getInstance()->isUserOnline(otherUserId))
nldebug("LS : on_login : user %u already connected, rejecting login of %u which is the GMId of it", otherUserId, userId);
loginResult(from, userId, "", 4, toString("GM user %u (having GMId=%u) already online", otherUserId, userId));
NLNET::CInetAddress addr(ipAddress);
//2 generate a cookie and set the player status and cookie in database
NLNET::CLoginCookie cookie(addr.internalIPAddress(), userId);
// save the user record
// erase existing record if any
// insert the user in the user to wait table
_LoggedUsers.insert(make_pair(userId, NLMISC::CTime::getSecondsSince1970()));
//3 call the return method to the web
loginResult(from, userId, ru->getCookie(), 0, "");
virtual void on_logout(NLNET::TSockId from, uint32 userId)
nldebug("CLoginService : receive logout request from %s with user %u",
// load the ring user
CRingUserPtr ru = CRingUser::load(_RingDb, userId, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (ru == NULL)
// invalid user !
nldebug("on_logout : invalid user %u", userId);
logoutResult(from, 1, "unkown user");
if (ru->getCurrentStatus() == TCurrentStatus::cs_offline)
// the user is offline, could not logout
logoutResult(from, 2, "user already offline");
if (ru->getCurrentStatus() == TCurrentStatus::cs_online)
// the user is online (in game), ignore the disconnect but return ok
logoutResult(from, 0, "");
// ok, the user is logged, we can put it offline
ru->setCurrentStatus( TCurrentStatus::cs_offline);
logoutResult(from, 0, "");
NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CLoginService, openWebInterface, "Open the web interface", "<listenPort>");
// NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CLoginService, closeWebInterface, "Close the web interface", "no param");
NLMISC_COMMAND_HANDLER_ADD(CLoginService, LoggedUserTimeout, "get or set the logged user timeout in second", "[<newValue in second>]");
if (args.size() > 1)
return false;
if (!args.empty())
NLMISC::fromString(args[0], _LoggedUserTimeout);
// output the value
log.displayNL("LoggedUserTimeout = %u", _LoggedUserTimeout);
return true;
// {
// if (args.size() != 0)
// return false;
// }
if (args.size() != 1)
return false;
uint16 port;
NLMISC::fromString(args[0], port);
log.displayNL("Opening web interface on port %u", port);
return true;
} // namespace LS