2010-06-10 11:50:19 +02:00

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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "displayer_base.h"
#include "instance.h"
#include "nel/misc/vector.h"
#include "nel/misc/vectord.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "../decal.h"
class CGroupInScene;
namespace R2
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// Interface for object selection in the scene
struct ISelectableObject
enum TSelectionType { LocalSelectBox = 0, WorldSelectBox, GroundProjected };
// Intersection & selection testing
virtual bool isSelectable() const = 0;
virtual bool getLastClip() const { return false; }
// the object is projected on the scene, and so intersection test
// ask if current intersection with mouse ray in in the projection of the object (must call isInProjection)
virtual const NLMISC::CMatrix &getInvertedMatrix() const { return NLMISC::CMatrix::Identity; }
virtual TSelectionType getSelectionType() const { return LocalSelectBox; }
virtual bool isInProjection(const NLMISC::CVector2f &/* pos */) const { return false; }
virtual bool isInProjectionBorder(const NLMISC::CVector2f &/* pos */) const { return false; }
virtual NLMISC::CAABBox getSelectBox() const { return NLMISC::CAABBox(); }
virtual float preciseIntersectionTest(const NLMISC::CVector &/* worldRayStart */, const NLMISC::CVector &/* worldRayDir */) const { return FLT_MAX; }
virtual CInstance *getInstanceInEditor() const = 0;
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// Decoration in a CGroupMap that expose this interface (through dynamic_cast) are representation of CInstance in the island map
struct IDisplayerUIHandle
virtual CInstance &getDisplayedInstance() = 0;
// test that the given position intesersect the displayer (default is true, because this is call
// only if bounding rect test succeeded)
virtual bool contains(sint32 /* mouseXInWindow */, sint32 /* mouseYInWindow */) const { return true; }
// special test : is it an edge of a zone ?
virtual bool isEdge() const { return false; }
// for edge, give the edge index in its parent zone
virtual uint getEdgeIndex() const { nlassert(0); return 0; }
// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// Displays an object of the editor in the 3D scene / in the worldmap
class CDisplayerVisual : public CDisplayerBase, public ISelectableObject
typedef NLMISC::CSmartPtr<CDisplayerVisual> TSmartPtr;
typedef NLMISC::CRefPtr<CDisplayerVisual> TRefPtr;
enum TDisplayFlags
FlagNone = 0,
FlagBadPos, // a 'stop' icon is displayed on entity when it is on a bad landscape position
// may happen whn a group is moved as a whole
// Current display mode. Display mode is retrieved from the lua property 'DisplayMode', and is thus
// saved with the object
enum TDisplayMode
DisplayModeVisible = 0, // the object is visible
DisplayModeHidden = 1, // the object is not visible (not in scene / not in the minimap)
DisplayModeFrozen = 2, // the object can't be selected, but is visible
DisplayModeLocked = 3, // the object can be selected, but not moved / rotated
DisplayModeArray = 4, // The instance is in an array being created by the 'array' tool
virtual ~CDisplayerVisual();
// Init parameters from script
virtual bool init(const CLuaObject &parameters);
// EVENTS //
/** Default behaviour when act is changed is to check whether
* the object is visible in current act by calling "isVisibleInCurrentAct"
* If not visible then "setActive(false)" will be called to remove the displayed object from the view.
* Modification messages (if any ...) should then be ignored by derivers until onCreate is called again
virtual void onPreActChanged();
virtual void onActChanged();
virtual void onContinentChanged();
virtual void onPreRender() {}
virtual void onPostRender();
/** NB : derivers should not usually react to the 'onPostCreate' or 'onErase' methods
* because default behavior of these is to call 'setActive' as necessary when the user select
* an act in which the displayed instance is visible in the scenario.
virtual void onPostCreate();
// for derivers : see 'onPostCreate' remarks
virtual void onErase();
virtual void onFocus(bool focused);
virtual void onSelect(bool selected);
/** Derivers note : 'onAttrModifier' takes care of updating position of the displayer,
* hence derivers should call their parent version before updating real position in the 3D scene
virtual void onAttrModified(const std::string &attrName, sint32 attrIndex);
/** Default behavior of 'onPostHrcMove' is to force to recompute the world pos
* Because object may have been made son of an new object with another world pos
virtual void onPostHrcMove();
// MISC //
// get display mode, taking possible inheritance in account
virtual TDisplayMode getActualDisplayMode() const;
// get display mode, (not taking possible inheritance in account), sint32 for lua export
sint32 getDisplayMode() const { return _DisplayMode; }
// set display moed (sint32 for lua export)
virtual void setDisplayMode(sint32 mode);
// return true if the object is currently visible *in current act* (mean it is not and'ed with the getActive() flag)
bool getActualVisibility() const { return getActualDisplayMode() != DisplayModeHidden; }
// Set one display flag for the displayer (selected, highlighted ...)
void setDisplayFlag(TDisplayFlags flag, bool on);
bool getDisplayFlag(TDisplayFlags flag) const;
// Get parent visual displayer if one exists
CDisplayerVisual *getParent();
const CDisplayerVisual *getParent() const;
/** Eval a point at which the displayed object may be linked to when displaying groups
* Must be expressed in world coordinates
virtual NLMISC::CVector evalLinkPoint(bool /* leader */ = false) { return getWorldPos().asVector(); }
// Eval enter point (useful for zones)
virtual bool evalEnterPoint(const NLMISC::CVector &startPoint, NLMISC::CVector &result);
// Eval exit point (for objects such as roads), default resume to evalEnterPoint
virtual NLMISC::CVector evalExitPoint();
// From ISelectableObject
virtual CInstance *getInstanceInEditor() const { return getDisplayedInstance(); }
// Snap the displayed object to the ground (if supported)
virtual void snapToGround() {}
// Make this displayer blink
void blink();
int luaBlink(CLuaState &ls);
/** See if instance may be dropped on an invalid pacs pos after a move
* May have sens for entity such as region which are just projected over the scene
* and don't depend on PACS for their display
virtual bool isInvalidPacsPosAcceptable() const { return false; }
/** For the move tool : test if all parts of the object are accessible (e.g not on an unreachable part of the map)
* NB : this is a display, flag, not updated if the current displayer is not active !!
virtual bool isAccessible() { return true; }
// test if the current shape for this displayer is valid (may be false for self-intersecting polys)
virtual bool isValidShape() const { return true; }
// test if this displayer is a group displayer
virtual bool isGroup() const { return false; }
// from ISelectableObject
virtual bool isSelectable() const;
NLMISC::CRGBA getDisplayModeColorInScene() const;
NLMISC::CRGBA getDisplayModeColorInMap() const;
// called by parent when the display mode has changed, so sons may want to update their display if their inherit it
virtual void onParentDisplayModeChanged() {}
// TODO nico : should really move the position into "CInstance", or better, find a way to derive CWorldObject
// in C++ rather than in lua. Position is a property of the object, not a display property!! Should not be the responsability
// of the displayer to maintain this ...
// Get 3D position relative to parent.
NLMISC::CVectorD getPos() const { return _Pos; }
// Get world 2D position
NLMISC::CVector2f getWorldPos2f() const { return NLMISC::CVector2f((float) _WorldPos.x, (float) _WorldPos.y); }
// Get world 3D position
NLMISC::CVectorD getWorldPos() const { return _WorldPos; }
// Test if this object should inherit its parent pos
bool inheritPos() const;
// Eval all sub-positions in world as CVector2f (default is to clear the vector)
virtual void getSonsWorldPos2f(std::vector<NLMISC::CVector2f> &result);
virtual void getSons(std::vector<CDisplayerVisual *> &sons) const;
virtual uint getNumSons() const { return 0; }
virtual CDisplayerVisual *getSon(uint /* index */) const { nlassert(0); return NULL; }
virtual bool isCompound() const { return false; }
virtual float getAngle() const { nlassert(0); return 0.f; }
REFLECT_EXPORT_START(R2::CDisplayerVisual, R2::CDisplayerBase)
REFLECT_LUA_METHOD("blink", luaBlink);
REFLECT_SINT32("DisplayMode", getDisplayMode, setDisplayMode);
// signal that this entity start / stops to be rotated
virtual void setRotateInProgress(bool rotateInProgress);
bool getRotateInProgress() const { return _RotateInProgress; }
virtual void setMoveInProgress(bool moveInProgress);
bool getMoveInProgress() const { return _MoveInProgress; }
uint32 _DisplayFlags; // a combination of the TDisplayFlags flags
sint64 _BlinkStartDate;
NLMISC::CVectorD _Pos;
CGroupInScene *_IconInScene; // a "stop" icon showing that the object has an invalid position
bool _IconInSceneCreationFailed;
bool _RotateInProgress;
bool _MoveInProgress;
bool _InheritDisplayMode;
float _LastCamDist;
TDisplayMode _DisplayMode;
// Caching of current parent pointer
bool _LastParentOk;
CDisplayerVisual *_LastParent;
NLMISC::CVectorD _WorldPos;
// update world position for the objet tree rooted at this object
void updateWorldPosRecurse();
void updatePos();
void updateLocalPos();
//void updateDisplayMode();
NLMISC::CRGBA getBlinkColor(NLMISC::CRGBA defaultColor, NLMISC::CRGBA blinkColor = NLMISC::CRGBA(192, 192, 192)) const;
// See if the z need to be reevaluated. May happen after a tp or when the camera moves (used by shapes)
// Calling this will update the invalidity flag
bool testNeedZEval();
void updateValidPosFlag();
virtual void setActive(bool active) = 0;
virtual bool getActive() const = 0;
virtual bool isActiveInCurrentAct() const;
virtual void evalIconInScenePos(NLMISC::CVector &dest) const;
/** Protected : Called by parent when its world pos has changed.
* Default behaviour is to add instance relative pos to parent world pos
virtual void updateWorldPos();
} // R2