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Raw Normal View History

2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
extends Node3D
const HT_NativeFactory = preload("./native/")
const HT_Mesher = preload("./")
const HT_Grid = preload("./util/")
const HTerrainData = preload("./")
const HTerrainChunk = preload("./")
const HTerrainChunkDebug = preload("./")
const HT_Util = preload("./util/")
const HTerrainCollider = preload("./")
const HTerrainTextureSet = preload("./")
const HT_Logger = preload("./util/")
const SHADER_CLASSIC4 = "Classic4"
const SHADER_CLASSIC4_LITE = "Classic4Lite"
const SHADER_LOW_POLY = "LowPoly"
const SHADER_ARRAY = "Array"
const SHADER_MULTISPLAT16 = "MultiSplat16"
const SHADER_MULTISPLAT16_LITE = "MultiSplat16Lite"
const SHADER_CUSTOM = "Custom"
const MIN_MAP_SCALE = 0.01
# Note, the `str()` syntax is no longer accepted in constants in Godot 4
"Classic4," + \
"Classic4Lite," + \
"LowPoly," + \
"Array," + \
"MultiSplat16," + \
"MultiSplat16Lite," + \
# TODO Had to downgrade this to support Godot 3.1.
# Referring to other constants with this syntax isn't working...
const _builtin_shaders = {
path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/simple4.gdshader",
global_path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/simple4_global.gdshader"
path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/simple4_lite.gdshader",
global_path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/simple4_global.gdshader"
path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/low_poly.gdshader",
global_path = "" # Not supported
path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/array.gdshader",
global_path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/array_global.gdshader"
path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/multisplat16.gdshader",
global_path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/multisplat16_global.gdshader"
path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/multisplat16_lite.gdshader",
global_path = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/multisplat16_global.gdshader"
const _NORMAL_BAKER_PATH = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/"
const _LOOKDEV_SHADER_PATH = "res://addons/zylann.hterrain/shaders/lookdev.gdshader"
const SHADER_PARAM_INVERSE_TRANSFORM = "u_terrain_inverse_transform"
const SHADER_PARAM_NORMAL_BASIS = "u_terrain_normal_basis"
const SHADER_PARAM_GROUND_PREFIX = "u_ground_" # + name + _0, _1, _2, _3...
# Those parameters are filtered out in the inspector,
# because they are not supposed to be set through it
const _api_shader_params = {
"u_terrain_heightmap": true,
"u_terrain_normalmap": true,
"u_terrain_colormap": true,
"u_terrain_splatmap": true,
"u_terrain_splatmap_1": true,
"u_terrain_splatmap_2": true,
"u_terrain_splatmap_3": true,
"u_terrain_splat_index_map": true,
"u_terrain_splat_weight_map": true,
"u_terrain_globalmap": true,
"u_terrain_inverse_transform": true,
"u_terrain_normal_basis": true,
"u_ground_albedo_bump_0": true,
"u_ground_albedo_bump_1": true,
"u_ground_albedo_bump_2": true,
"u_ground_albedo_bump_3": true,
"u_ground_normal_roughness_0": true,
"u_ground_normal_roughness_1": true,
"u_ground_normal_roughness_2": true,
"u_ground_normal_roughness_3": true,
"u_ground_albedo_bump_array": true,
"u_ground_normal_roughness_array": true
const _api_shader_ground_albedo_params = {
"u_ground_albedo_bump_0": true,
"u_ground_albedo_bump_1": true,
"u_ground_albedo_bump_2": true,
"u_ground_albedo_bump_3": true
const _ground_texture_array_shader_params = [
const _splatmap_shader_params = [
const MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = 16
const MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 64
# Same as HTerrainTextureSet.get_texture_type_name, used for shader parameter names.
# Indexed by HTerrainTextureSet.TYPE_*
const _ground_enum_to_name = [
const _DEBUG_AABB = false
signal transform_changed(global_transform)
@export_range(0.0, 1.0) var ambient_wind : float:
return ambient_wind
if ambient_wind == amplitude:
ambient_wind = amplitude
for layer in _detail_layers:
@export_range(2, 5) var lod_scale := 2.0:
2024-01-26 20:00:32 +00:00
return _lodder.get_split_scale()
2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
# Prefer using this instead of scaling the node's transform.
# Node3D.scale isn't used because it's not suitable for terrains,
# it would scale grass too and other environment objects.
# TODO Replace with `size` in world units?
@export var map_scale := Vector3(1, 1, 1):
return map_scale
if map_scale == p_map_scale:
p_map_scale.x = maxf(p_map_scale.x, MIN_MAP_SCALE)
p_map_scale.y = maxf(p_map_scale.y, MIN_MAP_SCALE)
p_map_scale.z = maxf(p_map_scale.z, MIN_MAP_SCALE)
map_scale = p_map_scale
@export var centered := false:
return centered
if p_centered == centered:
centered = p_centered
var _custom_shader : Shader = null
var _custom_globalmap_shader : Shader = null
var _shader_type := SHADER_CLASSIC4_LITE
var _shader_uses_texture_array := false
var _material :=
var _material_params_need_update := false
# Possible values are the same as the enum `GeometryInstance.SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_*`.
var _cast_shadow_setting := GeometryInstance3D.SHADOW_CASTING_SETTING_ON
var _render_layer_mask := 1
# Actual number of textures supported by the shader currently selected
var _ground_texture_count_cache := 0
var _used_splatmaps_count_cache := 0
var _is_using_indexed_splatmap := false
var _texture_set :=
var _texture_set_migration_textures = null
var _data: HTerrainData = null
var _mesher :=
var _lodder = HT_NativeFactory.get_quad_tree_lod()
var _viewer_pos_world := Vector3()
# [lod][z][x] -> chunk
# This container owns chunks
var _chunks := []
var _chunk_size: int = 32
var _pending_chunk_updates := []
var _detail_layers := []
var _collision_enabled := true
var _collider: HTerrainCollider = null
var _collision_layer := 1
var _collision_mask := 1
# Stats & debug
var _updated_chunks := 0
var _logger = HT_Logger.get_for(self)
# Editor-only
var _normals_baker = null
var _lookdev_enabled := false
var _lookdev_material : ShaderMaterial
func _init():
_logger.debug("Create HeightMap")
# This sets up the defaults. They may be overridden shortly after by the scene loader.
_lodder.set_callbacks(_cb_make_chunk, _cb_recycle_chunk, _cb_get_vertical_bounds)
# TODO Temporary!
# This is a workaround for
_material.set_shader_parameter("u_ground_uv_scale", 20)
_material.set_shader_parameter("u_ground_uv_scale_vec4", Color(20, 20, 20, 20))
_material.set_shader_parameter("u_depth_blending", true)
_material.shader = load(_builtin_shaders[_shader_type].path)
if _collision_enabled:
if _check_heightmap_collider_support():
_collider =, _collision_layer, _collision_mask)
func _get_property_list():
# A lot of properties had to be exported like this instead of using `export`,
# because Godot 3 does not support easy categorization and lacks some hints
var props = [
# Terrain data is exposed only as a path in the editor,
# because it can only be saved if it has a directory selected.
# That property is not used in scene saving (data is instead).
"name": "data_directory",
"type": TYPE_STRING,
# The actual data resource is only exposed for storage.
# I had to name it so that Godot won't try to assign _data directly
# instead of using the setter I made...
"name": "_terrain_data",
"type": TYPE_OBJECT,
# This actually triggers `ERROR: Cannot get class`,
# if it were to be shown in the inspector.
# See
"hint_string": "HTerrainData"
"name": "chunk_size",
"type": TYPE_INT,
"hint_string": "16, 32"
"name": "Collision",
"type": TYPE_NIL,
"name": "collision_enabled",
"type": TYPE_BOOL,
"name": "collision_layer",
"type": TYPE_INT,
"name": "collision_mask",
"type": TYPE_INT,
"name": "Rendering",
"type": TYPE_NIL,
"name": "shader_type",
"type": TYPE_STRING,
"name": "custom_shader",
"type": TYPE_OBJECT,
"hint_string": "Shader"
"name": "custom_globalmap_shader",
"type": TYPE_OBJECT,
"hint_string": "Shader"
"name": "texture_set",
"type": TYPE_OBJECT,
"hint_string": "Resource"
# TODO Cannot properly hint the type of the resource in the inspector.
# This triggers `ERROR: Cannot get class 'HTerrainTextureSet'`
# See
#"hint_string": "HTerrainTextureSet"
"name": "render_layers",
"type": TYPE_INT,
"name": "cast_shadow",
"type": TYPE_INT,
"hint_string": "Off,On,DoubleSided,ShadowsOnly"
if _material.shader != null:
var shader_params := _material.shader.get_shader_uniform_list(true)
for p in shader_params:
if _api_shader_params.has(
var cp := {}
for k in p:
cp[k] = p[k]
# Godot has two ways of grouping properties in the inspector:
# - Prefixed properties using "/", which is part of the API property names
# - Group items in property lists, which are only a hint for the inspector display.
# In this plugin, just like ShaderMaterial, we need to nest shader parameters under
# a prefix to prevent conflicts with non-shader properties, which Godot interprets as
# a folder in the inspector.
# Godot 4.0 introduced `group_uniforms` in shaders, which also adds group items to
# shader property lists. When such groups are present, it creates repeating subgroups,
# which isn't desired.
# One way to workaround it is to set the `hint_string` of group items, to tell Godot to
# somewhat "ignore" the prefix when displaying them in the inspector, which will get
# rid of the unnecessary folders.
# We also have to prefix the parent group if any.
# Caveats: inspector will not display those uniforms under the `shader_params` folder.
# Not sure if we can get around that. ShaderMaterial has the same problem, and actually
# seems to do WAY more stuff to handle group_uniforms, so not sure if this simple code
# here is missing something.
# See
if p.usage == PROPERTY_USAGE_GROUP: = "Rendering/" +
cp.hint_string = "shader_params/"
else: = str("shader_params/",
return props
func _get(key: StringName):
if key == &"data_directory":
return _get_data_directory()
if key == &"_terrain_data":
if _data == null or _data.resource_path == "":
# Consider null if the data is not set or has no path,
# because in those cases we can't save the terrain properly
return null
return _data
if key == &"texture_set":
return get_texture_set()
elif key == &"shader_type":
return get_shader_type()
elif key == &"custom_shader":
return get_custom_shader()
elif key == &"custom_globalmap_shader":
return _custom_globalmap_shader
elif key.begins_with("shader_params/"):
var param_name := key.substr(len("shader_params/"))
return get_shader_param(param_name)
elif key == &"chunk_size":
return _chunk_size
elif key == &"collision_enabled":
return _collision_enabled
elif key == &"collision_layer":
return _collision_layer
elif key == &"collision_mask":
return _collision_mask
elif key == &"render_layers":
return get_render_layer_mask()
elif key == &"cast_shadow":
return _cast_shadow_setting
func _set(key: StringName, value):
if key == &"data_directory":
# Can't use setget when the exported type is custom,
# because we were also are forced to use _get_property_list...
elif key == &"_terrain_data":
elif key == &"texture_set":
# Legacy, left for migration from 1.4
var key_str := String(key)
if key_str.begins_with("ground/"):
for ground_texture_type in HTerrainTextureSet.TYPE_COUNT:
var type_name = _ground_enum_to_name[ground_texture_type]
if key_str.begins_with(str("ground/", type_name, "_")):
var i = key_str.substr(len(key_str) - 1).to_int()
if _texture_set_migration_textures == null:
_texture_set_migration_textures = []
while i >= len(_texture_set_migration_textures):
_texture_set_migration_textures.append([null, null])
var texs = _texture_set_migration_textures[i]
texs[ground_texture_type] = value
elif key == &"shader_type":
elif key == &"custom_shader":
elif key == &"custom_globalmap_shader":
_custom_globalmap_shader = value
elif key.begins_with("shader_params/"):
var param_name := String(key).substr(len("shader_params/"))
set_shader_param(param_name, value)
elif key == &"chunk_size":
elif key == &"collision_enabled":
elif key == &"collision_layer":
_collision_layer = value
if _collider != null:
elif key == &"collision_mask":
_collision_mask = value
if _collider != null:
elif key == &"render_layers":
return set_render_layer_mask(value)
elif key == &"cast_shadow":
func get_texture_set() -> HTerrainTextureSet:
return _texture_set
func set_texture_set(new_set: HTerrainTextureSet):
if _texture_set == new_set:
if _texture_set != null:
# TODO This causes `ERROR: Nonexistent signal 'changed' in [Resource:36653]` for some reason
_texture_set = new_set
if _texture_set != null:
_material_params_need_update = true
func _on_texture_set_changed():
_material_params_need_update = true
HT_Util.update_configuration_warning(self, false)
func get_shader_param(param_name: String):
2023-10-30 08:24:26 +00:00
return HT_Util.get_shader_material_parameter(_material, param_name)
2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
func set_shader_param(param_name: String, v):
_material.set_shader_parameter(param_name, v)
func set_render_layer_mask(mask: int):
_render_layer_mask = mask
func get_render_layer_mask() -> int:
return _render_layer_mask
func set_cast_shadow(setting: int):
if setting == _cast_shadow_setting:
_cast_shadow_setting = setting
func get_cast_shadow() -> int:
return _cast_shadow_setting
func _set_data_directory(dirpath: String):
if dirpath != _get_data_directory():
if dirpath == "":
var fpath := dirpath.path_join(HTerrainData.META_FILENAME)
if FileAccess.file_exists(fpath):
# Load existing
var d = load(fpath)
# Create new
var d :=
d.resource_path = fpath
_logger.warn("Setting twice the same terrain directory??")
func _get_data_directory() -> String:
if _data != null:
return _data.resource_path.get_base_dir()
return ""
func _check_heightmap_collider_support() -> bool:
return true
# var v = Engine.get_version_info()
# if v.major == 3 and v.minor == 0 and v.patch < 4:
# _logger.error("Heightmap collision shape not supported in this version of Godot,"
# + " please upgrade to 3.0.4 or later")
# return false
# return true
func set_collision_enabled(enabled: bool):
if _collision_enabled != enabled:
_collision_enabled = enabled
if _collision_enabled:
if _check_heightmap_collider_support():
_collider =, _collision_layer, _collision_mask)
# Collision is not updated with data here,
# because loading is quite a mess at the moment...
# 1) This function can be called while no data has been set yet
# 2) I don't want to update the collider more times than necessary
# because it's expensive
# 3) I would prefer not defer that to the moment the terrain is
# added to the tree, because it would screw up threaded loading
# Despite this object being a Reference,
# this should free it, as it should be the only reference
_collider = null
func _for_all_chunks(action):
for lod in len(_chunks):
var grid = _chunks[lod]
for y in len(grid):
var row = grid[y]
for x in len(row):
var chunk = row[x]
if chunk != null:
func get_chunk_size() -> int:
return _chunk_size
func set_chunk_size(p_cs: int):
assert(typeof(p_cs) == TYPE_INT)
_logger.debug(str("Setting chunk size to ", p_cs))
var cs := HT_Util.next_power_of_two(p_cs)
if p_cs != cs:
_logger.debug(str("Chunk size snapped to ", cs))
if cs == _chunk_size:
_chunk_size = cs
# Compat
func set_map_scale(p_map_scale: Vector3):
map_scale = p_map_scale
# Compat
func set_centered(p_centered: bool):
centered = p_centered
# Gets the global transform to apply to terrain geometry,
# which is different from Node3D.global_transform gives.
# global_transform must only have translation and rotation. Scale support is undefined.
func get_internal_transform() -> Transform3D:
var gt := global_transform
var it := Transform3D(gt.basis * Basis().scaled(map_scale), gt.origin)
if centered and _data != null:
var half_size := 0.5 * (_data.get_resolution() - 1.0)
it.origin += it.basis * (-Vector3(half_size, 0, half_size))
return it
func get_internal_transform_unscaled():
var gt := global_transform
if centered and _data != null:
var half_size := 0.5 * (_data.get_resolution() - 1.0)
2024-01-26 20:00:32 +00:00
# Map scale still has an effect on origin when the map is centered
gt.origin += gt.basis * (-Vector3(half_size, 0, half_size) * map_scale)
2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
return gt
# Converts a world-space position into a map-space position.
# Map space X and Z coordinates correspond to pixel coordinates of the heightmap.
func world_to_map(world_pos: Vector3) -> Vector3:
return get_internal_transform().affine_inverse() * world_pos
func _notification(what: int):
match what:
_logger.debug("Destroy HTerrain")
# Note: might get rid of a circular ref in GDScript port
_logger.debug("Enter world")
if _texture_set_migration_textures != null and _texture_set.get_slots_count() == 0:
# Convert from 1.4 textures properties to HTerrainTextureSet
# TODO Unfortunately this might not always work,
# once again because Godot wants the editor's UndoRedo to have modified the
# resource for it to be saved... which sucks, sucks, and sucks.
# I'll never say it enough.
while _texture_set.get_slots_count() < len(_texture_set_migration_textures):
for slot_index in len(_texture_set_migration_textures):
var texs = _texture_set_migration_textures[slot_index]
for type in len(texs):
_texture_set.set_texture(slot_index, type, texs[type])
_texture_set_migration_textures = null
if _collider != null:
_logger.debug("Exit world")
if _collider != null:
_logger.debug("Visibility changed")
func _on_transform_changed():
_logger.debug("Transform changed")
if not is_inside_tree():
# The transform and other properties can be set by the scene loader,
# before we enter the tree
var gt = get_internal_transform()
_material_params_need_update = true
if _collider != null:
func _enter_tree():
_logger.debug("Enter tree")
if Engine.is_editor_hint() and _normals_baker == null:
_normals_baker = load(_NORMAL_BAKER_PATH).new()
func _clear_all_chunks():
# The lodder has to be cleared because otherwise it will reference dangling pointers
for i in len(_chunks):
func _get_chunk_at(pos_x: int, pos_y: int, lod: int) -> HTerrainChunk:
if lod < len(_chunks):
return HT_Grid.grid_get_or_default(_chunks[lod], pos_x, pos_y, null)
return null
func get_data() -> HTerrainData:
return _data
func has_data() -> bool:
return _data != null
func set_data(new_data: HTerrainData):
assert(new_data == null or new_data is HTerrainData)
_logger.debug(str("Set new data ", new_data))
if _data == new_data:
if has_data():
_logger.debug("Disconnecting old HeightMapData")
if _normals_baker != null:
_normals_baker = null
_data = new_data
# Note: the order of these two is important
if has_data():
_logger.debug("Connecting new HeightMapData")
# This is a small UX improvement so that the user sees a default terrain
if is_inside_tree() and Engine.is_editor_hint():
if _data.get_resolution() == 0:
if _collider != null:
if _normals_baker != null:
_material_params_need_update = true
HT_Util.update_configuration_warning(self, true)
_logger.debug("Set data done")
# The collider might be used in editor for other tools (like snapping to floor),
# so the whole collider can be updated in one go.
# It may be slow for ingame use, so prefer calling it when appropriate.
func update_collider():
assert(_collider != null)
func _on_data_resolution_changed():
func _reset_ground_chunks():
if _data == null:
_lodder.create_from_sizes(_chunk_size, _data.get_resolution())
var cres := _data.get_resolution() / _chunk_size
var csize_x := cres
var csize_y := cres
for lod in _lodder.get_lod_count():
_logger.debug(str("Create grid for lod ", lod, ", ", csize_x, "x", csize_y))
var grid = HT_Grid.create_grid(csize_x, csize_y)
_chunks[lod] = grid
csize_x /= 2
csize_y /= 2
_mesher.configure(_chunk_size, _chunk_size, _lodder.get_lod_count())
func _on_data_region_changed(min_x, min_y, size_x, size_y, channel):
# Testing only heights because it's the only channel that can impact geometry and LOD
if channel == HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT:
set_area_dirty(min_x, min_y, size_x, size_y)
if _normals_baker != null:
_normals_baker.request_tiles_in_region(Vector2(min_x, min_y), Vector2(size_x, size_y))
func _on_data_map_changed(type: int, index: int):
if type == HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL \
or type == HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT \
or type == HTerrainData.CHANNEL_NORMAL \
or type == HTerrainData.CHANNEL_GLOBAL_ALBEDO:
for layer in _detail_layers:
if type != HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL:
_material_params_need_update = true
func _on_data_map_added(type: int, index: int):
if type == HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL:
for layer in _detail_layers:
# Shift indexes up since one was inserted
if layer.layer_index >= index:
layer.layer_index += 1
_material_params_need_update = true
HT_Util.update_configuration_warning(self, true)
func _on_data_map_removed(type: int, index: int):
if type == HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL:
for layer in _detail_layers:
# Shift indexes down since one was removed
if layer.layer_index > index:
layer.layer_index -= 1
_material_params_need_update = true
HT_Util.update_configuration_warning(self, true)
func get_shader_type() -> String:
return _shader_type
func set_shader_type(type: String):
if type == _shader_type:
_shader_type = type
if _shader_type == SHADER_CUSTOM:
_material.shader = _custom_shader
_material.shader = load(_builtin_shaders[_shader_type].path)
_material_params_need_update = true
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
func get_custom_shader() -> Shader:
return _custom_shader
func set_custom_shader(shader: Shader):
if _custom_shader == shader:
if _custom_shader != null:
if Engine.is_editor_hint() and shader != null and is_inside_tree():
# When the new shader is empty, allow to fork from the previous shader
if shader.code.is_empty():
_logger.debug("Populating custom shader with default code")
var src := _material.shader
if src == null:
src = load(_builtin_shaders[SHADER_CLASSIC4].path)
shader.code = src.code
# TODO If code isn't empty,
# verify existing parameters and issue a warning if important ones are missing
_custom_shader = shader
if _shader_type == SHADER_CUSTOM:
_material.shader = _custom_shader
if _custom_shader != null:
if _shader_type == SHADER_CUSTOM:
_material_params_need_update = true
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
func _on_custom_shader_changed():
_material_params_need_update = true
func _update_material_params():
assert(_material != null)
_logger.debug("Updating terrain material params")
var terrain_textures := {}
var res := Vector2(-1, -1)
var lookdev_material : ShaderMaterial
if _lookdev_enabled:
lookdev_material = _get_lookdev_material()
# TODO Only get textures the shader supports
if has_data():
for map_type in HTerrainData.CHANNEL_COUNT:
var count := _data.get_map_count(map_type)
for i in count:
var param_name: String = HTerrainData.get_map_shader_param_name(map_type, i)
terrain_textures[param_name] = _data.get_texture(map_type, i)
res.x = _data.get_resolution()
res.y = res.x
# Set all parameters from the terrain system.
if is_inside_tree():
var gt := get_internal_transform()
var t := gt.affine_inverse()
_material.set_shader_parameter(SHADER_PARAM_INVERSE_TRANSFORM, t)
# This is needed to properly transform normals if the terrain is scaled
var normal_basis = gt.basis.inverse().transposed()
_material.set_shader_parameter(SHADER_PARAM_NORMAL_BASIS, normal_basis)
if lookdev_material != null:
lookdev_material.set_shader_parameter(SHADER_PARAM_INVERSE_TRANSFORM, t)
lookdev_material.set_shader_parameter(SHADER_PARAM_NORMAL_BASIS, normal_basis)
for param_name in terrain_textures:
var tex = terrain_textures[param_name]
_material.set_shader_parameter(param_name, tex)
if lookdev_material != null:
lookdev_material.set_shader_parameter(param_name, tex)
if _texture_set != null:
match _texture_set.get_mode():
var slots_count := _texture_set.get_slots_count()
for type in HTerrainTextureSet.TYPE_COUNT:
for slot_index in slots_count:
var texture := _texture_set.get_texture(slot_index, type)
var shader_param := _get_ground_texture_shader_param_name(type, slot_index)
_material.set_shader_parameter(shader_param, texture)
for type in HTerrainTextureSet.TYPE_COUNT:
var texture_array := _texture_set.get_texture_array(type)
var shader_params := _get_ground_texture_array_shader_param_name(type)
_material.set_shader_parameter(shader_params, texture_array)
_shader_uses_texture_array = false
_is_using_indexed_splatmap = false
_used_splatmaps_count_cache = 0
var shader := _material.shader
if shader != null:
var param_list := RenderingServer.get_shader_parameter_list(shader.get_rid())
_ground_texture_count_cache = 0
for p in param_list:
if _api_shader_ground_albedo_params.has(
_ground_texture_count_cache += 1
elif == "u_ground_albedo_bump_array":
_shader_uses_texture_array = true
elif == "u_terrain_splat_index_map":
_is_using_indexed_splatmap = true
elif in _splatmap_shader_params:
_used_splatmaps_count_cache += 1
# TODO Rename is_shader_using_texture_array()
# Tells if the current shader is using a texture array.
# This will only be valid once the material has been updated internally.
# (for example it won't be valid before the terrain is added to the SceneTree)
func is_using_texture_array() -> bool:
return _shader_uses_texture_array
# Gets how many splatmaps the current shader is using.
# This will only be valid once the material has been updated internally.
# (for example it won't be valid before the terrain is added to the SceneTree)
func get_used_splatmaps_count() -> int:
return _used_splatmaps_count_cache
# Tells if the current shader is using a splatmap type based on indexes and weights.
# This will only be valid once the material has been updated internally.
# (for example it won't be valid before the terrain is added to the SceneTree)
func is_using_indexed_splatmap() -> bool:
return _is_using_indexed_splatmap
static func _get_common_shader_params(shader1: Shader, shader2: Shader) -> Array:
var shader1_param_names := {}
var common_params := []
var shader1_params := RenderingServer.get_shader_parameter_list(shader1.get_rid())
var shader2_params := RenderingServer.get_shader_parameter_list(shader2.get_rid())
for p in shader1_params:
shader1_param_names[] = true
for p in shader2_params:
if shader1_param_names.has(
return common_params
# Helper used for globalmap baking
func setup_globalmap_material(mat: ShaderMaterial):
mat.shader = get_globalmap_shader()
if mat.shader == null:
_logger.error("Could not find a shader to use for baking the global map.")
# Copy all parameters shaders have in common
var common_params = _get_common_shader_params(mat.shader, _material.shader)
for param_name in common_params:
var v = _material.get_shader_parameter(param_name)
mat.set_shader_parameter(param_name, v)
# Gets which shader will be used to bake the globalmap
func get_globalmap_shader() -> Shader:
if _shader_type == SHADER_CUSTOM:
if _custom_globalmap_shader != null:
return _custom_globalmap_shader
_logger.warn("The terrain uses a custom shader but doesn't have one for baking the "
+ "global map. Will attempt to use a built-in shader.")
if is_using_texture_array():
return load(_builtin_shaders[SHADER_ARRAY].global_path) as Shader
return load(_builtin_shaders[SHADER_CLASSIC4].global_path) as Shader
return load(_builtin_shaders[_shader_type].global_path) as Shader
# Compat
func set_lod_scale(p_lod_scale: float):
lod_scale = p_lod_scale
# Compat
func get_lod_scale() -> float:
return lod_scale
func get_lod_count() -> int:
return _lodder.get_lod_count()
# 3
# o---o
# 0 | | 1
# o---o
# 2
# Directions to go to neighbor chunks
const s_dirs = [
[-1, 0], # SEAM_LEFT
[1, 0], # SEAM_RIGHT
[0, -1], # SEAM_BOTTOM
[0, 1] # SEAM_TOP
# 7 6
# o---o---o
# 0 | | 5
# o o
# 1 | | 4
# o---o---o
# 2 3
# Directions to go to neighbor chunks of higher LOD
const s_rdirs = [
[-1, 0],
[-1, 1],
[0, 2],
[1, 2],
[2, 1],
[2, 0],
[1, -1],
[0, -1]
func _edit_update_viewer_position(camera: Camera3D):
func _update_viewer_position(camera: Camera3D):
if camera == null:
var viewport := get_viewport()
if viewport != null:
camera = viewport.get_camera_3d()
if camera == null:
if camera.projection == Camera3D.PROJECTION_ORTHOGONAL:
# In this mode, due to the fact Godot does not allow negative near plane,
# users have to pull the camera node very far away, but it confuses LOD
# into very low detail, while the seen area remains the same.
# So we need to base LOD on a different metric.
var cam_pos := camera.global_transform.origin
var cam_dir := -camera.global_transform.basis.z
var max_distance := camera.far * 1.2
var hit_cell_pos = cell_raycast(cam_pos, cam_dir, max_distance)
if hit_cell_pos != null:
var cell_to_world := get_internal_transform()
var h := _data.get_height_at(hit_cell_pos.x, hit_cell_pos.y)
_viewer_pos_world = cell_to_world * Vector3(hit_cell_pos.x, h, hit_cell_pos.y)
_viewer_pos_world = camera.global_transform.origin
func _process(delta: float):
if not Engine.is_editor_hint():
# In editor, the camera is only accessible from an editor plugin
if has_data():
if _data.is_locked():
# Can't use the data for now
if _data.get_resolution() != 0:
var gt := get_internal_transform()
# Viewer position such that 1 unit == 1 pixel in the heightmap
var viewer_pos_heightmap_local := gt.affine_inverse() * _viewer_pos_world
#var time_before = OS.get_ticks_msec()
#var time_elapsed = OS.get_ticks_msec() - time_before
#if Engine.get_frames_drawn() % 60 == 0:
# _logger.debug(str("Lodder time: ", time_elapsed))
if _data.get_map_count(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL) > 0:
# Note: the detail system is not affected by map scale,
# so we have to send viewer position in world space
for layer in _detail_layers:
layer.process(delta, _viewer_pos_world)
_updated_chunks = 0
# Add more chunk updates for neighboring (seams):
# This adds updates to higher-LOD chunks around lower-LOD ones,
# because they might not needed to update by themselves, but the fact a neighbor
# chunk got joined or split requires them to create or revert seams
var precount = _pending_chunk_updates.size()
for i in precount:
var u: HT_PendingChunkUpdate = _pending_chunk_updates[i]
# In case the chunk got split
for d in 4:
var ncpos_x = u.pos_x + s_dirs[d][0]
var ncpos_y = u.pos_y + s_dirs[d][1]
var nchunk := _get_chunk_at(ncpos_x, ncpos_y, u.lod)
if nchunk != null and nchunk.is_active():
# Note: this will append elements to the array we are iterating on,
# but we iterate only on the previous count so it should be fine
_add_chunk_update(nchunk, ncpos_x, ncpos_y, u.lod)
# In case the chunk got joined
if u.lod > 0:
var cpos_upper_x := u.pos_x * 2
var cpos_upper_y := u.pos_y * 2
var nlod := u.lod - 1
for rd in 8:
var ncpos_upper_x = cpos_upper_x + s_rdirs[rd][0]
var ncpos_upper_y = cpos_upper_y + s_rdirs[rd][1]
var nchunk := _get_chunk_at(ncpos_upper_x, ncpos_upper_y, nlod)
if nchunk != null and nchunk.is_active():
_add_chunk_update(nchunk, ncpos_upper_x, ncpos_upper_y, nlod)
# Update chunks
var lvisible := is_visible_in_tree()
for i in len(_pending_chunk_updates):
var u: HT_PendingChunkUpdate = _pending_chunk_updates[i]
var chunk := _get_chunk_at(u.pos_x, u.pos_y, u.lod)
assert(chunk != null)
2024-01-26 20:00:32 +00:00
_update_chunk(chunk, u.lod, lvisible and chunk.is_active())
2023-10-05 18:02:23 +00:00
_updated_chunks += 1
if _material_params_need_update:
HT_Util.update_configuration_warning(self, false)
_material_params_need_update = false
# if(_updated_chunks > 0):
# _logger.debug(str("Updated {0} chunks".format(_updated_chunks)))
func _update_chunk(chunk: HTerrainChunk, lod: int, p_visible: bool):
# Check for my own seams
var seams := 0
var cpos_x := chunk.cell_origin_x / (_chunk_size << lod)
var cpos_y := chunk.cell_origin_y / (_chunk_size << lod)
var cpos_lower_x := cpos_x / 2
var cpos_lower_y := cpos_y / 2
# Check for lower-LOD chunks around me
for d in 4:
var ncpos_lower_x = (cpos_x + s_dirs[d][0]) / 2
var ncpos_lower_y = (cpos_y + s_dirs[d][1]) / 2
if ncpos_lower_x != cpos_lower_x or ncpos_lower_y != cpos_lower_y:
var nchunk := _get_chunk_at(ncpos_lower_x, ncpos_lower_y, lod + 1)
if nchunk != null and nchunk.is_active():
seams |= (1 << d)
var mesh := _mesher.get_chunk(lod, seams)
# Because chunks are rendered using vertex shader displacement,
# the renderer cannot rely on the mesh's AABB.
var s := _chunk_size << lod
var aabb := _data.get_region_aabb(chunk.cell_origin_x, chunk.cell_origin_y, s, s)
aabb.position.x = 0
aabb.position.z = 0
func _add_chunk_update(chunk: HTerrainChunk, pos_x: int, pos_y: int, lod: int):
if chunk.is_pending_update():
#_logger.debug("Chunk update is already pending!")
assert(lod < len(_chunks))
assert(pos_x >= 0)
assert(pos_y >= 0)
assert(pos_y < len(_chunks[lod]))
assert(pos_x < len(_chunks[lod][pos_y]))
# No update pending for this chunk, create one
var u :=
u.pos_x = pos_x
u.pos_y = pos_y
u.lod = lod
# TODO Neighboring chunks might need an update too
# because of normals and seams being updated
# Used when editing an existing terrain
func set_area_dirty(origin_in_cells_x: int, origin_in_cells_y: int, \
size_in_cells_x: int, size_in_cells_y: int):
var cpos0_x := origin_in_cells_x / _chunk_size
var cpos0_y := origin_in_cells_y / _chunk_size
var csize_x := (size_in_cells_x - 1) / _chunk_size + 1
var csize_y := (size_in_cells_y - 1) / _chunk_size + 1
# For each lod
for lod in _lodder.get_lod_count():
# Get grid and chunk size
var grid = _chunks[lod]
var s : int = _lodder.get_lod_factor(lod)
# Convert rect into this lod's coordinates:
# Pick min and max (included), divide them, then add 1 to max so it's excluded again
var min_x := cpos0_x / s
var min_y := cpos0_y / s
var max_x := (cpos0_x + csize_x - 1) / s + 1
var max_y := (cpos0_y + csize_y - 1) / s + 1
# Find which chunks are within
for cy in range(min_y, max_y):
for cx in range(min_x, max_x):
var chunk = HT_Grid.grid_get_or_default(grid, cx, cy, null)
if chunk != null and chunk.is_active():
_add_chunk_update(chunk, cx, cy, lod)
# Called when a chunk is needed to be seen
func _cb_make_chunk(cpos_x: int, cpos_y: int, lod: int):
# TODO What if cpos is invalid? _get_chunk_at will return NULL but that's still invalid
var chunk := _get_chunk_at(cpos_x, cpos_y, lod)
if chunk == null:
# This is the first time this chunk is required at this lod, generate it
var lod_factor : int = _lodder.get_lod_factor(lod)
var origin_in_cells_x := cpos_x * _chunk_size * lod_factor
var origin_in_cells_y := cpos_y * _chunk_size * lod_factor
var material = _material
if _lookdev_enabled:
material = _get_lookdev_material()
chunk =
self, origin_in_cells_x, origin_in_cells_y, material)
chunk =, origin_in_cells_x, origin_in_cells_y, material)
var grid = _chunks[lod]
var row = grid[cpos_y]
row[cpos_x] = chunk
# Make sure it gets updated
_add_chunk_update(chunk, cpos_x, cpos_y, lod)
return chunk
# Called when a chunk is no longer seen
func _cb_recycle_chunk(chunk: HTerrainChunk, cx: int, cy: int, lod: int):
func _cb_get_vertical_bounds(cpos_x: int, cpos_y: int, lod: int):
var chunk_size : int = _chunk_size * _lodder.get_lod_factor(lod)
var origin_in_cells_x := cpos_x * chunk_size
var origin_in_cells_y := cpos_y * chunk_size
# This is a hack for speed,
# because the proper algorithm appears to be too slow for GDScript.
# It should be good enough for most common cases, unless you have super-sharp cliffs.
return _data.get_point_aabb(
origin_in_cells_x + chunk_size / 2,
origin_in_cells_y + chunk_size / 2)
# var aabb = _data.get_region_aabb(
# origin_in_cells_x, origin_in_cells_y, chunk_size, chunk_size)
# return Vector2(aabb.position.y, aabb.end.y)
# static func _get_height_or_default(im: Image, pos_x: int, pos_y: int):
# if pos_x < 0 or pos_y < 0 or pos_x >= im.get_width() or pos_y >= im.get_height():
# return 0.0
# return im.get_pixel(pos_x, pos_y).r
# Performs a raycast to the terrain without using the collision engine.
# This is mostly useful in the editor, where the collider can't be updated in realtime.
# Returns cell hit position as Vector2, or null if there was no hit.
# TODO Cannot type hint nullable return value
func cell_raycast(origin_world: Vector3, dir_world: Vector3, max_distance: float):
assert(typeof(origin_world) == TYPE_VECTOR3)
assert(typeof(dir_world) == TYPE_VECTOR3)
if not has_data():
return null
# Transform to local (takes map scale into account)
var to_local := get_internal_transform().affine_inverse()
var origin = to_local * origin_world
var dir = to_local.basis * dir_world
return _data.cell_raycast(origin, dir, max_distance)
static func _get_ground_texture_shader_param_name(ground_texture_type: int, slot: int) -> String:
assert(typeof(slot) == TYPE_INT and slot >= 0)
return str(SHADER_PARAM_GROUND_PREFIX, _ground_enum_to_name[ground_texture_type], "_", slot)
# @obsolete
func get_ground_texture(slot: int, type: int) -> Texture:
"HTerrain.get_ground_texture is obsolete, " +
"use HTerrain.get_texture_set().get_texture(slot, type) instead")
var shader_param = _get_ground_texture_shader_param_name(type, slot)
return _material.get_shader_parameter(shader_param)
# @obsolete
func set_ground_texture(slot: int, type: int, tex: Texture):
"HTerrain.set_ground_texture is obsolete, " +
"use HTerrain.get_texture_set().set_texture(slot, type, texture) instead")
assert(tex == null or tex is Texture)
var shader_param := _get_ground_texture_shader_param_name(type, slot)
_material.set_shader_parameter(shader_param, tex)
func _get_ground_texture_array_shader_param_name(type: int) -> String:
return _ground_texture_array_shader_params[type] as String
# @obsolete
func get_ground_texture_array(type: int) -> TextureLayered:
"HTerrain.get_ground_texture_array is obsolete, " +
"use HTerrain.get_texture_set().get_texture_array(type) instead")
var param_name := _get_ground_texture_array_shader_param_name(type)
return _material.get_shader_parameter(param_name)
# @obsolete
func set_ground_texture_array(type: int, texture_array: TextureLayered):
"HTerrain.set_ground_texture_array is obsolete, " +
"use HTerrain.get_texture_set().set_texture_array(type, texarray) instead")
var param_name := _get_ground_texture_array_shader_param_name(type)
_material.set_shader_parameter(param_name, texture_array)
func _internal_add_detail_layer(layer):
assert(_detail_layers.find(layer) == -1)
func _internal_remove_detail_layer(layer):
assert(_detail_layers.find(layer) != -1)
# Returns a list copy of all child HTerrainDetailLayer nodes.
# The order in that list has no relevance.
func get_detail_layers() -> Array:
return _detail_layers.duplicate()
# @obsolete
func set_detail_texture(slot, tex):
"HTerrain.set_detail_texture is obsolete, use HTerrainDetailLayer.texture instead")
# @obsolete
func get_detail_texture(slot):
"HTerrain.get_detail_texture is obsolete, use HTerrainDetailLayer.texture instead")
# Compat
func set_ambient_wind(amplitude: float):
ambient_wind = amplitude
static func _check_ground_texture_type(ground_texture_type: int):
assert(typeof(ground_texture_type) == TYPE_INT)
assert(ground_texture_type >= 0 and ground_texture_type < HTerrainTextureSet.TYPE_COUNT)
# @obsolete
func get_ground_texture_slot_count() -> int:
_logger.error("get_ground_texture_slot_count is obsolete, " \
+ "use get_cached_ground_texture_slot_count instead")
return get_max_ground_texture_slot_count()
# @obsolete
func get_max_ground_texture_slot_count() -> int:
_logger.error("get_ground_texture_slot_count is obsolete, " \
+ "use get_cached_ground_texture_slot_count instead")
return get_cached_ground_texture_slot_count()
# This is a cached value based on the actual number of texture parameters
# in the current shader. It won't update immediately when the shader changes,
# only after a frame. This is mostly used in the editor.
func get_cached_ground_texture_slot_count() -> int:
return _ground_texture_count_cache
func _edit_debug_draw(ci: CanvasItem):
func _get_configuration_warnings() -> PackedStringArray:
var warnings := PackedStringArray()
if _data == null:
warnings.append("The terrain is missing data.\n" \
+ "Select the `Data Directory` property in the inspector to assign it.")
if _texture_set == null:
warnings.append("The terrain does not have a HTerrainTextureSet assigned\n" \
+ "This is required if you want to paint textures on it.")
var mode := _texture_set.get_mode()
if mode == HTerrainTextureSet.MODE_TEXTURES and is_using_texture_array():
warnings.append("The current shader needs texture arrays,\n" \
+ "but the current HTerrainTextureSet is setup with individual textures.\n" \
+ "You may need to switch it to TEXTURE_ARRAYS mode,\n" \
+ "or re-import images in this mode with the import tool.")
elif mode == HTerrainTextureSet.MODE_TEXTURE_ARRAYS and not is_using_texture_array():
warnings.append("The current shader needs individual textures,\n" \
+ "but the current HTerrainTextureSet is setup with texture arrays.\n" \
+ "You may need to switch it to TEXTURES mode,\n" \
+ "or re-import images in this mode with the import tool.")
# TODO Warn about unused data maps, have a tool to clean them up
return warnings
func set_lookdev_enabled(enable: bool):
if _lookdev_enabled == enable:
_lookdev_enabled = enable
_material_params_need_update = true
if _lookdev_enabled:
func set_lookdev_shader_param(param_name: String, value):
var mat = _get_lookdev_material()
mat.set_shader_parameter(param_name, value)
func is_lookdev_enabled() -> bool:
return _lookdev_enabled
func _get_lookdev_material() -> ShaderMaterial:
if _lookdev_material == null:
_lookdev_material =
_lookdev_material.shader = load(_LOOKDEV_SHADER_PATH)
return _lookdev_material
class HT_PendingChunkUpdate:
var pos_x := 0
var pos_y := 0
var lod := 0
class HT_EnterWorldAction:
var world : World3D = null
func _init(w):
world = w
func exec(chunk):
class HT_ExitWorldAction:
func exec(chunk):
class HT_TransformChangedAction:
var transform : Transform3D
func _init(t):
transform = t
func exec(chunk):
class HT_VisibilityChangedAction:
var visible := false
func _init(v):
visible = v
func exec(chunk):
chunk.set_visible(visible and chunk.is_active())
#class HT_DeleteChunkAction:
# func exec(chunk):
# pass
class HT_SetMaterialAction:
var material : Material = null
func _init(m):
material = m
func exec(chunk):
class HT_SetRenderLayerMaskAction:
var mask: int = 0
func _init(m: int):
mask = m
func exec(chunk):
class HT_SetCastShadowSettingAction:
var setting := 0
func _init(s: int):
setting = s
func exec(chunk):