2023-10-05 20:02:23 +02:00

79 lines
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# I needed a custom container for this because textures edited by this plugin are often
# unfit to display in a GUI, they need to go through a shader (either discarding alpha,
# or picking layers of a TextureArray). Unfortunately, ItemList does not have custom item drawing,
# and items cannot have individual shaders.
# I could create new textures just for that but it would be expensive.
extends ScrollContainer
const HT_TextureListItemScene = preload("./texture_list_item.tscn")
const HT_TextureListItem = preload("./")
signal item_selected(index)
signal item_activated(index)
@onready var _container : Container = $Container
var _selected_item := -1
#func _ready():
# add_item("First", load("res://addons/zylann.hterrain_demo/textures/ground/bricks_albedo_bump.png"), 0)
# add_item("Second", load("res://addons/zylann.hterrain_demo/textures/ground/grass_albedo_bump.png"), 0)
# add_item("Third", load("res://addons/zylann.hterrain_demo/textures/ground/leaves_albedo_bump.png"), 0)
# add_item("Fourth", load("res://addons/zylann.hterrain_demo/textures/ground/sand_albedo_bump.png"), 0)
# var texture_array = load("res://tests/texarray/textures/array_albedo_atlas.png")
# add_item("Ninth", texture_array, 2)
# add_item("Sixth", texture_array, 3)
# Note: the texture can be a TextureArray, which does not inherit Texture
func add_item(text: String, texture: Texture, texture_layer: int = 0):
var item : HT_TextureListItem = HT_TextureListItemScene.instantiate()
item.set_texture(texture, texture_layer)
func get_item_count() -> int:
return _container.get_child_count()
func set_item_texture(index: int, tex: Texture, layer: int = 0):
var child : HT_TextureListItem = _container.get_child(index)
child.set_texture(tex, layer)
func get_selected_item() -> int:
return _selected_item
func clear():
for i in _container.get_child_count():
var child = _container.get_child(i)
if child is Control:
_selected_item = -1
func _on_item_selected(item: HT_TextureListItem):
_selected_item = item.get_index()
for i in _container.get_child_count():
var child = _container.get_child(i)
if child is HT_TextureListItem and child != item:
child.set_selected(false, false)
func _on_item_activated(item: HT_TextureListItem):
func _draw():
# TODO Draw same background as Panel
# Draw a background
draw_rect(get_rect(), Color(0,0,0,0.3))