# Khaganat's web site ## Requirements * Python 3 * pipenv * git * gettext ## Quick deployment ``` git clone https://git.khaganat.net/Tycho/khaganat-web.git khaganat-web cd khaganat-web vim .env pipenv --python 3 --update pipenv run ./manage.py migrate pipenv run ./manage.py collectstatic pipenv run ./manage.py compilemessages pipenv run ./manage.py createsuperuser ``` ## Environment variables You can set the following variables in the `.env` file: * `KHAGANAT_SECRET_KEY` (required): Django's secret key, keep it secret. * `KHAGANAT_DEBUG`: Debug mode, default is false. * `KHAGANAT_HOSTNAMES`: Allowed hostnames, coma separated. * `KHAGANAT_LANGUAGE_CODE`: Language code, default is `fr`. * `KHAGANAT_TIME_ZONE`: Time zone, default is `Europe/Paris`. * `KHAGANAT_STATIC_URL`: URL for static files, default is `/static/`. * `KHAGANAT_STATIC_ROOT`: Absolute path to the directory where static files should be collected. * `KHAGANAT_LOGS_MIN_DAYS`: Numbers of days before logs are hidden, default is 7. * `KHAGANAT_LOGS_MAX_DAYS`: Number of days before logs are published, default is 0. * `KHAGANAT_LOGIN_URL`: The login URL, default is `/account/login/`. * `KHAGANAT_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL`: URL to redirect after user login. Will be reversed, default is `index`. * `KHAGANAT_REGISTER_REQUIRE_VALIDATION`: require email validation upon registration, default is true. * `KHAGANAT_EMAIL_HOST`: The host to use for sending email, default is `localhost`. * `KHAGANAT_EMAIL_PORT`: Port to use for the SMTP server, default is `25`. * `KHAGANAT_EMAIL_HOST_USER`: Username to use for the SMTP server, default is empty (no authentication). * `KHAGANAT_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD`: Password to use for the SMTP server, default is empty. * `KHAGANAT_EMAIL_USE_TLS`: Whether to use a TLS connection to the SMTP server, default is `False`. * `KHAGANAT_EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX`: Subject-line prefix for email, default is empty. * `KHAGANAT_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`: Default email address to use, default is `no-reply@localhost`.