'email_error'=>"Une erreur s'est malheureusement produite lors de l'envoi du message. Veuillez réessayer. Si cela se répète, c'est simplement que le formulaire est cassé, ne vous acharnez pas.",
'antispam_error'=>"Vous avez agi comme un bot ; si vous n'en êtes pas un, cochez la bonne case.",
'new_question_button'=>"Demander une autre question",
'human'=>"Je confirme que je suis un être humain, et que ma demande de contact est directement en rapport avec le site et n'est pas destiné à vendre quelque chose ou une quelconque pratique de type spam.",
'bot'=>"Je suis un bot et je ne veux pas envoyer de courrier, je coche la case.",
'bad_answer'=>"Réponse incorrecte. Essayez encore, mais pas trop vite ni trop de fois...",
// personnalisez ces questions afin de complexifier la vie des spammeurs !
// Vous pouvez en ajouter autant que vous voulez.
"Quelle est la couleur du ciel ?"=>["bleu","gris","orange"],
"Donnez la couleur d'une cerise."=>["rouge","vert","blanc"],
"Combien de pattes a un chien en bonne santé ?"=>["quatre","4","quatres"],
"Donnez le nom d'une saison en climat tempéré"=>["hiver","automne","été","printemps"],
"Vous êtes plutôt thé, chocolat, ou autre ?"=>["thé","chocolat","autre"],
"Quelle couleur obtient-on en mélangeant du bleu et du jaune ?"=>["vert"],
"Quel animal de la savane a des rayures noires et blanches ?"=>["zèbre","le zèbre","les zèbres"],
"Quel est le jour de la semaine actuel ?"=>["lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi","dimanche"],
// Form fields
// error messages
'required_fields'=>"All fields are required",
'link_error'=>"Links are forbidden in the message",
'bad_word_error'=>"Your message contains terms used by spammers, it has not been sent",
'email_success'=>"Your message has been sent successfully",
'email_error'=>"An error has occurred while trying to send this message. Please try again. If this happens again, it's simply that the form is broken, so don't bother.",
'antispam_error'=>"You've acted like a bot; if you're not, tick the right box.",
'new_question_button'=>"Ask another question",
'human'=>"I confirm that I am a human being, and that my contact request is directly related to the site and is not intended to sell anything or any spam-like practice.",
'bot'=>"I'm a bot and I don't want to send any mail, I tick the box.",
'good_answer'=>"Congratulations! Your answer is correct.",
'bad_answer'=>"Incorrect answer. Try again, but not too fast or too many times...",
// Customise these questions to make life more difficult for spammers!
// You can add as many as you like.
'What colour is the sky?'=>["blue","grey","orange"],
'What colour is a cherry?'=>["red","green","white"],
'How many legs does a healthy dog have?'=>["four","4"],
'Name a season in a temperate climate'=>["winter","autumn","summer","spring"],
'Do you prefer tea, chocolate or something else?'=>["tea","chocolate","something else"],
'What colour do you get if you mix blue and yellow?'=>["green"],
'Which savannah animal has black and white stripes?'=>["zebra","the zebra","zebras"],
'What is the current day of the week?'=>["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"],